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Constables of the 14th Ward


'And the day started off so well," Thea thought wearily, as she perched partway up the wall and tried to make some sense of the situation. Even without Ironshirt's briefing, she would have been glad to be of assistance to the 2nd ward constables- she still had friends there (and just maybe, she wanted to preen a bit because of the elite team she was on now). But details like that would have to wait- the ambush had started badly, and it looked to get worse. She cast one single aching glance towards the innocents at the mouth of the alley- but before she could help them out, she would have to take care of a more immediate threat.

Almost reflexively, she reached out with one black-gloved hand and gestured, exhaling a few syllables of Slyvanoptera to direct a burst of focused mental static at the nearest stirge. The red creature stiffened and its bulbous eyes glazed. It tumbled from the air to fall and disappear into the swarm.

Jonas swings his truncheon at the large rat next to him, but has poor aim.

Realizing he probably shouldn't have pumped all his missles into a single stirge, Moru gulps, reaching into his spell component pouch and pulling out a pork rind.

"Try to latch onto this," he taunts, crushing the rind against his uniform. He switches into the gibbering you've come to associate with his spellcasting, and the point of contact from the rind seems to grow wet-looking, the glistening effect spreading all across the uniform even as the rind seems to shrivel to nothing.

Putting his back against the wall and drawing his truncheon, Moru cringes as he looks to the swarm. "If my friends weren't in the middle of you, I'd show you critters from nauseated."

The swarm continues to nauseate Andrew and its component creatures continue to bite and claw at him (7 points of damage). Unable to act he stumbles foreward trying to get clear of the swarm.

The swarm begins to creep inexorably toward the street. It leaves Andrew behind and sweeps over Rahvin, Soulfetter and Moru Sen in its journey. Moru manages to smash into the swarm as it moves onto him with his truncheon smashing bugs, but having little effect on the overall swarm (5 points of damage). Rahvin too swings at the onrushing swarm, his trusty truncheon connects with a rat and sends it skidding through the mass knocking over a cat and numeous bugs, but the teeming mass rolls forward (4 points). Overcome with nausea, Rahvin is helpless as the strige begins to drain his blood (1 point Con. damage). Soulfetter swings his own oversized truncheon at the mass of creatures coming at him. His weapon cuts a swath of destruction through the swarm, but it continues to move forward (11 damage). The three constables feel the pain of numerous tiny bites and scratches as the swarm covers them. Damage vs. Moru, Soulfetter and Rahvin respectively. (3d6=8, 3d6=10, 3d6=10).

Now that the swarm has moved away from him Andrew begins to recover his faculties and shares the benefits of his studies, "they are weakest in the chest area, strike there" and contiues with other advice. (All characters attacking the Vorbar Mountains Rats gain a +1 to hit for the duration of the combat.)

Irritated at having been dumped on his ass, Darius growls "You want to dance, Mickey? Let's dance." Going into full-attack mode, Darius wields his broadsword with lightning speed, swinging at Rat#1(Mickey), the powerful two-handed blow very nearly slays the big rat. (13 damage) The wounded Rat attacks fiercely, but seems unable to score on Darius.

The next Rat comes at Alarion in a flurry of teeth and claws (1d4+1=4, 1d2+1=3, 1d2+1=2) having struck the Knight repeatedly.

[sblock=Darius and Alarion]DC: 12 Fortitude save vs. disease please. [/sblock]

Jonas finds himself beset as well and takes two wounds from his Rat (1d4+1=3, 1d2+1=3).

The remaining Stirges swoop in for another attack. Moru's magical protections allow him to avoid the beast, but Soulfetter, the child on the street and her mother are all struck and grabbed by the flying meanaces.

Hanging onto the wall, Raul takes a deep breath, glancing over his left should at the rats and over his right shoulder at the civilians at the end of the alleyway...and jumps off the wall space just vacated by the swarm between Andrew and Rahvin, making two sweeping martial art attacks into the swarm. One of his blows scatters the pests before him (2 points).

Alarion hears the screaming behind him, but can barely see anything given the horde of animals behind him, and the huge rats in front. He growls in supressed rage as he lifts his sword in both hands and fiercely slashes at the beast in front of him. His foe drops in a bloody heap quite dead. Alarion takes a jab at the adjacent rat, but his blade fails to connect.

Headless of his own attached foe, Soulfetter, having resisted the swarms' distraction, pounds down the alley to smash the Stirge on the little girl into the pavement. The presence of the big Urgant barbarian and his club does nothing to stop the screaming of mother and child.
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Actions for round 3 please.

Initiative order:
Thea 22
Jonas 20
Moru 18
Andrew 16
Swarm 15
Darius and Rahvin 14
Rats 13
Stirges 11
Raul 10
Alarion 7
Soulfetter 5

Actions for round 3 please?


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Thea tried desperately to remember what tactics one was supposed to use against swarms- there were too many minds for most of her magics, and the usual remedy of fire seemed like a bad plan when one considered that both her friends and innocent bystanders might be burned just as easily. She knew enough to imagine the kind of speech Magistrate Ironshirt would give if something like that happened... Still, she had to help out somehow, and while the swarm might be a difficult target, the stirges were another matter. Again her voice sung out in mystic words, and her hands flashed through a few quick gestures.

OOC: [sblock] casting Sleep, 10 foot radius burst, centered in the intersection between Stirges 7, 8, 10, and the empty square- aimed 10 feet up off ground level, it should catch all the remaining stirges. The swarm, if I remember such things, is immune, and the other PCs are tough enough that they ought to be immune as well. It 'might' catch the child in the AoE, depending on where the stirge dropped her after Soulfetter put it down- if so, hopefully the big guy in quick enough to snag her before the swarm does... Sleep takes out 4 HD, weakest first, then closest to center of area if targets have equal HD. Will negates, DC 15[/sblock]


Next Flashback to this morning's briefing with Ignatious Ironshirt

Ignatious stands at the podium at the front of the room, looks around and counts noses to be sure everyone is there, and then says, "All right, me lads, here's what's on the agenda for today: Make your usual mornin' patrol around the Ward first thing, and then get to work on that matter I told ye yesterday about finding that missing halfling mapmaker, Krado Lyman. You remember, it's that thing we talked about where I want ye to help out the 2nd Ward constables with their investigation. The Magistrate of the Second, Charley Festus, is a good friend to the 14th, and his constables are spread pretty thin, what with that little strike by the Shiv in the 2nd, and everything. Anyway, Charley has asked me to send you boys over there to help them out with this, since he's got his Alphas pulling picket line duty along with every other constable he can lay his hands on. So I want you boys to get right on over to the 2nd Ward today and give them a hand! AND BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!"

At this point, Elke Weiss, Iggy's statuesque, tall, blonde human secretary, comes into the room and hands him a sheet of parchment. Ignatious Ironshirt says, "One last item, lads, this notice just arrived from the 15th: 'Be On the LookOut for Thaddeus Thornapple." He reads a bit more, chuckles and says, "Seems our boyo has been planting some noxious plants in Wizards' gardens. He was last seen heading our way. Lanky fellow with a bushy beard wearing dirty hide armor. Long stringy greasy hair and a wild look in his eyes." He pauses again to make eye contact. "If you catch this dirty pig make sure to have him washed before you bring him in my jail. Disgusting filth-ridden terrorist from the sound of it. That's all lads, get to work, I don't pay you to sit around here and drink up the city's coffee all day." But, he goes on, "Remember, after you make your quick rounds of the 14th, hurry on over to the 2nd to give them a hand. AND STAY OUT OF BLOOM'S! Dismissed."

Most of you grab another pastry for the road on your way out, and you each hand your coffee cups to Elke on your way out to make your patrol of the 14th before heading to the 2nd.

[sblock=Darius] You are the last one out the door, and as you glance back just as the door closes, you could swear that you saw Elke bend down and give Iggy a kiss on the forehead! [/sblock]

And now back to your regularly scheduled round of combat!
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First Post
[sblock=fortsave]25 [/sblock]

Alarion studies the battlefield with his experienced eye. Many of his squad are wounded. Innocents are in danger. He shouts "BY MY TROTH!!" as he wades into combat.

[sblock=Preferred Action]Alarion charges down the alley to smash his sword into the stirge attacking the woman. ((uses Power Attack of -3, charge)) Attack: 26 (24 if he could not do a real charge and merely moved and attacked) Damage:17

If it falls, will cleave at Soulfetter's stirge. Attack 17 Damage15 [/sblock]

[sblock=contingency] If he cannot charge, or if those stirges are dead, he will attack Jonas's rat. Same attack roll, without charge bonus, but with lore bonus: 25 to hit, 17 damage. If it falls, he will do one of two things:
1- cleave at Darius's rat if it is alive: 16 to hit, 15 damage (as above)
2-If Darius killed Mickey, he will move down the alley to help the rest of the squad



First Post
Rahvin’s heart is pounding in his chest as panic threatens to engulf him. His nerves are rattled by the rats’ hideous chittering. Sickened by the disgusting vermin crawling all over him and lightheaded from the loss of blood drawn by the stirge, Stormcrow is unable to think clearly.

Get it together, man, he thinks, frantically. People are in danger. Your comrades, the citizens. Do something!

Actions: [sblock] Okay, here are some possible actions for Rahvin, depending on how things develop by the time his initiative count comes up again:

1. If the swarm moves away from his position, Rahvin can act, and he will attack the stirge on his arm, (#9, which is flat-footed) with his truncheon.
Attack roll against flat-footed stirge #9 (1d20 + 3=11) . I’m pretty sure that that is a miss… on the off chance that it is a hit, damage would be Damage in case attack against stirge succeeds (round 2) (1d4 +2 + 3d6=11)

2. If the swarm does not move away, Rahvin is still nauseated, so he can only take a move action, so he will move through the square presently occupied by Raul, and onto the square labeled Dead stirge #4. As soon as he is able to act, he will attack the stirge grappling him. Note that neither the stirges nor the swarm can take attacks of opportunity, as per MM descriptions.

Boy, am I glad Rahvin bought the health plan! At present, Rahvin’s situation is as follows:
Shaken for 3 more rounds (-2 to rolls)
Nauseated (can only take move actions)
-1 Constitution (presently at 11)
HP: 18 / 33

BTW cursing in Ralishaz’s name is okay, no? Can Rahvin mention the deities listed in the Book of the Righteous? I sort of picture him paying lip service to a lot of gods, but not being very devout, except where Barcarus and Meda are concerned…

OUCH! :eek: [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=save]1d20+6=12, which I think is enough, but I didn't get bit, or did I?[/sblock][sblock=modifiers]OK, I believe I have a +1 from the dark knowledge, and I'm going to swing one handed this time to put Mickey down, so that my buckler doesn't hinder me. My dodge bonus to AC will go against any stirges coming after me. I won't use the power attack because I think Mickey is about done.[/sblock] [sblock=roll]round 2 swing at Mickey the Rat (1d20+11=31, 1d10+5=11) Natural 20!critical hit/damage roll (1d20+11=22, 1d10+5=10)[/sblock] Seeing that Mickey is still (barely) standing, Darius cocks an impressed eyebrow, thinking "Mickey's pretty tough! But it's time to end this." Darius finishes Mickey with a swift thrust to the heart and readies himself to deal with the remainding rats. As Darius waits for the next rat to come within reach, he catches a glimpse of the woman and child still standing on the edge of the swarm. For crying out loud he thinks, and bellows (as loudly as he can)[highlight] "RUN, CHILD RUN!"[/highlight]
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J. Alexander

First Post
Andrew Dresden

Seeing the cloud of Stirges and other assorted Vermin assembled in a mass, Andrew will point his truncheon at the mass and direct a wave of sound energy towards them in a 10 foor cone centered on the largest mass. Perhaps due to the nausea and disorientation, Andrew is not very successful.

OCC: Sonic Blast -1d8-> [1] = (1) of damage.

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