Chicago Gameday XXI was November 8th: Aftermath...


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[h1]Chicago Gameday XXI Sign-Up Thread[/h1]
ENWorld Chicago Gameday XXI is a day of FREE gaming held at earth's finest game store, Games Plus.

Gameday XXI is November 8th.

To participate, simply post to this thread with your intention to play in one of the following events. Event sign-up is first-come, first-serve. Be aware that the event schedule may be subject to change until the last week before Gameday. No changes will be made to the schedule after that point. PM or email me with any questions.

[highlight]PLEASE NOTE: This thread is the primary means of communicating information about Gameday XXI. Please keep an eye on the thread for any updates or schedule changes, especially in the day or so prior to Gameday. This goes double for GMs. If you'd like to be on the Gameday mailing list, just shoot me an email.[/highlight]

Games Plus
101 W Prospect Ave
Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056
(847) 577-9656
Hosts: Curt Duval & Jeff Swegler (owners)

  • Slot 0: Breakfast
    To be held from 8:00am to 9:00am at Le Peep Grill (located across the Metra tracks, kitty-corner from Games Plus). As an experiment, breakfast is "free-form" this time around. There will be no group reservation for Gameday. Just show up and eat breakfast, ideally with a familiar face (or just look for geeky t-shirts).
  • [highlight]Arrive at the store by 9:15am to settle in to your game tables.[/highlight]
  • Slot 1: Morning events from 9:30am to 2:30pm
    1. True20, "Raiders of the Lost Tomb", ekb
    2. [highlight]This event is full.[/highlight] Awesome Adventures, "Children of the Quark", Nev the Deranged
    3. [highlight]This event is full.[/highlight] D&D 4e, "Return to the Slave Pits of the Undercity, Assault on the Temple of the Slavelords", Vyvyan Basterd
    4. [highlight]This event is full.[/highlight] Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries, Tim C Koppang
    5. [highlight]This event has been canceled.[/highlight] D&D 3.5, "Voyage of the Golden Dragon", Fenril Knight, private room
    6. [highlight]This event is full.[/highlight] Serenity, "Three, Little, Words", TraceBuller42
    7. Star Wars Saga Edition, "Iridonian Darkness", Paul Klein
  • Meal break from 2:30pm to 3:30pm.
  • Slot 2: Afternoon events from 3:30pm to 8:30pm (or later)
    1. [highlight]This event is full.[/highlight] D&D 3.5, "We All Fall Down!", Mark, private room
    2. [highlight]This event is full.[/highlight] Unisystem, "All the Better...", Ninjacat
    3. [highlight]This event has been canceled.[/highlight] Shadowrun 4th ed., "Domo Arigato Cyber Zombito!", Dfranco83
    4. [highlight]This event is full.[/highlight] D&D 4e, "The Boulderbottoms vs. the Underdark" buzz
    5. Shades of Earth, "Against the Cult of Thule", HinterWelt
    6. [highlight]This event is full.[/highlight] Fú - The Fortune of Heroes, "The Prison of 1001 Deaths", Reidzilla
    7. [highlight]This event is full.[/highlight] D&D 4e Living Forgotten Realms, "Lost Temple of the Fey Gods," Solodan​

[h2]Slot 0 (Breakfast)[/h2]
No limit to number of attendees.
1. buzz
2. Nev the Deranged
3. ekb
4. rvalle
5. Bront
6. Paul_Klein
7. Lifelike
8. dmdm24
9. Tekkmage
10. Nazriel
11. ...

[h2]Slot 1: Morning[/h2]
Morning Game 1: Raiders of the Lost Tomb
True20, ekb
[bq]Somewhere under a lost and lonely hill of grim and foreboding aspect lies a labyrinthine crypt filled with terrible traps and rich treasures both precious and magical. Accounts relate that adventurers have an extremely low probability of ever finding the burial chamber, for the passages and rooms of the tomb are fraught with terrible traps, poison gases, and magical protections. So only large and well-prepared parties of the bravest and strongest should even consider the attempt, and if they do locate the tomb, they must be prepared to fail. Any expedition must be composed of characters of high level and varied skills. They should equip themselves with every sort of device possible to ensure their survival. But success would bring great renown and honor...

The players are a team of graduate students and junior faculty at MIT, doing research on a legendary "Acherim" tomb in a disputed portion of the Palestine Mandate in November 1936. What they've found leads them to believe that maybe it's worth the risks to investigate and excavate it themselves...

This will be a pulp/noir flavored adventure for 5 core characters - Dr Jones (no, the other other one), Dr Dinkley, Rogers (and animal companion), and Blake - using True20 as the game engine (which is the same as Blue Rose). There are some significant differences from other OGL d20 games, but the system is streamlined and easy to pick up. Only a single d20 is needed to play (well, along with paper and pencil). Cheat sheets of the rules that diverge from WotC d20 SRD will be on hand for any and everyone - even the ones not playing in this game.

Time will be a major constraint: there will be pressure in-game to complete the mission as quickly as possible (those pesky Nazi treasure hunters and anti-British "community organizers" always trying to get in the way of Science!). As can be seen by the description, this is not very conducive to hacking and slashing (though there is a fair amount of that as well). There will be some conflicting agendas between the characters - there will be winners and losers... and blood.

Quickstart Rules
Madness Gauges[/bq]
1. Kelleris
2. Donna (Blake)
3. dmdm24
4. Tofu_Master (Norville Rogers)
5. pucky
6. oneleggedman
7. ...

Morning Game 2: Children of the Quark
Awesome Adventures, Nev the Deranged
[bq]September 10, 2008; over the objections of critics and fearmongers the world over, the Large Hadron Collider is brought online and run through a series of tests prior to initial experimentation.

September 19, 2008; a suicidal act of sabotage by a group of suspected religious zealots results in the leakage of several tons of liquid helium, necessitating a shutdown to repair the damage. The event is downplayed in the media, and the terrorist attack is covered up.

September 28, 2009; after a longer than expected series of repairs and reinforcements, the LHC is brought online for the second time. Scientists are eager to resume their search for the Higgs Boson, among other projects, after the long hiatus.

October 1, 2009; the LHC is brought up to its full operational throughput of 14 TeV for the first time, causing a chain reaction that sends strange matter cascading through the atmosphere, forever changing life as we know it, and bringing about the Age of the Quark.

The year is now 2030. The children conceived on October 1st of 2009 have come of age. They are the first generation born into this brave new world. A world that you and I would find both familiar and yet literally Strange. But to these Children of the Quark, it is the only world they have ever known.[/bq]
1. pvt. patterson
2. Lifelike
3. Tekkmage
4. Shannon
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Morning Game 3: Return to the Slave Pits of the Undercity: Assault on the Temple of the Slavelords
D&D 4e, Vyvyan Basterd
[bq]It is time to put a stop to the marauders! For years the coastal towns have been burned and looted by the forces of evil. You and your fellow adventurers have been recruited to root out and destroy the source of these raids. But beware the slavers as hundreds of good men and women have been taken and have never been seen or heard from again!

This event is designed for five 4th-level characters and uses the Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition rules. The event is BYOC – bring your own character. Pre-generated characters will be available if you do not wish to create your own. When signing up please let me know if you intend to make a character or wish to play a pre-gen. The following rules apply to be eligible to play your own character:

1) Races, Classes, Feats, Powers, and Equipment from any published Wizards of the Coast supplement are available, including online content, excluding play test material such as the artificer.
2) You must use Method 1 (Standard Array) or Method 2 (Customizing Scores) to generate your ability scores.
3) Your character may choose three magic items: one 5th-level, one 4th-level, and one 3rd-level item. You may choose items of a lower level than allowed, but you will receive no “change” for doing so. Your character also starts with 100 gp.
4) You must email a legible character sheet to me no later than Friday, October 31, 2008. Please note any non-Core choices you have made and from what source they are derived. I may ask you to bring any source material to Gameday to which I will not have access.

The composition of the group is in your hands! I will not enforce role coverage, although I highly recommend it. Other than that bit of advice, please discuss among yourselves.

UPDATE: Players in my morning Return to the Slave Pits game!

I have forked from this thread to create a place to discuss the characters you plan to bring to the table, so as not to clutter the sign-up thread. Please visit the thread whether you plan to BYOC or not.

Forked Thread: Chicago Gameday XXI - Return to the Slave Pits - PC planning thread[/bq]
1. Trevalon Moonleirion
2. bigznak
3. AstroCat
4. evilgenius8000
5. Solodan
6. Rapora
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Morning Game 4: The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries
The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries, Tim C Koppang
[bq]You braved crocodiles, Nazis, necromancy, and devolved ape men to find the mythical city and the secrets it holds. You tested your skills and resolve to their limits, driven by a secret desire that motivates you to greater deeds just as it blinds you to possible pitfalls.

Now you have returned from your expedition and must report to your peers on your daring exploits, proving to the hardened adventurers, geniuses, and polymaths gathered before you that you are worthy of their respect in your every endeavor. You’ve gone into danger and survived driven by your desire--now is the time to bring it to fruition.

The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries is a storytelling game of exploration and adventure inspired by the pulps. Playable in a single evening or over multiple sessions, it allows you and your friends to tell tales of harrowing danger, daring deeds, and furious action with freeform narration and pulse-pounding timed conflict resolution. No pre-game preparation is required, so grab your hat, your whip, and your .45 and get going![/bq]
1. buzz
2. Laurie
3. Ninjacat
4. Bront
5. Reidzilla
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Morning Game 5: Voyage of the Golden Dragon
D&D 3.5, Fenril Knight, private room
[highlight]This event has been canceled.[/highlight]

Morning Game 6: Three, Little, Words
Serenity, TracerBullet42
[bq]Life in The Black is dangerous, cold, and difficult. It is also, on occasion, hilarious.

Three, Little, Words is a Serenity adventure that has you (yes, you!) playing as the cast from the almost-hit show Firefly (later a movie and awesome RPG called "Serenity"). It was a terrible decision by FOX broadcasting to cancel it before its time, but that's another story altogether...

Anyway, some familiarity with the show is necessary for this game. Familiarity with the rules, however, is not. The Cortex System is fast, intuitive, and can be taught while we play the game. It seats up to six players who are ready to come take part in an adventure fraught with action, comedy, and (yes...) even a love story.

Three, Little, Words was written by FCWesel and was featured as the one of the official Margaret Weis Productions GenCon '07 adventures. (This means that if you went to GenCon '07 and played in an MWP Serenity game, there's a good chance you've already played this. I know that at least one of you falls into that category.)

So come, bring an assortment of dice (no d20s necessary), and have some fun![/bq]
1. Ninja Librarian
2. rvalle
3. Jade Fire
4. Rob's buddy Mark
5. Der Spot
6. JonLib
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Morning Game 7: Iridonian Darkness
Star Wars Saga Edition, Paul_Klein
[bq]Iridonian Darkness takes place a few months after Darth Revan and Darth Malak return from the Unknown Regions at the head of a Sith invasion fleet. After reeling from the initial attacks, the Republic is now mobilizing to halt the invasion’s rapid progress. The Jedi have already committed to aiding the Republic and repelling the Sith.
Republic forces are wary, due to high-level defections of Republic forces to the invaders. The defectors, military and Jedi alike, are often former followers of Revan from the Mandalorian Wars. It is a time where even personal friendship is no guarantee of loyalty.
You are assigned the Inner Rim world of Iridonia to help combat local Mandalorian splinter groups who have become mercenaries and raiders since the end of the Mandalorian Wars.

The game takes place in the Knights of the Old Republic era and will use the beautiful Saga system. I was originally going to make pre-gens, but I’ve decided to let you make your own character. 5th level and 30 point buy. If you are totally unfamiliar with Saga and/or don’t own the book, I can make a character for you. This is my first time running Saga so don’t be shy if it’s your first time playing it

Here’s my e-mail for any questions or character submissions:

To my players: make sure to e-mail me your character proposals or let me know if you need me to make one for you.

5th level.
30 point-buy
Equipment: Buy what is reasonable for you to have. No vehicles or starships (I don't wanna sound too linear or anything, but they really won't be needed -- however, the Pilot skill will be needed, so pilot-oriented characters are more than welcome).
Oh, and you're good guys. Jedi or Republic-type characters are best. Fringe characters are also welcome.[/bq]
1. Nazriel
3. Aeros
4. Hedgehog
5. ...
6. ...

[h2]Slot 2: Afternoon[/h2]
Afternoon Game 1: We All Fall Down!
D&D 3.5, Mark, private room
[bq]A traditional dungeon crawl from a traditional Dungeon Master. 9th-level pregens will be provided.[/bq]
1. bigznak
2. pucky
3. JonLib
4. Rapora
5. Riser
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Afternoon Game 2: All the Better...
Unisystem, Ninjacat
[bq]Something's up in the Pacific Northwest.

Girls have been going missing, from a treeplanting camp in Quinault Valley. Planting is hard work, and there's always people who can't cut it, walk off and leave the job, sometimes in the middle of the night because they're embarrassed...but something's different this year. Some of the girls who've disappeared have been die-hards, girls who were on their third or fourth rotation out to the Valley, no reason to give up. And the timing's been odd, if you're the type to notice patterns...

Something's in the Quinault Valley, and it's feeding on treeplanters.

All the Better... is a story-focused Classic Unisystem event for up to five players. It will play somewhat differently than a "normal" RPG, in the setting of the CW's Supernatural television show -note that the show is the television equivalent of a weekly horror movie and my event will deal with adult levels of violence and fear, inappropriate for children. No familiarity with the game system or television show is needed; Unisystem uses just 1d10 for all resolution rolls and is a simple Stat+Skill system. As for the setting, all you need to know is that the supernatural is real, ghosts and demons exist, hauntings and possessions happen, and some of those who know about it fight back. Saving people, hunting things...[/bq]
1. Vyvyan Basterd
2. Laurie
3. Bront
4. Tofu_Master
5. Der Spot
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Afternoon Game 3: Domo Arigato Cyber Zombito
Shadowrun 4th ed., Dfranco83
[highlight]This event has been canceled.[/highlight]

Afternoon Game 4: The Boulderbottoms vs. the Underdark
D&D 4e, buzz
[bq]The greatest jewel in the Boulderbottom hoard has been stolen... Crown Princess Brigitta Boulderbottom! Filthy drow (ptui!) raiders from an Underdark enclave near Boulderbottom lands have absconded with the clan's most beloved daughter. The cream of the Boudlerbottom clan has been rallied to mount a rescue mission that could very well lead them to the blasphemous Fane of the Drow (ptui!). Can your all-dwarf party of adventurers save Brigitta before it's too late?

An encounter-filled adventure for D&D 4e. Pregens will be provided. All ages and all levels of experience with D&D are welcome.[/bq]
1. Trevalon Moonleirion
2. Kelleris
3. Nev the Deranged
4. sw3333
5. rvalle
6. AstroCat
[highlight]This is event is full.[/highlight]

Afternoon Game 5: Against the Cult of Thule
Shades of Earth, HinterWelt
[bq]For a number of reasons, some good but all suspect, a group of unlikely individuals have gathered in the small Texas town of Wayside. The are problems here. Dark tidings have wafted into town like a tumble weed against the wind. First, those strangers who bought the old Jonston Ranch keeping to themselves. When Nurse Littlewood shows up in a panic saying how Dr. Kennedy has been attacked the sheriff drafts everyone in handy range. Now, five strangers with different pasts must work together. Who are the strangers? Is the animal attacks connected to them? Where have all the birds gone?

Shades of Earth is set in a 1938 alternate world where magic is known to some, monster are known to their victims and yet, the world goes on. All pregenerated characters will be supplied. No experience necessary and we will be running Iridium V2 retrofitted to Shades of Earth. Please pick from the following characters:

Father Vito Firenzi (350 KB, .pdf) - Priest - Instrument of the Catholic Church, Servant of God.

Linsey Colepepper (350 KB, .pdf) - Pilot - Young and firey, Linsey was meant to fly. Stranded in Wayside until her plane is repaired, she works for a local crop duster.

Sheriff Bubba-Joe Smits (350 KB, .pdf) - Police - Local sheriff for the county drawn to Wayside by the disappearance of Betty.

Dr. Peter Lens (350 KB, .pdf) - Archaeologist - Down on his luck, the Dr, who teaches at Texas A&M at Amarillo, has found his way to Wayside. His research has brought him here but his thirst for knowledge will not let him leave.

Nurse Maxine Littlewood (350 KB, .pdf) - Nurse - She has worked for Dr. Kennedy for six years. She has just witnessed a savage animal attack on the good doctor. Can she get help in time?

More characters will be supplied if we get more players. All PCs will be issued "secrets" at the beginning of the adventure[/bq]
1. waterdhavian (Dr. Peter Lens)
2. Gwen110 (Nurse Littlewood)
4. Hedgehog (Father Vito)
5. ...

Afternoon Game 6: The Prison of 1001 Deaths
Fú - The Fortune of Heroes, Reidzilla
[bq]For many generations, the Yow clan has honorably maintained the Red Lotus prison and its peace keeping army. Why, then, do the neighboring peasants and monks now flee from the area? Why has the Red Lotus army begun seizing people for imprisonment without charge or cause? What evil now dwells there?

Come join in on playtesting Fú - The Fortune of Heroes, a system I have been working on piecemeal for a few years now. It is a rules light-ish, cinematic simulation style, kung fu fanstasy RPG based very loosely on Chinese elemental philosophy. Character will be provided and, obviously, rules will be taught. Just bring a set of dice and a desire to deliver badly translated lines while talking out of sync.[/bq]
1. pvt. patterson
2. Tim C Koppang
3. Jade Fire
4. Lifelike
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Afternoon Game 7: Lost Temple of the Fey Gods
D&D 4e Living Forgotten Realms, Solodan
[bq]Faeries, sprites, nymphs, and dryads – the fey creatures of Faerûn’s wild places are often dismissed as nuisances and pranksters. Those who truly understand the fey know that as with all things natural, there is a darker side to these creatures of fancy. Could a rash of stolen food and sleep dust traps point to a more sinister threat lurking on the wild side of reality? A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Aglarond for characters levels 1-2.

-From wizards of the coast website

Bring your level 1 character to join in what wizards calls an "On-Going Shared World Campaign" in the Living Forgotten Realms. Character creation guidelines and more information available here. If you have a LFR character already, come and join us. We will be running the 1-2 level version of this adventure.

You do not need to be an RPGA member or have a character - pre-gen level 1 characters are available to choose from if you want to just come, join us and have a good time. [/bq]
1. Solodan's guest
2. thalmin
3. gperez1234
4. evilgenius8000
5. GreatLemur
6. Zoltran
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]
Last edited:

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Vyvyan Basterd

Please sign Laurie and I up for NinjaCat's game.

Please sign Laurie up for TBs Serenity game.

Could you also sign up Daniel Franco and his guest up for StarWars if you don't mind (they're here gaming with us today).

Vyvyan Basterd

Please sign Laurie and I up for NinjaCat's game.

Please sign Laurie up for TBs Serenity game.

Could you also sign up Daniel Franco and his guest up for StarWars if you don't mind (they're here gaming with us today).

Laurie has changed her mind and would like to play Tim's game so she can keep a close eye on Buzz. :p


Hmm... Lots of good choices this time around!

Sign me up for

Morning Game 1: Raiders of the Lost Tomb


Afternoon Game 4: The Boulderbottoms vs. the Underdark


Retired game store owner
Time to finally play an RPGA game. Please sign me up for slot 2, game 7 "Lost Temple of the Fey Gods."


First Post
Please sign me up for the slaver's adventure run by vyv in the morning, and We all fall down in the afternoon.

I have to confirm with my boss that she approved my time off for this Saturday off, but I am hoping it will be okay. Let ya know if a couple days.


Please sign Laurie and I up for NinjaCat's game.

Could you also sign up Daniel Franco and his guest up for StarWars if you don't mind (they're here gaming with us today).

buzz, it'll be a day chock full of 4e for me: breakfast, the slavers event run by vyv, and your afternoon 4e event.

Laurie has changed her mind and would like to play Tim's game so she can keep a close eye on Buzz. :p

Sign me up for

Morning Game 1: Raiders of the Lost Tomb


Afternoon Game 4: The Boulderbottoms vs. the Underdark

Time to finally play an RPGA game. Please sign me up for slot 2, game 7 "Lost Temple of the Fey Gods."

morning game 2 and afternoon game 6... Thanks. :D

Please sign me up for the slaver's adventure run by vyv in the morning, and We all fall down in the afternoon.
Added, one and all!

Oh, and I promise: I will not try to take pictures of Laurie without her consent! (Which I assume I will not be getting, of course.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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