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Clockwork, Steam & Sorcery Characters


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Lartis "The Lame", male half-orc Clr1; Medium-sized humaniod (half-orc); Hit Dice 1d8+1; hp 9; Init -1; Speed 20ft; AC 13; Flatfooted: 9; Touch Attacks: 9; Check Penalty: -0; Arcane Spell Fail: 0%; Armor AC Bonus: +4; Dex AC Bonus: -1;
Max Dex Bonus: +4; Melee Attacks: Quarterstaff 1d6+2 x2; Morningstar 1d8+2 x2; AL: LG; SV: Fort +3; Ref -1; Will +5; Str 14, Dex 9, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16, Chr 9

Skills and Feats: Knowledge (Religion) +5 (4+1), Heal +7 (4+3), Concentration +5 (4+1); Spellcasting Prodigy

Domains: Law and Protection

Languages: Common, Orc, Celestial

Equipment: Quarterstaff, Morningstar; Chain Shirt, Healer's Kit, Wooden Holy symbol, Cleric's Vestment, Empty Journal, Inkpen, 3 vials of ink, 2 belt pouches

Base Spells/Day 3 1+1 - - - - - - - -
Bonus Spells - 1 1 1 - - - - - -
Total Spells/Day 3 3 (1) (1) - - - - - -


Lartis' mother was a half-orc and a servant the church of Orma. Sadly, the fates had not made her the most attractive of ladies, and when a half-orc came into town that did not immediately turn away from her in revulsion, she thought it was love. The brief dalliance only lasted a few days, but the end result was Lartis' conception.

The labor was a brutal one, as his mother had became ill during the pregnancy, and it seemed the further the pregnancy advanced, the weaker she became, although the babe seemed to be doing fine. She lived long enough to hear Lartis' birth cry and look into his dark brown eyes before she was welcomed into Orma's hallowed halls.

The years that followed were peaceful for Lartis, as the brothers never spoke ill of his heritage, and would allow none to speak ill of him in their presence, as in their eyes, he was clearly marked as a "chosen one". However, they could not protect him forever.

Taking a rare walk outside of the church walls at night, Lartis heard a cry from the side of a bar and rushed to help a soul in need, but what was meant to be an act of mercy backfired quickly.

At 16 Lartis was physically as grown as any priest in the church, and when the rowdies saw a "damned black-blood" running towards them, they wasted no time in ignoring the crying female to have more "fun" with Lartis. While Lartis fought as best he could, he soon fell to the barrage of blows which rained down upon him, and soon his world faded into black.

When he opened his eyes, he did not see the angels he expected, but the relieved faces of the priests and the simple walls of his room. They truthfully told him of the damage to his left leg, damage that sadly even their spells could not repair, and that the leg would never respond fully to his wishes.

Lartis took the news in stride, trusting that it was part of the divine plan, and as soon as he could able began relearning to walk again. By his 17th summer, Lartis was walking again, although now with a pronounced limp.

The high priest saw the manner in which Lartis bore the injury, both physically and mentally, and felt that there was too much potential in him to ignore. Calling in a favor which could not be ignored, the high priest arranged for Lartis to be enrolled at the beginning of the next school year, after he finished his temple training.

Three years later, Lartis has reached his final year in the university and while he has suffered the stigma of his bloodline, he returns hostility with acceptance and the number of taunts which come his way decrease each summer.
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Buri LN Conjurer1
(Enchantment and Illusion prohibited)

Str 10 +0
Dex 14 +2
Con 12 +1
Wis 10 +0
Int 16 +3
Cha 12 +1

Frt: +1
Ref: +2
Wil: +2

BAB: +0
hp: 5
AC: 12
Init: +2

Spellcraft +8
Know: Arcana +8
Know: The planes +10
Concentration +5
Craft: Gemcutting +8
Appraise(cc) +6


Scibe Scroll
Spell Focus: Conjuration
Skill Focus: Know: The planes

Spells per day (Stock+Specialist)
3+1 / 2+1

Spells Known
0: All except Enchantment and Illusion
1: Comprehend Languages, Mage Armor, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking Grasp, Summon Monster I, Unseen Servant

Memorized Spells
0: Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand + Ray of Frost
1: Comprehend Languages, Shocking Grasp + Summon Monster I

Buri is a male human, 5'11, 160 lbs, 25 years old. He has a forest of dark brown hair that defies all attempts to style it. He has pale green eyes and a rugged, clean shaven face. He is quiet, serious, and introverted but exhibits random bursts of sarcasm to those he feels warrant it.

Buri's family hails from Marguard. His father fought in the Orc war and died a few years after so he was raised manily by his mother, Magdelena, who owned a small farm just outside of town. He lived a simple, quiet life and he was content with it. However, his mother was not content. She saw her son take the responsiblities of manhood at an early age and bear it with no ill will. She felt that her son deserved more from life and she set out to find him a way to a better life.

Magdelena knew her son to be a smart, inquisitive man. She secretly sought out potential appretenticeships on his behalf with some of the more intellectually challenging guilds such as the Church of Arcos and the guild of Architecture and Engineering but no one was interested in a twenty something young man from the sticks who's mother assured them was "very promising".

One night, after being laughed out of the Hall of Technomancy for offering to pay Buri's tuition with produce, Magdelena had about had enough. She had run out of options and still had not found her oblivious son anything promising. As she glumly made her way through the town square she noticed a new poster on the proclamation board. The University in Arcosia was offering scholarships to one person from each region in the realms. All that was needed was for the applicant to go to the town hall and challenge the test. Excited and full of hope, Magdelena hurried home to tell Buri the good news.

Buri was not excited. He asked why he should leave the farm when he was happy and who would take care of Magdelena when he was gone? Magdelena would have none of it though and the next day all but dragged him down to the town hall to challenge the test.

Buri passed the test and left home the next week to become the latest addition to the school thanks to the school's pilot "Sponsor A Yokel" program. He has just recently arrived at the school and now that he's there is eager to prove to his mother and himself that he belongs in this school. He plans on devoting himself whole heartedly to his studies and making his mark on the world.

Edit: Still being worked on.
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First Post
Okay, here's a basic concept, stats and all

Name: Dorian Veckt
Alignment: Neutral good
Class/level: Fighter/1
Race: Human
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 215 lbs
Age: 22
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
HP: 11
BAB: +1

STR: 14 (+2)
CON: 13 (+1)
DEX: 13 (+1)
INT: 14 (+2)
WIS: 12 (+1)
CHA: 10 (0)

Will: +1
Fortitiude: +3
Reflex: +1

Skill focus (Craft/weaponsmith)
Weapon focus (Dwarven waraxe) (class bonus)
Skill focus (alchemy)(race bonus)

Craft (weaponsmith) 4/+8
Knowledge (metalurgy) 2/+4
Alchemy 2/+6
Knowledge (enchantment) 2/+4
Craft (armourer) 4/+6

Major: Alchemical metalurgy
Thesis: "Stronger than Steel, Improving Metals by Introducing Magical/Alchemical Substances"

Dwarven waraxe
Masterwork weaponsmith tools
Scale armor
Artisans & explorers outfits
4 days rations
2 waterskins
Bullseye lantern
2 pints oil
63 gold, 7 silver, for now.

The son of a master weaponsmith, Dorian knew that he was intended for the same path. His grandfather, a soldier during the war against the orcs, had come home with only a soldiers pension and a desire to kill in his heart. A crippling blow to the leg removed most of his ability to act on the later, but he used the pension to set himself up as a weaponsmith, outfitting others to do what he could not. He relocated the family to the borders of Marguard, in case the orcs ever returned in force. His son inherited his skills and improved on them, while managing to degrade his father's burning hatred of orcs to a dull aggression. When Dorian was born, he was put to work in the forge almost as soon as he could carry coal for the fire. He almost literally grew up in the smithy, learning the skill to craft extraordinary weapons. Dorian was in awe of his father, particularly as he watched some of the master smith's greatest works enchanted by a local sorcerer. Seeing that gave young Dorian an idea: What if the steel itself could be enchanted, while it was still in ingots or in liquid form? Such a feat would allow for a kind of mass production of enchanted weapons and armor. He began to spend some time in study with the wizard, with the blessing of his father once he explained his plan. He realized soon that magic itself might not do the trick, but mixing magical substances in with the raw materials might. He saved money for quite awhile, and between himself and his father he was able to enter the university to continue his work.
Personality: Dorian is quite driven. He harbors an intense dislike of orcs, which carries over to half-breeds as well, though he is able to control himself. He is rarely a sociable person, but can work well with others, having seen the value of teamwork and cooperation from an early age. He is fond of anything of a military nature, and studies military history in his free time.

Voidrunner's Codex

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