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Chronicles of Everfall

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A little background might add perspective to the odds and ends i'm adding here.

The current human civilisation, the Empire, was built on the ashes of an earlier civilisation, as it was built on the ruins of the one before, and the one before that, and so on. Hundreds of thousands of years of the rise and, more importantly, fall of great civilisations has left a world dotted with ancient ruins and tomb cities. None of which had any real relevance to any save the occasional adventurer until the Rise of Necromancy three centuries ago.

Human civilisation has adapted. The Temple of Light is one of the more powerful institutions, protecting humanity from the undead and fell tainted beasts that arise in the outlands.

There are five human subraces:
The High Folk - those born to the heriditary noble class, many family lines having some celestial blood.
The Steadingsfolk - the common (or garden) human, making up the bulk of the population.
The Warborn - humans with an inborn propensity for violence, they can arise from any other subrace, but breed true as warborn.
The Faekin - those with some elf somewhere in their ancestry, odd arcane talents often arise spontaneously among them.
The Seakings - the classic nordic seafarer, many bearing the blood of the giant races.

There are two dwarven subraces:
Anvil Dwarves - the classic dwarf, safe in their mountain kingdoms.
Shield Dwarves - much more personable than their kin, they were instrumental in the formation of the Temple of Light and the war against the undead.

Aasimar, the descendants of celestials, occasionally emerge among the Highfolk families.

Half-elves are rare. The elven race's long seclusion leaves little scope for non-hostile interaction. Their elven blood expressing an unusual range of powers.

Warforged. Immune to being raised as undead, they are seen as the great hope by the common folk. Created by a secretive cabal of dwarves and humans, sponsored by the Imperial House, they also make up a signifigant portion of the Emperor's power base.

Human society is feudal, the land owned by nobles but is worked by free men. The constant plague of undead has resulted in bludgeoning weapons coming into favour; and with so many undead arising with bladed weapons, blades have fallen out of favour and their weilders regarded with suspicion.

Likewise has arcane magic fallen out of favour, with the majority of practitioners being Necromancers, or fallen to Taint. The Temple of Light keeps a vigilant watch out for children with arcane potential, taking them from their families at an early age and subjecting them to a harsh regimen of mental discipline and physical training. Those who survive the constant testing join the Order of the Azure Flame, becomming Battle Mages, and are placed for a period into the service of a respected Paladin.

The classes available are:

Bard - affiliated with one of the Colleges, or perhaps serving as Herald to one of the great Houses. One of the few groups of people who maintain the ancient art of duelling, and are respected not reviled for their use of a blade.

Battle Mage - always affiliated with the Order of Azure Flame. The Athame class feature is always a longsword, bastard sword or greatsword.

Cleric - usually affiliated with the Temple of Light, but often with the Orders Militant or the Holy Inquisition. The Light grants access to the following domains: Fire, Good, Healing, Protection, Sun, and War. The favoured weapon is the Great Mace.

Druid - a watered down expression of their elven blood, only half elves can be druids. Their inborn link to the natural world a pale shadow of their elven ancestors. Affiliations outside their racial ones are rare.

Fighter - can have any affiliation, but will often favour the Orders Militant.

Noble - usually affiliated with their House, but occasionally elsewhere. The only other group to use a blade without suffering undue suspicion.

Ranger - often affiliated with the Orders Militant, or just about any other military affiliation. Rangers fall into two classes, with or without the ability to cast spells.

Rogue - affiliation is dependant on concept.

...more another time...
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First Post
The current roster of PCs:

Kael Silvermane - Human (highfolk) Noble 1 Cleric 5 Radiant Servant 2
Secondborn son of the ruling Imperial family, he entered the priesthood during his early teens, as was expected of him. To date he has had only limited contact with his family since, his life dedicated to the Temple. He bears the silver hair that marks those of his bloodline.

Harek Hewhammer - Shield Dwarf Cleric 1 Fighter 4 Paladin 3
A solid dependable warrior, has spent his entire life aspiring to paladinhood. Like many of his kin, he will not use arms or armour forged by non-dwarves. In fact, he himself crafted all his own equipment.

Kelvor Templar - Human (warborn) Battle Mage 8
Taken from his parent shortly after his birth and raised in the Temple. One of six surviving magi from his age group, he was placed in the service of Lord Paladin Micah Jonas. He studies siege warfare as a hobby.

Gunter Lehmann - Human (seaking) Fighter 8
A seaman, born and bred, he found himself far from the coast after a night of drunken debauchery and just fell in with the rest of the group because he had nothing better to do. His giant blood has given him a truly heroic stature, he stands at a height of 7'4".

Cyrion Halfelven - Halfelf Rogue 3 Ranger 2
Raised by his half-brother, the Druid Jeren, he grew up beside Harek, the two becomming fast friends. Cyrion is an angry youth, his hatred for the undead and corrupt driving him to follow a dark path. His recent acquisition of an Assassin's Klaive has reaffirmed his cause.

Lillian Verthande - Aasimar Bard 5
A true scion of House Verthande, she had little difficulty finding sponsorship into the Imperial Heraldic College. Originally sent to locate a missing colleague, she accidentally located the missing 2nd in line to the imperial throne, and has been covertly assigned to keep an eye on him.

Jorn Templeston - Human (faekin) Ranger 7
An orphan left on the steps of a temple, he was raised to take advantage of his natural affinity for the outdoors. As a scout, he is the eyes of his mentor, a powerful Inquisitor.
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First Post
The Party was gathered together by the local ruler, Baron Piotr Tilgentor, after orders from the capital stripped his militia to its bare bones. He needed a group to handle all the problems he would normally have assigned a squad of guards or militia to do.

Mission 1: A group of deserters from the Imperial Army had begun banditry in the borderlands of the Baron's domain. They had set up camp in the remains of an ancient Barrow, still inhabited unfortunately by ancient undead.
- After setting a counter ambush and decimating the bandits, they back tracked them to their camp where they discovered the no-longer intact barrow. They summoned assistance and powerful priests sealed the tomb before anything substantial could come out.

Mission 2: A tithe from a remote farming village was different to previous years, almost entirely made up of grain rather than the mixture of leathergoods and grain that was usual. Also, an Imperial Herald had gone missing in the area. Sometime during the winter one of the village lads had awakened his Necromantic powers and accidentally slain every living thing in the village and the nearby hill fort, and raised them as undead. He had then set them to work on their usual tasks, in a macabre mockery of normal village life.
- The party arrived to find the undead everywhere, they slew them all, burning and sanctifying as they went. The hill fort was manned by the slain soldiers and a death knight who had once been a Paladin. They assaulted the fort, destroying the undead and reconsecrating the fort. Mere days later, a Thrall-marked Orc legion, led by a spectre attacked, razing the fort.

Mission 3: Word reached Baron Piotr that a Reaper had passed through the neighbouring lands of Baron Arvid Wyvernhelm. All intelligent creatures slain by a Reaper arise a day or two later as undead. Thus a substantial force of soldiers was needed to destroy the legions of undead that arose in its wake.
- The Party joined a large gathering of Militant Orders. Mopup was going well when scouts announced that the Reaper had bypassed the next village in favour of the armed camp. The camp scattered, buying enough time for a team of powerful priests and warriors to banish the Reaper. Too late, however, for one of the scattered groups. Slaughtered to a man, the rest of the force had to swiftly converge on their camp to prevent their becomming undead. A Battle Mage arose as a vampire, and was put down by the Party.

Mission 4: With the destruction of the hill fort, the Baron's border with the Outlands is a little exposed (understatement). A new fort will have to be built, and a new site found to situate it. Likewise, someone will have to guard the site and the builders during construction. The Orcs are still watching the site of the previous fort for signs of rebuilding.
- The Party escorted an engineer to the area and located a new site. The halfelf negotiated with the Orcs, and an accord was reached. A source of good stone was located and plans for a new permanent fortress made. The Baron sent additional troops to help defend the site once the initial steps were complete.
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Mission 5: The party was sent to investigate the disappearance of Baron Piotr's nephew just weeks before his wedding. He has recently been exploring a patch of ancient forest on his own, and has encountered and fallen in love with a dryad (classic, i know).
- The party has defered this mission in favour of chasing down a suspected band of undead.
- The party finally returned to the mission. They tracked the nephew to a section of forest that had been subjected to massive taint. The few trees and plants that had survived had become mobile and carnivorous. The animal life had been reduced to a writhing pit of tentacular horrors. The dryad herself was tainted, using her powers to drain the life out of her 'willing' victims to sustain what was left of her grove. The players freed all her human slaves bar one, who was slain by the party paladin. They returned to civilization with but a few days till the wedding. Mission successful.

~ Sidetrack 1: The party was approached by the priest of a small village they were passing through. His graveyard had been desecrated and the remains stolen. A rogue necromantic artifact has allowed an impoverished miner to exploit his silver mine to great effect.
- Guessing the corpses were now undead, they inquired as to the existence of caves, etc. And proceeded to investigate the nearby mining settlement, but were unable to locate the undead. They then resolved to backtrack the undead, in the process alerting the local countryside to the undead presence.
- They successfully tracked down the undead and the young dabbler in the necromantic arts who created them. They killed him, and destroyed his minions. They found his powers to have been granted by an artifact, which was taken to the HQ of The Order of Azure Flame for study and destruction.
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In the aftermath of the Reaper, quite a number of warriors were found to have died, their weapons and equipment divided up between the surviving units.
The players unit was no exception. It did take them a while to identify their booty though.

Full Plate +1 ~ actually cursed to -1 due to it's interaction with the dread energies of the reaper.
Large Steel Shield +1 ~ bearing the crossed hammers of a now defunct Militant Order.

Heavy Mace +1 ~ actually cursed to +0 due to the reaper; sheds light in a 20ft radius as a torch; the head is shaped as a sun, and can function as a holy symbol.
Warhammer +1 Shock ~ bearing the heraldry of House Stormcrown.

Wand of Cure Light Wounds (13 charges) ~ with it's creator dead, the wand is no longer stable, it's effects can fluctuate quite drastically from 2d6+2 healed to 1d6+1 damage per charge (ie 1d4-2 x 1d6+1 with a positive result healing and a negative result harming)

Ring of Feather Falling ~ a plain gold band, bearing a single rune on the inside surface.
Ring of Jumping ~ a silver band with a fingernail sized azurite gemstone.

Boots of Striding and Springing ~ an artifact of an earlier age, so they're looking a little scruffy.
Gloves of Dexterity +2 ~ appear to be a fine pair of gentlemans riding gloves.

Potion of Cure Light Wounds x4
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds x2
Potion of Swimming ~ there is nothing wrong with the potions.

It might seem like a lot, but I've been very stingy with the treasure to date.
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