CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

Lord Zack

I think a Spark's speciality would be more a roleplaying thing than anything. I also think Sparks might actually get a bonus to certain Wisdom rolls/skills, basically anything relating to focusing on things.

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I agree that roleplaying a Spark or even a Whispered could be fun but from what I do remember of them both inherently understand any tech that they come across upon first sight. Also, maybe allow for a set of either Skill Points to allocate or just the Skill Set itself relevant to the type of Spark they wish to RP in game... maybe Frankenstein was a Spark who specialized in biology.

Lord Zack

Sparks definitely do not inherently understand any piece of technology they come across. A Spark's abilities are limited by their education and we come across examples of Sparks who have rather limited abilities.

Okay, so we are talking a boost to Intelligence and related skill rolls, with the caveat that it's not a "jack of all trades" Int boost (so I guess it's not possible to do an Int roll as default if you lack the necessary skill)?

Lord Zack

Not really. They'd still get the benefits of being a Spark for things they aren't trained in it. It's just that they aren't trained in it, so they don't get the benefit of skill ranks and the like. A baker who happens to be a Spark will still benefit from the Spark if they happen to attempt to repair a Clank (mechanical automatons, basically robots, but working off technologies existing in Girl Genius like clockwork), but they probably won't be able to pull off anything truly spectacular.

I am thinking of a new mech, built by Nergal Heavy Industries from Mobile Battleship Nadesico. Named the "Gospel" it is based off the frame of the experimental X-Aestivalis and incorporates knowledge gained by studying the "Gekiganger-type" super robots used by the Jovians. It's primary weapon is it's field lancer, which is designed to penetrate barriers, based on the similar weapon used on the Aestivalis. It can also use the Gravity Blast like the X-Aestivalis, but has to deploy the weapon before firing. It is also protected by a barrier of it's own - the distortion field. Rumor has it that this model is designed as a rival to the Evangelions, noting the name of the unit and the barrier-penetrating abilities.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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