cool d20 modern maps


To follow up with this:

1) How does that map compare to the ones for sale already at RPGNow?

2) Based on people wanting to buy maps...would maps like that be viable to sell?

3) What kind of information would you like to see in addition to just the spiffy cool maps?

4) I think I've got my hosting providor set up for a 'map a week' type of archive for d20 modern...just got to get my developer going. :)

5) Dismas...once this site gets going, what are the chances of getting a forum over at wirepaladin boards?

6) Anything else I didn't cover? :)

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jezter6 said:
I've heard mixed reviews about those maps. In fact, I think your review was the only positive one I've seen so far.

What annoys me (and obviously some of the reviewers) was the lack of demo pages available...

Anyone else have info on these? And if so, how would you make them better? (Which might help me and my map page, hehe)

WOW! You dis' me and pimp yourself out in only 3 sentences. Very impressed. LOL

Personally, I am not a big fan of demo pages. If the product is something you are interested in, buy it. If not, don’t. Well for all the reviews you keep reading about them all I can say is this we sold 21 copies of Modern Day Maps X in the month of June at a price of $8 for 60+ maps. We have sold in total well over 150 in total from the beginning, so as you can see this product is a success for us where in counts ... in our finical statement. Any review, good or bad, I take with a grain a salt.

Now here is the funny part, the sales on the first Modern Day Maps book alone has covered the production costs on the first 3 books and the next we are currently working on. Modern Day Maps is the most profitable line of PDF we have created and we plan to do at least another 5 - 7 by Summer 2004. Our goal was to corner this market and based on our numbers, we have done that.


First Post
From a customer:

I am searching for some modern maps (hopefully with grids) for my d20 modern games.

I took a look at Modern Maps X but without knowing what I will buy (a demo) I won't buy it.

So I do think you would sell some more if you make a demo available. I'm still searching for good maps.

das Darke


I'm not trying to 'dis' you. I've read the reviews before I purchased.

The reason they're so profitable is because most people don't. I was fully willing to purchase them, but I didn't see a demo. Your stuff could look like Da Vinci, or like my 4 year old painted it with his fingers. I don't know which. And I'm not willing to waste money without knowing.

Maybe there are others who enjoy purhcasing that way, but the two reviews on RPGNow say otherwise.

Modern Maps X:


Dammit. I wish I had read Michael Dobbs' comment before blowing $8.00 on these maps. I was a little bothered by the fact that there were no samples for me to look at before buying, but I figured what the hell, it's only $8. Well, I gambled and lost.

If you are absolutely MISERABLE at making your own maps, then this product will be worth it for you. But if you are just looking for good ideas or some quick maps to plop into your game, this is not the product for you.

I will sell you my PDF for half price, if you want. It's worthless to me.

Modern Maps 2:

The last five pages are advertisings for various Haven: City of Violence products. Several basic misspellings. Maps look decent, though they're plain and more detail would've been nice. Some shading and 3D top-down affects would add quite a bit of spice to them. I think I counted 20 total maps. Not a complete waste of money, but I have no desire to buy more expensive LPJ Design products if this is an indication of their quality.

Modern Maps 1:

I am very disappointed by this product, any potential use is ruined by basic spelling mistakes and some odd layouts.

As far as the actual plans go, the worst offender is the airplane which looks like half a boat, it also has several NATO infantry divisions in the cargo hold and an engine room on the upper deck!

A complete waste of money. The areas 'mapped' are so small and so basic (Small Bedroom, Helo Pad, Boxing Ring) as to require no assistance whatsoever.


Just to add to that...

there IS a demo PDF finally for Modern Maps 3. And I was right about one of my suggestions as to who drew the art.

C. Baize

First Post
I remember looking at the first 2 Modern Maps PDFs, and being turned away by the proliferation of negative comments about them. Which was too bad... It sounded like it could be a great product. Too bad about those reviews, though.
Plus, being a gamer, I like grids.
In essence, when purchasing a product like this, I'm giving in to laziness, and if I'm going to go so far as to give in to laziness, then I want a product that is (for lack of a better term) "Plug 'n Play"...
I didn't purchase the product, so I'm not going to say it's bad.
I will say that I was turned off of it by the reviews, though.


jezter6 said:
Maybe there are others who enjoy purhcasing that way, but the two reviews on RPGNow say otherwise.

Lets do the math, two bad reviews with over 150 sold. For easy math, lets say 150 sold with 2 bad reviews give me a 1.3% unsatisfactory rating. Less than two percent, hmmm ... So let me get this straight if two people said they disliked 3E D&D or D20 Modern, and since you have no idea how many they sold and you had not seen it, that would be enough for you not to buy that product? Hmm... That is very interesting.

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