Collected Core Handbook Errata

Page 55, under "keywords", oddly enough:

Stance: A stance power lasts until the end of the encounter, for 5 minutes, or until you use another stance power.

At the start of an adjacent enemy's turn, if you are currently capable of making opportunity attacks, that enemy takes 1[W] damage. That's really all there is to it.

Henrix said:
Can we please keep this thread to errata, and have the rules questions in other threads?
exodus747 seemed to think there was some error in this power, for some reason ("this is just one of the errors i noticed reading the book"). But yes, I second this request.

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MM - Page 278. Orcs don't have a line for skill bonuses.

I've checked all the other races in the PHB and MM and they all have at least one +2 bonus so I'm assuming it's a typo rather than intended. In my game we went for +2 Endurance and +2 Intimidate which seemed appropriate.

Particle_Man said:
PHB page 7 "Throughout the 1980s, the game experienced remarkable growth. Novels, a cartoon series, computer games and the first campaign settings (Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance) were released,"

Does not mention the Greyhawk campaign setting, which I am pretty sure was released (as a boxed set) before Forgotten Realms and am certain was released before Dragonlance.

Was I wrong, or does this not count as errata?

its intentionally omitted (like ravenloft etc ) thay only named settings that they want to update to 4th edition ( FR eberron dragonlance and new one not yet discovered)

PHB 179(typo): The second paragraph under the heading Knowledge Skills starts,
"The check DC increases based on the specific topic and how common the knowledge is. The check DC increases based on the specific topic and how common the knowledge is."

Reliant Keyword pg. 55 of the PHB

" If you miss when using a reliable power, you don't expend the use of that power. "

Should read as....

" A reliable power is not expended unless it hits. "

Reasoning: A power like Thicket of Blades is reliable and attacks multiple targets. It is not intended to do 3w damage for multiple rounds, which the fighter could control by choosing to miss targets or imposing penalties on his attack rolls to ensure a miss.
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Keenath said:
I think Sleep is missing an important clause.

I'm not entirely convinced either way, but I'll add it to the list. Garrote Grip seems like a pretty lame power, by the way. You have to hold a grab for three rounds before they fall unconscious? I suppose you get cover and such... but still.

Particle_Man said:
Was I wrong, or does this not count as errata?

Oh, sorry. I meant to comment on that but I must have forgotten. I'll just echo Damador in saying that I believe it was intentional, not an oversight (even though it may be not entirely accurate).

thanks for the good work since your errata seems to draw Wotc's attention. Maybe you could add this to the list?

PHB p.111 Under the daily exploit cruel cage of steel; A target hit three times is weakened and stunned until the end of your next turn.

Stunned doesn't grant the target any actions, so what's the benefit of having it weakened?

Prodigal_Sun said:
thanks for the good work since your errata seems to draw Wotc's attention. Maybe you could add this to the list?

PHB p.111 Under the daily exploit cruel cage of steel; A target hit three times is weakened and stunned until the end of your next turn.

Stunned doesn't grant the target any actions, so what's the benefit of having it weakened?

Perhaps certain creatures are immune to one of those two effects? Then only the other would apply.

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