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Constables of the 14th Ward


Round 5

Initiative Order:
Wally 17
Jonas and Bruno 14
Thea 11
Darius 11
Raul 8
Stone Giant 8
Moru 7
Centipede 7
Rahvin 5
Alarion 5
Ogres 5
Soulfetter 4

Wally attacks (1d20+9=12, 1d20+8=18) again with both blades, but fails to penetrate the giant's hide.

Jonas closes the distance towards Darius and aims his wand at him shooting a healing ray towards him. (7 points cured) Bruno stays at his post watching the passage.

Thea continued to move cautiously forward. She wracked her brain, trying to think of any spells that might be useful against such a mighty foe. for the moment, though, she paused- perhaps her friends could handle the beast without magical help.

Standing on the body of the dead ogre, Darius's despair is partly dispelled by the sudden appearance of the centipede attacking the giant. Nevertheless, he hesitates before running to defend Wally, thinking With a creature that size, we need to land ten lethal blows or possibly more. We cannot all survive this encounter. Darius sheathes his sword and waves his arms, yelling (in common) as he runs to Wally's side "Stop! Do NOT hurt our guide! Let us assist you in destroying this centipede and we will go our own way!" Darius will forgo an attack this round in hopes that diplomacy will prove effective.

Raul thinks to himself, "This is madness, but diplomacy has little chance under these circumstances, unless others aid me in my call...."

Raul steps forward 5 feet and shouts to the giant, "Stand down! And we will leave you to your sheep! Why chance falling like your comrades? We are more than mere insects that can be ignored or easily crushed!"

The Giant is unmoved by the pleas to stand down. Deep in the heat of combat he hardly seems to notice the two constables attempts at a parley. He wields the massive stone club (1d20+17=27, 1d20+12=17). The huge club bashes (2d8+12=26) Rahvin and sweeps around to miss Wally by a margin close enough to make the half-orc's greenish skin pale to bone white.

As Moru roots around and digs out a healing potion, his centipede's next attack is impeded when several of its legs slip on the gore left by the dead ogre behind it.

Punch drunk, Rahvin swings his rapier (1d20+7=9) at the great foe again, a touch of feverish madness in his eyes. His swing doesn't even strike the giant much less penetrate its defenses. He looks both ill and sorely wounded. He takes a staggering step toward the rear of the giant, if this is by design none could say.

His foe down, Alarion looks to see only the fearsome giant yet stands. He makes his way forward as fast as his harness allows. [sblock=Alarion]Sorry, Raul beat you to W31, it was getting rather crowded over there, so I put Alarion on the other side of the Ogre, perhaps the excitement of the battle allowed him to cover the extra distance. If that doesn't work for you give me another spot and I'll adjust the map.[/sblock]

As the Ogre falls dead to the ground, SoulFetter leaps over its body and runs at the fearsome giant. The savage barbarian hurtles screaming toward the giant, his flame wreathed body growing taller and more massive. By the time he closes, the huge axe in his hands appears normally proportioned as he swings it 'round in an arc. Though Soulfetter is still more than two feet shorter than the giant, his reach is nearly as great and he is able to stand off and attack. His axe however fails to find its mark.

OOC: The giant is AC 25, touch 11.

OOC: Actions for round 6?


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OOC: I just realized that the map we gave in the previous post was outdated due to Darius' move. Here is a revised map. The character's places haven't changed, just what can be seen.


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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

SoulFetter's axe parts the hair of the giant's beard as it passes, but he again fails to connect.

Damn, this guys quick! Gotta keep after him!


First Post
Thea watched her fellow constables struggle with the giant- that thing was _tough_! It didn't look like they would be able to bring the creature down quickly or easily, so she decided to try and give a bit of help. She spoke a few quick arcane phrases, hoping to afflict the giant's mind with crippling terror...

OOC: [sblock]Casting Vertigo on the giant; Will save DC 15; if it works it lasts 4 rounds and during that time the giant must make a DC 10 Balance skill check to take a Move action (if it fails it cannot move, fails by 5 or more it falls down). It would also be at -2 for attack rolls and saves.[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=ooc]4th swing at giant (1d20 10=22, 1d10 5=14)I think I also get a flanking bonus? But I don't think it would be enough.[/sblock] Darius's cynical expectations are quickly met as the giant keeps swinging away. Feeling invigorated by a healing spell, he pulls his near-useless sword back out and steps in with a carefully-aimed swing. Unfortunately, his blow is deflected by the giant's armor. He finds himself thinking "We need to get the hell out of here", but he refuses to back down while his companions are in the fight.
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Scotley said:
OOC: Just waiting for Alarion to post. If we don't hear from him tonight I'll move the action along.
Gee, I hope I didn't make him mad by threatening the character of Maeglin, his r/l buddy.

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