COMPETITION: Design an Epic Monster

Hiya mate! :)

Khisanth the Ancient said:
Will there be a similar 'design an epic monster' competition for 4e? If so, that would be cool.

Yes, although I'm saving that for later in the year. :angel: :devil:

The competition I have in mind is (post) Vampire Bestiary related (although its a Vampire Bestiary competition for a special prize*) and should be fun.

*Not a copy of the book since you might need that to take part in the competition. I'm not saying what it is yet. I'm evil like that. :p

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Now there's something I could sink my teeth into! (wow, I can't believe I just typed that pun :blush:) I'll eagerly be awaiting the details to this once the contest becomes official. :)


The EN World kitten
U_K, I sent an email your way regarding the editing for the original contest winners. Let me know if you got it.

Alzrius said:
U_K, I sent an email your way regarding the editing for the original contest winners. Let me know if you got it.

Just sent you a reply amigo, thanks very much. I sometimes forget to check my email when online now. On the old computer it loaded automatically to the desktop, but on this new machine it doesn't. Just a case of 'out of sight, out of mind' I guess.


First Post
Hey, long time no see people... my lifes been rather busy, but hey... (I'm still probably not going to be able to make an appearance on tho official d&d boards, but hey)

By the way, I can't even remember what it was I submitted, so I'm a bit curious, how did everyone here like it? I certainly look forward to getting a book with him in it, especially since seeing it would remind me of it :D.

Well, just thought I would drop by and say hi. Hope everyone here is doing well.

Geraturatu said:
Hey, long time no see people...

Howdy geraturatu matey! :)

Trust you have been keeping well?

my lifes been rather busy, but hey... (I'm still probably not going to be able to make an appearance on tho official d&d boards, but hey)

Busy you say, I can empathise with that. :eek:

By the way, I can't even remember what it was I submitted,

Shadow Fury

so I'm a bit curious, how did everyone here like it? I certainly look forward to getting a book with him in it, especially since seeing it would remind me of it :D.

Needs a 4th Edition update in my opinion. ;)

Well, just thought I would drop by and say hi. Hope everyone here is doing well.

I think despite a nice amount of traffic last month (when I was managing some Vampire Bestiary updates) this forum has died down quite a bit. Though hopefully that will change in the very near future. I really should have the Vampire Bestiary (4E) done within a month and the Serpent Riders Adventure (4E) will follow shortly thereafter plus the revised Epic Bestiary (3.5E) and revised* Ascension (3.5E).

*Or should that be finished?

So theres a lot on the immediate horizon...although you could argue that my stuff generally is on the horizon rather than finished. :-S


3) A power hungry Eternal tries to create the conditions for both the Destiny and Doom dragon mating at the same time and place. He believes that should a Doom Dragon mate with a Destiny Dragon inside his universe, he will be able to use the paradox in order to create a new reality, with complete Akashic records, and himself as the irremovable Supreme Being. It doesn’t matter that the current reality has a good chance of being destroyed in the process...

I did a small something about this. Not very serious, just a small Christmas joke - about Ultral levels:

You know now it cannot be prevented. The child of the two opposites is about to hatch, bringing with it the doom of all reality. Your only hope is, that the message you sent through the mysterious artifact into somewhere beyond your infinite senses will reach something that can handle it.

Guahreed, the great Eternal who concocted the vicious plan, is gloating at you. The egg of the Fate Dragons is cracking. Suddenly, it bursts open, and Something comes out.

It seems beyond infinite. It seems as if all of your senses cannot comprehend it. It unleashes a fearsome cry.

Guahreed is laughing.

Suddenly, you perceive another presence. It is similar to the one that just emerged, but you know it is much more powerful. Much more mature. Somehow, you get an impression of blue from it.

You know your message has been received.

With some strange twist of the space, in a direction you do not understand, the new presence is gone. So is the newborn dragon. And so is Guahreed.

You do not understand what happened. All you can do is let out a relieved breathe. And ponder the strange words the newcomer directed at Guahreed just before they disappeared.

"You are under arrest for copyright violation".

Voidrunner's Codex

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