NEW FEAT: Photographic Memory.
You have perfect recall of everything you’ve experienced.
PreRequisite: Int 15+.
Benefit: You can recall everything you’ve seen, read ir experienced perfectly. If you forget some detail your character should remember, you can ask the GM to remind you. You get a +2 bonus on any skill rolls for which rote memorization is useful (at the GM’s judgment).
Everything about them is unknown. What they came from. Where are they going. What are their capabilities.
What is known is that they are the most vile bunch of bastards out there. And that they will not stop –ever- until they’re dead.
Agenda: To correct ‘the mistake’ that is the existence of the Multiverse.
Structure: Terrorist organization separated in cells.
Symbol: Silhouette of two clocks, one of which is crossed out with a black line.
Most Common Allegiance: The Knights of the True Timeline.
Requisition Limit: 50 (Military, Illegal).
The Knights of the True Timeline is a collection of zealots which are joined together in one single belief: that the existence of parallel universes is wrong, and which must be corrected by any means necessary.
And this correction they make by eliminating any factors that would deviate one specific timeline from its ‘parent’. Technology is destroyed, people are killed, characters are brainwashed and/or brutally convinced to stay on a certain path. For this, they have access to incredibly advanced technology and resources, which vary greatly from cell to cell.
The changes that happened in Coreline, they believe, is the greatest affront that has ever happened, which requires supplemental ‘cleansing’, innocents be damned. Their first official act in Coreline was the destruction of part of suburban Surrey to eliminate an Alternate of Vernon Dursely that had become an anti-magic spokesman. This attempt killed Dursely, his family, and 100 other people, as well as injuring thousands more. Their agenda after that has been of major street lynchings punctuated by the occasional attempt. No intelligence agency has been able to infiltrate the organization, no cell knows the specifics of all others, and any attempt to capture a cell alive has been rewarded with the cell members killing themselves.
One thing that the Knights don’t know, or don’t seem to care about, is that their attempts to ‘correct’ the timelines have done nothing but to create more deviations, in essence creating a vicious circle.
NOTE FOR GMs: The KOTT is supposed to be the mysterious, 'do all, be all, watch all' bad guys of this setting. There's no target they cannot reach, no technology they don't experiment with, no mercy to be attained from them, and all of their members fight to the death. Encounters with the KOTT's members, be them the point of an adventure or a random encounter, should be disturbing to the Player Characters and, in some way, rewarding, be it from the fact that they are wiping out full-blown scum or the fact that all of the KOTT's members have top-of-the-line gear to loot).
What a Preacher is, in Coreline, switches between cults. Some of them are conmen of some kind, some of them have heard a higher calling, and depending on the cult a Preacher might be one more powerless cog in the machine or a large-caliber leader.
What they all have in common is that they combine a prompt use of vocabulary, pouring on the charisma and fingering to rouse the masses into doing what’s necessary at the time.
Select this class if you want your character to present an aura of righteousness and rouse the masses into whatever fits his whims.
The earliest a character can enter the Preacher advanced class is via the Dedicated hero basic class.
To qualify as a Preacher, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Skills: Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 6 ranks, Sense Motive 6 ranks.
Feat: Trustworthy.
Special: An allegiance to a specific religious faith.
Class Information
Hit Die: 1d6 + Con modifier.
Action Points: 6 + ½ character level, rounded down, every time the character attains a new level in this class.
Class Skills: The Preacher’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Concentrate (Con), Craft (visual art, writing) (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Knowledge (arcane lore, behavioral sciences, civics, current events, history, popular culture, theology and philosophy) (Int), Perform (act, sing, stand-up) (Cha), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Research (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (none), Treat Injury (Wis).
Skill Points at Each Level: 7 + Int modifier.
Table: The Preacher
Level-- BAB-- Fort-- Ref-- Will-- Features-- Defence-- Reputation
1st-- +0-- +1-- +1-- +2-- Sermon-- +0-- +1
2nd-- +1-- +2-- +2-- +3-- Righteous fury-- +1-- +1
3rd-- +1-- +2-- +2-- +3-- Bonus feat-- +1-- +1
4th-- +2-- +2-- +2-- +4-- Talk down (one target)-- +1-- +2
5th-- +2-- +3-- +3-- +4-- Divine favour-- +2-- +2
6th-- +3-- +3-- +3-- +5-- Bonus feat-- +2-- +2
7th-- +3-- +4-- +4-- +5-- Talk down (multiple targets)-- +2-- +3
8th-- +4-- +4-- +4-- +6-- Motivate the flock-- +3-- +3
9th-- +4-- +4-- +4-- +6-- Bonus feat-- +3-- +3
10th-- +5-- +5-- +5-- +7-- Talk down (all targets)-- +3-- +4
Class Features
The following features pertain to the Preacher advanced class.
A Preacher holds great influence with those of the same allegiance. Beginning at 1st level, a Preacher gains a +4 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks when dealing with members of his allegiance.
Righteous Fury
A 2nd level Preacher may launch into a Righteous Fury, where divine or spiritual inspiration lends him strength. For a number of rounds equal to the Preacher’s class level, he may use his Charisma or Wisdom modifier (whichever is higher) instead of his Strength modifier when making melee attacks, ability checks, or skill checks. The Preacher may use the Righteous Fury ability a number of times per day equal to his Wisdom modifier (minimum of once).
Bonus Feats
At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the Preacher gains a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Preacher must meet all of the prerequisites of the feat to select it.
Attentive, Combat Expertise, Creative, Defensive Martial Arts, Educated, Heroic Surge, Horse Trading, Improved Disarm, Iron Will, Medical Expert, Renown, Studious.
Talk Down
A Preacher of 4th level or higher can talk his way out of trouble. Either prior to the start of hostilities or during combat, the character can talk down a single opponent within 30 feet of his position. The target must be able to understand the Preacher. That opponent immediately stops fighting and reverts to an indifferent attitude regarding the Preacher and the situation in general. Any hostile action directed at the opponent by the Preacher or by an ally of the Preacher allows the opponent to act as he sees fit.
To initiate this talent, the Preacher must spend a full-round action talking to his opponent. The opponent must make a Will save (DC 10 + Preacher’s class level + Preacher’s Charisma modifier). If the save fails, the opponent stops fighting. If the save succeeds, the opponent continues as normal.
At 7th level, a Preacher can talk down a number of opponents equal to 1 + his Charisma modifier (minimum 1). The opponents must still be within 30 feet of his position.
At 10th level, the range extends to 60 feet and covers all opponents who can hear and understand the Preacher’s voice.
Divine Favor
Starting at 5th level, whenever a Preacher spends 1 action point to improve the result of a die roll, he rolls one more action die than his level would normally allow. The Preacher selects the highest die roll to add to his d20 roll.
Motivate the Flock
Through an inspirational prayer, the Preacher can urge the faithful to great deeds. If an 8th level Preacher spends one minute speaking and exhorting fellow members of his allegiance, all of those members within 60 feet of the Preacher gain a +2 morale bonus to all skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to the Preacher’s class level. In order to receive this bonus, a character must be able to both see and hear the Preacher during the entire minute of his motivational speech. The Preacher may use this ability a number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier with a minimum of once per day.