cool d20 modern maps


First Post
Wow - very nice! It's about the same style and quality as you'd see in Polyhedron too.

Thanks. That's good to know.

I'll post the rest of the facility soon. Give me about a week or so. I'm in the middle of trying to buy a hobby store and a big project at work, so this week is hectic.

I'm running a campaign in area 51, and can't WAIT for that A51 map you're talking about. I know you said it would be a while, but when might we see that? I could really use a good map for A51.

I'm working on the large scale map of the area leading into Area 51, and also of the complex of buildings, runway, etc. Then comes key individual buildings (exterior and interior) After I post the ice station, I'll be working on those.

It might be best to send me an e-mail and I can notify you (in case this thread dies of old age).

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I would love to see a few generic outdoor maps, with locations for trees and a river.

And, of course, an outdoor military base with grid lines. Just one. Please.


Dougal DeKree

First Post
Space Stations


Has anyone done/found Spacestation deckplans (that actually make sense)? Most maps i found lacked in the logic of their construction - with one even having no toilet at all...

If anyone has something usable, please post time to prepare runs short :(


C. Baize

First Post
Dougal DeKree said:

Has anyone done/found Spacestation deckplans (that actually make sense)? Most maps i found lacked in the logic of their construction - with one even having no toilet at all...

If anyone has something usable, please post time to prepare runs short :(


I don't know of any for free, but UKGPublishing put out the Pegasus 29 space station that's rather huge, has grids, and is an overall really nice deckplan. It's $10 I think at RPGNow, but I dig it.
It's the base of operations for my D20 Future game. ;)


First Post
We (Second Rat Games) just released People, Places, and Things: You are Here which contains 29 modern locations with plenty of plot hooks, pawnable goods, impromptu weapons, etc. The maps are all printable in battlemat scale if you like to use minis.

It is available in both electronic and print versions. You can check out the Cyber Cafe at our website (

End plug.

Dougal DeKree

First Post
Research Station

Hi again.

Here's a small guarded research station i whipped up with an online dungeon generator, and then modified it under the view of security. It is based on a cave-system.



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