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[ Hecatomb 20th – Day 34 – part three]

The party speaks with Narcovi, an officer within the Harmonium, about the assault in Fortune’s Wheel. She sees the relationship between the fallen bashers and says she will open an investigation into the matter. In the meantime, Kesdran is apprehended by the Hardheads for reckless use of fire magic. The barkeep of Fortune’s Wheel says that he’s spoken with upper management and they won’t be pressing a case against him for the fire damage, since they were the victims. But Harmonium regulations require him to be taken to the Prison for at least a night’s stay.

[Kesdran’s player didn’t make it to the game, so I worked him out in a logical fashion. ]

Regrouping with Cross, the four head to the Hall of Records. They want to talk to Serrateno about their weapons and these people that have been following them, and they want to see if they can pay someone to heal Tira’s blindness. Killian and Cross go by Serrateno’s office in the Rowen Academy, but the only person there is obviously a student. They ask his whereabouts, but the student says Serrateno hasn’t been at class in a few days. The student leaves, and Killian takes the opportunity to look around the room while Cross stands watch. Killian finds nothing regarding their items nor any plans for Serrateno to travel.

Quinn leads Tira over to the Hall of Records, and after a brief inquiry, to a set of clean rooms downstairs in the enormous building. They speak with a young man named Syler about healing. He balks at first, advising that the facilities are only for faction members, but they speak the magic words: garnish. He examines Tira’s eyes and confirms that the blindness was magically inflicted. Syler leaves for a few minutes and returns with a scroll stained the color of leather. The fee for the healing is 180 jink, which they pay (as well as additional coinage for his time and discretion). Quinn watches the script evaporate from the scroll as Syler recites the spell. Tira blinks a few times and her vision is quickly restored to its former capacity.

Killian and Cross head out of the classroom as three older factioneers walk by. One gauges the two and stops their conversation to ask if Killian or Cross needs any help. They reply with the truth, that they were looking for professor D’Arquestine. The men know him, and question if these two are actually students. Killian debates on lying, but then plays it smart. He replies that they are not in fact students, but Serrateno was doing some work for them on the side. This is perfectly acceptible to the members of the Fated, a faction based around tenets of acquisition and in most cases, greed. The bearded man speaking to them says that he does not know where the professor is, but for a fee of ten jink, he could play the tout and give them an address where the professor is sometimes found. Killian looks to Cross, then slides out the payment. An address is given, and the men continue down towards the hall. Killian hears one of the men refer to the original speaker as Darkwood. The thoughts click in his brain. Factol Rowen Darkwood…

Everyone meets outside, and Serrateno’s absence is mentioned. They decide to check up on the man, as he had been friendly in the times they met. The Nighttime Retreat is a quiet, comfortable inn where Serrateno has made his home for over two cycles. Killian and Cross offer to wait outside, so it won’t look too odd to any patrons. The inkeep knows him well, but they’re not sure if he is in at the moment. At their request, she sends a serving girl to go check on his room, but he does not answer. After voicing their concern, she offers to open the room and check on the professor, in case he has fallen ill. Tira goes upstairs while Quinn stays below.

Outside of the inn, Killian and Cross wait in a nearby alley. They are approached by a red-skinned tiefling with a sizeable tail. He strikes up a meaningless conversation, gauging the two. They think he’s sizing them up to rob them, but instead he asks if they are interested in taking a ‘Walk’. They don’t understand him, and so he shows htem what he means, displaying a vial with a strangely familiar green powder. Killian recognizes the drug, and Cross realizes it as well from the story that the others related. They continue to talk to this tiefling named Tarver, while glancing about to see if he has any allies.

The Retreat caters primarily to sages and professors, boasting a comfortable library and a few tables for games. Quinn watches the inkeep’s husband playing a game of chess against a cube-shaped modron. The lawful modron beats the man with relative ease, but they seem to enjoy the game nonetheless. Quinn offers to play when the man is finished, and has a seat. Of course, Ylem the modron does not know that Quinn has never played chess, nor does he understand the rules in the least. The game begins, but quickly devolves into arguments about rules. Ylem’s resolve ends before Quinn’s, and he quits, saying there is no point to playing this game. Quinn declares himself the victor, and goes on about his undefeated status.

The serving girl opens Serrateno’s room and allows her to go inside. The room is in shambles, with notes scribbled on various pieces of parchment, on tables and even a few marks on the walls. The bed, oddly enough, is made and doesn’t appear to have been slept in recently. Some of the notes mention a powder, and Tira realizes what has happened. She takes a few of the notes and heads back downstairs.

Outside, Cross wanders a few steps back while Killian is bartering with Tarver about this drug. Killian determines that it is called ‘the Long Walk’, and it apparently pushes your mind in new, enlightened directions. Killian cuts his eyes to Cross and says that they’ve learned all they need to know for now. Cross nods and brings his fists down upon the back of the tiefling’s neck. Tarver reels, then spins and thrashes Killian with his heavy tail. The tiefling backs up as Cross punches him a few more times. Tarver makes a gurgling noise and spits a blob of phlegm on Cross’ jerkin, which immediately begins to dissolve and eat away at the leather. By this point, Killian has unsheathed his sword, and knocks Tarver unconscious with the flat of the blade. They begin to drag him off in the direction of Killian’s apartment, with plans of interrogation.
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