COMPETITION: Design an Epic Monster

Hey all! :)

Okay here are the competition details:


ALL Designed Monsters must use D&D 3.5 rules.

NO versions of Product Identity of other companies, no Godzilla, no Cthulhu, no Lady of Pain, no Galactus etc. At least it certainly shouldn't be obviously derived from well known sources, thats not to say you can't be inspired by such monsters.

NO Advanced versions of existing monsters (100 HD Tarrasque), only original monsters if you please.

MINIMUM Challenge Rating of 21 for individual monsters (though if you cannot be sure about the Challenge Rating don't worry - just eyeball it), though if you have seen my Epic Bestiary, certain monsters like Elementals or Golems have monsters of multiple sizes within the same entry so as long as one part of the monster entry is epic (CR 21+) I'll accept it.

ENTER as many times as you want, each entry will be judged on its own merits.

CLOSING date April 30th 2008 (I can remember that as its my birthday). That means you have 96 remaining days.

POST your entries here, in this thread at the Eternity Publishing Forums on ENWorld. Yes, I mean here.


There are a number of monster design guidelines in my Epic Bestiary, but you don't need to adhere to them...though it certainly wouldn't hurt if you did.

There is no Hit Dice limit...but I don't really want to see anything over 999 Hit Dice unless the monster idea really, REALLY deserves it.

Don't fret if you can't work out the Challenge Rating.

You don't need to add Tactics or Adventure Ideas...but they are a neat touch.

This is not an art contest, but if you want to illustrate your monster then that would be cool, but you won't get extra marks for it.


The top 3 entries chosen (either by me or possibly by an eventual online poll - I haven't decided which yet), will end up in a future Immortals Handbook product. The designer of each winning entry will get full credit for the monster, a free copy of the pdf. a free copy of the print version (eventually) and the original art for the monster (as illustrated by me).

At this point I am not sure what to do with all the non-winning entries, though it might be cool to put them in a free pdf, or maybe a relatively inexpensive pdf if we can get someone to illustrate them (at this juncture I don't know how many entries we will get so this is still up in the air somewhat) Regardless I won't do anything with the entry without the designers permission.

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Sea Mother
Colossal Outsider (aquatic, chaotic, evil, extraplanar)

HD: 47d8 + 705 + 94 (1,175 hp)
Speed: swim 80 ft., fly 80 ft. (good)
AC: 48 (+1 Dex, +45 natural, -8 size) touch 3, flat-footed 47
BAB/ Grapple: +47/+82
Attack: Bite +63 melee (8d6 +27 plus rot/19-20)
Full attack: Bite +63 melee (8d6 +27 plus rot/19-20), and Tail Slap +58 melee (4d6 +9 plus rot)
Space/reach: 30 ft./30 ft. (40 ft. with tail)
Special attacks: Abysm Rain, Breath Weapon, Constrict, Improved Grab, Rot, Smite Good, Spell-Like Abilities, Summon Ixitxachital, Swallow Whole
Special qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 20/epic good, Energy Resistance to cold 30 and fire 30, Immunity to acid, electricity, and poison, SR 48
Saves: Fort +46, Ref +36, Will +36
Abilities: Str 48, Dex 13, Con 41, Int 14, Wis 33, Cha 18
Skills: Concentration +60, Escape Artist +46, Hide +30, Intimidate +49, Knowledge (religion) +47, Knowledge (the planes) +47, Listen +56, Move Silently +46, Search +47, Spot +56, Swim +75
Feats: Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus (bite), Greater Weapon Specialization (bite), Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Specialization (bite),
Epic Feats: Dire Charge, Epic Fortitude, Epic Prowess (3), Epic Reflexes, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus (bite), Epic Weapon Specialization (bite), Improved Darkvision
Environment: Abysm Sea (Abyss)
Organization: Solitary (unique) or Group (Sea Mother and 6 fiendish Ixitxachital (Clerics of Demogorgon 15))
CR: 35
Treasure: None
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Swimming through the murky depths of the Abysm Sea, is a fiendish being of Colossal size. It appears as a massive ixitxachital-like creature. It’s covered in black scales and has 5 pairs of Abyssal green eyes, which dot its wide head. Behind it, swings a long spiky tail. The creature is the Sea Mother.

One of Demogorgon’s many foul creations, the Sea Mother swims through the Abysm Sea seeking out unsuspecting creatures to swallow. The Sea Mother, is a terrible fiend in service to Belcheresk, but ultimately swears allegiance to Demogorgon. She is almost always accompanied by many fiendish ixitxachital clerics of Demogorgon, which serve and protect her from any who seek to hunt her down. After years of being surrounded by fiendish ixitxachital clerics of Demogorgon, the Sea Mother has become wise and is capable of learning clerical spells, even though she isn’t a cleric. From the fallen paladins (now death knights) which dot the layer, she has learned to smite good. The Sea Mother is yet another powerful being in service to the Prince of Demons.

The Sea Mother is 70 feet long, from her head to the tip of her tail, and weighs over 60 tons.

Combat: Against underwater foes makes good use of its breath weapon. While charging its breath weapon, it attacks with its bite and spiky tail. For foes who, try to escape the watery domain of the Sea Mother, she will take flight raining down the foul waters of Abysm upon them. If encountered amid a group of Ixitxachital Clerics of Demogorgon, she will immediately use mass owl’s wisdom to boost the power of their clerical spells. Against good creatures, she always smites them any chance she gets.

Abysm Rain (Ex): As soon as the Sea Mother leaves the sea and takes flight, she excessively drips with the acidic waters of the Abysm sea. Anyone under her path of flight, takes 10d8 points of acidic and unholy water damage (ignores acid resistances and immunities). Reflex save DC 48 halves Creatures with the good subtype or aura of good class ability (such as good-aligned clerics or paladins) instead take 15d10 points of acidic and unholy water damage and take a –4 penalty on their saving throw. The DC is Con-based

Breath Weapon (Su): The Sea Mother can spew forth a raging wave of foul Abysm water in a 100 ft. cone. Those in range take 18d8 points of acidic and unholy water damage (ignores acid resistances and immunities). Reflex save DC 48 halves. Creatures with the good subtype or aura of good class ability (such as good-aligned clerics or paladins) instead take 23d10 points of acidic and unholy water damage and take a –4 penalty on their saving throw. Those who fail their saves are also knocked prone for 3 rounds. She can only use this ability every 1d6 rounds. The DC is Con-based

Constrict (Ex): When constricting with her tail, she deals 8d6 + 24 points of damage. Creatures must now succeed on 2 Fortitude saves DC 48 (Con-based) and 52 (Str-based) respectively. One for the rotting effect of the tail and the other to prevent from being knocked prone for 2d6 rounds after she releases her hold.

Improved Grab (Ex): When the Sea Mother attacks with her tail she can attempt a grapple check. If successful she establishes a hold and can constrict.
When the Sea Mother attacks with her bite she can attempt a grapple check. If successful she establishes a hold and can swallow whole.

Rot (Su): Any creature bitten and tail slapped by the Sea Mother must succeed a Fort save DC 48 or its flesh begins to rot. It immediately takes 1d8 points of Con damage plus 1 Con damage every hour until the creature dies or a remove disease spell of at least 30th level is cast. The spell only stops further damage. The Con damage can be healed normally through a restoration spell, but only after the rotting effect is taking care of.

Smite Good (Su): 10/day, the Sea Mother can smite good. She adds her Cha bonus to attack rolls and adds her level (47) to the damage.

Spell-Like Abilities: CL 47; DC 21 + spell level
At will: contagion, curse water, darkness, detect good, detect law, detect magic, dispel good, dispel law, entropic shield, obscuring mist, unholy aura
3/day: horrid wilting, mass owl’s wisdom

Summon Ixitxachital (Sp): 6/day the Sea Mother can summon 16 fiendish Ixitxachital (Clerics of Demogorgon 15)

Swallow Whole (Ex): The Sea Mother can swallow a grabbed foe up to Huge size or smaller.
A swallowed creature takes 10d6 points of bludgeoning damage and 40 points of acid and unholy water damage (ignores acid resistances and immunities) per round from her stomach. The creature can cut its way out, using piercing or slashing weapons, by dealing 120 points of damage to the stomach (AC 30). Once the creature exits, a muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed creature must cut its own way out.
The Sea Mother's stomach can hold up to 4 Huge, 16 Large, 64 Medium, 256 Small, or 1024 Tiny or smaller creatures.

The Maruts of Hindu Legend.

Large Outsider
(chaotic, extraplanar)

aliases: Maha-Richis, Mountain Crushers or Rudras
HD: 22d8 + 220 (396 hp)
Initiative: +8 (+4 improved initiative)
Speed: 40ft., fly 120 ft. (good)
AC: 49 (+ 12 armor + 9 deflection, +4 Dex, +15 natural,–1 size) touch 22 flat-footed 45
BAB/ Grapple: +22/+37
Attack: + 5 lightning blast, sonic blast, Huge heavy mace +39 melee (2d8 + 26 + 3d6 electric damage + 3d6 sonic plus stunned for 1d6 rounds (Fort save DC 32 negates)/19-20/x2), or unarmed +32 melee (1d8 + 11 plus stunned for 1d6 rounds (Fort save DC 32 negates)), or 1 claw +32 melee (1d6 + 6)
Full attack: + 5 lightning blast, Huge heavy mace +39/+34/+29/+24 melee (2d8 + 26 + 3d6 electric + 3d6 sonic plus stunned for 1d6 rounds (Fort save DC 32 negates)/19-20/x2), or unarmed +32/+32/+32/+27/+22 melee (1d8 + 11 +2d6 electric plus stunned for 1d6 rounds (Fort save DC 32 negates)), or 2 claws +32 melee (1d6 + 6 + 2d6 electric)
Space/reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special attacks: Marut’s Cry, Mountain Crusher, Spell-Like Abilities, Stun
Special qualities: DR 20/ magic and adamantine, DR 10/-Darkvision 60ft, Energy Resistance to acid 20, cold 20, fire 20, Fast Healing 15, Immune to disease, electricity, poison, and sonic, Master of the Mace, SR 34
Saves: Fort +29, Ref +22, Will +30
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 19, Con 30, Int 21, Wis 20, Cha 29
Skills: Balance +18, Bluff +26, Climb +25, Concentration +23, Diplomacy +17, Handle Animal +15, Heal +20, Intimidate +28, Jump +26, Knowledge(religion) +22, Listen +21, Search +21, Sense Motive +21, Speak Language +20, Survival +24, Swim +22, Tumble +17
Feats: Cleave, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus (mace), Greater Weapon Specialization (mace), Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (mace), Weapon Specialization (mace)
Environment: Swarga (Limbo)
Organization: group (3-5 maruts)
CR: 21
Treasure: triple standard plus Marut's Mace and a +5 heavy fortification half-plate
Alignment: Any Chaotic
Advancement: 23-35 HD (large), 36-69 HD(huge)

Before you stands a handsome Hindu man standing 10 ft. tall. His eyes glow like a pair of shiny topazes. He is muscular, with bronze skin. His hair is black and wavy. The armor he wears is golden. It has an elaborate design, and is encrusted with many topaz gems. A shimmering golden cape flows freely behind him. His hand has pointy, pearly-white nails that are hard and as sharp as a diamond. In his hand he holds his massive golden mace which cackles furiously with electricity.

These are the spawn of the chaotic Rudra. He and his consort, Riti, plotted to overthrow Indra. Once impregnated, she remained pregnant for 100 years. When the time came to give birth, Indra was there to prevent this abomination from being born. He hurled a thunderbolt at Riti’s womb and shattered it. This action caused the fetus to be splintered into many pieces. This gave birth to the destructive Maruts, or storm gods. Just then, the Maruts grew to full size within in seconds and attacked Indra. Indra managed to defeat them. Rudra knew Indra would have his head for this betrayal, so he offered them to Indra as attendants and bodyguards. Indra accepted and took the strongest of them and left the rest with Rudra.

Maruts are known to use their amazing strength and size to crush mountains. They are always chaotic and love to destroy things. They are the bringers of wind, the fellers of trees, and the crushers of mountains. Maruts are usually found mostly in Limbo, standing guard at the gates of Indra’s palace, Swarga. They stand 10ft. tall and weigh 700 pounds.

Combat: Maruts charge into battle with their massive maces raised high. They get in close and pummel their foes to death, using either their maces or fists. If the battle is not in their favor, then they’ll take flight and make good use of their spell-like abilities.

Marut’s Cry (Ex):Maruts can let loose a disastrous yell which sounds like 100 claps of thunder. It deals 20d6 sonic damage in a 90ft cone. Reflex save DC 31 halves damage. You must then succeed on a Fortitude save DC 31 or be deafened for 5 rounds. the Marut can use this ability once every 1d4 rounds. The DC's are Con-based.

Master of the Mace (Ex): A Marut is especially skilled with using maces and other bludgeoning weapons. It gains Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, and Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Specialization with any mace or bludgeoning type weapon that it wields.

Mountain Crusher (Ex): A marut is so strong it can produce mountain crushing blows.
While using this ability, the marut gains the following:
· + 10 bonus to strength
· any bludgeoning weapon it wields has triple the threat range. In this case, the marut's threat range is 16-20.
· successful criticals deal damage as if it was improved by one step. Example: x2-x3
This effect lasts for 10 rounds. Afterwards, it cannot be used for another
1d8 rounds.

Stun (Ex): Every time the Marut successfully attacks with its mace or mighty fists, the targeted creature must succeed a Fort save DC 32 or be stunned for 1d6 rounds. The DC is Str-based.

Spell-like abilities(ex): CL 22nd level. DC 19 + spell level
At will- bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, call lightning, chaos hammer, dispel law, gust of wind, ice storm, magic circle against law, shatter, ice storm, cure serious wounds, lightning bolt
5/day- bigby’s crushing hand, earthquake, power word kill, storm of vengeance

Possessions: Every Marut is equipped with a +5 lightning blast, sonic blast, Huge heavy mace and a +5 heavy fortification half-plate (no penalties).

Marut's Mace: Appears as a massive, elaborately designed, golden mace which cackles furiously with electricity. It functions as a +5 lightning blast, sonic blast, Huge heavy mace . Once per round, as a standard action, the Marut can let loose a 100 ft. divine bolt of lightning dealing 10d10 points of damage. Ref save DC 30 halves. The bolt is infused with divine energy. It ignores any electricity resistances or immunities a creature may have. DC is Cha-based.

Awar of the Sundered Suns, Son of Eblis
Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Fallen, Lawful)

HD: 60d8 + 480 (960 hp)
Initiative: +14
Speed: 60 ft., fly 120ft. (good)
AC: 67 (+ 11 deflection, + 10 Dex, + 7 insight, + 30 natural, -1 size) touch 37, flat-footed 57
BAB/ Grapple: +60/+80
Attack: +7 axiomatic, keen, hellfire blasting, greatsword, Golden Blaze +94 + 3d6 fire damage, + 2d6 lawful damage melee (3d6 + 31+ 3d6 Hellfire damage, + 2d6 lawful damage/17-20/x2), or 2 wings(slam) +75 + 3d6 Hellfire damage melee (1d6 + 16 + 3d6 Hellfire damage)
Full attack: +7 axiomatic, keen, hellfire blasting, greatsword, Golden Blaze +94/+89/+84/+79 + 3d6 fire damage, + 2d6 lawful damage melee (3d6 + 31+ 3d6 fire damage, + 2d6 lawful damage/17-20/x2) or 4 wings(slam) +75 + 3d6 Hellfire damage melee (1d6 + 16 + 3d6 Hellfire damage)
Space/reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special attacks: Body of Hellfire, Spell-like abilities, summon fallen, Super Nova of Awar
Special qualities: Dark Fire, Darkvision 120 ft., DR3/- , DR25/ epic good and silver, immunity to fire and poison, low-light vision, regeneration 15, resistance to acid 30, SR, telepathy 100 ft., teleport(self)
Saves: Fort +42 (46 against petrification), Ref +44, Will +41
Abilities: Str 42, Dex 30, Con 26, Int 28, Wis 25, Cha 32
Skills: Bluff +74, Concentration +71, Craft +40, Diplomacy +, Disguise +74, Escape Artist +73, Heal +70, Hide +73, Intimidate +74, Knowledge (Arcana) +72, Listen +72, Move Silently +43, Search +72, Sense Motive +70, Spellcraft +40, Spot +72, Survival +70, Tumble +73, Use Rope +41
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater Weapon Focus (Greatsword), Greater Weapon Specialization (Greatsword),Whirlwind Attack, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (Greatsword), Weapon Specialization (Greatsword),Whirlwind Attack
Epic Feats:Blinding Speed, Damage Reduction, Dire Charge, Improved Darkvision, Penetrate Damage Reduction
Environment: Elemental Plane of Fire
Organization: Solitary (Unique) or (Awar and the other Sundered Suns)
CR: 44
Treasure: Triple Standard
Alignment: Lawful Evil

You see a collection of black flames in front of you. Upon closer inspection you see a fallen solar angel with four wings within those black flames. Its skin is blacker than obsidian and it has muscular body. Two massive horns adorns its head, while a flaming halo floats just above them. Its eyes glow red. Upon even closer inspection you see that it has fangs and its body glows a faint golden aura. It wears a read kilt, and is carrying a massive golden blade, the shape of fire. This is but one of the Sundered Suns.

(flavor coming soon as I can think of something)

Combat: Awar is no coward. He’ll go into battle and focus his attacks on every divine spell caster, until they are dead. He usually attacks with Golden Blaze, but if he is overwhelmed he’ll make good use of his spell-like abilities. When using his spell-like abilities, he mostly uses the ones that cause harm, rather than the ones that boost his stats.

Body of Hellfire (Ex): Those within 30 ft. of Awar take 3d6 points of Hellfire damage per round. Those grappling with him take 10d6 points of Hellfire damage.

Dark Fire (Su): Half of all fire damage dealt by Awar, is infused with his evil essence and ignore resistance or immunity.

Magic Circle Against Good (Su): A Magic Circle Against Good always surrounds Awar (60th level caster). Bonuses are not included in the stats block.

Regeneration: Only epic good-aligned weapons and spells, with the good descriptor, can overcome Awar’s regeneration.

Spell-Like Abilities: Awar has a Caster Level of 60; DC 21 + spell level
Always active - detect good, detect magic, detect, mind blank, see invisibility, tongues, true seeing
At will— aid, animate objects, commune, continual flame, dimensional anchor, fire storm, fireball, greater dispel magic, greater teleport (self and 200 lbs only), imprisonment, incendiary cloud, invisibility (self only), lesser restoration, polymorph (self only), remove fear, resist energy, unholy blight, waves of fatigue
3/day— meteor swarm
1/day—gate, greater restoration, power word kill

Summon Fallen: 1/day Awar can summon 1d4 fallen planetars and 1d6 fallen astral devas

Super Nova of Awar (Su): When Awar dies, he explodes and incinerates anything within a 100 ft. radius with black and golden flames. The first wave takes the form of black flames and deals 15d6 points of Hellfire damage. The second wave takes the form of golden fire and deals 20d6 points of fire damage. The black flames ignore fire immunity and resistance, while the golden fire is just regular fire. Those caught within the blast radius can make Reflex save DC ( 48 ) for half damage.

Possessions: Awar only possesses Golden Blaze. It is a +7 Large axiomatic, keen, hellfire blasting, greatsword. This sword appears as a golden sword fashioned into the shape of fire. It mysteriously bleeds red blood, and is wrapped in black flames.

Sultan of Brass City
Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanr)

HD: 70d8 + 700 + 160 (1,420 hp)
Initiative: +20
Speed: 60 ft., fly 90 ft.
AC: 75 (+18 deflection, +12 Dex, +35 natural) touch 40, flat-footed 63
BAB/ Grapple: +70/+81
Attack: +8 fiery blast, keen, speed, large falchion, Brass Blade +93 melee (2d6 + 32 + 3d6 fire/14-20/x2)
Full attack: +8 fiery blast, keen, speed, large falchion, Brass Blade +93/+93/+88/+83/+78melee (2d6 + 32 + 3d6 fire/14-20/x2)
Space/reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special attacks: Burning Brass Skin, Burning Gaze, Spell-Like Abilities, Summon Efreeti
Special qualities: Aura of the Sultan, Brass Skin, Darkvision 120 ft., DR30/ greater epic and adamantine, DR 15/-, Fast Healing 20, Immunity to fire, Energy Resistance to acid, cold, and electricity 35, SR 69, Sultan of Fire, telepathy 100 ft.
Saves: Fort +53, Ref +55, Will +53
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 35, Con 31, Int 32, Wis 30, Cha 47
Skills: Appraise +84, Bluff +91, Concentration +83, Diplomacy +91, Escape Artist +85, Heal +83, Intimidate +91, Knowledge (arcana) +84, Knowledge (the planes) +84, Listen +85, Move Silently +85, Search +84, Sense Motive +83, Spellcraft +86, Spot +85, Survival +83, Swim +84(86 in magma), Tumble +85, Use Magic Device +93
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Dodge, Forge Ring, Great Fortitude, Greater Weapon Focus (falchion), Greater Weapon Specialization (falchion), Improved Critical (falchion), Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (falchion), Weapon Specialization (falchion)
Epic Feats: Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes, Epic Toughness (x8 ), Epic Weapon Focus (falchion), Epic Weapon Specialization (falchion)Epic Willpower, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Forge Epic Ring, Superior Initiative
Environment: Elemental Plane of Fire
Organization: Solitary(unique) or Group ( 1 Efreet (sorcerer 25) and 6 Efreeti (fighter20))
CR: 49
Treasure: Quintuple Standard and Brass Blade, Crown of the Sultan, Ring of Solomon
Alignment: Lawful Evil

You see a pleasantly plump man with a curly white beard, moustache and hair. He barely stands 5 ½ feet tall. He is dressed in white sultan’s clothing and has a tan. Upon closer inspection, however, you realize it isn’t a tan at all. In fact it is metallic brass in color. His eyes are red, while his irises are golden. A brass crown, encrusted with many rubies, sits atop his head. On his left pinky, rest a simple brass ring. Clutched in his right is a brass falchion, dotted with rubies along the back of the blade. This is The Sultan of Brass City.

Solomon was a real-life sultan. He conquered many lands, killing many, and spanning his empire across the Mortal Coil. One day, his reign of terror came to an abrupt halt.

He met up against, a now forgotten, army, which specialized in fire. Solomon had never seen humans control fire so gracefully. They disintegrated his men before his very eyes. Solomon ran into hiding as his vast empire crumbled around him. He slowly gained an attraction to fire, as it was powerful and could destroy anything. He saw fire as a way of gaining his empire back with ease.

Solomon swore to gain his empire back. Only this time it would be undefeatable. To do this he enlisted the help of fire elementals, by way of a summon spell. He saw their control over fire much greater than a human could have. Using his new found army of elementals, he quickly took vengeance against the army that defeated him long ago. His empire quickly grew once again. But there was one thing that Solomon overlooked. The fire elementals were not under his full control. They already had leaders, the Fire Archomentals, Imix and Zamaan-Rul. Slowly, the fire elementals returned home to serve their masters, and Solomon’s empire crumbled once more, as he had no army, and therefore no power.

Solomon had to find a powerful race, that had control over fire, to call his own. That’s when he set his eyes on the Efreeti. He knew he couldn’t just rush into the Elemental Plane of Fire and take over. Instead he spent many years creating way to control of them through magic. After ten years he created the Ring of Solomon. Using this artifact, he had the power to force many Efreeti to bow before his feet. Only strong willed Efreeti stood against Solomon.

They met on the battlefield, where the Brass City sits to this day, and fought. The opposing Efreeti received help from unlikely allies, the Djinni. The Djinni helped out only because they saw Solomon as a greater threat in the near future. The combined forces of Efreeti and Djinni, however, could not stop Solomon. Solomon’s army, though filled with the weakest of Efreeti, greatly outnumbered them. It wasn’t even a day before the opposing Efreeti and Djinni were wiped out. The Djinni retreated back to their homeworld and began building up their defenses. The surviving Efreeti were forced to swear allegiance to Solomon. This however was not enough for Solomon. He wanted more. He forced the Efreeti to give up all their treasure. Solomon was disappointed with what he received. He received piles upon piles on brass jewelry, weaponry, and coins.

Just then, he had an idea. Instead of returning to the Mortal Coil, he would make his home here. He forced the Efreeti to melt their prized brass treasure and create the Brass City. It was at this point he abandoned his name, and replaced it with a title, The Sultan of Brass City.

Years later, as the opposing Efreeti were eventually killed, the Efreeti grew to like The Sultan, not knowing of what he did long ago. Only few know what happened so long ago, but dare not to speak of it out loud.

The Sultan stands 5 ½ ft. tall and weighs 250 pounds.

Combat: The Sultan loves to sit on his throne while his Efreeti do all the work. He’ll occasionally use his spell-like abilities to even the battlefield. He also keeps his Aura of the Sultan active to give his fiery minions a better chance of surviving the encounter. The Sultan is no slouch, when forced into melee combat. He can overwhelm even the greatest of fighters in melee combat, using his Brass Blade.

Aura of the Sultan (Su): The Sultan radiates a brilliant brass aura. This aura has a range of 300 ft. and various effects.
Any Efreeti or fire type creature (that serve The Sultan) in this aura gains the following bonuses for as long as they stay within range.
- Fast Healing equal to double their Con modifiers. If they already have fast healing, use which ever is higher.
- SR equal to 15 + CR.
- Any spell-like abilities, with the fire descriptor, cast by the efreeti is empowered.
*Any non-efreeti takes 5d6 points of fire damage per round. Reflex save DC 63 halves damage. The DC is Cha-based.

Brass Skin: The Sultan’s skin has magically turned brass over the years he has stayed in the Brass City. He gains the following traits.
- DR 15/-
- Immunity to fire
- Burning Brass Skin (see below)
- SR equal to 20 + CR

Burning Brass Skin (Ex): The Sultan’s skin is superheated and deals 3d6 points of damage if he touches a creature. Grappled creatures take 10d6 points of fire damage per round. Any flammable material catches on fire. He may choose whether his skin burns or not.

Burning Gaze (Su): The Sultan’s gaze is destructive. Anyone who meets The Sultan’s gaze, is also met by an intense wave of heat that deals 10d6 points of fire damage. Reflex save DC 63 halves damage. The targeted creature must also succeed of Fortitude save DC 63 or catch on fire, as their skin bursts into flames. If unsuccessful, the targeted creature takes 2d6 points of Con damage for 3 rounds. If targeted creature’s Con score reaches 0, they disintegrate into brass ashes. Those who die this way cannot be raised unless there is at least a handful of ashes left and the raiser uses a miracle or wish spell. The DC is Cha-based.

*The Sultan can choose whether the targeted creature is affected or not.

Spell-Like Abilities: CL 70th; DC 28 + spell level
Always active- detect magic, detect snares and pits, discern lies, mind blank, read and comprehend language, see invisibility, tongues, true seeing
at will— aid, animate objects, commune, continual flame, cure serious wounds, dimensional anchor, eagle’s splendor, fire storm, fireball, flaming ray, flaming sphere, greater dispel magic, greater teleport (self plus 200 lbs only), imprisonment, incendiary cloud, invisibility (self only), lesser restoration, orb of fire, polymorph (self only), pyrotechnic, remove curse, remove disease, remove fear, resist energy, scorching ray, unholy blight, wall of fire, waves of fatigue
6/day— elemental swarm(fire), gate, heal, mass charm monster, meteor swarm, permanency, resurrection, waves of exhaustion
3/day— disintegrate, gate, greater restoration, power word blind, power word kill, power word stun, prismatic sphere, wish.

Sultan of Fire: The Sultan possesses the following traits.
-Divine Rank 0
-Is healed by fire damage.
-All fire damage dealt by The Sultan ignores fire resistance and immunity.
- Any non-epic weapon striking The Sultan is automatically melted and destroyed.
- The Sultan spell-like abilities that deal fire damage are empowered, enlarged, maximized, and widened.

Summon Efreeti (Sp): 5/day The Sultan can summon 3d8 efreeti.

Summon Fire Creatures (Sp): 3/day The Sultan can summon 70HD of creatures with the fire subtype.

Possessions: Aside from the Ring of Solomon, The Sultan created two more powerful items.

Brass Blade: This sword appears as a falchion made of brass with rubies encrusted along the back of the blade. It functions as a +8 fiery blast, keen, speed, large falchion.

Crown of the Sultan: This crown is made of brass and encrusted with many rubies. This crown was created so that an Efreet would never strike him again. If they do, they instantly die unless they succeed on a Fortitude save DC63. If successful the crown immediately creates a barrier that provides The Sultan with DR 30/- against attacking Efreeti only. Efreeti slain by this crown cannot be raised unless The Sultan wills it so.

Ring of Solomon: Solomon created this ring to gain control over the Efreeti. Whenever Solomon raises his hand, to flash his ring, an Efreet must make a Will save DC 63 or bow before his presence. If unsuccessful, the Efreet becomes a permanent fanatic follower. If successful, the Efreet cannot be affected again until 24 hours have passed. The DC is Cha-based.

En’ran, Consort of Malcanthet
Medium Outsider (chaotic, evil, extraplanar, tanar’ri)

HD: 52d8 + 520 (936 hp)
Initiative: +15
Speed: 60 ft.
AC: 56 (+14 deflection, +11 Dex, +21 natural) touch 34, flat-footed 45
BAB/ Grapple: +45/+56
Attack: + 6 chaotic power, keen, unholy power, vorpal, glaive, Yatha +73 melee (1d10 + 18 + 3d6 chaotic power + 3d6 unholy power/19-20/x3), or gore +51 melee (1d4 + 6)
Full attack: + 6 chaotic power, keen, unholy power, vorpal, glaive, Yatha +73/+68/+63/+58 melee (1d10 + 18 + 3d6 chaotic power + 3d6 unholy power/19-20/x3), and gore +51 melee (1d4 + 6)
Space/reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special attacks: Foul Breath of Seduction, Spell-Like Abilities, Summon Tanar’ri, Wisdom Damage
Special qualities: Darkvison 60 ft., DR 25/epic good and cold iron, immune to electricity, poison, and enchantments, resistance to acid 25, cold 25, and fire 25, SR , tongues
Saves: Fort +32, Ref +35, Will +37
Abilities: Str 35, Dex 33, Con 30, Int 28, Wis 29, Cha 38,
Skills: Balance +66, Bluff +71, Concentration +65, Diplomacy +72, Disguise +69, Escape Artist +66, Hide +66, Intimidate +74, Jump +64, Knowledge (arcana) +64, Knowledge (the planes) +64, Listen +64, Move Silently +66, Search +64, Sense Motive +64, Spot +64, Tumble +66
Feats: Cleave, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus (glaive), Greater Weapon Specialization (glaive), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Persuasive, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Skill Focus (Intimidate), Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (glaive), Weapon Specialization (glaive), Whirlwind Attack
Epic Feats: Epic Speed, Epic Will
Environment: Shendilvari (Abyss)
Organization: Solitary (unique)
CR: 33
Treasure: Triple Standard and Yatha
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

You approach Malcanthet’s Razor Throne. She sits on her throne with a wicked grin. Behind the throne you see another fiendish being. It’s an incubus. It’s completely nude, except for the loin cloth, which barely covers his unmentionables. You look closer to see a large tattoo on its muscular, yet gaunt body. The tattoo starts from his left leg and ends on his chest. Upon closer inspection you see that it’s a thorny rose. The petals on the rose are black and drip with blood. Whether this is a magical effect or real blood, you do not know. In its hand, it holds a razor-sharp glaive, with a bloody-red blade. This creature then steps in front of the Razor Throne in a battle stance, ready to defend his fiendish lover. This is En’ran, Consort of Malcanthet

(flavor coming)

Combat: En’ran usually uses his glaive to destroy his foes. If out numbered, he’ll use his Foul Breath of Seduction ability to gain companions. If that doesn’t work, he’ll summon tanar’ri, usually incubi.

Foul Breath of Seduction (Su): En’ran can spew forth a sweet aroma from his mouth. This has a radius of a 90 ft. cone. This ability functions as a charm person or charm monster spell (depending on subject) cast by a 52th level caster. Will save DC 50 negates effect. This DC is Cha based. For those that are successful, they are “punished” as the sweet aroma becomes a foul acidic mist. The mist deals 15d8 points of acid damage, Reflex save DC 46 for half damage, and the creatures that breathe this mist are nauseated for 5 rounds, unless they succeed a Fortitude save DC 46. Both DCs are Con based.

Spell-Like Abilities: CL 52nd; DC 24 + spell level

At will- alter self, blasphemy, charm monster, charm person, daze, desecrate, detect good, detect thoughts, disguise self (no limit in duration), dominate person, eagle’s splendor, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, hast, hold monster, hypnotism, magic circle against good, magic circle against law, sleep, unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight

5/day- bestow greater curse, power word kill

Summon Tanar’ri (Sp): 53/day En’ran can summon 3d4 advanced incubi (25 HD)with 100 % success.

Wisdom Damage (Su): En’ran’s kiss is deadly. It deals 1d8 points of Wisdom damage. Fortitude save DC 50 halves damage. For those not willing to be kissed, En’ran make start a grapple, which provokes an attack of opportunity. The save DC is Cha based.

Possessions: En'ran never wears armor, but always carries Yatha.This weapon function as a + 6 chaotic power, keen, unholy power, vorpal, glaive.

Darkness Given Hunger
Gargantuan Outsider (chaotic, evil, extraplanar)

HD: 45d8 + 675 + 60 (1,095 hp)
Initiative: +10
Speed: 30ft., climb 30 ft.
AC: 50 (+2 Dex, +42 natural, -4 size) touch 8, flat-footed 48
BAB/ Grapple: +45/+72
Attack: Bite +60 melee (2d6 + 23 plus 5d6 unholy plus poison/19-20 (roll 1d4 to determine the number of bites))
Full attack: Bite +60 melee (2d6 + 23 plus 5d6 unholy plus poison/19-20 (roll 2d4 to determine the number of bites)), and 4 slams (4d6 + 7 + 5d6 acid)
Space/reach: 20ft./ 20ft.
Special attacks: Constrict, Red Eye, Dissolve, Engulf, Improved Grab, Poison, Spell-like abilities, Stench
Special qualities: Amorphous, Blindsight 120 ft., Darkvision 120ft., DR 20/Epic Good and Cold Iron, DR30/-, Energy Resistance to Cold 30 and Fire 30 , Immunity to Acid, Electricity and Poison, Immunity to Bludgeoning and Impact Damage, Maddening Skull Chatter, Ooze Traits, Ravaged Form (Many Mouths), SR 55
Saves: Fort +45, Ref +32, Will +32
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 14, Con 41, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Skills: Climb +77, Concentration +63, Hide +38, Intimidate +48, Listen +50, Move Silently +50, Search +48, Spot +50
Feats: Greater Weapon Focus (bite), Greater Weapon Specialization (bite),Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Specialization (bite),
Epic Feats: Epic Weapon Focus (bite), Epic Weapon Specialization (bite)
Environment: Shedaklah (Abyss)
Organization: Solitary (unique)
CR: 33
Treasure: Nothing
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

You see creeping towards you, a massive, glistening, black pile of ooze. Hundreds of skulls and bones circulate throughout its gelatinous body. In the center of its body rests a bright red light, which is the only source of light within its body. The monster carries with it, a powerful stench, which is toxic and nauseating.

Darkness Given Hunger is massive gelatinous demon created by Juiblex. Most believe Juiblex sire this monstrosity by mating with a succubus. This is not true. The truth is that Darkness Given Hunger was accidentally created by Juiblex. As Juiblex moves around he leaves behind slime. This slime usually dissipates immediately after disjoining Juiblex’s body. Darkness Given Hunger is the one exception. It started out as a slime, but had animalistic intelligence. Immediately after being cast off of Juiblex, this slime began devouring the small fungi which dot Shedaklah. It immediately began to grow form the fungi it consumed, until eventually it began devouring demons. Juiblex took note of this abomination and declared himself its master. Darkness Given Hunger accepted this fact and became one of Juiblex’s strongest and most loyal allies. To this day, Darkness Given Hunger continues to devour its surroundings and grow in size. It has even grown far larger than its creator, but still remains loyal to the Slime King.

Darkness Given Hunger “stands” 20 ft. at the “shoulder and is 45 ft wide. It weighs 23 tons.

Combat: Darkness Given Hunger usually tries to engulf everything in sight. It makes good use of its Red Eye ability against ranged opponents. Though weak at casting spells, Darkness Given Hunger does have spell-like abilities, though it rarely uses them.

Amorphous (Ex): Bludgeoning weapons and impact damage deal no damage to Darkness Given Hunger. He is able to slip through spaces that otherwise could accommodate a creature no larger than Small because of his jelly-like substance.

Constrict (Ex): Darkness Given Hunger deals 4d6 + 14 points of damage plus 2d6 acid with a successful grapple check, in addition to damage from his slam attack.

Dissolve (Ex): Darkness Given Hunger’s acidic touch deals 75 points of damage per round to wood or metal objects. Armor and clothing worn by a creature Juiblex strikes dissolves immediately unless the owner succeeds a Reflex save DC 47. A metal or wooden weapon that strikes Darkness Given Hunger dissolves immediately unless the owner succeeds a Reflex save DC 47, although the weapon deals normal damage before dissolving. The DC is Con-based.

Engulf (Ex): Darkness Given Hunger can engulf any Colossal or smaller creature he is grappling by making a successful grapple check. He can also automatically engulf helpless creatures. An engulfed creature takes constriction damage plus 10d6 acid damage each round and is considered to be grapple and trapped within his body. Additionally, an air-breathing creature must hold their breath or begin to drown. A creature can escape Darkness Given Hunger’s body by succeeding on a grapple check with their own grapple check or Escape Artist check.
Darkness Given Hunger Darkness Given Hunger can engulf up to 1 Colossal creature, 2 Huge creatures, 4 Large creatures, 16 Medium creatures, 64 Small creatures, 216 Small creatures, or an unlimited number of Diminutive creatures.

Improved Grab (Ex): Whenever Darkness Given Hunger makes a successful slam attack, he can attempt a grapple check. If successful, he establishes a hold and can constrict or engulf.

Maddening Skull Chatter (Ex): Skulls of countless creatures, circulate throughout Darkness Given Hunger’s body. They constantly chatter causing creatures to go insane. Any creature within 60 ft of Darkness Given Hunger must succeed a Will save DC 47 or be under the effects of an insanity spell for 3 minutes or for as long as they stay within range. DC is Con-based.

Poison (Ex):Injury; Fortitude save DC 47 negates; initial damage – 3d4 Con damage; secondary damage 3d4 Str damage. DC is Str-based.

Ravaged Form (Many Mouths): Darkness Given Hunger contains many mouths within its gelatinous body. His mouths constantly shift around his body like his eyes. Thus, when making a single bite attack he must roll 1d4 to determine how many bites hit their mark. When making a full attack with a bite, he must roll 2d4 to determine how many bites hit their mark.

Red Eye (Su): Darkness Given Hunger is no longer blind. Juiblex has instilled a red eye of a powerful balor it once devoured into Darkness Given Hunger. With this red eye, Darkness Given Hunger can as a standard action launch forth a 120 ft line of black and red lightning bolts. The bolts deal 14d10 points of unholy damage. Reflex save DC 47 halves damage. Those hit by the terrible bolts must also succeed a Fortitude save DC 47 or be stunned for 1d8 + 2 rounds. DC is Con-based.

Spell-like abilities: CL 45; DC 12 + spell level
At will – acid breath, animate object, blasphemy, blink, chaos hammer, deeper darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect magic, dispel good, dispel magic, magic circle against good, summon swarm, teleport without error (self plus 100 pounds), unholy aura, unholy blight
9/day – gaseous form, meteor swarm

Stench (Ex): Darkness Given Hunger constantly exudes a foul smell of toxic slime. Any creature within 30 ft of Darkness Given Hunger must succeed a Fortitude save DC 47 or become nauseated for3d6 + 2 rounds. Creatures who save successfully still take a –4 penalty to attack rolls but is immune to Darkness Given Hunger’s stench for the next 24 hours. A delay poison or neutralize poison spell of at least 40th level can remove this effect.

Some pretty cool monsters there Ragnarok, but I notice that you make quite a few references to PI. Names like Darkness Given Hunger, Malcanthet, Imix, Zaaman-Rul, Abysm, and others are all property of WotC.

I notice that most of these are unique individuals, also. I think we're supposed to be designing generic epic monsters (though unique examples of such are probably okay).

Is there a limit to the number of entries a person can have? And no, I probably won't have more than 1-2, but I'm just curious since it appears that others have created numerous epic monsters previously.

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