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D&D 3E/3.5 Converting monsters from Mayfair Games Role Aids product line


Monster Junkie
Great! I'll start an official conversion thread (and we can retain this one for all the posted stats) soon.

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Monster Junkie
Let's start with the fleshmorph!

Fleshmorph (Yelad)
Greater Devil
MOVEMENT: 9"/18" flying
HTK: 10D8
DAMAGE: 1-10 (Mace), 1-4 (claws)
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil
SIZE: Large 10 feet tall
Yelad was one of the most renown Fleshmorphs and served as Dispater's favored aid, charged with collecting human slaves for Dispater's palace on the second plane of Hell.

Fleshmorphs are bat-winged creatures with tiny, hairy ears, a bald head, and a flattened mound with two holes for a nose. Fleshmorphs carry a poisoned mace (43 to hit) that causes death within two hours of contact.

They can perform once per turn or melee round: Detect Invisibility, Cause Fear, Produce Flame, Read Magic, Wall of Fire, Polymorph to Human Form, Dispel Magic, Detect Magic, Summon Monsters (50% chance of summoning 1-2 Erinyes).

Originally appeared in Role Aids #716 Deadly Power.

It looks like we've got a 10 HD devil (baatezu). We might look to the 10 HD bone devil as a starting point for abilities...

Str 21, Dex 21, Con 21, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14


Extradimensional Explorer
Given that these are "greater" devils, we should let them advance quite a lot (also like bone devils).

These are genius and rely on that poison, so maybe a bit higher on mental scores and a little lower on Str & Dex? Str 19, Dex 19, Con 21, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 18?


Monster Junkie
Good suggestion. In fact, since it sounds like they tend to rely on their alternate form quite a bit, decent Cha (to go with Bluff/Disguise) makes sense.

Looking to Dispater for further inspiration...

"Dispater is the very definition of cautious. He is vigilant beyond compare, weaving a web of impenetrable defenses around himself and his holdings."

"He is calm, composed, and charming."

"Most of Dispater's goals lurk behind countless lies and deceptions"


Extradimensional Explorer
Sounds like plenty of Cha-based skills and some nice flavor.

Should we make the weapon poison a magical property that fades if the fleshmorph loses the mace?

And should we give them a fancy devil name?


Monster Junkie
Yeah, I think the poison should be a property of the fleshmorph rather than the mace.

I think the parenthetical "Yelad" is their "fancy devil name". ;)


Extradimensional Explorer
Nah, "Yelad was one of the most renown Fleshmorphs..." But I'm fine with calling them all Yelads if we like.


Monster Junkie
Oh, good catch. We could say that they are named after the original Yelad, or call them "yeladim" or "yeladons".

Voidrunner's Codex

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