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City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn X

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Lokin stands up, tugging at his banded armor so its weight rests on him comfortably and checking how his new sword hangs from his left hip. Satisfied, he looks up to find Payne or Kol but cannot see them in the crowd of people leaving.

"I'm heading out to check out this party. If anyone sees Payne or Kol, let 'em know I'll meet them over there," he says to no one in particular.

With that, he walks out of the inn.

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A woman enters the doors of the Red Dragon Inn and looks around. "Is there a fire in here or something? Looks like everyone was running away..." she says as she surveys the nearly empty main room with her violet eyes. She's tall, nearly six feet, and her fiery red hair cascades down over her shoulders and her gleaming chain shirt. Nodding to Joe as she steps down from the entryway, she smiles slightly then announces her name as per the rules. "I'm Phoenix for anybody that's left. Soulknife and adventurer recently returned to Orussus after a long journey abroad. And I'm here to find some more help for a job that needs doing. A job that has paid well so far, but it's gonna be dangerous. Newcomers need not apply. Need some heavy muscle or firepower for this job. If you're interested, come talk with me at this table over by the wall."

With that, she strolls by the bar and orders a large tankard of something honey colored. Thanking Joe, she carries her drink over to a nearby table and sits down. 'Same chair and same table as when I left here...how long ago? Never thought it would feel good to be back here for a drink.' she thinks to herself before running a hand over her new armor appreciativly. 'That Tenebrynn did a great job enchanting this armor and shield. It feels even better than when I finished crafting it back on the ship.'


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A tall, slender young man opens the door and looks in appraisingly. He smiles appreciatively at the attractive redhead but lingers only a moment before heading outside again. The swirl of his rich blue cloak, embroidered with gold, and the flash of his blonde head are the last things seen before he heads off down the street, obviously intrigued by the stream of partygoers.


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Rowan awakes with a start, pulling his face off his thick tomb and reaching for his flail. But then sighs, and relaxes. He slams his book shut and stands. "Dark knowledge - gives me bad dreams."
He looks around. Richard and Rinya have left. The tavern is almost empty. Someone was talking about a party, weren't they? City folks, eating with knives and forks, wizards, prissy women...not his style. But who was this...

"Juliana?" he whispers? But no. Not her. Some other redhead, smaller, but still cute. He strides over, and thrusts out his hand at Phoenix.

"Hi. I'm Rowan McTavish." At six foot, one-eighty, Rowan is big, but not huge. He radiates rough energy, and fluid skill with his body. He wears shiny metal armor, and a heavy flail hangs at his waist. A new beard has grown on his face, and his dark hair is getting long and starting to curl. "I've killed winterwolves and weretigers, baby. Maybe I'm your man. Tell me more about this job you have."


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Manzanita said:
He strides over, and thrusts out his hand at Phoenix.

"Hi. I'm Rowan McTavish." At six foot, one-eighty, Rowan is big, but not huge. He radiates rough energy, and fluid skill with his body. He wears shiny metal armor, and a heavy flail hangs at his waist. A new beard has grown on his face, and his dark hair is getting long and starting to curl. "I've killed winterwolves and weretigers, baby. Maybe I'm your man. Tell me more about this job you have."
Looking up with an appraising eye, Phoenix likes what she sees at first glance. Standing from her seat, she's just an inch or so shorter than the dark eyed man. Taking his hand firmly in hers, she judges his strength is probably about the same as hers also. 'Very good.' she thinks to herself. "So, Rowan is it? I'm Phoenix in case you didn't catch it before. Winterwolves and weretigers, eh? Impressive. So you're a combat specialist then? The job could use more muscle, though we were also hoping to find some arcane firepower or a healer. But it looks like this place has been picked clean recently. Anyway, the job itself is a long way from Orussus. Out over the ocean there's an island that we just helped establish a trade route with, and there seems to be some evil plot brewing there dealing with some magical staff and some creatures called Yuan-ti. Not sure what those are yet, but I was going to see if I could find something out about them in the library before leaving town again." she tells him.

"Anyway, the job would be to make the return trip to the island with us and help these villagers against the bad guys. And these villagers pay really well, let me tell ya. We just came back with more gold and pearls than I knew what to do with after helping those villagers out against some undead and some dwarves who had blocked up their well. We've got a chest of gold to hand out as advance payment to anyone that joins the mission. 4,500 gold pieces to be split three ways so far, unless we can get some more help signed up. And that first payment you could spend before we leave town, with the promise of more when the job is done before we return to Orussus. Don't know exactly how much the later payment would be, but trust me when I say these villagers will treat you like royalty with their feasts and their pearls! You should have seen the banquet they did after we helped kill that Hydra! Whew! It was something else, I'll tell ya." Phoenix tells him with a big smile on her face.

"In case it matters, those you'd be working with so far would be me and a katara named Lookspring. He's a little overanxious sometimes, but he's great with a bow and he can track really good in the wild. As for myself, I'm a fighting type like you, but my weapon is here..." she says as she holds up her hand and manifests her mindblade which crackles with energy. "I can use it up close, or throw it at the enemies from a distance. So, that's what you'd be doing and who you'd be doing it with. You interested still?" She asks with a grin as she realizes another unintended meaning for that last bit she said. 'Funny that it came out that way, but he IS a cute one...' she thinks to herself.


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The door of the inn swings open to admit a small Katara. The figure takes a moment to brush off the road dust before approaching the bar. He wears a wolf's skin helmet upon his head and carries a bow and quiver on his back. A few heads turn and look at him expectantly. He narrows his eyes in suspicion at the sudden attention. What's this then? Wait, I'm supposed to do something here, it's been a while... oh yes! He scrambles up onto a bar stool and announces himself. "I'm Lookspring, slayer of undead and hydras! Hero of the savage island! I've sailed the endless ocean to the edge of the world and back." From his new vantage he spots Phoenix across the room engaged in conversation with a giant of a man. He points and says, "And that's my partner. We're going back to the island where pearls and gold are in endless supply!" He produces one of the large pearls with a flourish and holds it above his head in both hands for all to see. With a wide grin he pockets it once more and hops down off the stool. Wending his way among the tables and chairs he heads over to Phoenix's table to see what progress she's made in recruiting more able bodied adventurers.


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"How ya doing, Lookspring?" Phoenix greets the katara. "This is Rowan McTavish. I've been talking with him about the job we're hiring for. He seems like he'd be pretty good for the job as far as I'm concerned."


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Lookspring carefully studies the large man sitting at the table. Hmm, he's big, that's for sure. Plenty of meat for stopping arrows and swords and slavering hydra teeth. He's too big though. I'll never be able to shoot an arrow past him. Maybe.. I might be able to shoot between the legs if he stands right." While he muses on some tricky sharp shooting he orders a drink to sip on while they search for more people. He turns to Phoenix and says, "I think he'll do. When the time comes I'll find some way to miss him. It'll take all my skill however; it will be like missing a barn from the inside!" He snickers a bit at his joke.


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"Obliging villagers. Gold and pearls. Payment up front. Talking cats, and a pretty lady." Rowan smiles at Phoenix, showing his even white teeth. "What more could I want?"

His eyes wander across the empty room. "We've really missed the boat on adventurers, I'm afraid. This place was packed when I fell asleep. Someone must have spilled a chest of gold or opened a free keg of beer out there. Still. That's more for us, eh? I'll tell you, I've been sitting around this room for entirely too long. Let's head on out. I've got a library card, though. Looking up Yuan-Ti's is probably a good idea. I've never heard of them either."

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