Converting First Edition Monsters

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Casimir Liber

Heh...while I'm waiting (I am making a desert arthropod-ridden world which is why the interest in arachnids. Also like making sure they are done properly so wary of homebrew on DnDbeyond)

Here is giant uropygid - a la giant pedipalp from Q1. My challenge is to try and post one as finished as possible and requiring as little tinkering as possible....


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Heh...while I'm waiting (I am making a desert arthropod-ridden world which is why the interest in arachnids. Also like making sure they are done properly so wary of homebrew on DnDbeyond)

Here is giant uropygid - a la giant pedipalp from Q1. My challenge is to try and post one as finished as possible and requiring as little tinkering as possible....


Okay, the initial statblock looks fine.

Giant Pedipalps have immunity to acid in 2E but not in any other edition AFAIK, but they have immunity to poison in 2E and 3E so I won't object to the Poison Damage Resistance.

A Uropygid has spiny pedipalps that can impale prey, so its Foreleg attacks should do some damage. To keep the total amount manageable we'd probably want to reduce the bite attack damage.

The AD&D monster's Pedipalps do 1d8 damage and its Bite does 2d4 damage, neither of which is quite as good as the 1d10 of an AD&D Giant Scorpion's claws.

So maybe melee weapon damages of foreleg 5 (1d6 + 2) and bite 7 (1d10 + 2)?

That's similar to the damage of a Hippogriff or Giant Eagle, both Challenge 1 monsters who have lower HP and AC but a point better to hits and don't need to hit with their claws before they can bite an opponents.

The Acidic Discharge doesn't need the "mucous membranes" stuff, "failure results in Disadvantage on all actions for 1d6 rounds or until target is doused in water." would be enough.

It also has most of a paragraph from the burning hands spell stuck after it for some reason. That should be removed.

The Description seems both too short, a bit redundant (mention of gripping pedipalps and "arachnid" both used twice) and a portion is about solifugids rather than uropygids.

Casimir Liber

Damn - missed all that. Yes I was looking at burning hands to give me an idea about cone-shaped attacks. Anyway. Updated. Reading the wikipedia page - they can burrow too. Have made it 10ft but could be faster...? Also gives an idea about them being useful to underground humanoids for this reason...


  • gianturopygid2.png
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Damn - missed all that. Yes I was looking at burning hands to give me an idea about cone-shaped attacks. Anyway. Updated. Reading the wikipedia page - they can burrow too. Have made it 10ft but could be faster...? Also gives an idea about them being useful to underground humanoids for this reason...

Well, real-life whip-scorpions dig lairs out of the earth to live in, but that kind of burrows are not burrowing movement in 5E terms.

Since they mostly live in leaf litter, they could have "burrowing movement" to move through very loose materials (piles of sand, leaves, et cetera) I suppose.

The description should mention they are nocturnal and like to hide under things, like fallen logs or rocks.

Oh, and they prefer dark and damp places, they can't tolerate dry conditions like a solifugid or scorpion.

Should probably mention that their first pair of legs are used as feelers and they walk with the last six.


Should probably mention that their first pair of legs are used as feelers and they walk with the last six.

Speaking of walking, should they be as fast as a Solifugid?

I don't believe they're noted for running quickly like a sun spider. They're more ambush-hunters than chasers and the original monster has a Move that's equal or half that of an normal humanoid (12 or 6 vs 12).

I'd lower their speed to 30 ft. or 40 ft. like a 5E Giant Scorpion.

I think I'll post an Enworld version with some proposals for the Description…


Uropygid, Giant
Large beast, unaligned
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 37 (5d10 + 10)
Speed 30 ft., burrow 20 ft. (only loose strata such as earth, sand or leaves)

14 (+2)​
14 (+2)​
14 (+2)​
1 (−5)​
9 (−1)​
3 (−4)​

Skills Perception +3
Damage Resistances poison
Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2


Multiattack. The uropygid makes two foreleg attacks against the same target. If it hits, it can make a bite attack against the target, with Advantage if it hits with both forelegs, without Advantage if it hits with one foreleg.

Foreleg. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 13). The uropygid can grapple only one target at a time.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit (with Advantage if target already grappled), reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage.

Vinegaroon Spray (Recharge 5-6). The uropygid shoots an irritant acidic liquid from glands near its tail; each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, failure results in Disadvantage on all actions for 1d6 rounds or until target is doused in water.

Also called whip scorpions, or vinegaroons, giant uropygids are large scorpion-like arachnids found in damp and dark places such as jungles, forests and the underdark. They avoid arid environments. Around 8 feet long, giant uropygids have tan to dark brown bodies with eight legs, the frontmost pair of which are used as feelers and the rear six used for locomotion. They are equipped with a pair of large spiny pedipalps, strong jaws and a thin whip-like tail. The uropygid shoots an acrid irritant liquid from a gland in its abdomen; this can be aimed at opponents in front of it.

Giant uropygids lair in burrows dug in earth or soft rock. Females seal themselves inside a hollow while nursing a clutch of 5d6+10 eggs, then carry their newborn hatchlings about on their backs.

(Uropygids first appeared as Giant Pedipalps (Uropygi) in Q1 Queen of the Demonweb Pits (1980) by Gary Gygax and David C. Sutherland III, the original author was Sutherland)
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A few comments on the above.

Armor Class 15 ([natural armor])
Hit Points 37 (5d[10] + 10)
Speed [30 ft., burrow 20 ft. (only loose strata such as leaves or sand)]

Realised it had a Medium creatures d8 Hit Dice instead of the d10s of a Large creature.

Would consider Speed 40 ft. like a Giant Scorpion, although the original monster is a LOT slower than an AD&D Giant Scorpions (6 vs 15!).

[Vinegaroon Spray (Recharge 5-6).]

There's something about the phrase "Acidic Discharge" that makes me think the whip-scorpion has a serious gastrointestinal condition rather than a combat ability.

Also, it does not spray from its tail - the glands are near the end of its abdomen.

I suppose we could use "The uropygid shoots an acrid irritant liquid from the end of its abdomen" or "The uropygid shoots an acrid irritant liquid from its rear end."

The latter wording gives me the same unfortunate implication of a gastrointestinal complaint, although it could be worse. The special attack is described as a "noxious vapor" that's a "wet yellow gas" in the 2E version of the monster!
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Casimir Liber

I've gone with all changes (speed 30/20) you've suggested. I watched a video and the critter points the end of its abdomen forwards to spray infront of it - not sure how specific we need to be in description. Currently I have for para 1:

"Also called whip scorpions, or vinegaroons, giant uropygids are large scorpion-like arachnids found in jungles, forests and the underdark. Around 8 feet long, they have hairy dark brown bodies with eight legs and a pair of large spiny pedipalps, strong jaws and a thin whip-like tail. The uropygid shoots an acrid irritant liquid from a gland in its abdomen; this can be aimed at opponents in front of it."


I've gone with all changes (speed 30/20) you've suggested. I watched a video and the critter points the end of its abdomen forwards to spray infront of it - not sure how specific we need to be in description. Currently I have for para 1:

"Also called whip scorpions, or vinegaroons, giant uropygids are large scorpion-like arachnids found in jungles, forests and the underdark. Around 8 feet long, they have hairy dark brown bodies with eight legs and a pair of large spiny pedipalps, strong jaws and a thin whip-like tail. The uropygid shoots an acrid irritant liquid from a gland in its abdomen; this can be aimed at opponents in front of it."

Be as specific as you like - it's not as if there's a word limit! Or just keep it succinct.

Not in favour of describing them as "hairy," they don't look hirsute to me!

From Wikipedia:


Not that much fur, compared to a tarantula such as Aphonopelma mojave:

That eight-legged lass is definitely hairy!

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