D&D 3E/3.5 Converting monsters from Mayfair Games Role Aids product line

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With a brain that small, why not? ;)

Well they say honeybees are pretty smart for something with a brain the size of a grain of sand, so why not these fellows?:p

Did we decide to drop the incorporeal touch?

We've still got the Dispersed Form to sort out. I'm thinking we should just consider it equivalent to gaseous form.

Any ideas on the skills and feats?

It's got enough for three skills at max (12) ranks - Hide, Move Silently and Spot? - or four skills at 9 ranks - Hide, Listen, Move Silently and Spot?

I'm wondering whether they should be silent in their dispersed form like an incorporeal creature, in which case it ought to be Hide, Listen and Spot.

Any thoughts?


Extradimensional Explorer
I believe we decided to drop the touch, since they're not incorporeal. ;)

Making dispersed form like gaseous form with the addition of silent works for me. So then Hide, Listen, and Spot seem right.


What freyar said. ;)

So we're talking something like:

Dispersed Form (Ex): As a standard action, a sandman can disperse its body into a cloud of very fine sand. This form has the same effects as the spell gaseous form, with the addition that the sandman moves with perfect silence when dispersed. A dispersed sandman can remain in that state indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 ft. with perfect maneuverability.


Looks fine to me.


We were OK with 4d12 rounds for the sleep duration, weren't we?

Oh, and I've added "until it gains a position hit point score." to Regeneration.

Skills and feats next?

12 points apiece in Listen and Spot, 6 apiece in Hide and Move Silently?

+8 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently?

Not sure about the feats, hopefully inspiration will strike me later.

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