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Constables of the 14th Ward

J. Alexander

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Andrew Dresden

Quietly speaking Andrew says "I doubt if we will be able to track him thru the sewers as he has such an extensive head start. However there may well be clues in the immdate sewer area so we will at least have to search the immediate area down there"

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The boys take an involuntary step back from the alley at Soulfetter's words. "We'd still like to help is there anything we can do?" "Yeah, what happened?," asks another.
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Wrinkling his nose at the stench, Darius mumbles (just loud enough for Bocephus, Rahvin, Jonas, Thea and Andrew to hear) [highlight]"In the name of the king, Halt! Or I'll shoot!"[/highlight] and scrambles down the rungs to the ledge alongside the malodorous flow. Stepping out of the light cast down from the hole above, Darius draws his sword and pauses for his eyes to adjust to the dimness below.
[sblock=OOC]Here's a roll for climbing down the rungs (1d20+6=12). At the bottom, Darius plans to take a quick glance around. Here's a roll for spot check (1d20+4=12). If he doesn't see a threat, he will assist others coming down the ladder.[/sblock]
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Into the sewers

There is no response to Daruis' order to halt other than a chuckle from Bocephus. Darius finds the odor unpleasant, but the rungs are in good shape and other than a little dried mud on them present no hazzard. The ledge is just off a 4 way intersection of the sewer. The four passages are 5' wide and about 8' tall made of brick. There is a very slow flow of sewage past the ledge. The bottoms of the sewer passages are sloped in a 'V' toward the center, so higher on the sides. Just along the walls on either side is relatively dry, while in the center the slow moving muck is about a foot deep. The walls are coated with slimey moss or algea of some sort in patches. The tunnels are in deep shadow. The light from the manhole only illuminates 5' of passage in any direction. There is a glow down the way that Darius assumes is the sewer grate in the alley. Other patches of light can be seen distantly down other passages. It will be difficult but not impossible to traverse the sewer without a light source.

OOC: [sblock=Darius]The rungs are suffiencent that any able bodied person can make the climb without a check. A spot check reveals only what is listed above. A listen check might or might not reveal more.[/sblock]

Anyone else coming down?


A humble request...

As Darius reaches the bottom Bocephus addresses the Constables standing around the manhole cover. "Hey constable, that's some mighty fine rats you got there. What are you gonna do with them? Cause I know this hot goblin mama over past Minders Way. She got this pit out back of her shack. She's a good hand with a knife. She'd skin these boys and put 'em in the ground with some hickory coals and some herbs or spices or something she makes then let em just roast down there all night. By morning we'd dig us up a fine feast." He slicks his hair back and hitches up his trousers before adding with a sly look, "Of course I'd have to stay around there all night and keep her company to make sure nobody steals our meat. She's ain't too pretty, but she's got this thing she does, sorta flexes like. Well its kinda hard to describe, all I can say is I wouldn't trade that ride for a spin in the Archduke's golden sleigh over three feet of new-fallen snow. Anyway, if your about done here, I'd like to take a couple those rats. Hey, Constable Alarion has done halfway field-dressed that one already."


At this point the door at the end of the alley begins to clatter as a bar is removed from the other side. With a grunt of exertion the heavy apparently ill-fitting door is heaved open. A thick broad shouldered fellow with a bushy blond beard and bald head blinks in the sunlight and gawks at the dead rats, stirges and living constables in the alley. "Medas Tears!" he exclaims. "What's all this?"


Raul's conversation with John #1

Scotley said:
A man joins Raul and Moru Sen as Mary and her daughter make their way down from the balcony. He quickly ascertains that they are unharmed. He hugs them both and extends a hand to the two constables. "I'm John, this is my wife Mary. We have the dry goods store over there." Mary chimes in, "We had just brought John his lunch and were heading home when..." She makes a vague gesture not quite sure how to describe what's just happened.

[sblock=local knowledge check]Seeing John and his family together, what does Raul know about them? Local knowledge check
1d20+4-> [20,4] = (24)

With the Black Truncheon of Barcarus hanging by the strap from his wrist, Raul shakes John's hand and says, "My name is Raul and this is Moru. We're part of Magistrate Ignatious Ironshirt's Alpha Division of the Constables of the Fourteenth Ward. We are pleased that your wife and daughter were not seriously hurt during our investigation. If you see or hear anything useful in keeping the streets of Lauralie Summerhome safe, we would like to know about it.

[sblock=additional check] Not sure if this should be gather information, profession (constable) or what.... So here's a naked roll 1d20-> [7] = (7)
Perhaps saving his wife and child from danger will give Raul a bonus on John's helpfulness.

If Raul's not successful on getting information, then he will likely move on to give Moru a clean shot at getting some information. [/sblock]
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First Post
Once his eyes have adjusted and Darius sees the mostly empty sewer, Darius listens at the fork for any sound of a fleeing terrorist. [sblock=OOC]Listen check (1d20+2=8). (If possible, Darius will "take 10" (=12) rather than rolling.) Even in the unlikely even Darius hears something, he is not about to go running off after it in the dark. If somebody else comes down and provides a light source, Darius would be willing to pursue. Otherwise, Darius will simply look for clues, perhaps gather a mud sample off the rungs for Andrew to look at, and return to the surface to report Teddy's escape. Darius will "take 20"(+3) in a search check for clues.[/sblock]


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Maeglin said:
[sblock=ooc]BTW I'm not trying to diss Thea and Andrew, but Moru IS the diviner ;) Rahvin figures he's the best equipped to track this druid using magic...[/sblock]

(OOC: Actually, he's a conjurer. ;) )


First Post
Moru Sen, human conjurer

Moru nods his head as his coworker introduces them. "Just doing our jobs, sir. Just happened they were a little more ... eventful today. I promise chaos doesn't always pop up when I'm around," he says with a teasing smile he hopes puts the family in a lighter frame of mind.

Voidrunner's Codex

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