D&D 3E/3.5 Converting monsters from Mayfair Games Role Aids product line


Extradimensional Explorer
Tactics: Many victims of dream monsters don't realize they've been attacked. The monster hides in its veil of illusion, attacking unsuspecting victims. If a dream monster realizes it has been detected, it will usually flee.

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Tactics: Many victims of dream monsters don't realize they've been attacked. The monster hides in its veil of illusion, attacking unsuspecting victims. If a dream monster realizes it has been detected, it will usually flee.

I'd rearrange it a bit. How about:

A dream monster hides in its veil of illusion, attacking unsuspecting victims. Many victims of dream monsters don't even realize they're being attacked. If a dream monster realizes it has been detected, it will usually flee.



Updating the Dream Monster Working Draft.

Do you or Nookie have some background?

I don't have anything, but I can easily whip something up.

How's this?

A gray spider-like creature with a bloated globular body and numerous wispy legs.

A dream monster is a mysterious predator that is little known and even more rarely seen, since it constantly hides behind a veil of illusions. So great is a dream monster's skill in illusory phantasms that it can kill and eat its victims without being noticed. There is a fierce scholarly argument as to whether these aberrations hail from the Plane of Nightmares or the Far Realms, but the truth is no-one knows their origins.

Dream monsters are very rare, but can be found anywhere they can find prey. They normally lair in ruins and cave systems, but a dream monster could live and hunt in a crowded apartment block without being detected. Places inhabited by a dream monster often gains the reputation of being haunted, due to the "accidents" and "disappearances" of the monster's victims.

A typical dream monster has a body 3 to 4 feet long and stands roughly two feet tall. It weighs about 80 pounds.

Dream monsters can communicate telepathically, but have no interest in speaking to their victims.



Okay, the first of them seem to be some kind of security droid...
1: The Defective Droid

. . . In front of the castle entrance, a two-foot-tall droid is moving around in a circle and muttering: "Mite, Mite, Mite . . ." over and over. Its tractor treads have worn a three-inch-deep trench into the ground.

<no stats>

2: Guardians of the Castle

. . . Droids patrol the courtyard, which is just outside the castle. They resemble the droid that was moving around in circles, only these droids seem to be functioning properly. Each of these droids has a red crystal atop its casing.

. . . When a visible party member enters the courtyard, the nearest droid approaches the Character and says, "I am programmed to fire lasers at you unlessyou leave now! I would not give this warning, but my master has agreed to protect youths like yourself. Please leave immediately, or I will attack."

The droids are programmed to attack anyone standing in the courtyard who does not retreat within ten seconds of receiving the warning. However, the droids will only attack visible intruders who ignore the warning and remain in the courtyard. The droids cannot detect invisible intruders.

The droids are not programmed to respond to attacks from the air . . .

(10) Droids
HTK: 15x2, 16x2, 17x2, 18x2, 19x2 (4d8)
AC: 4
AT: 1
DM: 2d6 (laser)
MV 16"
AL: Neutral
INT: Special
Size: M
THAC0: 15
Weapons: lasers
Special These droids obey anyone who uses the password. They do not respond to aerial attacks, doing no more than they are programmed to do. Droids outside of the defense walls circle in the same manner as the malfunctioning droid in Area 1.
Shall we call them "Droid, Guardian" since the encounter is entitled "Guardians of the Castle"?

Small Construct with 4 HD? The "laser" is probably a ranged touch attack.


Agreed to all that. These seem like pretty wimpy droids.

Hmm, it says "Size: M", so we'd better make them Medium despite being 2 feet tall.

I guess it's probably pretty broad for its height.

Should we give them a physical attack as well as their lasers? Maybe a slam (i.e. they just run into enemies).

They might have some special movement rules for being on tracks.

Are they able to climb stairs?
Turn themselves right-way-up if they're knocked prone?
Do they have arms or other manipulative appendages?

Well we do know they can talk, presumably in Common.

I'll start a working draft with the bare essentials...

Voidrunner's Codex

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