D&D 3E/3.5 Converting monsters from Mayfair Games Role Aids product line

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Alrighty than lets move on :)

So, that'd give us something like this for the laser:

Laser (Ex): A guardian droid can attack opponents with a beam of coherent light emitted from the red crystal in its head. This is a ranged touch attack with a 100 ft. range increment that does 2d6 damage (untyped) if it hits. Targeting sensors give the guardian droid a +3 circumstance bonus to its laser's attack rolls. The laser is powered by the droid's internal energy plant, so it will not run out of shots as long as the guardian droid continues functioning.

We also need the rest of the physical stats.

Dex 10, Cha 1 like an animated object?

I think that Charisma's too low, since they can talk. How about Cha 5?

Int 10, Wis 11 for the "non-defective" version, since the Fez V Droid has average Intelligence?

The original AC requires a +6 NA, which seems a little low for a guardian droid.

Maybe they're made out of thin metal and cheap plastic? A robotic version of a "rent-a-cop" rather than a high-end security unit?

Alternatively, we could increase the NA a point or two and lower its Dex bonus by the same amount, but I don't think it's right giving it a substandard Dexterity.

Hmm... unless it's only the Defective guardian droid that has a Dex penalty, as part of its defect. Let's say -4 to its Dex and mental stats.

Hmm, upon reflection I'd rather not lower the abilities since that means we'd have to refigure all the skills. How about we give it a -2 circumstance penalty to AC and a -4 competence penalty on all Dex-, Int-, Wis- and Cha- based ability checks and skill checks?

Regular Guardian Droid: AC 18 (+8 NA), Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 5?
Defective Droid No 1: AC 16 (-2 Dex, +8 NA), Dex 6, Int 6, Wis 7, Cha 1?
Defective Droid No 2: AC 16 (-2 competence, +8 NA), -4 on most skill checks.

OK, that was a lot to process.

First of all, they certainly do not move on tracks if they have tractor treads. Bulldozers have tractor treads and do not move on tracks. Trains move on tracks and don't have tractor treads. So you should probably call the SQ "Tractor Movement" or something, since they're not on tracks. As far as that ability goes, it's pretty good, but I'd rather they take reduced penalties from difficult terrain, since they should be able just to plow over roughness in the ground, much like a bulldozer.

The laser looks good.

I'd prefer to keep the Cha low, as (1) language is a function of Int, not Cha, and (2) Cha is about enforcing your will on something, and these droids don't sound good at that.

+8 NA is fine, and I prefer defective droid option 2.

OK, that was a lot to process.

First of all, they certainly do not move on tracks if they have tractor treads. Bulldozers have tractor treads and do not move on tracks. Trains move on tracks and don't have tractor treads. So you should probably call the SQ "Tractor Movement" or something, since they're not on tracks. As far as that ability goes, it's pretty good, but I'd rather they take reduced penalties from difficult terrain, since they should be able just to plow over roughness in the ground, much like a bulldozer.

Er, no.

Bulldozers move on caterpillar tracks. Trains move on rails.

What "reduced penalties from difficult terrain" did you have in mind?

Something like 3/4 speed instead of the usual 1/2 speed? If so, I think you overestimate the all-terrain effectiveness of tracked vehicles compared to legged ones.

The laser looks good.

I'll use it as-is then.

I'd prefer to keep the Cha low, as (1) language is a function of Int, not Cha, and (2) Cha is about enforcing your will on something, and these droids don't sound good at that.

+8 NA is fine, and I prefer defective droid option 2.

Yeah, I was preferring Defective Droid 2 too, mainly because I didn't fancy fiddling with the actual ability scores. The main reason I was toying with Cha 5 was to leave room for a -4 Charisma penalty for Defective Droid 1, but I'd happily do without it.

So, we're going for:

Guardian Droid: AC 18 (+8 NA), Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 1
Defective Droid: AC 16 (-2 competence, +8 NA), -4 on most skill checks.

Er, no.

Bulldozers move on caterpillar tracks. Trains move on rails.

What "reduced penalties from difficult terrain" did you have in mind?

Something like 3/4 speed instead of the usual 1/2 speed? If so, I think you overestimate the all-terrain effectiveness of tracked vehicles compared to legged ones.

I'll use it as-is then.

Yeah, I was preferring Defective Droid 2 too, mainly because I didn't fancy fiddling with the actual ability scores. The main reason I was toying with Cha 5 was to leave room for a -4 Charisma penalty for Defective Droid 1, but I'd happily do without it.

So, we're going for:

Guardian Droid: AC 18 (+8 NA), Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 1
Defective Droid: AC 16 (-2 competence, +8 NA), -4 on most skill checks.

I'm ok enough with all that.

I'm ok enough with all that.

In that case...

Updating Guardian Droid Working Draft.

Do we want to give them any other special qualities?

Darkvision from Nightvision Sensors?
Blindsense or Blindsense from "Radar"?
Mindlink with other droids from "Radio"?
Damage Reduction for having a tough shell, like an animated object has?
The ability to be tricked by logic arguments? (vulnerability to Diplomacy, but with a penalty?)

If not, we can start on Skills and Feats.

I'd leave finishing off the Defective Guardian Droid version until we've completed the regular one.

Actually i like all those qualities :D
Maybe Dr 5/Adamant.

Well animated objects actually have Hardness, but there are folks who don't like that for monsters.

So, I was thinking more of DR 5/—, but 5/adamantine works too.

Anyone have a preference either way?

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