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Clutches of Evil - IC: Chapter One


Bahruul Bous Barbarian

Nonlethal Force said:
He then turns to Bahruul and smiles. "Well, if you are looking for a weapon that will make your opponents question before attacking you, might I suggest one of our greatswords?" He motions for an assistant to come and remove the weapon from its case - his small body not even close to being able to handle a great weapon such as that. As Endoo retrieves a solid battleaxe from its case he motions for another aid to come over and retrieve a greataxe. "But if you are into axes, my new friend, one of these might look fasionable on the battlefield, don't you think?" Again, he motions for a third aid to come over and remove a halberd from a case. "But if you've never tried out one of these weapons, you might like the versitility of the tip. With the right control, accuracy, and practice you stab or slice - whereas with the other two weapons I have shown you, a slice is really your only option. Try them out, and tell me what feels natural in your hands. Of course I know that you cannot use them all, but I want you to be happy with your choice." Each of the weapons given to Bahruul are good and studry weapons. They each feel appropriately made, so it is a matter of choice for Bahruul. Each of the assistants stands at Bahruul's side with the weapons until they are dismissed by his choosing a weapon.
Bahruul motions the assistants to follow him outside so that he has some room to swing the weapons and check their balance and weight. Finding one that he likes he walks back into the store, the Great Sword slung over his shoulder. "I shall take this fine blade good Endoo" he rumbles "it will suit my purposes admirably. I will also take a battleaxe and a warhammer. Are we ready to look at armour?"

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Nonlethal Force

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The Aetos nods at Bahruul's request and retrieves his desired items from the other cases. He then locks up the weapons that he did not want and motions for the party to follow him to the back room. Two of the assistants stay in the front weapons room.

"Now," he continues, "My suits of armor are deigned to fit the average person. They use a series of straps and buckles to help the armor custom fit, but this is by no means as good as having an armorsmith make a suit of armor fit you specifically. If you are successful in your ventures and make a profit, I would certainly offer my services to helping you purchase a specially tailored suit of armor for any of you who might like to embark into such a purchase. But for now I do believe that I have armor that will fit all who want it, even the larger Bous. So, let me see if I get this right..."

He looks to Keryth and motions for his assistant. "Chainmail and Heavy Shield." The assistant retrieves the chainmail suit from the wall and Endoo pulls out a heavy shield. The item is clearly heavy for him to carry, but he manages to bring it to Keryth. The assistant has less difficulty bringing the heavy armor over to Keryth.

Looking warily to the human who had requested the helmet spike he says, "Breastplate, preferrably spiked." The assistant retreived the armor and brought it to Pwent.

"I do believe that is all the orders that were explicitly stated out front."

To Byntrou he replies, "Unfortunately I do not have access to scrap leather here at my store - I am merely the retailer who employs several smithies. But if you give me a day or two I might be able to procure something if you can describe what need you have for it."

The armor appears to be a standard grade military equipment. It is highly polished and as of yet unused. Endoo smiles as the armor is handed out and he seems to expect those who desire armor to try it on and approve its fit before heading back out into the world. His assistant stands ready to help anyone into their armor as well as to adjust the straps for a more personal fit.


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Keryth, Male Drakontos Cleric

Keryth takes the heavy shield, proping it against the wall as he begins to don the chainmail. Taking several minutes to get it all sitting just as he want it, then asking assistant to adjust several straps before he is happy with the fit. Retrieving the heavy shield he straps it to his arm before making several measured movements, testing his ability to move. Once he is done with his testing he says, “I can barely tell they weren’t made specifically for me, they are fine armaments which I will be proud to wear.”


Bahruul Bous Barbarian

Casting an appreciative eye over the goods in the shop but feeling a little apprehesive about anything being able to fit his large frame Bahruul turns to the shopkeep once again "Well I must admit to being sceptical that anything in here will fit me but you have proven to be a most resourceful fellow so far so, surprise me." he says with a smile and a wink "I'd like a chain shirt please good sir"


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Gav did follow the others, but more out of curiosity than anything else. As the shopkeeper's eye go over him, he shrugs.

"I doubt you got anything my size, of course. I did manage to find some leather stuff once in the streets, but that was more luck than anything, I'm sure."


First Post

Nonlethal Force said:
To Byntrou he replies, "Unfortunately I do not have access to scrap leather here at my store - I am merely the retailer who employs several smithies. But if you give me a day or two I might be able to procure something if you can describe what need you have for it."

The shorter of the two Boes brushes it aside. "It's a spell component, actually. I'm sure I or one of my associates--"here he give a sidelong glance to Gav "--should be able to find it. That does bring up the question, however: does the Regent's program cover any other equipment aside from weapons and armor? Normal supplies and the like? And if so, would you know of a shop that participates?"

Nonlethal Force

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Endoo's assistant walks over to the chain armor once he is sure that Keryth is satisfied with the strapping of his armor. He selects out one of the largest shirts and carries it over to Bahruul. The Bous does find that his suspicion is correct, the shirt is a bit on the shall side; but it is manageable to wear without incurring any movement restrictions other than the normal restrictions for wearing armor. While the armor is nicely made, it is not armor that Bahruul would want to spend the rest of his life in.

Endoo notices the snug fit and questions his assistant if a bigger shirt can be found. When the assistant shakes his head in the egative, Endoo adds to Bahruul, "Well, once you get out doing something with these pieces of armor I'm sure you'll find yourself becoming attached to a few gems along the way. If you get enough money, if you pay in advance I can have my smiths pound you out a shirt specifically made for you. And if your friends are willing to wait for a spiked helmet or other specially designed needs, we could whip up that chain shirt for you, too." He seems quite apologetic that the shirt doesn't fit exactly right.

Turning to address the other Bous, he adds, "You're little friend here does seem quite confident in his ability to find what he needs out in the street. I'm sure he will be able to find his own armor and your leather before too long. But as for the other stuff, the Regent's program was really only desinged to provide the more expensive items that adventurers would need - weapons and armor for the most part. I have not heard of a program to fund for things like rations and torches and the like. Although there are enough ways in this town to make a few gold so as to not have to put those non-returnable items out on loan."


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Byntrou smiles, "True enough. I suppose we're just impatient to start before the trail grows too cold."

Byntrou turns to the priest to ask, "Keryth, you don't suppose your temple has any quick work they need accomplished that might provide enough to cover our basics?"


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Keryth, Male Drakontos Cleric

“Byntrou I’ve never seen a temple to Bahamut, my training was accomplished by a lone old man in a deserted abbey, and having only just arrived recently I’m not aware of one here though I suppose one may exist...sorry I can’t be of more immediate help. Perhaps Destiny has some idea of where we could find some simple work?”


First Post

Gav appears shocked at Keryth's words, his mouth agape.

"Simple work? At the wages you'd make, and taking away money for living expenses, it'lll take forever to make enough money to get stuff! I could.."

There, the boy stops, and after a glance toward Endoo, continues, rather lamely.

".. Not think of any other way, though."

Voidrunner's Codex

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