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Clutches of Evil - IC: Chapter One


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Keryth, Male Drakontos Cleric

Grinning at Byntrou’s assessment of Pwent’s eating prowess he replies laughing, “I think you might be right Byntrou. I hope the guards are making themselves useful and protect the food until we get there.” As he follows the Bous from the room.

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Nonlethal Force

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Destiny looks to Gav and Bahruul and smirks. "Don't worry. If he eats it all, I'll make sure it makes him sick!"

An amuzed and slightly mischeivous smirk passes her face. She then scampers down the hall and towards the smells of meal.

IN THE DINING ROOM: {When you arrive}

As the party arrives in the dining room, there is a single guard standing between the kitchen and the table. He is 6' tall and lightly armored in leather. A simple shortsword is stowed in its scabbard at his waist. A small metal shield rests upon the ground, and painted upon the shield is the symbol of Theropa - a snake with its tongue sniffing the air wrapped around a simple staff.

The guard seems to be having a pleasant conversation with Thomas, who is pestering the guard with questions about armor and stopping the theives. Karen is amuzed by the conversation and shecan be heard laughing at some of the guards comments. Elrik is already serving himself part of the potatoes that have been set out in the large bowl. Also on the table is an ample serving of bacon and buscuits. A large tray of fresh fruit has been set in the center.

Elrik, recognizing you from the night before when you checked in, stands and invites you to sit down and dig in. He begins by saying, "I hear from Karen and the guard that you have interest in catching these theives?"


First Post
Keryth, Male Drakontos Cleric

“Good morning Elrik,” Keryth says as he sits, serving himself a bit of everything, “We are indeed interested in catching these thieves, I think they’ll find they’ve decided to rob the wrong people this time.” Starting on the hot food first, he takes several bites savouring the smell and taste of something that isn’t trail rations before continuing. “Karen was saying earlier to ask you about Regent's directive, she said it was something about equipping people that are robbed.”

Nonlethal Force

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Chewing frantically between bites, Elrik continues, "Yeah. I know a guy who can get you most of what you need to start. Mind you - nothing really great or anything. But in the right hands it'll get you out there. You'll either have enough success to get weapons and armor of your own ... or you'll die trying like the last group. Well, I don't know that they died. But they ain't been heard from since they tried to stop the theives." His fork finds a long piece of underdone bacon and he quickly stuffs it into his mouth.


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Gav keeps his head down, and makes himself a small plate of food. Picking the seat farthest from the guard, he sits down and starts to eat, quickly, his head still down, doing his best not to draw any attention.



Bahruul picks at the food on his plate, his hunger somewhat blunted by the recent conversation in the room upstairs. "Did I do the right thing in telling my story? Have I bought these people into danger? Maybe I should leave them and go my own way so they don't get hurt" he thinks to himself, his fork softly stabbing at the biscuit on his plate and his eyes wandering around the table taking in each of his companions. His eyes come to rest on Gav, the young boy trying to melt into the background "he has seen so much hurt for one so young can I honestly walk with him on a path that likely leads directly to more hurt?". Elrick's words break through his thoughts and he nods his head at the thought of again being armed "I can put this decision off until I leave town, the boy will probably be safer with me about anyway." he thinks, and then, with the decision made, he goes heartily about breaking his fast.


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Delcoi assures Byntrou she found a nice catch behind the Inn's walls to break fast upon while she waited for the party to regain consciousness. She instead occupies herself by perching on Byntrou's horn, craning herself up to get a good look at the shield. Feeling her swell of pride, Byntrou finds himself smiling as he makes his plate. "My friend here feels your town has exquisite taste in avatars," he calls lightly to the guard. "I wonder, our talk of vigilantism notwithstanding, what does the guard know about this series of robberies? We've heard the general citizen consensus. Do you know more?"

Nonlethal Force

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The guard smirks at Byntrou, this not being his first time in seeing a bous. "By general consensus, you mean the commoners view that Jithar is employing theives. We've seen no evidence of a mage until your own robbery. It was always a breakin, removal of items, and then a quick get-away into the underground. More than likely, the items on your person are already headed towards a Black Market shop. But Thomas tells me your robbery was different. Thisis the first time that there apparently is no sign of entrance into your room. Clearly, there now is a magic means being employed. But that does not prove Jithar exists. It is the informed opinion of the local guard and city officials that this is merely a hoax being used by the various theives guild to instill fear of a great being into their minds."

He reaches down and picks up a few potato slices and tosses one into his mouth. "But as long as I am here, if you want to provide us with information on what was stolen I can add it to the list of items we are currently looking for. And feel free to ask any further questions that you might have."


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"I'm going to assume you've been told about the scarlet hangman's mark?" Byntrou says between downing a buscuit and stabbing another piece of bacon. "Seems awfully ... noteworthy for a band so known for their stealth, yes?

"As to stolen items. Well, my entire assortment of gear, but most of it's replaceable given enough time. I suspect you don't want to clutter the list with things like how many torches I was carrying. Two things of import to me, at least: I had a ring, enchanted so as to keep me from coming to harm if I fell from a great height.

"I also carried a composite longbow, crafted myself under my mother's instruction. That one has more sentimental value than anything, but it's also noteworthy in that it might be easily identified. It bears both my mother's crafting mark and my own. Mother's is a heron. Mine is a string of three diamonds ... "
Here he lifts Delcoi from his horn. She obligingly stretches out on his hand, where he points to the pattern on her back. "Like these here on Delcoi."

Pwent, by this time fully Gorging himself with the assortment of food(suprisingly enough though his plate is clean as a whistle) manages to get this out between mouthfuls,"Augm Me... Armor.. Stolen... Beasties... Spikey... Helmet... Two... feetlong."He gets out the last two words in a hurry and goes back to eating happily

Voidrunner's Codex

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