City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn IX

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Lazlow said:
A wholly unremarkable elf walks in and takes a moment to examine the surroundings. Seeing the weapons rack he places his own sword, buckler, and bow there and makes his way to the bar, nodding and giving a quiet, polite greeting to those he passes.

Gardner walks up to the bar and joins the elf, " Joe, when you get a chance a Hairfoot Stout. They want you to announce yourself here, my name's Gardner. My specialty is getting into trouble". He offers his hand to shake.

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The elf smiles and shakes the man's hand warmly. "Pleased to meet you. My name is Dagobert, and I suppose you could say that my specialty is helping those who get into trouble - with Russna's help, of course," he says with a wink.

"So... Anything exciting going on around here?"


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Lazlow said:
The elf smiles and shakes the man's hand warmly. "Pleased to meet you. My name is Dagobert, and I suppose you could say that my specialty is helping those who get into trouble - with Russna's help, of course," he says with a wink.

"So... Anything exciting going on around here?"

"Russna! My friends and I", waves hand toward Richard, Rinya, and Lucien, "were just in a little venture with a preist of Russna, Ridik. He was a mountain goblin who traveled with a big elf. Maybe you've heard of him, he was very unique. They were noncommital about travelling further with us. I think they were interested in going somewhere else*. Maybe you should come over an meet my companions. We could always use the services of a healer."

*OOC: Both players seemed to indicate thier characters were headed for retirement.

Richard Rawen

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Heckler said:
For what could be the first time ever Rinya smiles and laughs. "You called me 'gentle,'...that's funny."

"Sorry, Rowan, doesn't look like there's any takers this time."

Richard smiles broadly at the tough Elf's words, "All women are gentle somewhere inside themselves, it is simply their choice as to who they show it to."
His grin widens, if that's possible, as he brightly recalls an old memory, "Besides, my Da taught me to always expect the best from a woman, be it warrior or wench, and they'll never disappoint ya." A faraway look takes his eyes, and he mutters mostly to himself, "gads, I hadn't thought of him in awhile..."


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Richard Rawen said:
Richard smiles broadly at the tough Elf's words, "All women are gentle somewhere inside themselves, it is simply their choice as to who they show it to."
His grin widens, if that's possible, as he brightly recalls an old memory, "Besides, my Da taught me to always expect the best from a woman, be it warrior or wench, and they'll never disappoint ya." A faraway look takes his eyes, and he mutters mostly to himself, "gads, I hadn't thought of him in awhile..."

The laughter fades away as Rinya's expression returns to its more normal somber mood. "I'm sorry to disappoint, but its not that simple." With that she drains her mug and slams it down on the bar. "Joe. Another."


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Salix said:
"Russna! My friends and I", waves hand toward Richard, Rinya, and Lucien, "were just in a little venture with a preist of Russna, Ridik. He was a mountain goblin who traveled with a big elf. Maybe you've heard of him, he was very unique. They were noncommital about travelling further with us. I think they were interested in going somewhere else*. Maybe you should come over an meet my companions. We could always use the services of a healer."

"Why, thank you, that's very kind of you," Dagobert replies with a smile. He follows Gardner back over to his friends. "I'm afraid I don't know the goblin or 'big elf' in question. I've been on the road quite a bit lately, and have only just arrived."

Richard Rawen

First Post
Heckler said:
The laughter fades away as Rinya's expression returns to its more normal somber mood. "I'm sorry to disappoint, but its not that simple." With that she drains her mug and slams it down on the bar. "Joe. Another."

The young man frowns a bit at the harsh reply, but holds his tongue. Picking up his full flagon Richard turns towards the newcomers and listens to introductions and stories.


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Rowan turns and puts his back against the bar. He gazes absently across the growing crowd. "What a zoo." he mutter and nurses his ale.


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Gardner walks up to his companions and introduces Dagobert. " We have another follower of Russna here. If ao'Thuir and Ridik don't meet back up with us he might be a welcome addition to the party." Noticing Rowan he says, " Have you heard of any action around here?"

OOC: I figured Rowan would be to high for the characters in there, but maybe not.


First Post
"Action?" asks the barbarian. "I've never found any action here. The last time I came by, I recruited some adventurers to accompany me up North, but I've never actually seen anyone else come hire anyone. Heck, I didn't hire the ones I got, either. They came along for free!" He laughs and slaps Talbin gently on the back.

"No. I wouldn't bet you'll get far hanging around here. I'll be hitting the road again myself soon. I'm hunting werewolves. Do any of you have leads as to where some might be?"

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