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[COMBAT] Branding's Age of Worms


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Alexi - Round 3

Alexi tries to get ahold of the chain once more, hoping to get down further to clear the way for the others. She will jump the last few feet if necessary.

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Majakilar watches as the young woman Alexi scrambles down the chain, and gasps as she almost slips. "Hold on Alexi! Grab hold of the chain again! You can do it!"

Tossing his glaive aside, he rushes forward, reaching out with his hands. "Don't worry, if you slip I'll break your fall! Come on Alexi!"

OOC: Readying an action to catch/cushion her fall.


Gregor will shout "Hold on!" to Atzen as he shifts the dwarf to cling to his back. He will then have one arm free as he leaps out to grab the chain. He will then exert all his strength just to hold on, wrapping his legs around the chain for more support. One companion clinging to his back, the other paralyzed and clutched tightly to his side.


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It takes only a fraction of a second for Azten's sense of self-preservation (and dislike of bouncing after falling large distances) to overcome his indignation at being picked up and hauled by Gregor.

Shouting to be heard over the roar of the wind, Azten hangs on for all he's worth and lets Gregor know.

I'm trying!

Shooting Iron Balls? Round 1

Majakilar 22
Alexi 16
Owen 15
Kenneth 13
Gregor 12
Azten 5
Creature 3

No map at the moment as I am not home. The room you are in is about 50 feet long and 20 feet wide. The "bridge" is a beam about three feet in width which runs its entire length down the middle. The party except for Majakilar is standing in a small vestibule (for lack of a better word) which is about 10 feet by 10 feet. Majakilar is knee deep in iron balls on the opposite side of the room, about 45 to 50 feet from the party. The ceature is located about 35 feet from Majakilar and about 25 feet from the front of the party.
People standing on the bridge can attack those standing on the iron balls below, and visa versa, even without a reach weapon, as the balls are generally within 5 to 7 feet of the bottom of the bridge, but only if the person below is standing in a square adjacent to the bridge. The creature is currently standing in a square against the wall, so it can only be hit my ranged attacks and reach weapons by folks on the bridge.
The balls are considered trecherous terrain and require double the movement to cross. In addition, anyone taking strenuous actions (such as attacking) while standing upon the unstable balls must make a DC 10 Balance check or fall prone. Due to the creature's body shape it doesn't have to make these Balance checks, although it still has to pay the double movement cost.
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Mista Collins

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Holding both daggers in his hand Owen jumps down onto one of the balls below. Trying to distract the creature and draw its attention away from Majakilar for the moment, Owen hopes it allows time for the others to help.

OOC - Entering the pit near the opposite wall of the creature.


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"Ow!" Majakilar says, rubbing his sore spots. "Other side might be your best choice!" he says, mimicking Owen's voice. "Hey Owen, there IS no other side safe from these balls! Just this door!" He points behind him, then realizes there's nothing there but stone wall, then points up, to where the door is. "Er, I mean THAT door, up there!"

Looking around, he spies the bits of clothing "Such a horrid color, who would wear such a thing?" he says to no one in particular.

But before he can reach out to grab one, the grey-brown tentacled serpent bursts forth. He sees it swing his head around, as if looking for something. "You're blind, are you? It's just as well, trust me, you're even uglier than Balabar Smenk! Well come on then, beastie!" Majakilar raises his glaive, ready to strike.

Dodge against the beast for AC 19.
Readied attack with guisearme +2 (2d4+3/x3).
Plus another attack when it closes, because of reach.
Current HP: 8


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Azten sticks to the bridge as he moves towards the center of the room. If no one is in need of healing (that he can reach), he'll cast Magic stone and use his sling on the creature when the opportunity arises.

OOC: Sling +1 (1D4/X2), Magic Stone= 3 pebbles, each stone that hits deals 1d6+1 points of damage (including the spell’s enhancement bonus), or 2d6+2 points against undead.


Gregor regrets not having anything to throw at the beast and will run across the bridge jumping over where the balls shot out at Majak to try to close the distance to the beast.


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Alexi pulls out her crossbow and loads it. Seeking a position in cover, from where she can see and shoot at the attacker.

Voidrunner's Codex

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