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City of Brass: Author Playtest Notes

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What Next?

So after much deliberation the PCs decide it is time to infiltrate the City of the Dead Sultana.

They approach the platform, noting that all bridges connecting this platform to the rest of the city have been destroyed. Some bardic knowledge on the part of the Half Djinn reveals that a beam of light is known to fire forth from the darkened platform and slay any efreet who ventures too close to the walls so that the only entry is through one of the cities many Demon Gates. Problem? Demon Gates Balors bound into the gate itself. They allow none to pass where a demon gate has been placed.

The PCs approach with caution, juicing themselves up with all the typical and appropriate buffs. The player of Rhy brings a new player tonight. A guy named Zack (who has been mentioned previously).

Zack is immediately in over his head with this one, he’s been playing 3.5 for about 3 months prior to joining our group and starts out playing a cleric that the player of Rhy and the Player of Konn helped him generate (tho not much) remembering the level of pure twinkishness that the Mul Fighter Monk and the Human “I don’t like to be touched” fighter aka wannabe paladin bring to the table, Zack’s character “Barnabus” is a lawful neutral inquisitor styled cleric. So right away we have a whole “why do we need another cleric in the party” situation… that could prove to be sticky. Add to that we have lawful (neutral) good Konn, Neutral Good (wannabe lawful good) Rhy, Lawful Evil Ard, and Neutral (evil) SamQ2 with Chaotic Good Elandrin, Chaotic Good Kitiara, and Chaotic Neutral (Crazy) Glandril.

A big party, and lots of conflict. A couple players have been more and more rules lawyerly as time has passed, which has become sort of a drag on session time as every single miniscule rule has to get looked at for veracity over and over again. I don’t think I’m a horrible DM and feel that I have a pretty decent grasp of the rules and a better grasp of HAVING FUN! But no matter, I try to be cool with everything and when I’m wrong I eat it with a smile.

Either way they approach the gate. It tells them to flee or be eaten. They don’t flee, and battle commences. Even with a 16th -17th ish level party in the mix, this is a TOUGH encounter that the PCs luck out in when I blow initiative. I lay lots of mass damage on them, and try to decapitate some people with the tongue of the demon gate. Glandril goes big, Elandrin uses holy bolt type spells from the book of all twinkish books “Spell Compendium”… hahahaha! I know that statement probably annoys some folks, but for 5th level spells that play as 8th level spells and special conditions you have to dig deep into the text to find (such as spell resistance) you can’t beat it.

Nobody dies, but some powerful spells are wasted in the attempt and the PCs pass into the darkened platform.

Beyond they come unexpectedly face to face with a thick jungle. They cut their way through the choked pathways that were once thick thoroughfares pausing a moment at the enormous statue of the Sultana carved from a single piece of jade. They note her eyes missing as well as a space in the forehead. In the distance they see a strange tower with a glowing reddish light at its top that gives the whole area a reddish tint.

On a hill in the center of the platform they can make out the spires of a beautiful palace beyond the trees.

As they explore they find themselves stalked by hordes of ghostly genies made part of flame and squadrons of skeletal warriors. Avoiding the palace they make their way by circuitous route to the tower. Climbing the stair they are faced with the dusty apparition of the former Vizier of the City of Brass, brother of the former Sultana who fashioned her tomb and is the guardian of the Ruby of Law… the source of the glowing red light.

The PCs listen to the Salt Lich’s tale, and are surprisingly moved. He tells of the fate of his sister and how her spirit may be called by one who has a droplet of her blood. (Which would be back in the Library D’oh!)

The PCs ask if the Lich my be raised, and he replies, only by true resurrection (Still out of reach) or through the waters of mukphat, but without his sister and her blessed husband, he knows of no reason to be raised. The Usurper is still on the throne, raising the Lich alone would be a phirric gesture.

The PCs inquire about the waters of Mukphat, now finding 2 other missions they must fulfill and learn that Mukphat was a holy man buried somewhere in the Plane of Molten Skies whose dripping effluence is said to have the power to Ressurrect anyone, no matter how dead!

The Lich also mentions the armies of the obsidian angel and again the PCs note this mention. They ask what would free the angel and are told of the carnelian idol. The lich suggest that the idol may be hidden within the Heart of Nyolz… which happens to be in the Minaret of Screams! (OH NO!)

Remembering how difficult it was to get into the library in the first place they figure to make a run at the Minaret again, surmising that it was the easiest to enter…Wrong

The entire place was now surrounded with hundreds of Marmalukes and their Efreeti masters on flying carpets. Evidently the place was under extra guard, tho the marmalukes and Efreeti make certain to stay a safe distance from the minarets wails.

So… remembering that the efreeti they saved from the minaret had a noble father who happened to have a secret way into the Library… the PCs went that route. Using their rod of embassy they went to the noble quarter, visiting the Bayt Al Jyoom. There they asked for audience with the Bayt’s Sheik, who showed them to a large iron bound book once they revealed their identities and how they had saved his son.
They took the passage through the huge iron bound tome… Ard was nearly killed in the passing due to the unprotected damage that the demonic guardian of the book plagues upon any who make the passage into the repository.

Once in the repository they faced another librarian, but with the extra muscle the battle went quickly with only one character imprisoned (and later freed with a spare wish the PCs had been saving). Having two clerics + Ard made it A LOT easier. PCs in the group seem happy that Barnabus actually heals people. This annoys the player of Elandrin, since he figures just about everyone in the party has been out to kill him all along anyhow. (He's only partly right).

Into the chamber of blood they pulled the levers and rolled the dice. Eventually they got lucky and got the blood of the Sultana which mentioned to the Half Djinn “I know you” and poof they put the blood into a bottle.

Onward back through the wound of Harepshet they re-entered the disgusting bowel of the Minaret of Screams and made their way in… looking for the Heart of Nyalz…

About that time the session drew to a close.


First Post
That night I was still building Barnabas. It had been my experience that you never want to get hit. Previously in my D&D experience, everytime I got hit, I got dead. So I made sure that my AC was around 45 fully juiced.

Anyway, Barnabas was imprisoned in the bowels of the minaret of screams as punishment for failing Thursis (This becomes important later). He was fortunate that Thursis brought him this eclectic band of adventurers, so the SOB wasn't all that bad. He found the Paladin's commitment to his code and lack of faith disturbing, and knew he would eventually "help" him find his path. Ard, well he wasn't sure about him, a Tiefling and all, but he seemed rotten, so that made him at least OK in Barnabas' book. This other cleric though, he knew there could be trouble. He gave him a shot and the two of them worked well together; but he just kept getting goodier and goodier and one can only stomach so much good until you have to eat babies or something.
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Just so, shortly after their arrival in the minaret of screams the PCs find and free Barnabus from his tomb and find his gear hidden a short space later.

Offering his services for his freedom (for a time) Barnabus is welcomed suspiciously of course into the party.

Their scrying magic tells them that the heart is actually within one of the walls of the upper gut, so they proceed through the perastaltic passages to allow themselves to be yerped floor after floor upwards. They find a bit of resistance but not much. A few of their old nemesis silaal return to attempt to bar the way but are put down in a much easier fashion this time.

They slice a hole in the wall and a flood of fluids rushes out, forcing reflex save which about half the party fails. Konn is up as he of course has a freedom of movement item he blew the majority of his loot on after getting swallowed by the dinosaur, the purple worm, and everything else that can swallow whole or grapple you in previous adventures. I think this is pure cheese but remember, I am being very lenient as I still haven't had much problem killing PCs in this adventure. Not that this is my intent but it IS the City of Brass and it IS a path to epic adventure afterall!

Kitiara begins to fly so that she is above the deluge, and SamQ2 retains his footing. Through the hole they cut they see the pulsing core of the Minaret of Screams.. Nyolz which attempts rather quickly to destroy the PCs with an Ultrablast for 15d6 damage... and Kitiara almost bites the dust as does Sam Q 2.

Konn spends a round taking 10 to spot the Carnelain idol, which he sees lying near the head/heart/blob that is Nyolz!

Both clerics drop mass heals on the party getting them back up almost to full HP...

Nyolz ultrablasts again! Kitiara drops to negative HPs, and good ol SamQ2 is hurtin bigtime.
Ard's contingency array already went off once, and now he is out of the range of the danger and chugging healing potions like its his job.

Konn charges into the chamber evading the tentacles that attempt to wrap him up since.. you guessed it! Free Action (Freedom of MOvement whatever) item! Likewise with his acellerated speed, he doesnt even bother going in for an attack. He's like an outfielder running after a ball that bounced off the outfield wall!

Clerics Heal again, Ultrablast again! Zoom

Repeat. Konn grasps the idol and RUNS again.

This is one of the few times I can recall where the PCs do NOT stand and fight! (Even tho Nyolz is about out of really good bammy stuff! Taking the damage they took, having little resistance to psionics whatsoever they take the idol and go! Their escape is somewhat hampered as the tower shrieks a lot, and the floor an walls are constantly bucking wildly.

I have them roll a few more Reflex saves on the way out just for "challenge" and "intensity" effects to really build up the event. Of course... EVERYONE in the City of Brass knows something is up in the Minaret and you can bet a squad of elite troops or even the Grand Vizier could make an appearance here at any time!

Soo two clerics wasn't so bad afterall!

They get to the Repository, go through the book again (taking big damage again) and get back to the House of the Bayt al Joom. There the sheik tells them of the issues with the screaming tower, and suggest they not leave by the way that they had come as his house is constantly under serveilance. He teleports them out into the Plane of Molten Skies and they set out in search of the Waters of Mukphat.

A day or so journey with their various skills, abilities, and boatload of magic items to guide them, the PCs find their way to the oasis of Mukphat where they speak with the strange man there... manage to get him POed at them (Thanks Rhy... good paladinisms)...

and the Waters of the Oasis attack as they are a HUMONGO Water elemental.

I grant the elemental a new power... one i feel is missing from the great elementals in the game and one I hope that 4e corrects... in fact if any of you 4e development dudes are readng...use this (just throw my name in the credits of the MM and call it good... you dont even need to pay me as long as you drop my name!)

The water elemental beats them around a bit, when they start to fight back, it engulfs the entire party and... Hauls them off to the plane of Water!


There i use a bit of another adventure I am writing at the time and place them near an island floating between Water and Air. There hidden within a volcano is a sorcerous Kraken of very large size!

I used stats and such from the adventure I wrote for Goodman Games's Book of treasure maps and had a blast hitting the PCs over and over again with greater dispelling... once they had started using water breathing spells, and other sundries! Classic stuff.

the treasure at the bottom instead of being an alien type submarine craft with death rays was instead the portal to get them back to the Oasis!

As i mentioned it was fun having the heavily armored guys sinking like rocks, and having to take off or cut off armor until some magic was used to support them.

It was great cutting off their air and watching them gulp like carp on the side of a river bank.

But... It was Konn again who couldnt be grappled that had the last laugh... well him, the two clerics and ARD who used enough holy and unholy energy spells to zap the poor kraken into the next life! Oh well! Still a good time.

They zoom back, apologize to the wierd old man, and get the waters of life from the tomb of Mukphat. Good stuff since it can resurrect anyone!

Until Next time.



First Post
So the PCs traipse a bit more through the shattered landscape of the plane of molten skies in search of the Obsidian Angel, which they find through judicious use of some scrying magic and praying to the gods for direction.
Once there they meed the Genie encased in ebon glass and have a little talk with it before deciding if they should break it free or not.

Unsure of who to trust, the PCs are wary of getting hosed by NPCs. I can't say I blame them, tho to be fair they have met a decent number of helpful folks (Just as happened in ANY and EVERY oldschool game... doubters be damned!)

(I say this by way of making a point, what were henchmen if not PC allies earned through quest and deed?) Certainly didn't need to waist a feat on pet rocks back in the day! Hah. Well it so happens one of our many austere design goals was to incorporate some PC allies and some PC bases into the City of Brass. Not everyone will play the various adventure settings laid out in a "Path" as it were. Some prefer just to use the product as a platform to explore right?

Anyhow they find that the Genie was a rebel against the current Sultan or some such and that he commands an army of 20,000 undead jan locked into a wall. Pretty much the contingent of jan who cose NOT to become burning dervishes and were slain.

The freed genie tells the PCs that he will wait for a sign that forces are moving against the Sultan and have his undead minions prepared to storm and hold the Kubri Al Azim (the great gates) and Obsidian bridge, insuring escape at very least for civillians and visitors wishing to flee the city, and also to keep others from rushing to the aid of the Sultan via the gates. Good Plan, the PCs like it and head back to the City, and Back specifically to the City of The Dead Sultana.

The Salt Lich tells the PCs how to get into the tomb but warns them of dangers and obstacles along the way. Specifically that there are some great traps designed to punish those unworthy of gazing upon the radiance of the long dead Sultana. He also mentions that they NOT molest her corpse in any way or they will be destroyed.

The PCs take his word for it and his vague references and make to the Palace like Tomb (Modeled somewhat after the Taj Mahal)

Working their way through the palace/tomb they explore its many wonders. I'd love to tell you all about them, but this level is one of my favorites from a "you should really read/play or experience" it point of view so nyaa nyaa nyaa.

Needless to say they get into Oriazer the Solar Dragon's chamber where he lies sleeping and rouse him from his slumber with an unbelievably good performance roll via the 1/2 Djinn bard Kitiara. The dragon examines them, to determine if they are friend or foe and wonders why he has been awakened since he intended to sleep forever, just as his beautiful Sultana has done.

They tell him that they wish to have an audience with her so he directs them to the chamber where they can find the secret portal leading to her tomb...

Yeah and the Camera Obscura with the Plates for the Deck of Many Things.

Now... I have some POWER hungry POWER gamers in this squad. I kid you not, they are all about the juice. More juice the better. Big bouncy bonuses, enhancing items, enhancing stats. They want it all. I can't blame them this is big time stuff and I keep thinking to myself... The final couple encounters in this adventure are just plain all out HARD if not done correctly or of the right level to take on the last few big and bad guys... and these guys still have a heck of a long ways to go to get there.

Sooo being chaotic minded in nature and wanting to be even greater for his god... who draws first? and how many cards? You guessed it Elandrin draws first. ANd he pulls literally ALL awesome cards. HE gets himself a fates card (avoid any action), he gets himself a stat boosting card. He gets himself 50,000 experience ... which as i look at it later is a total gaff/oversight on the part of 3.5 developers considering what the actual scale of XP in 3.5 IS. DOH. That card should just auto grant 1 level and thats it. I'm nice, I let Elandrin level up one, and bank some xp for when he hits epic level and wants to use epic spell seeds to develop his powers.

So yah... Next up? Barnabus. Seeing the bueno cards that his fellow cleric pulled he thinks he's gonna get more of the same and he does. He's pulling 4 cards, grabs A stat bonus card right away but then pulls the fool... dherka derrr... but pulls fates! Yay avoid the fool card! Right? 4th card? Talons baby. Naked as a JAY in his 4th outing with us and NO gear at all.

Which was fine because some of the gear his (other) D&D group had picked out for him was broken as broken can be.

So one other party member wants to play (Konn is gone this session and we are about wrapping things up) Rhy of course. Doesn't get any particularly BAD cards, doesn't get any particularly GOOD cards, but does manage to pull the card that opens the passage to the Sultanas Lair. ALL good. They decide to wait for the other players to join up with them on the following week.

I'll give you a "hint" as to how this turns out for them. Hint: Konn wants to pull cards too.

3 other players flatly refuse to draw (Kitiara, Ard, and SamQ2) heck no, too much bad compared to the good in messing with fate like that. See people would whine and gripe about the deck of many things being so horribly unfair. To me it's core rules D&D to the bone because nobody MAKES you draw from the deck if you dont want to (Well except ME in this particular encounter, but I've been accused of not being very NICE (even though I'm fairly affable) hahaha) I'm sure a nicer DM could houserule some cheese in there to figure out a different way into the tomb if they felt like it :D.

Of particular Note: With the level up that ol Elandrin got, he can now cast True Resurrection thanks to the big pile of XPs he just "found laying around".

Also, most of the jewelry stores in the COB at this time are fresh out of diamonds because the pcs blew what remained of any loot that wasnt spent on magic items on ... Diamonds hahaa! Good fun.

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First Post
The Dead Sultana

So...Zack, AKA Barnabus, is now AKA "The Naked Inquisitor"

I had to look stuff back up, Ruin and Talons were two of zacks cards. Can't get much worse than that right?

I forgot, Rhy DID draw a bad card... emnity with an outsider.

Having lost all his stuff. People dig in packs and give him a handful of stuff, but nobody is toting around any armor for him to wear or clothes... I bet they had clothes just wanted the Inquisitor to suffer a little bit for his faith.

"Put on a cloak of rightousness there buddy" was a common gag.

Anyhow the following week everyone shows up. Konn HAS to draw because he's that sorta dude. Draw and if i get good cards F'in A. Draw and DON't get good cards then "The rules are broken."

Well the rules were broken today. Now following the rules, the deck draws as many cards as you declare. He declares 4 and draws.

Talons...and loses all his stuff. Fool...-10,000 and MUST draw again... Idiot...(as the bonus draw) and rolls max for the int loss (His int wasn't very high to begin with) and then... Void and Dunjon. I am not kidding! Worst draws from the deck I have ever seen in 28 years of gaming. In effect Konn is no more.

Now taking a moment to pause, I suggest to the players that there are ways to get him back. That nothing in D&D is permanent and forever and that if they so choose to quest for Konn they will be able to find him and restore him. The player doesn't seem to think it will be possible however, as he DM's many of these guys other games. I tell them not to give up hope. He starts to roll another character.

Of course Glandril decides to draw now, he is hoping maybe to draw a card that will get his buddy free. Instead he draws the Flames too, Euryale (-1 to saves permanently), but gets the vizier (which turns out helpful).

Anyhow Konn starts making a new character (he likes to do this kinda thing) and they proceed through the portal that Rhy discovered and descend into the crypt of the Sultana.

There they find her body lain upon a beautiful slab, eyes open as if in life, guarded by two huge mummies. She is quite large, and they had forgotten how big she would be since she is a Djinn princess. They approach cautiously and offer the droplet of blood that they had found in the Blood Chamber of the Great Repository.

The tenuous and sad spirit returns to ask the PCs why they would wish to interfere with her eternal peace.

They mention that they need her assistance in saving their world from the Sultan. She says there is no hope that she can imagine, with her husband and surely her brother dead, oriazer asleep and the vizier free, the Sultan is simply too powerful to face. They then mention that they had heard her daughter lives, and is in great danger as a prisoner of the Sultan (they had heard this from the Chufa um Sophanie). And the spirit becomes more interested.

They mention that they have the flask of sulymon, which can be opened only in the presence of the sultan, that they know the sultans true name (which will open the flask) and that they have an army waiting outside the city as well as a paladin strike team inside the city. The spirit is heartened to this, and offers her eyes to be worn by one brave enough to take them and cut out their own eyes. Or to be used in the statue her brother had created from pure jade as a weapon against the betraying efreeti who had abandoned her husband in his battle with the Usurper.

They say... why dont you keep them as we have the waters of Mukphat and can ressrurrect you so that you can lead the people in their revolt against the Sultan!

Done Deal! On condition that they next quest to find her husband and raise him if they should have the power to do so.

They agree readily to this, so long as she can direct them to the location.

They raise her, she tells them that oriazer will remain in her palace/tomb and the palace/tomb may serve as a base for the paladins (much closer than the lower city) for them to muster against the sultan, and for the PCs to use that they may now teleport into and out of without restriction.

Newly resurrected her false eyes are given to be taken to her brother as he will know how to use them (he made them afterall). She then departs to the Plane of Air to contact her family and raise a second army to assist in defeating the Usurper's forces!

Not badly played and more importantly something I hadn't expected PCs to do or even WANT to do! Good job and bonus xps around.

Oriazer directs them to the hidden crypt where the True Sultan is buried. Ard says he will meet the PCs there at the entrance as he needs to go pick up something to help them in the tomb. WHat could this be? Well Ard has a plan that the PCs have no clue over, but being the big wizard everyone except Elandrin is cool with him leaving. Elandrin keeps his suspicion to himself at first, till Rhy announces he thinks that Ard is getting ready to betray everyone and that they had better be ready for that. The naked inquisitor suggests attacking ard when he returns and getting rid of him so that he won't be a hassle!

Woah! Rhy, Glandril and Barnabus the Naked Inquisitor start talking plots and strategies when Sam Q says "you go against ard, and I have his back, he's saved us a dozen times and he aint going out like that." Ard has cast a ton of protection spells time and again on our naive Half Djinn who in turn agrees not to support them in a battle against Ard and that her charms and domination are enough to halt both of the fighters if they turn on the party!

Woah Again!

I don't know about this stuff because im in a different room privately talking with ard. Ard has that magic jar left over from the demi lich. He gets a pit fiend to go into the jar (as was part of his pact) in turn the pit fiend will switch to the old Sultan, the Old Sultan will be imprisoned in the gem, and thus if the PCs defeat the Usurper in battle, the "old sultan" will actually be an agent of Lucifer. As an agent of Lucifer on the throne of Brass, Lucifer himself will take control of the City of Brass, and then Rule the Efreeti, and his dominion of Infernus allowing him his own goals of Re-taking hell! Wooo. Me likey how this dude thinks.

The deal is made. And with Konn out of the way, that much easier. Of course Konn's player is making what as a replacement for Konn?? A paladin hahaha. Oi Vie! Ard aint gonna like that.

Elandrin, Barnabus and Rhy relent. They see everyone jumping ard as a quick Win WIN. They have seen the sneak damage that the rogue has done and note he hasn't really taken damage in any fight because of his general slickness... A couple of them have been sneak attacked by him when he's been dominated. They aren't sure of the power of the Half Djinn but know that 3 on 3 means some of them will be dead dead and none wants to sacrifice their own guy to make this happen.

Elandrin goes his own way, takes the eyes of the Sultana to the Salt lich... and ressurrects him with his newly gained power. Ressurrected, he isnt' as powerful as he once was. I surmise from centuries of NOT being the pimp wizard he once was, that the Djinn wizard is somewhat weaker (reflected in its resurrected stat block) just as the DMG suggests not being "on the adventure" all the time could result in a temporary (or permanent) loss of skills.

The lich, now the "old vizier" will operate and command the Jade Colossus when the assault on the Usurper begins. Again cards for a major throwdown are coming into play. PCs have various tough allies at their disposal, but have a few more quests to accomplish.

The Old Vizier tells them of a hammer in the possession of a Titan in the Circus of Pain, that is powerful enough in the hands of a humble follower of Anumon to destroy the agony forge, and with it the Great Ziggurat and EVERY single burning dervish. They like this plan but a titan... wow and in single combat. Even Mr. Hit Points Glandril thinks he may need a couple more levels to stand that fight. Likewise how to move around now without being noticed? Thats going to be tough and they need something that will protect them with things going as rapidly as they are.

Lots going on but first, resurrect the True Sultan (and switch him with a pit fiend hahaha).



bowbe said:
As to a "Better philosophy", my main point is that I've been running off and on for 25 years. Back when I ran 1ed AD&D frost giants lair, those guys figured out quick that trying to kill EVERY giant would quickly lead to their doom. So I guess sometimes infiltration, hit and run, and knowing how to pick your fight in an enemy stronghold is vastly superior to trying to take out everything you encounter.

Heh... yeah. I remember running the sorcerer's tower adventure in Demons & Devils (probably a bad example, as the adventure design implicitly routes you through the whole dungeon.) One section has the PCs facing an iron golem that is way out of their league. As I am sitting there running the adventure, I'm like "oh crap, how are they going to take out the golem."

Then it occurs to me nothing about the adventure situation requires that they take out the golem.

I think the "everything is there to be beat" attitude predates 3e, though. I remember having to make it painfully obvious that an evil-looking yet ultimately not after the players dark knight mounted on a dragon would KILL them if they persisted before they got the point.


First Post
Hey Casey, can we have an update? I am really enjoying reading your playtest posts in conjunction with reading City of Brass...

Thanks in advance.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Rauol_Duke said:
Hey Casey, can we have an update? I am really enjoying reading your playtest posts in conjunction with reading City of Brass...

Thanks in advance.
Agreed. I am thoroughly enjoying this.

Also, how about a handy DLable document?

Voidrunner's Codex

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