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Clutches of Evil - IC: Chapter One


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Keryth, Male Drakontos Cleric

As Bahruul starts to examine the floor under the beds, Keryth says, “I don’t think you’ll find much Bahruul, though you’re welcome to look...they seemed to be very good at their task. What concerns me is why they took our gear and only knocked us unconscious, when they could have killed us all quite easily...what else do they want?”

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Nonlethal Force said:
A slight grin crosses Destiny's lips as she listens to Gav. The smile passes under her six long whiskers. Her head cocks ever so slightly to the right and she says, "Kids got spunk, if nothing else."

"Spunk and a secret or two, I gather," Byntrou says, standing. Before Destiny can hit him with one of her patented glares, the Bous puts up a hand. "Not that there's anything wrong with that."

Still nursing his throbbing head, he turns to the small and large males he doesn't know. "Poor idea or not, we've already summoned the guard. We'll see how helpful they are soon. In the meanwhile ... I'm certain I've not met the two of you, and I'd hate to have to spend the next however long referencing you in questioning by guards or in person as, say, 'shorty' and 'beanpole.' Perhaps we should collect ourselves with a round of introductions. I'm Byntrou of the winding river."

He hisses at another thump in his head, adding with a mumble "And the pounding headache."


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Gav had frowned as stuff was said about him, not too sure if they were making fun of him or not. Finally, he decided that it didn't really matter, and shrugged it off. Coming to stand in front of Byntrou, he puts out his hand, as high as he can manage, and smiles.

"Name's Gav, mister. Lived in the streets as long as I can remember, so I guess that'd make me Gav Of the Street, eh? I might be small, but that can be awful useful s'mtimes, yanno? I think I can be of some help getting our stuff back, and punchin' that noose fella in the nose. You'll see!"

With some of the excitment ebbing, any who cares to look can see that Gav does look with just another street urchin, if with some things a bit.. Off. His clothing is rather cleaner than you'd think for one, as is the rest of him. There is some brownish stains on the right sleeve, however. His hair is rather longish, covering his ears, and somewhat wild, but also pretty clean.

Nonlethal Force

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As you look under the bunks, you see nothing in particular. The dust has been undisturbed and matches the cobwebs still in the corner of the room. At least you can safely determine that their point of entry was not from under the beds.


While Barhuul is on his knees, a woman turns the corner and peers into the room. Seeing the adventurers awake and seemingly healthy, she lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank Pelor that none of you were injured, this time. But I heard one of you asking why. Well, I can tell you why. Or at least I can tell you the scuttle that is spread around town among the taverns and the inns. Whether there's truth to it or not, I can at least tell ya. Rumor is that the old evil wizard is searching for a magic item. Some say its a crystal, some say its a small staff. Some say he is assembling pieces of a long lost artifact of great power. But anyone unique that enters the town he takes interest in. They say ... he has a band of theives working for him who've been robbing people that catch his interest. You know, they take items of value and give anything that would interest a mage to the old wizard. The city guard has been doubled around the town's inns to protect the travelors, but apparently this time the theives got some kind of magical assistance. They didn't come in through the front door, that's for sure."

Suddenly an embarrassed expression passes over her face. "Pardon me. My name is Karen. You already met my boy, Thomas. I'm sorry for his intrusion upon your life. I'll be preparing breakfast this morning. I'm sure you met my husaband, Elrik, last night when you arrived. He normally shows people to the room. I've dispatched Thomas to get the guard, they'll arrive shortly. But please, don't let me interrupt..."

She steps back to seem out of the way, but does not leave in case she is further needed.


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Barak said:
"Name's Gav, mister. Lived in the streets as long as I can remember, so I guess that'd make me Gav Of the Street, eh? I might be small, but that can be awful useful s'mtimes, yanno? I think I can be of some help getting our stuff back, and punchin' that noose fella in the nose. You'll see!"

Byntrou smiles at the boy's obvious native charm. He kneels in front of him so they're at the same height, and carefully shakes Gav's small hand with his far more massive Bous fingers.

"A pleasure, Gav of the street. And certainly size has its own advantages." With this he nods his head to the side, where Delcoi is coiled on his shoulder. "Delcoi is my most prized companion, and you see how small she is. And our Aster friend, Destiny, has a might her size would bely."

Then Byntrou turns to address Karen, frowning. "Your town guard knows of this wizard but has sent no one to meet him head on? Have you no magus of your own here to oppose him? Surely the regent could send aid if pressed...?"
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Keryth, Male Drakontos Cleric

Realising there’s something a little strange about Gav, having lived on the streets himself, he decides to test a hunch. Moving across to Gav he attempts to ruffle his hair, checking for pointed ears, as he introduces himself. “I’m Keryth, nice to meet you young Gav...I only wish it were under better circumstances. Of course we’d be glad of any help you could provide, and from what you said of the guard it sounds like you're from around here, so your knowledge of this area should be most useful in tracking down these miscreants.”
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Although he doesn't seem pleased at all with being touched by what is, after all, a stranger, Gav makes no effort to avoid the touch. Keryth's efforts' are rewarded with horribly scarred ears, making it impossible to see weither they were pointed at one point or not.

"Yeah well, I might be from around here, but that just means that the guards really don't like me, you know? Much easier to blame stuff on me then on some powerful wizard. Lazy idiots."


First Post
Keryth, Male Drakontos Cleric

“I understand completely,” he says a note of sincerity in his voice, like he’s experienced it himself, “It’s always easier to blame those less fortunate that to challenge someone in a position of power.”

Nonlethal Force

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Destiny chuckles. "Careful, dragon-priest." The description is used affirmingly, not at all with a derrogative tone in mind. "The little ones will have you wrapped around their wee fingers quicker than you realize at this rate."

She slips a wink to Gav and stands up, just to make the point that she and Gav are not much different in height at all. As she stands, it is now clear that she wore a loose fitting top and short shorts to sleep in. She ties the strings on her top tightly to her body so as to not put anyone in more of an uncomfortable position than they already are in. Once done, her posture seems natural, without embarassment to her present state of clothing. With regard to the clothing she adds, "But I don't know about the rest of you, but to adventure in what they left behind may make for more of an adventure that I'd really care to have."

Karen replies to Byntrou, "The wizard is difficult to find. Truth is, nobody has ever seen this mage. Or, well, at least nobody ever admits to seeing Jithar. Whether he really exists or not is anybodies guess. That's why I said if you believe the scuttle around town. Jithar is sort f a common legend. Jithar gets blamed for alot - but nobody ever sees him. Eh, for that matter I s'pose nobody even knows its a him!" The left side of her mouth rises in a smirk at her own realization. That thought had never before crossed her mind. "I believe the mage is alive. But I've no proof."

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