Level Up (A5E) Classes: Winner and Losers


(he, him)
I didn't want to be this pedantic, but since it's needed let's go.. The above statement is wrong: 3.5E was also non-vancian in the sense you refer to, as you didn't have to memorize the same spell multiple times to cast it more than once.
I really do not want to get in to a protracted argument with you about this, especially since how magic worked in 3.5 is rather off topic for this subforum, but I feel compelled to point out that that you absolutely did. How Wizards in 3.5 prepared their spells was identical to how they prepared them in 3.0, which apart from terminology change was identical to Mages memorised their spells in 2e.

Sorcerers were different of course, but the claim was never that every class used it, just that it was used in the edition. In 4e, it was literally only the Wizard, and even you only you had a lot fewer slots, and by default only two spell choices per slot (expandable with a feat). Plus at will and encounter spells made the vancian daily spells a smaller proportion of their overall power - I like to think of it as 4e putting vancian magic on a drip before 5e killed it entirely.

Anyway, thank you for confirming re A5e magic. I am not strongly bothered either way, because I like both vancian and AE/5e-style; I just wanted to make sure I had not massively got the WEOTS.


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I really do not want to get in to a protracted argument with you about this, especially since how magic worked in 3.5 is rather off topic for this subforum, but I feel compelled to point out that that you absolutely did. How Wizards in 3.5 prepared their spells was identical to how they prepared them in 3.0, which apart from terminology change was identical to Mages memorised their spells in 2e.

Sorcerers were different of course, but the claim was never that every class used it, just that it was used in the edition. In 4e, it was literally only the Wizard, and even you only you had a lot fewer slots, and by default only two spell choices per slot (expandable with a feat). Plus at will and encounter spells made the vancian daily spells a smaller proportion of their overall power - I like to think of it as 4e putting vancian magic on a drip before 5e killed it entirely.

Anyway, thank you for confirming re A5e magic. I am not strongly bothered either way, because I like both vancian and AE/5e-style; I just wanted to make sure I had not massively got the WEOTS.

You're totally right about this, it has been a very long time since I played original 3.5, and given this particular aspect I start to remember why.
I confused it with Trailblazer (which in a sense was something like A5E wants to be wrt 5e): spellcasting was much more flexible and similar to 5e. Thanks for pointing that out.

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