Constables of the 14th Ward


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Darius suggests [highlight] "Let's finish up our breakfasts and head over to the office to pick up our backpacks and adventuring gear. Prince Wally can lead us from there."[/highlight] Briefly, Darius fantasizes about burying an ever-burning dagger in Wally's back to make him easy to follow in the dark, but then he decides that would be a waste of a good dagger, which he doesn't have anyway. (For this trip Darius is planning to use a torch and keep a very close eye on Wally.)

Out of the corner of his eye, Darius sees Wimsywag heading for the stage in the front room and urges his friends to hurry so they can escape before the bad jokes (and bad comedians) start flying.

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Alarion of Tovarre

"I must briefly stop by my quarters, friends. I shall meet you in the constabulary in a few minutes. "

Alarion will, of course, go to accouter himself in armor, shield, and other battle gear.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

SoulFetter will outfit himself in proper style for a dungeon crawl - loaded for giant.

At least if there are giants I know it won't be too crowded for one little Urgant.


First Post
Thea will join the others in heading off to Headquarters long enough to pick up her crossbow and bolts from her locker. If there is anyplace nearby where sunrods can be purchased, she will stop there and buy 5 (10 gp, if available).


pathfinderq1 said:
Thea will join the others in heading off to Headquarters long enough to pick up her crossbow and bolts from her locker. If there is anyplace nearby where sunrods can be purchased, she will stop there and buy 5 (10 gp, if available).
OOC: Yeah, Ignatious Ironshirt keeps a small stash of these on hand. For sale, of course, at normal price.


xedr said:
Out of the corner of his eye, Darius sees Wimsywag heading for the stage in the front room and urges his friends to hurry so they can escape before the bad jokes (and bad comedians) start flying.
Too late! Felderman Wimsywag jumps on stage and says, "Hey, Great crowd for this early in the day! Say, that reminds me, did you hear the one about the ladies of the evening who went on an expedition with the Paladin? They had to cut their trip short, because the Paladin couldn't carry enough money to cover his Laying On Of Hands!"



Leif said:
OOC: You can get a continual light cast at the temple of Barcarus in the 9th Ward. The trip to the 9th will take about 3-4 hours altgether, what with travel, saying the mandatory prayers and waiting to see the priest. Everyone wants to leave quickly and start today, so that is probably something that you should do later. Maybe someone in the group can cast the spell for you, or maybe you have other light sources for this trip?

Raul will ask the group, "What exactly are we doing for light? Someone has a lantern, we have a couple of light spell users...."

OOC: Raul will follow Thea's lead and pick up 5 sunrods from Iggy's supplies (10gp), substituting the sunrods for the crowbar, leaving the crowbar in his locker.
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J. Alexander

First Post
Andrew Dresden

Andrew will quietly excuse himself and go to his apartment where he will pick up his chain shirt and other items and then return to headquarters.


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Alarion of Tovarre

The doors to the locker room open and in walks Alarion. He wears his polished suit of banded iron cuirass, pauldron, and greaves over chausses and sleeves of chainmail. Over this he wears his tabard. On his left arm is a great kite-shield emblazoned with a silver sword with golden eagle wings growing from the crossguard, on a field of black. His sword is, as always, on his left hip, and a flail is on the right next to the his truncheon. He looks as comfortable in the armor as the others do in normal clothing. "I am ready when you are, my friends!"


OOC: So by my reckoning, that's everybody ready to go except for Rahvin, Jonas, and Moru. Guess we'll give them a while in case they have any special preparations to make, or in case anyone else thinks of more.

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