That's right. Just to prove how ridiculously over-powered dragons are in 3.5, I'm going to compare a baby dragon (wyrmling) to a cat. A common cat. For purposes of this comparison, I'll use a Black dragon, since their wyrmlings are size tiny.
The cat is size tiny.
A wyrmling black dragon is size tiny.
A cat has 2 hit points.
A wyrmling black dragon, which is the same size as a cat has 30 hit points.
A cat has a 3 strength.
A wyrmling black dragon has an 11 strength - stronger than a good portion of the population.
A cat has a movement of 30'.
A wyrmling black dragon moves at 60 ft. - that's right, twice as fast as the fastest cat you've ever seen, can fly at 100 ft., and swims faster than Michael Phelps at 60 ft. By way of comparison, a measly ol' 7HD Wyvern only flies at a pathetic 60' - but can fly AS FAST as an elder Air Elemental.
A cat has claw/claw/bite attack and deals a massive (1d2-4) and (1d3-4) points of damage with those, respectively.
A wyrmling black dragon also has a claw/claw/bite attack but deals 1d3/1d3/1d4 points of damage. So, to clarify - a cat's claw is 1d2, but a dragon's claw is 1d3. So, a wyrmling black dragon, which is as big as a cat, has sharper claws than a cat. Unfathomable.
A cat can cough up a hair ball.
A wyrmling black dragon, which is as big as a cat, can shoot a line of acid dealing 2d4 points of acid damage 30 feet. Ok, take a look at the room you're in. Place a cat in the corner of the room, and then imagine a line of acid streaming from its mouth traveling 30 feet. Just imagine that. I presume such an action would kill it, because 30' worth of volume of acid would leave anything size tiny a shriveled up dessicated husk once done.
A cat has an initiative of +2.
A wyrmling black dragon has an initiative of +0 - you know, despite being a faster swimmer, runner and flyer than just about anything in the world.
As you were.
The cat is size tiny.
A wyrmling black dragon is size tiny.
A cat has 2 hit points.
A wyrmling black dragon, which is the same size as a cat has 30 hit points.
A cat has a 3 strength.
A wyrmling black dragon has an 11 strength - stronger than a good portion of the population.
A cat has a movement of 30'.
A wyrmling black dragon moves at 60 ft. - that's right, twice as fast as the fastest cat you've ever seen, can fly at 100 ft., and swims faster than Michael Phelps at 60 ft. By way of comparison, a measly ol' 7HD Wyvern only flies at a pathetic 60' - but can fly AS FAST as an elder Air Elemental.
A cat has claw/claw/bite attack and deals a massive (1d2-4) and (1d3-4) points of damage with those, respectively.
A wyrmling black dragon also has a claw/claw/bite attack but deals 1d3/1d3/1d4 points of damage. So, to clarify - a cat's claw is 1d2, but a dragon's claw is 1d3. So, a wyrmling black dragon, which is as big as a cat, has sharper claws than a cat. Unfathomable.
A cat can cough up a hair ball.
A wyrmling black dragon, which is as big as a cat, can shoot a line of acid dealing 2d4 points of acid damage 30 feet. Ok, take a look at the room you're in. Place a cat in the corner of the room, and then imagine a line of acid streaming from its mouth traveling 30 feet. Just imagine that. I presume such an action would kill it, because 30' worth of volume of acid would leave anything size tiny a shriveled up dessicated husk once done.
A cat has an initiative of +2.
A wyrmling black dragon has an initiative of +0 - you know, despite being a faster swimmer, runner and flyer than just about anything in the world.
As you were.