Comparison: Wyrmling dragon and a cat


That's right. Just to prove how ridiculously over-powered dragons are in 3.5, I'm going to compare a baby dragon (wyrmling) to a cat. A common cat. For purposes of this comparison, I'll use a Black dragon, since their wyrmlings are size tiny.

The cat is size tiny.
A wyrmling black dragon is size tiny.

A cat has 2 hit points.
A wyrmling black dragon, which is the same size as a cat has 30 hit points.

A cat has a 3 strength.
A wyrmling black dragon has an 11 strength - stronger than a good portion of the population.

A cat has a movement of 30'.
A wyrmling black dragon moves at 60 ft. - that's right, twice as fast as the fastest cat you've ever seen, can fly at 100 ft., and swims faster than Michael Phelps at 60 ft. By way of comparison, a measly ol' 7HD Wyvern only flies at a pathetic 60' - but can fly AS FAST as an elder Air Elemental.

A cat has claw/claw/bite attack and deals a massive (1d2-4) and (1d3-4) points of damage with those, respectively.
A wyrmling black dragon also has a claw/claw/bite attack but deals 1d3/1d3/1d4 points of damage. So, to clarify - a cat's claw is 1d2, but a dragon's claw is 1d3. So, a wyrmling black dragon, which is as big as a cat, has sharper claws than a cat. Unfathomable.

A cat can cough up a hair ball.
A wyrmling black dragon, which is as big as a cat, can shoot a line of acid dealing 2d4 points of acid damage 30 feet. Ok, take a look at the room you're in. Place a cat in the corner of the room, and then imagine a line of acid streaming from its mouth traveling 30 feet. Just imagine that. I presume such an action would kill it, because 30' worth of volume of acid would leave anything size tiny a shriveled up dessicated husk once done.

A cat has an initiative of +2.
A wyrmling black dragon has an initiative of +0 - you know, despite being a faster swimmer, runner and flyer than just about anything in the world.

As you were.

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And a wyrmling black dragon is a whooping cr3, meaning it is supposedly as tough as an ogre, while a cat is just cr1/4.

A housecat has the following ability score modifiers: -8 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +0 Constitution, -8 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -4 Charisma. We can give a housecat the nonelite array without increasing its CR, and we'll assign 11 Strength, 12 Dexterity, 13 Constitution, 10 Intelligence, 9 Wisdom, and 8 Charisma. Thus, a housecat with the nonelite array distribution as given above would have the following ability scores: 3 Strength, 16 Dexterity, 13 Constitution, 2 intelligence, 11 Wisdom, 4 Charisma.

>Using Unearthed Arcana's flaw system, we can give the housecat the Meager Fortitude and Weak-Willed flaws so that it gets two free bonus feats. With three feat slots to spend, we can make the housecat take Shape Soulmeld (Airstep Sandals), Shape Soulmeld (Dissolving Spittle), and Shape Soulmeld (Soulspark Familiar). This gives it a fly speed of 10 feet with good maneuverability, a spit attack which deals 1d6 acid damage upon a successful ranged touch attack with a range of 60 feet as a standard action at will, and a useful familiar which is also a formidable combatant when compared to the housecat.

>So yeah, it's a min-maxed flying housecat that can spit acid and has its own pseudo-familiar. And it's still technically a CR 1/4 housecat. Make of it what you will

Plus, 8 incarnum-powered housecats will eat your black dragon wyrmling for lunch any time.;)

That's right. Just to prove how ridiculously over-powered dragons are in 3.5, I'm going to compare a baby dragon (wyrmling) to a cat. A common cat. For purposes of this comparison, I'll use a Black dragon, since their wyrmlings are size tiny.

Because, as we all know, creatures of the same size category should all roughly have the same level of combat ability, despite their Hit Dice, creature type, and stats.

The cat is size tiny.
A wyrmling black dragon is size tiny.

See above. This seems to be the cause of all the contention here.

A cat has 2 hit points.
A wyrmling black dragon, which is the same size as a cat has 30 hit points.

And to think, the cat has only 1/2 of a d8, whereas the black wyrmling has 4d12! Don't even get me started on that Con this is just so whacked!

A cat has a 3 strength.
A wyrmling black dragon has an 11 strength - stronger than a good portion of the population.

Because, again, creatures of the same size should all have the same strength. After all, it's like that for humans, right?

A cat has a movement of 30'.
A wyrmling black dragon moves at 60 ft. - that's right, twice as fast as the fastest cat you've ever seen, can fly at 100 ft., and swims faster than Michael Phelps at 60 ft. By way of comparison, a measly ol' 7HD Wyvern only flies at a pathetic 60' - but can fly AS FAST as an elder Air Elemental.

Heck with that, I can't believe that the dragon can fly and swim at all! The cat can't do that, so the fact that a dragon wyrmling can is clear and undeniable evidence that dragons are overpowered! We need more flying cats!

A cat has claw/claw/bite attack and deals a massive (1d2-4) and (1d3-4) points of damage with those, respectively.
A wyrmling black dragon also has a claw/claw/bite attack but deals 1d3/1d3/1d4 points of damage. So, to clarify - a cat's claw is 1d2, but a dragon's claw is 1d3. So, a wyrmling black dragon, which is as big as a cat, has sharper claws than a cat. Unfathomable.

And that extra 0.5 points of damage is going to seriously @#$% you up!!!

A cat can cough up a hair ball.
A wyrmling black dragon, which is as big as a cat, can shoot a line of acid dealing 2d4 points of acid damage 30 feet. Ok, take a look at the room you're in. Place a cat in the corner of the room, and then imagine a line of acid streaming from its mouth traveling 30 feet. Just imagine that. I presume such an action would kill it, because 30' worth of volume of acid would leave anything size tiny a shriveled up dessicated husk once done.

I agree with this; after all, who wouldn't go nuts over how supernatural abilities don't make physical sense in terms of real-world science.

This, right here, is all the proof anyone should need that 3.5 needed to get kicked to the curb - so we could get rid of it's wonky gamist tropes and institute the realistic, measured sanity that is 4E!

A cat has an initiative of +2.
A wyrmling black dragon has an initiative of +0 - you know, despite being a faster swimmer, runner and flyer than just about anything in the world.

Because it's not like, with its measly 4 Hit Dice, that wyrmling dragon couldn't just take Improved Initiative anyway. Stupid wyrmling.

As you were.

You tell 'em Curtis. You tell the world.

This, right here, is all the proof anyone should need that 3.5 needed to get kicked to the curb - so we could get rid of it's wonky gamist tropes and institute the realistic, measured sanity that is 4E!

All right, Alzrius, calm down. Take a deep breath.

First, it's a joke.

Second, I despise 4th edition.

I'm revising dragons to be more compatible with E6/E8, and they need some serious work in that department.

All right, Alzrius, calm down. Take a deep breath.

I'm trying, but I'm seriously still recovering from the laughter (which is with you, not at you).

First, it's a joke.

I know. I was getting in on it.

Second, I despise 4th edition.


I'm revising dragons to be more compatible with E6/E8, and they need some serious work in that department.

That seems a little needless, I'd think. Either raising their size category and/or their CR should be enough.

I can see this comparison being done just for kicks/laughs, but seriously, this is just a silly thing to do.

A Wyrmling Black, as pointed out earlier, is considered CR 3. A housecat is CR 1/4... Where's the equality? Compare the Wyrmling to an appropriate creature, like an ogre or another CR 3 creature if you want to prove how overpowered dragons are.

EDIT: By the time I posted this... there were only the first two responses... The others were apparently works-in-progress.
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That seems a little needless, I'd think. Either raising their size category and/or their CR should be enough.

Raising their size category? I assume you mean lowering it.

I'm readjusting everything. It's not very plausible to be a 19th level spellcaster in a world where the highest level spellcaster is 6th (e6) or 8th (e8).

Also, it kind of destroys my sense of verisimilitude for an ancient dragon to be as large as a building. Dragons have enjoyed a size creep every edition. It's out of control.

I'm just trying to bring them back to reality a bit - make them a bit more feral, and less godlike. I want a group of 8th level characters to be able to *reasonably* challenge a great wyrm dragon. So, I'm re-imagining them.

A cat can cough up a hair ball.
A wyrmling black dragon, which is as big as a cat, can shoot a line of acid dealing 2d4 points of acid damage 30 feet. Ok, take a look at the room you're in. Place a cat in the corner of the room, and then imagine a line of acid streaming from its mouth traveling 30 feet. Just imagine that. I presume such an action would kill it, because 30' worth of volume of acid would leave anything size tiny a shriveled up dessicated husk once done.

You have clearly never seen my cat cough up a hairball ;)


I prefer my dragons to be mostly just big, flying, fire-breathing lizards. If they do have some weird-ass abilities, it'll be a low number of spell-like abilities, psi-like abilities, supernatural abilities, or ad hoc BS features.

What that has to do with housecats? Nothing, really. :) But it has a lot to do with E6, trust me (that's, more or less, my preferred form of 3e.)

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