Converting Creatures from Other Campaign Settings

Guardian Juggernaut Working Draft

Guardian Juggernaut (Template)
A walking effigy that towers many times taller than a typical humanoid. It bears translucent, shimmering garb and equipment that somehow seem lethally substantial despite their ephemeral appearance.

Guardian juggernauts are weapons of war, giant constructs piloted by another creature as if the juggernaut were their own body. A guardian juggernaut can use many of their abilities and magical items of its pilot. These rare constructs are usually created by remote tribes, who believe them to be manifestations of a god or spirit that temporarily grants life to a specially prepared totem. The clan's champion pilots the resulting guardian juggernaut against their enemies. While most guardian juggernauts are produced through the intervention of a priest or shaman, a few arcane spellcasters have discovered or developed techniques to create them.

Creating a Guardian Juggernaut
"Guardian Juggernaut" is an acquired template that causes a mindless construct to be animated by the actions of another creature (referred to hereafter as the base construct and the base creature). Becoming a guardian juggernaut is very much like multiclassing as a construct and gaining the appropriate Hit Dice.

A standard guardian juggernaut uses one of four base constructs — wooden, stone, wicker and winged. Wooden, stone and wicker juggernauts are constructed from the indicated material, while winged juggernauts have bodies of metal-reinforced wood and vast wings spanned with leather, canvas or feathers. The body of the base construct must have approximately the same shape as the base creature. Thus, a base construct intended to be animated by a humanoid or giant will have two arms, two legs and a head joined to its torso in the conventional arrangement.

The statistics of each type of juggernaut's base construct are incorporated in the template description that follows. The statistics assume a standard sized juggernaut roughly 30 feet tall. Larger or smaller guardian juggernauts can be created by advancing or reducing the Hit Dice of the base construct (see Advancement).

In principle, a different base construct could be used to create a guardian juggernaut, such as a juggernaut of a different material or another type of mindless construct entirely, like a shield guardian. However, there are no records of such a break from tradition ever succeeding.

Size and Type: The guardian juggernaut has the size of the base construct (typically Huge) and is treated as a creature of the construct type. The base construct must have a size at least one size category larger than the base creature's size.

Hit Dice and Hit Points: Same as the base creature's hit dice plus the base construct's hit dice (typically 3d10+40 for wicker juggernauts, 4d10+40 for winged, 5d10+40 for wooden, and 7d10+40 for stone, including bonus hit points for the construct's size). When calculating total hit points, only apply the base creature's Constitution modifiers to the base creature's hit dice.

If an effect increases the base creature's hit dice or hit points (i.e. barbarian rage or the spells false life and barbarian rage) the guardian juggernaut's hit dice or hit points increase by the same amount. Similarly, if the base creature's hit dice or hit points are reduced by energy drain, damage or any other effect the guardian juggernaut's hit dice and hit points are similarly reduced. However, this connection is one-way. if the construct suffers damage or any other effect that alters its hit dice or hit points this does not affect the base creature – only the guardian juggernaut is affected. If the construct stops being a guardian juggernaut it loses the addition hit dice and hit points from the base creature minus any damage it has sustained but is otherwise unharmed.

Speed: The juggernaut has the same speed as the base construct (40 ft. for wood, stone and wicker juggernauts, 10 ft. for winged juggernauts. In addition, stone juggernauts cannot run, and winged juggernauts have a 50 ft. [poor] fly speed).

If the base creature has a special ability that affects its speed, such as a barbarian's fast movement or a monk's unarmored speed bonus, this alters the juggernaut's speed as if it were the base creature.

Armor Class: The guardian juggernaut has the base creature's natural armor bonus, if any, plus the base construct's natural armor bonus (typically +6 for wicker, winged or wood, and +8 for stone). In addition, the guardian juggernaut gains the AC bonuses of any of the base creature's armor, shields, or other protective devices it is equipped with. See the special quality Juggernaut Equipment Slots for details.

Base Attack/Grapple: Add the base attack bonus for the base creature to the base attack bonus for the base construct (typically +2 for wicker, +3 for winged and wooden, or +5 for stone).

A juggernaut can make iterative attacks with weapons if the base creature is able to do so, but it can not make more iterative attacks than the base creature is capable of due to the additional base attack bonus granted by the base construct.

For example, a creature with BAB +8 has two iterative attacks with base attack bonuses of +8/+3. A standard wooden juggernaut (BAB +3) piloted by this base creature has BAB +11. The resulting guardian juggernaut can make two iterative attacks with base attack bonuses of +11/+6. It can not make three iterative attacks at +11/+6/+1 like a normal creature with BAB +11.

Attacks: A guardian juggernaut retains all the attacks of the base creature, but it can only attack with a weapon that it has been equipped with. See the special quality Juggernaut Equipment Slots for details.

In addition, the guardian juggernaut gains the natural attacks of the base construct as natural weapons (two slams for wicker, wooden, and stone juggernauts; or two claw attacks and a secondary bite attack for winged juggernauts).

Full Attack: A guardian juggernaut fighting without weapons uses its natural weapons (see above). If armed with a weapon, it usually uses the weapon as its primary attack along with a slam or other natural weapon as a natural secondary attack.

Damage: The damage of the base creature's weapons is adjusted according to the juggernaut's size. The natural weapons of standard juggernaut base constructs do damage according to the following table:

Guardian Juggernaut Attack Table



* Use this column to determine the Stomp damage of all standard types of guardian juggernaut.

Special Attacks: A guardian juggernaut retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains those described below. Saves have a DC of 10 + 1/2 juggernaut's HD + juggernaut's Cha modifier unless noted otherwise.

Stomp (Ex): A guardian juggernaut of at least Large size can stomp an opponent two or more size categories smaller than itself. This is a special full-round action during which the juggernaut moves up to twice its ground speed and attempts to move into its opponent's space. If the victim fails a Reflex save, the opponent takes bludgeoning damage as listed in the "Stomp" column of the Guardian Juggernaut Attack Table plus 1½ times the juggernaut's Strength bonus, following which the juggernaut may either pin or kick the opponent. If the victim succeeds at the Reflex save, the victim takes half damage, the juggernaut's movement ends next to the opponent's space, and the opponent may make an attack of opportunity against the juggernaut. The save DC is Strength-based.

If the juggernaut pins its opponent, the victim automatically takes stomp damage during the next round unless the juggernaut moves off them. If the juggernaut chooses to maintain the pin, treat it as a normal grapple attack. Pinned opponents continue to take stomp damage each round if they don’t escape.

If the juggernaut kicks the opponent, the victim travels 1d6 × 10 feet, and takes 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet traveled plus stomp damage from the kick.

Sweep (Ex): This special attack allows a guardian juggernaut to sweep its arms* from side to side as a standard action. The sweep affects a half-circle with a radius of the juggernaut's reach, extending from an intersection on the edge of the juggernaut's space in any direction. Creatures within the swept area are affected if they are two or more size categories smaller than the juggernaut. A sweep automatically deals twice the juggernaut's base slam damage (or claw damage, if the juggernaut has no slam attacks) plus 1-1/2 times the juggernaut’s Strength bonus (round down). Affected creatures can attempt Reflex saves to take half damage (the save DC is Strength-based).

*A guardian juggernaut with a non-standard anatomy can use other limbs, such as wings or a tail, to make a sweep attack.

Special Qualities: A guardian juggernaut retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains those described below. Saves have a DC of 10 + 1/2 juggernaut's HD + juggernaut's Cha modifier unless noted otherwise.

Spiritual Equipment (Su): A guardian juggernaut's body is carved with slots that correspond to the twelve locations a humanoid can wear magic items on (head, eyes, neck, torso, body, waist, shoulders, arms, hands, ring fingers, feet). When the juggernaut is activated, a juggernaut's pilot can place equipment in these slots and equip themselves with special wooden replicas of the equipment (see Activating A Guardian Juggernaut, below, for details). A magical copy of that equipment, sized appropriately for the juggernaut, appears on the juggernaut when it activates.

For example, if a breastplate is placed in the body cavity, a breastplate of spiritual energy forms around the guardian juggernaut and grants it a +5 armor bonus. Similarly, if a +1 battleaxe is placed in a Huge juggernaut's left arm slot, a spiritual Huge +1 battleaxe appears in the juggernaut's left hand. A guardian juggernaut's spiritual equipment has the mundane and magical properties of the items placed in the juggernaut's slots. These spiritual copies of the equipment must remain in contact with the guardian juggernaut, so the juggernaut cannot use ranged weapons that leave its hands, such as a bow's arrows, a thrown javelin or a tanglefoot bag. A juggernaut can use ranged weapons it remains connected to, such as a net or harpoon on a trailing line.

A juggernaut cannot be "spiritually equipped" with more items than the pilot can equip themselves with. The magic of the guardian juggernaut allows the pilot to place items in its spiritual equipment slots that are too large to fit; allowing the pilot to equip bulky items such as a tower shield or longspear into a juggernaut whose arm slots are too small for them. Spiritually equipping an item does not change its encumbrance.

A spiritual equipment item can be attacked physically or magically, but if it is destroyed, stolen or rendered useless, the spiritual item vanishes, then reappears sound and undamaged on the juggernaut pilot's next turn (a free action). A spiritual item is affected by dispel magic, a rod of cancellation and the like, but this just causes the item to vanish until the pilot's next turn. However, If one of the original items in the guardian juggernaut's spiritual equipment slots is damaged, the spiritual copy of the item is also damaged to the same degree.

The slots protect the original items with hardness 5 or the hardness of the base construct, whichever is higher, plus any other special defenses the golem might have (energy reduction, damage resistance, et cetera). The slot's hardness is in addition to any hardness the original item itself may have.

A spiritual copy will dissipate if the original item is removed from its equipment slot or if the juggernaut pilot loses possession of its replica item; the dissipated spiritual copy can only be replaced by re-activating the juggernaut.

Spiritual equipment slots are alternatives to the guardian juggernaut's regular equipment slots, not additions to them; they do not permit the juggernaut to "double up" its equipment. The pilot can not equip a spiritual item if the juggernaut already has a regular item in its location, and a spiritual copy will dissipate if the juggernaut equips a regular item in its place. Thus, a pilot can not spiritually equip one of a guardian juggernaut's hand slots with a wand of fireballs if the construct already has a shield, weapon or other implement in that hand.

Base Save Bonuses: Add the base save bonuses of the base construct to the base save bonuses of the base creature.

Abilities: A guardian juggernaut uses the base creature's ability scores plus the following adjustments. Its Strength increases by a modifier for the base construct (+8 for stone, +4 for winged or wooden, +0 for wicker) plus a size bonus as given in the Juggernaut Size Adjustment Table (+16 for a Huge juggernaut piloted by a Medium creature). Its Dexterity decreases by a modifier for the base construct (-4 for stone, -2 for wooden and wicker, or +0 for winged). A guardian juggernaut has no Constitution score, being a construct. A guardian juggernaut has the Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma of the base creature.

Juggernaut Size Adjustment Table*
CreatureConstruct Size
Str +12Str +20Str +28Str +36Str +44
Str +10Str +18Str +26Str +34Str +42
Str +8Str +16Str +24Str +32Str +40
Str +4Str +12Str +20Str +28Str +36
n/aStr +8Str +16Str +24Str +32
n/an/aStr +8Str +16Str +24
n/an/an/aStr +8Str +16
n/an/an/an/aStr +8
* To use this table, cross-reference the base creature's size on the left with the base construct's size on the top. The result is the guardian juggernaut's size bonus to Strength.
** standard juggernauts are Huge sized so use this column.

Non-Standard Base Constructs: If you wish to use a different base construct from the four standard types, you can determine its ability adjustments as follows.

The juggernaut's Strength modifier equals the Strength racial bonus the base construct would have if it were Medium size. Use the Changes to Statistics by Size table in the SRD or Monster Manual to determine what this value would be.

The juggernaut's Dexterity modifier equals the base construct's racial penalty to Dex, if any. A guardian juggernaut can not have a higher Dex than the base creature, so if the base construct has a racial bonus to Dex it does not apply.

Example: An iron golem is Large, with Str 33 and Dex 9. A Medium iron golem would have Str 25, so its Juggernaut Strength Table modifier is +14. The iron golem's Dex 9 gives it a juggernaut Dexterity modifier of -2.

Skills: A guardian juggernaut has the skill points of the base creature but does not gain any skill points from the base construct's Hit Dice. A guardian juggernaut has any racial skill bonuses of the base creature and of the base construct.

Feats: A guardian juggernaut has the feats of the base creature but does not gain any feats from the base construct's Hit Dice. It does gain any bonus feats possessed by the base construct.

Environment: Same as base creature.

Organization: Same as base creature.

Challenge Rating: If the base creature relies on supernatural or spell abilities that it is unable to use while piloting the guardian juggernaut, the challenge rating equals the sum of the base construct's challenge rating plus half the base creature's challenge rating. If the base creature relies on fighting ability or is able to use most of its magical combat abilities while piloting the guardian juggernaut (i.e. a spellcaster piloting a wicker juggernaut), the challenge rating equals the sum of the base creature's challenge rating plus the base construct's challenge rating. The standard base constructs' challenge ratings are CR 7 for stone, CR 5 for wicker, CR 6 for winged, and CR 5 for wooden.

Treasure: Same as base creature.

Alignment: Same as base creature.

Advancement: Same as base creature, but see Pilot Advancement below.

Level Adjustment: See Pilot Advancement.

Pilot Advancement: When determining the XP earned by the pilot, determine an effective CR for each opponent the juggernaut fights. First, subtract the juggernaut's opponent's CR from the juggernaut's CR, then the effective CR is the sum of that difference and the pilot's CR. Then use the opponent's effective CR to determine the XP earned by a character of the pilot's level.

Thus, if a CR 9 Juggernaut piloted by a CR 3 pilot were to fight a CR 10 opponent, the pilot would earn experience as if they fought a CR 4 enemy.

Activating A Guardian Juggernaut
Guardian juggernauts can be activated by spells or magic items. The traditional method used to produce these war machines is a create guardian spell cast by a cleric with the Juggernaut domain. A more powerful and versatile method is the pilot juggernaut spell. Magic items for controlling juggernauts mostly duplicate the functions of these two spells.

New Spells

Juggernaut Domain
Granted Power:
Gain +4 bonus on Craft checks. In addition, for each cleric level you gain you are granted 2 bonus skill points that you can only spend on Craft skills.

Juggernaut Domain Spells:
1. Magic Weapon: Weapon gains +1 bonus.
2. Wood Shape: Rearranges wooden objects to suit you.
3. Stone Shape: Sculpts stone into any shape.
4. Create Guardian: Temporarily transforms a totem into a guardian juggernaut.
5. Stoneskinᴹ: Ignore 10 points of damage per attack.
6. Animate Objects: Objects attack your foes.
7. Pilot Juggernaut: Temporarily transforms a construct into a guardian juggernaut.
8. Iron Body: Your body becomes living iron.
9. Crushing Hand: Large hand provides cover, pushes, or crushes your foes.

Create Guardian
Level: Juggernaut 4
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: One pilot and one totem
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell temporarily transforms a giant totem into a guardian juggernaut with the consciousness of a pilot. The pilot must be a willing intelligent being who is either a blood relative of the spellcaster or someone who has been ritually adopted into the spellcaster's clan. The type of juggernaut you can animate is based on your caster level, as shown on the table below.

Caster Level
No level requirement
9th or higher
9th or higher
11th or higher
Juggernaut Type
wooden juggernaut
winged juggernaut
wicker juggernaut*
stone juggernaut
*A wicker juggernaut produced by create guardian does not have fire resistance. The construct's own burning body will quickly reduce it to ashes unless it is given fire resistance by some additional means, such as having a ring of energy resistance (fire) placed in one of its "ring finger" spiritual equipment slots.

A create guardian spell requires considerable preparation (see components for additional details). The totem must be constructed in advance, which takes months of labor. A ceremonial tent must be erected. Wooden replicas of any magical items the juggernaut is intended to use are carved and the pilot must place them in the spiritual equipment slots of the totem.

The spellcaster can then start casting create guardian. The pilot ritually adorns themselves with the magical items for the juggernaut. They then remove the wooden replicas from the totem's spiritual equipment slots and replace them with the real items. The pilot, now adorned with the replica equipment, then enters the ceremonial tent and the priest completes the spellcasting by tracing a 10 foot diameter circle – the circle of control – around the pilot inside the tent. During the casting process, the caster must stay within range of all the components and targets of the create guardian spell.

After casting is completed, the totem animates as a guardian juggernaut of the appropriate type under control of the pilot. The juggernaut is able to use any magical equipment in its spiritual equipment slots at the direction of the pilot.

A guardian juggernaut created by this spell remains animated until it is destroyed or the spell's duration runs out. The pilot can direct the juggernaut as long as the juggernaut is on the same plane and the pilot remains within the control tent. If the pilot is incapacitated or killed the juggernaut continues to be animated but becomes inactive, since it only moves when its pilot acts. The juggernaut also becomes inactive if the pilot leaves the circle of control within the tent since this breaks the pilot's connection with the juggernaut. The pilot cannot resume control by reentering the circle of control. Recasting create guardian will "reset" the remaining duration of the spell to 24 hours and also allows the caster to reassign the pilot – either appointing an entirely new pilot or reconnecting a pilot who's connection to the juggernaut was broken.

Material Component: A totem built in the form of a guardian juggernaut. The construction cost is 500 gp for a wooden or wicker juggernaut's totem, 1,000 gp for a stone or winged juggernaut's totem. The totem must be hand built by members of the caster's clan, a process that takes 3 months. If anyone who is not a member of the caster's clan works on the totem it cannot be animated by a create guardian spell. A clan may only have one totem prepared at a time. If they craft another totem when another totem is already prepared the old totem becomes ineligible for the create guardian spell once the new totem is finished.

Unlike normal material components, the totem is not destroyed when the create guardian spell is cast. When the spell's 24 hour duration expires the totem remains in existence but can no longer be animated by a create guardian spell. Expired totems are traditionally set up for display by the clans that produced them.

Focus: A ceremonial tent 10 feet across. Made out of fine fabrics it costs 500 gp.

Replica Equipment: These are wooden copies of items used with the juggernaut's spiritual equipment ability (see the guardian juggernaut template for details). These items must be carved out of wood by the pilot or a clan relative of theirs, a process that takes 1 day per replica item but does not require any Skill checks (the degree of workmanship of the replica being irrelevant to the spiritual connection). A wooden replica weighs the same as the items it's a copy of and has a negligible cost. Replica equipment items are effectively focus components for the create guardian spell, the spell does not consume them and the replicas can be reused.

Pilot Juggernaut
Level: Juggernaut 6, Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: full-round action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets: One pilot and one construct
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell bonds a willing intelligent being's consciousness to a construct, temporarily transforming the construct into a guardian juggernaut. Only constructs under the caster's complete control can be affected. The pilot must be a willing intelligent being chosen by the spellcaster (who may be the caster themself). The type of construct that can be piloted is based on your caster level, as shown on the table below.

Caster Level
No level requirement
9th or higher
9th or higher
11th or higher
Juggernaut Type
wooden juggernaut
winged juggernaut
wicker juggernaut
stone juggernaut

At the DM's discretion, pilot juggernaut can be used to pilot other constructs. The caster level required to pilot a construct is normally either the construct's construction CL or the result of doubling the construct's Challenge Rating and subtracting three, whichever is higher. For example, a clay golem (CL 11th, CR 10) requires a caster level 17th pilot juggernaut (twice its CR 10 minus 3) while a shield guardian (CL 15th, CR 8) requires a caster level 15th pilot juggernaut (its CL). If the construct has some unusual traits that make it more or less effective as a piloted juggernaut the DM may want to increase or lower the required CL to compensate for its change in effectiveness.

You may create less powerful juggernauts than your level would allow if you choose. The juggernaut is under the control of the pilot, not the spell's caster, if these roles belong to separate creatures.

The pilot must ritually don a control focus during the casting time of the pilot juggernaut spell to establish a mystic link with the construct. This focus item usually takes the form of a mask shaped like the face of the construct. During the casting process, the caster must stay within range of all the components and targets of the pilot juggernaut spell, which includes the pilot.

After casting is completed, the totem animates as a guardian juggernaut of the appropriate type under control of the pilot. The juggernaut is able to use any magical equipment in its spiritual equipment slots at the direction of the pilot provided the pilot wields a replica equipment version of it (see the guardian juggernaut template for details).

The pilot and the spellcaster can freely access the juggernaut's spiritual equipment slots to insert and remove magical items. They can install equipment before the pilot juggernaut spell is cast or while the juggernaut is animated, and are also able to change equipment by replacing items in an equipment slot.

A guardian juggernaut created by this spell can be piloted until it is destroyed or the spell's duration runs out. The pilot can direct the juggernaut as long as the juggernaut is on the same plane and the pilot wears the control focus. If the pilot is incapacitated or killed the juggernaut becomes inactive, since it only moves when its pilot acts. The juggernaut also becomes inactive if the pilot takes off the control focus since this breaks the pilot's connection with the juggernaut. The pilot cannot resume control by putting the control focus back on. Recasting pilot juggernaut guardian will "reset" the remaining duration of the spell to 1 minute per level and also allows the caster to reassign the pilot – either appointing an entirely new pilot or reconnecting a pilot who's connection to the juggernaut was broken.

A pilot juggernaut spell can’t be defeated by dispel magic or dismissed by its caster. It can be disjoined by mage's disjunction or broken by break enchantment* if such spells are cast on either the pilot or the juggernaut. Break enchantment automatically breaks a pilot juggernaut spell from the same spellcaster. *The pilot juggernaut spell is an exception to the rule that break enchantment only works against spells of 5th level or lower.

When the pilot juggernaut spell expires the guardian juggernaut reverts back to being whatever base construct it was created from.

At the DM's option, this spell may be used to pilot other varieties of construct such as a shield guardian or clay golem. The minimum caster level required to cast pilot juggernaut on such constructs is typically twice the Challenge Rating of the construct (i.e. CL 16th to operate a CR 8 Shield Guardian as a piloted juggernaut).

Focus: A finely-crafted item of clothing (usually a mask) that resembles the base construct. It costs 1,000 gp.

Focus: The construct to be piloted.

Replica Equipment: These are wooden copies of items used with the juggernaut's spiritual equipment ability, see the create guardian spell for more information.

Juggernaut Magic Items
The following magic items and artifacts can animate guardian juggernauts.

Tent of the Juggernaut: An elaborate tent woven with clan symbols, a tent of the juggernaut has 25 charges. Upon the uttering of a command word by someone belonging to the clan the tent is dedicated to, a single creature standing within the tent (who may be the command word’s utterer) can pilot a totem as if they had received a create guardian spell. This costs 1 charge. All requirements of the spell must be met, including having a prepared juggernaut totem within range. The owner of the tent must supply the totem and replica equipment material components of the create guardian spell themselves, the price is not included in the tent’s.

Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, create guardian, creator must have 5 ranks in the Craft (weaving) skill plus 5 ranks in either the Knowledge (religion) or Knowledge (arcane) skill; Price 11,000 gp; Weight 50 lb.

Throne of the Juggernaut: A massive chair of wood and/or stone carved with battling figures. The throne of the juggernaut has 12 charges, which are renewed each day. Anyone sitting upon the throne can use pilot juggernaut to transform a construct or juggernaut totem within 250 feet into a guardian juggernaut under their control for a period of 5 minutes at the cost of 1 charge. The target must be one they have a right to pilot (i.e. a construct who responds to their commands or a totem of a clan they belong to). Once their 5 minutes are up, the pilot can extend their control by an additional 5 minutes at the cost of 1 charge. Note that expending charges to extend the control duration does not have a range limit. The price of the throne does not include any juggernauts to control. If the user wishes to employ spiritual equipment with a guardian juggernaut animated by the throne they must supply the replica equipment material components themselves.

Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, pilot juggernaut; Price 77,000 gp; Weight 50 lb.

Mask of the Juggernaut: A mask of the juggernaut must be crafted at the same time as a juggernaut construct. The juggernaut will considers anyone wearing the mask as its true owner and obeys their commands. Three times per week, the mask wearer can directly control the juggernaut as if they used the pilot juggernaut spell for a duration of up to 15 minutes.

The price of the mask includes the crafting materials and construction of the juggernaut it is linked to. The mask wearer must supply replica equipment material components for the pilot juggernaut effect if they wish to use spiritual equipment in a guardian juggernaut animated by the mask. Remember that only enhanced juggernaut constructs possess spiritual equipment slots.

Stone juggernaut: Strong transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, mass bull’s strength, pilot juggernaut, spiritual weapon, stone shape, fine stone costing 1,000 gp, creator must have 4 ranks in the Craft (sculpting) or Craft (stonemasonry) skills; Price 82,000 gp; Cost 40,500 gp + 3,240 XP; Weight 3 lb.

Stone juggernaut, enhanced: Strong transmutation; CL 14th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, mass bull’s strength, pilot juggernaut, righteous might, stone shape, spiritual weapon, fine stone costing 2,500 gp, creator must have 6 ranks in the Craft (sculpting) or Craft (stonemasonry) skills; Price 119,000 gp; Cost 60,750 gp + 4,660 XP; Weight 3 lb.

Wicker juggernaut: Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, fire shield, imbue with spell ability, pilot juggernaut, spiritual weapon, wicker plus rare oils costing 500 gp, creator must have 3 ranks in the Craft (carpentry) or Craft (wickerwork) skills; Price 51,000 gp; Cost 25,750 gp + 2, 020 XP; Weight 3 lb.

Wicker juggernaut, enhanced: Strong transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, fire shield, imbue with spell ability, pilot juggernaut, righteous might, spiritual weapon, wicker plus rare oils costing 1,000 gp, creator must have 5 ranks in the Craft (carpentry) or Craft (wickerwork) skills; Price 72,000 gp; Cost 36,500 gp + 2,840 XP; Weight 3 lb.

Winged juggernaut: Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, fly, pilot juggernaut, spiritual weapon, wood plus leather and metal costing 1,000 gp, creator must have 4 ranks in the Craft (carpentry) or Craft (leatherwork) skills; Price 61,000 gp; Cost 31,000 gp + 2,400 XP; Weight 3 lb.

Winged juggernaut, enhanced: Strong transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, fly, righteous might, pilot juggernaut, spiritual weapon, wood plus leather and metal costing 2,000 gp, creator must have 6 ranks in the Craft (carpentry) or Craft (leatherwork) skills; Price 92,000 gp; Cost 47,000 gp + 3,600 XP; Weight 3 lb.

Wooden juggernaut: Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, pilot juggernaut, spiritual weapon, 500 gp of wood, creator must have 3 ranks in the Craft (carpentry) or Craft (woodcarving) skills; Price 44,000 gp; Cost 22,250 gp + 1,740 XP; Weight 3 lb.

Wooden juggernaut, enhanced: Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, pilot juggernaut, righteous might, spiritual weapon, fine wood plus special paint and oils costing 1,000 gp, creator must have 5 ranks in the Craft (carpentry) or Craft (woodcarving) skills; Price 65,000 gp; Cost 33,000 + 2,560 XP; Weight 3 lb.

Saddle of the Juggernaut: A saddle of the juggernaut appear to be an exotic military saddle or elaborate chair built into the torso and/or head of an enhanced juggernaut construct. They are intrinsic part of the construct created at the same time as the juggernaut it is part of. The saddle forms a “operator slot” for the juggernaut construct. Whoever sits upon the saddle and utters its command word can operate the construct as if they were using pilot juggernaut. This item has no charges, the juggernaut can remain active for as long as the pilot wishes.

A construct fitted with a saddle of the juggernaut is incapable of independent action. It will only move when being piloted from its saddle. A saddle-equipped wicker juggernaut does not have or require a passenger slot for its Spell Transmission ability, the operator slot fulfils that function instead.

Strong transmutation; CL 15th; geas/quest, limited wish, pilot juggernaut plus all requirements of a mask of the juggernaut for a stone, wicker, winged or stone enhanced juggernaut (see above); Price 250,000 gp (stone), 175,000 gp (wicker), 200,000 gp (winged), 125,000 gp (wooden); Cost 126,250 gp + 9,900 XP (stone), 88,000 gp + 6,960 XP (wicker), 101,000 gp + 7,920 XP (winged), 63,000 gp + 4,960 XP (wooden); Weight — (included in juggernaut’s weight).

Crown of the Juggernauts: This major artifact looks like a circle of tiny gold warmasks with gems set in their eyeholes. The wearer of the crown of the juggernauts known whether there are constructs within 1,200 feet at all times and their approximate numbers and directions. The wearer can determine the exact location and Hit Dice of any of these construct with a swift action.

The wearer can cast create guardian and pilot juggernaut at will. The crown can cast create guardian on any creature, not just clan-relatives of its wearer. The wearer does not need replica equipment to use spiritual equipment in a guardian juggernaut they control, but this benefit does not apply to other creatures piloting juggernauts animated by the crown of the juggernauts.

Three times per day, the wearer can attempt to control a construct within 100 feet as if they had cast a dominate monster spell that ignores any immunity to mind-affecting spells, spell resistance or immunity to magic possessed by the construct. The target construct is still entitled to a saving throw (Will DC 25). This control has a duration of 1 hour and if the crown’s wearer does not spend at least 1 round concentrating on the domination each minute the construct receives a new saving throw to throw off the domination.

Finally, the wearer can become incorporeal as a swift action. They can become incorporeal for up to 12 rounds per day, which need not be continuous. While incorporeal they can fly at a speed of 30 ft. with perfect maneuverability. If an incorporeal wearer moves inside a construct under their control it becomes a guardian juggernaut under their control for as long as they remain inside it. An incorporeal crown wearer can enter a construct of any size, the construct does not have to be larger than them to become a guardian juggernaut. Time spent inside the juggernaut does not count against the duration of the crown’s pilot juggernaut, dominate construct and incorporeality abilities. If the construct being controlled is intelligent it can attempt to throw off the crown wearer’s control with a DC 25 Will save once every hour or whenever the guardian juggernaut takes an action contrary to the construct’s nature. If the guardian juggernaut is destroyed or an intelligent construct succeed at a Will save to resist being controlled the crown wearer is expelled from the juggernaut while remaining incorporeal.

While incorporeal, the wearer can only use the crown’s dominate construct power and the abilities of a guardian juggernaut they occupy. The wearer cannot eat, drink or sleep while incorporeal so if they need to nourish themselves they must leave any guardian juggernaut they occupy and return to corporeality. Even if the wearer is unaffected by hunger, thirst or sleep they must spend at least one continuous hour in their natural corporeal form every day or be unable to use the crown’s incorporeality power for 24 hours.

The crown of the juggernaut has a severe flaw. Each time the crown wearer uses its powers to control a construct they must succeed at a Will saving throw or go insane with megalomania. The Will save begins at DC 20 and increases by 1 every time for each subsequent Will save until the wearer fails the saving throw. A megalomaniacal crown wearer will refuse to take off the crown, fighting to the death to retain it. The megalomaniac regards the guardian juggernaut form as their “true” body and will spend as much time as possible in that form, seeking to occupy the largest and most powerful construct available. The insane wearer’s behavior varies with their alignment, but they always start viewing other creatures as insignificant in comparison to themselves. A lawful good megalomaniacal crown wearer may view their fellows as helpless infants or pets to be controlled in every aspect of their lives, a chaotic evil one might see them as insects to be crushed for fun. Other megalomaniacs could see people as toys to be played with, chess pieces to be manipulated, delicate flowers to be gardened (and possibly harvested) or trapped creatures to be “freed” from civilization (i.e. the constraints of walls, roads and living in buildings).

Overwhelming transmutation; Weight 3 lb.

Sample Guardian Juggernauts
The following sample creatures have gained the guardian juggernaut template.

Traditionally a guardian juggernaut is given a name that combines the name of the god or spirit the juggernaut represents and the champion who pilots it. For example, the Wolf Morash is a totem of the Wolf Spirit piloted by a hero called Morash.

Note: These sample creatures have equipment budgets equal to an NPC with a Challenge Rating equal to the guardian juggernaut, not the base creature. This is because the tribe who sponsor the juggernaut provide their champion with superior gear.

The Wolf Morash
Wooden Guardian Juggernaut piloted by 5th-level Human Fighter
Huge Construct
Hit Dice: 5d10+10+5d10+40 (105 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 24 (–2 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural, +5 +1 mithral shirt, +3 +1 heavy darkwood shield), touch 10, flat-footed 22
Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+28
Attack: +1 longsword +22 melee (3d6+15/19-20); or slam +18 melee (1d8+12)
Full Attack: +1 longsword +22 melee (3d6+15/19-20); or slam +18 melee (1d8+12)*
*If the Wolf Morash drops its shield the Full Attack becomes:
+1 longsword +22 melee (3d6+15/19-20) and slam +13 melee (1d8+6); or 2 slams +18 melee (1d8+12)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Stomp (4d8+18, Ref DC 27), sweep (2d8+25, Ref DC 27)
Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 5/—, spiritual equipment
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +4
Abilities: Str 34, Dex 15, Con —, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +20, Jump +20, Spot +6, Swim +20
Feats: Cleaveᴮ, Combat Reflexesᴮ, Improved Initiativeᴮ, Power Attack, Snatchᴮ, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword)ᴮ
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: Special (see sample creature notes)
Alignment: Same as pilot
Advancement: Special (see Pilot Advancement)
Level Adjustment: Special (see Pilot Advancement)

An enormous statue crudely but sturdily assembled out of wood.

The pilot of this wooden juggernaut is a human 5th-level fighter with ability scores of Str 14, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8.

The Wolf Morash stands 30 feet tall and weighs about 20,000 pounds.

The Wolf Morash usually closes with a double move followed by a stomp attack and then switches to longsword attacks augmented by the Power Attack feat. If the juggernaut faces closely-packed weak opponents it employs its sweep attack.

Spiritual Equipment (Su): See the Guardian Juggernaut template's Special Qualities for a description of this ability.

Stomp (Ex): The Wolf Morash can stomp an opponent of Medium size or smaller. This is a special full-round action during which the juggernaut moves up to twice its ground speed and attempts to move into its opponent's space. If the victim fails a DC 27 Reflex save, the opponent takes 4d8+18 bludgeoning damage, following which the Wolf Morash may either pin or kick the opponent. If the victim succeeds at the Reflex save, the victim takes half damage, the juggernaut's movement ends next to the opponent's space, and the opponent may make an attack of opportunity against the juggernaut. The save DC is Strength-based.

If the Wolf Morash pins its opponent, the victim automatically takes stomp damage during the next round unless the juggernaut moves off them. If the juggernaut chooses to maintain the pin, treat it as a normal grapple attack. Pinned opponents continue to take stomp damage each round if they don’t escape.

If the Wolf Morash kicks the opponent, the victim travels 1d6 × 10 feet, and takes 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet traveled plus stomp damage from the kick.

Sweep (Ex): This special attack allows the Wolf Morash to sweep its arms from side to side as a standard action. The sweep affects a half-circle with a 15 foot radius, extending from an intersection on the edge of the juggernaut's space in any direction. Creatures within the swept area are affected if they are Medium size or smaller. A sweep automatically deals 2d8+18 damage. Affected creatures can attempt DC 27 Reflex saves to take half damage (the save DC is Strength-based).

Equipment: +1 longsword, +1 mithral shirt, +1 heavy darkwood shield, boots of the winterlands, cloak of resistance +1, eyes of the eagle, gloves of dexterity+2, potion of cure moderate wounds.

The Wind Tarola
Stone Guardian Juggernaut piloted by 7th-level Human Barbarian
Huge Construct
Hit Dice: 7d12+7+7d10+40 (131 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 35 ft. (7 squares, cannot run; base speed 50 ft.)
Armor Class: 26 (–2 size, +1 Dex, +1 deflection, +8 natural, +6 +1 breastplate), touch 10, flat-footed 25
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+35
Attack: +1 frost shock heavy flail +27 melee (3d8+23+1d6 cold+1d6 electricity/19-20); or slam +25 melee (2d6+15)
Full Attack: +1 frost shock heavy flail +27/+22 melee (3d8+23+1d6 cold+1d6 electricity/19-20); or 2 slams +25 melee (2d6+15)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: stomp (4d8+23, Ref DC 32), sweep (4d6+23, Ref DC 32)
Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 9/—, improved uncanny dodge, spiritual equipment, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +6
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 12, Con —, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +22*, Jump +22*, Swim +19*
*includes –3 armor check penalty, the Wind Tarola's medium armor also denies it a +8 speed bonus to Jump
Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexesᴮ, Power Attack, Snatchᴮ, Weapon Focus (heavy flail)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 14
Treasure: Special (see sample creature notes)
Alignment: Same as pilot
Advancement: Special (see Pilot Advancement)
Level Adjustment: Special (see Pilot Advancement)

When Raging
Hit Dice: 7d12+21+7d10+40 (145 hp)
Armor Class: 24 (–2 size, –2 rage, +1 Dex, +1 deflection, +8 natural, +6 +1 breastplate), touch 8, flat-footed 23
Base Attack/Grapple: +14/+37
Attack: +1 frost shock heavy flail +29 melee (3d8+26+1d6 cold+1d6 electricity/19-20); or slam +27 melee (2d6+17)
Full Attack: +1 frost shock heavy flail +29/+24 melee (3d8+26+1d6 cold+1d6 electricity/19-20); or 2 slams +27 melee (2d6+17)
Special Attacks: Rage, stomp (4d8+25, Ref DC 34), sweep (4d6+25, Ref DC 34)
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +6
Abilities: Str 44, Dex 12, Con —, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +24*, Jump +24*, Swim +21*
*includes –3 armor check penalty, the Wind Tarola's medium armor also denies it a +8 speed bonus to Jump

An enormous statue crudely carved from stone.

The pilot of this stone juggernaut is a human 7th-level barbarian with ability scores of Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8.

The Wind Tarola stands 30 feet tall and weighs about 50 tons.

As soon as the Wind Tarola encounters a significant opponent the juggernaut rages and activates its winged boots, boosting its combat prowess and granting it a 40 ft. fly speed for 5 minutes (note it can run while flying). It flies into melee range as quickly as possible to make a stomp attack and then unleashes iterative flail attacks augmented with the Power Attack feat. The Wind Tarola enjoys using its sweep attack against a mass of weaker enemies who are packed close together.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): The Wind Tarola cannot be flanked except by a rogue of at least 9th level.

Rage (Ex): Twice per day; +4 to Str, +4 to Con, +2 on Will saves, –2 to AC for up to 6 rounds.

Spiritual Equipment (Su): See the Guardian Juggernaut template's Special Qualities for a description of this ability.

Stomp (Ex): The Wind Tarola can stomp an opponent of Medium size or smaller. This is a special full-round action during which the juggernaut moves up to twice its ground speed and attempts to move into its opponent's space. If the victim fails a DC 32 Reflex save, the opponent takes 4d8+22 bludgeoning damage (if the Wind Tarola is raging, its stomp is DC 34 and 4d8+25 damage), following which the Wind Tarola may either pin or kick the opponent. If the victim succeeds at the Reflex save, the victim takes half damage, the juggernaut's movement ends next to the opponent's space, and the opponent may make an attack of opportunity against the juggernaut. The save DCs are Strength-based.

If the Wind Tarola pins its opponent, the victim automatically takes stomp damage during the next round unless the juggernaut moves off them. If the juggernaut chooses to maintain the pin, treat it as a normal grapple attack. Pinned opponents continue to take stomp damage each round if they don’t escape.

If the Wind Tarola kicks the opponent, the victim travels 1d6 × 10 feet, and takes 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet traveled plus stomp damage from the kick.

Sweep (Ex): This special attack allows the Wind Tarola to sweep its arms from side to side as a standard action. The sweep affects a half-circle with a 15 foot radius, extending from an intersection on the edge of the juggernaut's space in any direction. Creatures within the swept area are affected if they are Medium size or smaller. A sweep automatically deals 4d6+22 damage. Affected creatures can attempt DC 32 Reflex saves to take half damage. If the Wind Tarola is raging, its sweep is DC 34 and does 4d6+25 damage. The save DCs are Strength-based.

Trap Sense (Ex): The Wind Tarola has an intuitive sense that alerts it to danger from traps, granting a +2 bonus on Reflex saves and a +2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): The Wind Tarola can react to danger before its senses would normally allow it to do so. It retains its Dexterity bonus to AC even when caught flat-footed.

Equipment: +1 frost shock heavy flail, +1 breastplate, cloak of resistance +1, gloves of dexterity +2, potion of barkskin +4, two potions of cure moderate wounds, potion of heroism, ring of protection +1, winged boots.

The Harvest Halon
Wicker Guardian Juggernaut piloted by 5th-level Human Wizard
Huge Construct
Hit Dice: 5d4+5+3d10+40+3 (77 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (–2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+20
Attack: Slam +10 melee (1d6+8 plus 2d6 fire)
Full Attack: 2 slams +10 melee (1d6+8 plus 2d6 fire)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Burning body, spell transmission, spells, stomp (4d8+12, Ref DC 23), sweep (2d6+12 plus 2d6 fire, Ref DC 23)
Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 3/—, fire resistance 15*, vulnerability to fire
*The Harvest Halon may not have fire resistance, see the ability description for an explanation.
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +7
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 12, Con —, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills: Concentration +8 (+12 defensively), Craft (alchemy) +11, Decipher Script +11, Gather Information +1, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (local) +11, Spellcraft +13
Feats: Combat Castingᴮ, Craft Wondrous Itemᴮ, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Spell Focus (Enchantment), Scribe Spellᴮ, Snatchᴮ
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: Special (see sample creature notes)
Alignment: Same as pilot
Advancement: Special (see Pilot Advancement)
Level Adjustment: Special (see Pilot Advancement)

An enormous effigy woven from reeds and twigs.

The pilot of this wicker juggernaut is a human 5th-level wizard with ability scores of Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 8.

The Harvest Halon stands 30 feet tall and weighs about 4,000 pounds.

The Harvest Halon prefers to attack from a distance with spells, particularly through liberal application of its wand of fireballs. It often tries to debilitate its enemies with stinking cloud, hideous laughter, web, confusion or obscuring mist. If the Halon faces a tough opponent it attempts to compel or slay them with charm person or phantasmal killer. Should close combat appear more effective the juggernaut favors stomp and sweep attacks over its relatively ineffective slam attacks.

Burning Body (Ex): A wicker juggernaut’s natural attacks and any melee weapon it wields deal an additional 2d6 fire damage. Creatures hitting a wicker juggernaut with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the construct's flaming body.

Note that wicker juggernauts are vulnerable to fire damage, including the 2d6 fire damage from their own Burning Body special ability, but its fire resistance of 15 prevents it taking any damage from its own flames as long as it is active.

Fire Resistance (Sp): A standard wicker juggernaut has fire resistance as a spell-like ability, if this is dispelled (caster level equals the wicker juggernaut's construction) the juggernaut can restart the fire resistance as a free action. A wicker juggernaut produced by the create guardian spell does not have fire resistance so will be quickly reduced to ash by its burning body ability unless the juggernaut is given fire resistance by some additional means. In either case, a wicker juggernaut's fire resistance protects the juggernaut’s equipment as well, including any passenger in its spell transmission slot.

Spell Transmission (Su): A wicker juggernaut contains a special spiritual equipment slot that can carry a passenger no larger than two size categories smaller than the juggernaut. If the juggernaut is "equipped" with a volunteer who possesses the same creature type and subtype as its pilot, this allows the pilot to transmit spells and spell-like abilities "through" the volunteer with the following provisos:
  1. The range of a spell transmitted through the wicker juggernaut's volunteer originates from the juggernaut rather than the actual location of the pilot. Spells with a range of "personal" can not be transmitted through the juggernaut's volunteer.
  2. The pilot cannot target the juggernaut or anything in its spiritual equipment slots, including the volunteer, with a transmitted spell.
  3. the pilot cannot transmit spells through the wicker juggernaut if the volunteer is dead or unconscious.
Spells: The Harvest Halon is a 5th-level wizard.

Wizard Spells Prepared (4/4/3/2, save DC 13 + spell level, 14 + spell level for Conjuration and Enchantment spells)
0—flare (DC 13), ghost sound (DC 13), mage hand, message;
1st—charm person (DC 15), magic missile, obscuring mist, ray of enfeeblement (DC 14);
2nd—hideous laughter (DC 16), glitterdust (DC 16), web;
3rd—dispel magic, stinking cloud (DC 17).

Stomp (Ex): The Harvest Halon can stomp an opponent of Medium size or smaller. This is a special full-round action during which the juggernaut moves up to twice its ground speed and attempts to move into its opponent's space. If the victim fails a DC 23 Reflex save, the opponent takes 4d8+12 bludgeoning damage plus 2d6 fire damage, following which the Harvest Halon may either pin or kick the opponent. If the victim succeeds at the Reflex save, the victim takes half damage, the juggernaut's movement ends next to the opponent's space, and the opponent may make an attack of opportunity against the juggernaut. The save DC is Strength-based.

If the Harvest Halon pins its opponent, the victim automatically takes stomp damage during the next round unless the juggernaut moves off them. If the juggernaut chooses to maintain the pin, treat it as a normal grapple attack. Pinned opponents continue to take stomp damage each round if they don’t escape.

If the Harvest Halon kicks the opponent, the victim travels 1d6 × 10 feet, and takes 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet traveled plus stomp damage from the kick.

Summon Familiar: The base creature has a toad as their wizard's familiar which provides them with +3 hit points as a familiar special ability.

Toad Familiar: CR —; Diminutive Magical Beast; HD 1 [or use Master's 5 HD]; hp ½ master's [= 10 hp]; Init +1; Spd 5 ft.; AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +0; Grp -17; Atk —; Full Atk —; Space/Reach 1 ft./0 ft.; SA —; SQ improved evasion, low-light vision, granted abilities [Alertness, deliver touch spells, empathic link, improved evasion, share spells, speak with master]; AL any; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2 [Master's base saves give Will +6]; Str 1, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 4.
Skills and Feats: Hide +21, Listen +4, Spot +4 [Master's skill ranks add Concentration +10 (+14 defensively), Craft (alchemy) +6, Decipher Script +6, Gather Information +1, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Spellcraft +8]; Alertness.

Sweep (Ex): This special attack allows the Harvest Halon to sweep its arms from side to side as a standard action. The sweep affects a half-circle with a 15 foot radius, extending from an intersection on the edge of the juggernaut's space in any direction. Creatures within the swept area are affected if they are Medium size or smaller. A sweep automatically deals 2d6+12 damage plus 2d6 fire damage. Affected creatures can attempt DC 23 Reflex saves to take half damage (the save DC is Strength-based).

Equipment: wand of fireball (CL 6th), cloak of resistance +1, two potions of cure light wounds, scroll of confusion, scroll of phantasmal killer.

Originally appeared in Jakandor - Island of War (1998)
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Hmm, come to think of it how about we have a "Guardian Juggernaut" template that combines a base creature and a Juggernaut construct, then do three monster entries for the three different types of Juggernaut.

If we're following the model of the Lycanthrope template, that uses the separate monster entries for the animals the Lycanthrope turns into, so we might as well use separate monster entries for the constructs too.

I'm also thinking we could stat up standard construct versions of the Juggernauts capable of independent action, as well as the short-term versions produced by the create guardian spell. It'd simply be a matter of adding minimal mental ability stats to the Juggernaut.

Or we could do three pretty similar templates. Might be easier. The issue with the lycanthrope-like style is that we need a meta-template, three constructs, template samples (ie, the specific templates), and samples. Ick. There's a reason Shade always hated lycanthropes. Maybe we can simplify this a bit somehow.

I'm also thinking we could stat up standard construct versions of the Juggernauts capable of independent action, as well as the short-term versions produced by the create guardian spell. It'd simply be a matter of adding minimal mental ability stats to the Juggernaut.

Certainly if we go with the lycanthrope-like idea.

Or we could do three pretty similar templates. Might be easier. The issue with the lycanthrope-like style is that we need a meta-template, three constructs, template samples (ie, the specific templates), and samples. Ick. There's a reason Shade always hated lycanthropes. Maybe we can simplify this a bit somehow.

Certainly if we go with the lycanthrope-like idea.

Well a lot of the problem with lycanthropes is they have three separate stat blocks and are fiddly to work out.

For the Guardian Juggernauts, we could just fold all three types into one template by using sub entries or quoting specific values for each.

For example, the Hit Dice could be "The juggernaut's Hit Dice equal the base creature's hit dice plus the base construct's hit dice (X for wood juggernauts, Y for stone and Z for wicker)".

Given the different abilities (at least for the wicker), we'd probably need subentries. Well, I'll go for it. Where do you want to start?

Given the different abilities (at least for the wicker), we'd probably need subentries. Well, I'll go for it. Where do you want to start?

Let's just go through it in the standard template order. If we come across any difficulties we can backtrack as necessary.

Here's a start:

Creating a Guardian Juggernaut
"Guardian Juggernaut" is an acquired template that causes a mindless construct to be animated by the actions of another creature (referred to hereafter as the base construct and the base creature). Becoming a guardian juggernaut is very much like multiclassing as a construct and gaining the appropriate Hit Dice.

There are three types of guardian juggernaut - wooden, stone, and wicker - depending on the material used to construct the base construct. The body of the base construct must have approximately the same shape as the base creature. Thus, a base construct intended to be animated by a humanoid or giant will have two arms, two legs and a head joined to its torso in the conventional arrangement.

The statistics of each type of juggernaut's base construct are incorporated in the template description that follows. The statistics assume a standard sized juggernaut roughly 30 feet tall. Larger or smaller guardian juggernauts can be created by advancing or reducing the Hit Dice of the base construct (see Advancement).

In principle, a different base construct could be used to create a guardian juggernaut, such as a juggernaut of a different material or another type of mindless construct entirely, like a shield guardian. However, there are no records of such a break from tradition ever succeeding.

Size and Type
The guardian juggernaut has the size of the base construct (typically Huge) and is treated as a creature of the construct type.

Hit Dice and Hit Points
Same as the base creature's hit dice plus the base construct's hit dice (typically 5d10+40 for wooden juggernauts, 7d10+40 for stone and 3d10+40 for wicker, including bonus hit points for the construct's size). When calculating total hit points, only apply the base creature's Constitution modifiers to the base creature's hit dice.
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Looks good so far, though I'd say "humanoid or giant" in that second paragraph. ;)

Speed: same as base construct

Armor Class: the template just boosts the base creature's AC, but (a) that doesn't make a ton of sense and (b) is likely to give the juggernaut too poor of an AC. I'd be inclined to go with "same as base construct" or maybe boost that a tiny bit due to the spell or perhaps the base creature's equipment. What do you think?

Looks good so far, though I'd say "humanoid or giant" in that second paragraph. ;)

So would I. You must have imagined that "of". :p

Speed: same as base construct

This ought to be 40 ft.

Armor Class: the template just boosts the base creature's AC, but (a) that doesn't make a ton of sense and (b) is likely to give the juggernaut too poor of an AC. I'd be inclined to go with "same as base construct" or maybe boost that a tiny bit due to the spell or perhaps the base creature's equipment. What do you think?

The Jakandor campaign was pretty low level, with most of the named NPCs being only 2nd to 8th level. The highest level I could find with a cursory examination was a 12th level Lich.

Notice the highest level among the "three memorable juggernauts in Knorrman history" is a 7th level character, a Clandred (which is the basic Knorrman warrior class, an ordinary clan member who fights when needed, rather than an expert full-time combatant).

That suggests we want something appropriate for low-CR encounters, so I'm fine with having a fairly poor AC compared to, say, the 3E Stone Golem. Although to compensate somewhat I should mention I think we should give all the standard Juggernauts a Hardness score equal to their material (stone = hardness 8 and so on).

It's also worth remembering that the Juggernaut's gain the AC benefits of the helmsman's armour (assuming it's equipped into the Juggernaut), but the juggernaut isn't slowed by being equipped by heavy armour.

Actually, that raises a significant point. A Juggernaut does have special rules for restricting its movement - limited turning speeds and the like - but heavy armour like banded mail does not slow it down.

Methinks we need a special trait to reflect this. I did wonder about giving it a trait something like the following:

Cumbersome (Ex): A guardian juggernaut always moves as if it was carrying a heavy load, even if it is not equipped with any items.

That could prove very troublesome for helmsman who's attacks rely on mobility, though, so I'm having second thoughts about it.

Hmm, I think we need to think about this... Do we want a Juggernaut Barbarian to keep its Fast Movement, or a Juggernaut Monk to have Flurry Of Blows? I'm inclined to say yes, since those (a) those are key elements of the class and (b) a giant statue that knows kung fu is just cooler than one that doesn't.

What if we give the base constructs fairly low AC and make the juggernaut AC = base construct AC with a bonus related to the base creature's armor? I just don't like using the base creature's AC --- it's nonsensical in addition to being low. I don't really like hardness because, with very few exceptions, hardness is for objects and DR is for monsters. DR might be ok, though.

I also have some reservations about cumbersome (go kung-fu statue!), but I do think it would be good to have some nod toward limited movement.

What if we give the base constructs fairly low AC and make the juggernaut AC = base construct AC with a bonus related to the base creature's armor? I just don't like using the base creature's AC --- it's nonsensical in addition to being low. I don't really like hardness because, with very few exceptions, hardness is for objects and DR is for monsters. DR might be ok, though.

If we follow the original model, the Juggernaut will have the same AC bonuses as base creature (assuming they remembered to equip the armour), plus a natural armour bonus depending on the type of juggernaut, plus the usual size and Dex adjustments.

So I was thinking of something like this:

Armor Class: The guardian juggernaut has the base creature's natural armor bonus, if any, plus the base construct's natural armor bonus (+X for wood, +Y for stone, +Z for wicker). In addition, the guardian juggernaut gains the AC bonuses of any of the base creature's armor, shields, or other protective devices it is equipped with. See the special quality Juggernaut Equipment Slots for details.

I also have some reservations about cumbersome (go kung-fu statue!), but I do think it would be good to have some nod toward limited movement.

The special movement rules of the original suggests we should give it some kind of movement limitation, but I'm not sure what.

That reminds me, while I was looking through the Jakandor books to see what levels the characters were, I discovered there's a Fourth type of Guardian Juggernaut, The Winged Juggernaut.

There are very bare details of it in Jakandor - Land of Legend.

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