CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


First Post
Thanks for your considerations. In exchange, some more SW small arms and a glance at what Cortana's using for Special forces these days. She might not have the 2.0 version or the willingness to develop them, but she does have some pretty nice tricks.
I decided to keep these weapons 'illegal' because their manufacturer went under millenia ago.


E-11 Stormtrooper Carbine
Damage: 3d10
Critical: X3
Damage Type: Fire
Range Increment: 60ft.
Rate of Fire: S
Weight: 5 lbs.
Magazine: 100 Box.
Size: Medium
Purchase DC: 22.
Restriction: Ill (+4).
This weapon came from the factory with a scope, and HUD targeting link. However, the HUD program is incompatable with most systems on the market, and requires a DC 30 computer use check to align it properly.


DC-15A Clonetrooper Rifle
3d10(Armor Piercing)
Critical: X3
Damage Type: Fire
Range Increment: 85ft.
Rate of Fire: S
Weight: 10 lbs.
Magazine: 100 Box.
Size: Large
Purchase DC: 23.
Restriction: Ill (+4).
Another weapon factory-standard with a scope and HUD target link. Sadly, the programing for the link is optimized for a system that most people don't have access to (namely clonetrooper armor). Resetting it for another HUD system is a DC 30 computer use check.

T-21 Light Repeating Blaster

Damage: 4d10
Critical: X3
Damage Type: Fire
Range Increment: 100ft.
Rate of Fire: S,A
Weight: 17lbs.
Magazine: 25 Box.
Size: Large
Purchase DC: 26.
Restriction: Ill (+4).
This weapon can be linked to a portable power generator for near-infinite shots. It cannot be fired on full auto while moving due to it's excessive recoil. The T-21 is a Squad support weapon, but is portable by one man.

Spartan 1.0(template)
Ability Modifiers: +4 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Int.
Skill Modifiers: +2 to Balance, Climb, Drive, Jump, Listen, Pilot, Search, Spot. Swim and Tumble.
Uncanny Dodge: A Spartan automatically gains the Uncanny Dodge 1 Fast hero ability.
Spartan Rage: The physical and mental conditioning of a Spartan 1.0 causes problems in the return to civilian life and in non-combat situations. Since they are trained to constantly search for threats, and asses the ways to deal with them in combat, this tends to sometimes spill over into other stressful situations. At the DMs discretion, a Spartan must make a will save against 10+own BAB whenever the situation becomes stressful or attack uncontrollably the source of the stress. Sometimes this can happen for no apparent reason at all, such as walking down the aisle of a supermarket.
Spartan 1.0 is an acquired 'race' that is induced by excessive nanite and genetic enhancement. Although not as extensive or powerful as the Spartan 2.0 program, the cost of producing a 1.0 is much lower, and the time invested much smaller. However, the same risk of death is present for both procedures.
Spartan 1.0s have in the past after retirement actually married and had children. These children inherit at least some of their boosted parents abilities and are referred to as 1.1s unnoficially.

Spartan 1.1
Skill points, starting feats and occupations as Humans.
Ability adjustments:+2 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Int
Skill Modifiers: +2 to Balance, Climb, Drive, Jump, Listen, Pilot, Search, Spot. Swim and Tumble.
LA: +2

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Aquarius Alodar

First Post
(This idea was supposed to have been for the 'spillover thread' on the mature Wizards boards, but since its recently gone 'poof' WTH...)

Mental disability. A problem Pre-Vanishing, and things obviously *still* haven't gotten any better with the 'empty people' You know......the ones who just stand, or sit, and look. Look into nothingness, don't see anything, much less hear you when you speak to them. So, most of these people are now being put to a purpose: they are fitted with customised neural interfaces that act as 'open lines' for the use of AIs or uploads. Yup, you guessed it, there *is* someone at home now......a spinoff electrotar of a certain UNSC Chief Security Control program, perhaps?......but of course the likes of Durandal, Skynet et al are on an electronic 'blacklist' which stops them accesing the installed technology. Can't have the obvious meatspace rampage now, can we?
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That true. VERY true.

And now, a new class (adapted from 'The Future Soldier's Battlefield Handbook', by Steampower Publishing).


Miriailla Haww, CNN (LaGrange) War Correspondent.

(AN: (GSD) Not exactly my fave series from what I managed to hear from it, but the picture's good for this illustration, isn't it?).


War might be Hell, but it also gives ratings. Be it during the 1930s or far into the Cosmic Era, on the French countryside or deep in space, War Correspondents face all kinds of dangers in order to obtain the one story that -they believe- will give them recognition and glory. That they -secretly- enjoy the thrill that comes from 'dodging bullets' doesn't helps them, either.

On Coreline, some of the best field reporters (and especially those that survived the Hours) are (or were) War Correspondents. They are trusted and respected by their fellow reporters because of their stories, and hated by more than one faction because of their published plans.

The fastest route to obtain the War Correspondent Advanced class is theu the Dedicated Hero Basic Class.

To become a War Correspondent, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Skills: Concentration 8 Ranks, Gather Information 8 Ranks.

HIT DIE: The War Correspondent obtains 1d6 + Con Hit Points per level.

CLASS SKILLS: The War Correspondent's skills are the following:

Bluff, Climb, Computer Use, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Drive, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (History, Military), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival and Swim.

Skill Points per Level: 5 + Int modifier.


(Can't draw the damn table for some reason, so I'll have to put them separately).

Class Level:


Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save

Courage Under Fire
Out of Harm's Way
Low-Profiel Target
Battle Intuition
Avoid Trouble

Defense Bonus

Reputation Bonus


Courage Under Fire:
The War Correspondent keeps a straight face and a cool head, even when the most epic (and frantic) of firefights erupt around her.
When in the middle of a battle, the War Correspondent adds her class level as a morale bonus to any Concentration checks or Will saves made to resist morale effects.

Out of Harm's Way: There is no better television that the War Correspondent reporting while a battle rages in the background. The War Correspondent is well-versed at putting herself in harm's way and yet surviving unscathed. Even when in the open, the War Correspondent counts as if she was in cover. The Correspondent gains no additional bonuses while in cover.

Low-Profile Target: The War Correspondent might make high-profile news, but even when in the line of fire, they know how to maintain a low profile. So long as the attacker has other potential targets available, he must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + Correspondent class levels) to target the Correspondent. If the attacker has no such targets, he may target the Correspondent freely.

Potential targets are targets that are easy to hit and that the attacker can damage with his weapon-foe example, a sniper faced with the choice whether to shoot the Correspondent and a tank would freely target the Correspondent, as his rifle could not damage the tank. If the Correspondent was standing next to an infantryman, then the sniper would be forced to pass a Will save to target the Correspondent instead of the infantryman.

Battle Intuition: The War Correspondent has a nose for danger and trouble, and is an expert at positioning herself right in the middle of the action. When the Correspondent is in the midst of a battle or reporting on a war, the GM might call on a Gather Information check with a variable DC depending on the situation. Success indicates that the War Correspondent has a hunch that a story is about to occur or that she is in imminent danger. If the check is passed by 5 or more, the Correspondent recieves a rough sense of what is going to happen-she gains a hunch that the building she is standing on is about to be bombed, or that the troop transport she is reporting from is a target from enemy raiders.

Avoid Trouble: Although the War Correspondent has a knack for getting into trouble spots, she is also adept at getting out again-mostly in one piece. This ability functions alongside Battle Intuition. Any time that the Correspondent's Intuition warns her of immediate danger that can be realistically avoided-a nearby bomb blast or sniper fire, perhaps-, the GM may make a Reflex save (DC 20) for them in secret. If succesful, the danger is avoided or lessened in some way-they duck out of the sniper's scope at the last second or are shielded from the worst of the explosion.

Aquarius Alodar

First Post

You should know by now that we can certainly do comments around here. Anything else'll have to be left to others, so w/that in mind: *Clears throat, hollers O.S* Oh, Hotaru, I need some professional opinion here, thanks very much.

*looks at picture* ...... * :D * Excuse me....if all I can say is....

.....that *even you* can't quite place it, except to say that it looks too much like a variation of a Gadget-sama kludge job to be comfortable with, right?


(Well, she *was* a research assistant once, still, even the likes of *her* can be stymied sometimes)

She's the king example of the D20 Apocalypse 'Scavenger' Feat. Hell, I even forgot about her until now. Thanks.

To celebrate, a new Feat.

Small Size (Toon)
Some Toons are pretty damn tiny.
Benefit: The character is one size smaller than the average member of his species. Adjust stats for the new size normally.
Special: A character can take this feat more than once.

Here's my first draft of the Coordinator race. I severely need help with it, especially to keep it in series flavor.

Abillity Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Dex. +2 Con.
Base Speed: 30 Feet.
Immunity to Disease: Coordinators are immune to most types of natural diseases, except for those that are alien in nature or engineered to target the Coordinators.
Resilient: Coordinators gain a +2 racial bonus to Fort saves.
Extremely Quick Mind: Coordinators can make Computer Use roll in half the time of the table (the DC does not change, however).

LA: +3.

I'm thinking of putting in a sort of penalty to Diplomacy rolls concerning 'Naturals' that can be bought off with skill points and a random roll to determine whether they have the SEED mode or not.
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Lake Charles, Louisiana-Shadowed Ruins

Pre-Vanishing Lake Charles

Once a thriving city, Lake Charles is now a ruined location of destroyed buildings and beasts introduced by the 23 hours. The few surviving families either eke out an existance from the wrecked city or hunt the beings that they believe responsible for this.

Pre-Vanishing Locales Now
L'Auberge du Lac-This casino and resort is mostly the same if you ignore the massive hole in the roof. The lair is now the home to a ferocious fiend known as Redblades and his "pets", a colony of red dragon young adults.

Lake Charles Capital One Tower-This magnificent building is now a rusting scrap metal pile inhabited by various Fiction beasts, mostly large flying creatures like dire bats.

Pride of Lake Charles-This Harrah's riverboat is now a shipwreck at the bottom of Lake Charles (the lake, not the city around it). Inside of it, there is plenty of treasure to be found by the brave...or stupid. The now-artificial cave is also the territory of Big Guido, a gigantic bull alligator (use Huge crocodile).

Calcasieu River-The swampy areas of this river dividing Lake Charles and Moss Bluff are now home to pirates, a branch of the Swamp Boogers, and some nasty Fiction monsters.

Lake Charles Mall-This mall is a large resources area for those who can survive venturing into it. Zombies (normal and liquefied varieties), vampires, and creatures of the night have claimed the Mall as their home turf.

Post-Vanishing New Locales
The Underground-Out of nowhere, secret passages have formed under the streets of Lake Charles. Many refugees use the larger "rooms" of this underground networks as their homes or bases of operation. Points of entry include the Saint Patrick's Hospital parking garage (a stairway sealed off by a complex door (Computer Use DC 26 or Disable Device DC 28 to open), the docks (an underwater passage frequented by alligators and vipers and marked by the boom of a submerged crane sticking out of the water), and the Imperial Calcasieu Museum (a hidden passageway behind a John James Audubon painting).

Characters and Creatures
Michael-A local from a nearby town, Michael and his family were trapped in Lake Charles when their vehicle was demolished by a red dragon. Mike was quick to run to the nearby weapons store, grabbing the biggest weapon he could find and blasting the monstrosity to oblivion. Unfortunately, his wife and two of his sons were killed by the dragon, and his third son, travelling behind them in his vehicle, was nowhere to be found. This day he took an oath of vengeance on all Fictions for taking his family. He especially hates magic-users and Pokemon, both of which he sees as tools of fiends. It is no surprise that he was shocked when he met Rap, a Fiction version of his own missing son and a magic user. Torn between his oath of vengeance and the love for his son, Michael let Rap go with a warning to never return. He now leads a ragtag group of Reals into expeditions into the city to hunt the red dragon colony cared for by the fleshraker Redblades.
Michael, Fic Hunter (Tough Hero 3/Dedicated Hero 4/Tracer 3): CR 10; Medium-size Human; HD 3d10+6 plus 4d6+8 plus 3d8+6; HP 65; Mas 15; Init +3; Spd 30 ft; Defense 23, touch 20, flatfooted 20 (+0 size, +3 Dex, +7 class, +3 equipment); BAB +8; Grap +9; Atk +9 melee (1d6+1/19-20, short sword), or +11 ranged (2d8+0, Kanzaki Heavy Industries M2-LR 'Naginata' sniper rifle); FS 5 ft by 5 ft; Reach 5 ft; SQ ; AL Swamp Boogers, good, law; SV Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7; AP 5; Rep +4; Str 13, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 13.
Occupation: Rural (Handle Animal, Swim).
Skills: Climb +8, Drive +7, Handle Animal +7, Hide +8, Investigate +7, Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) +7, Knowledge (Earth and Life Sciences) +7, Knowledge (History) +7, Knowledge (Streetwise) +7, Read/Write English, Ride +7, Speak English, Spot +7, Survival +9, Swim +12.
Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Animal Affinity, Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (light), Dodge, Endurance, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Track.
Talents (Tough Hero): Cold Resistance, Acid Resistance.
Talents (Dedicated Hero): Skill Emphasis (Swim), Aware.
Talents (Tracer): Target Species (red dragon), Urban Tracking, Swift Strike +1d6.
Possessions: Studded leather armor, short sword, Kanzaki Heavy Industries M2-LR 'Naginata' sniper rifle, fiend hunter's kit, capture kit, rowboat.

Mall Zombies-Shambling through the malls, these rotting corpses are under the control of a vampire who lives in the Sears store in the mall. Several variations exist, but the most common ones in a spot depend on the particular store. For instance, a Strong zombie might inhabit a sporting goods area while a Smart liquefied might patrol a book store.
Athlete Zombie (Liquefied Zombie Tough Ordinary 2): CR 4; Medium-size Undead; HD 2d12 plus 3; HP 16; Mas 0; Init +0; Spd 30 ft; Defense 13, touch 12, flatfooted 13 (+0 size, +0 Dex, +2 class, +1 natural); BAB +1; Grap +5; Atk +5 melee (1d8+4, barbel), or +1 ranged; FS 5 ft by 5 ft; Reach 5 ft; SQ undead, liquefied spew, darkvision 60 ft; AL creator; SV Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0; AP 2; Rep +0; Str 19, Dex 10, Con -, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 13.
Occupation: Athlete (Balance, Jump, Tumble).
Skills: Balance +5, Intimidate +6, Jump +9, Read/Write English, Speak English, Tumble +5.
Feats: Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Brawl, Power Attack, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Toughness.
Possessions: Barbel, tattered clothes.

Scroungers-These surviviors of the 23 hours scavenge for any kind of thing they can to help them stay alive in the dark post-Virus Lake Charles environment.
Scrounger (Tough Hero 1/Strong Hero 1): CR 2; Medium-size humanoid; HD 1d10+2 plus 1d8+2; HP 15; Mas 15; Init +3; Spd 30 ft; Defense 15, touch 15, flatfooted 12 (+0 size, +3 Dex, +2 class); BAB +1; Grap +2; Atk +2 melee (1d6+1, club), or +4 ranged (1d4+0, sling); FS 5 ft by 5 ft; Reach 5 ft; SQ ; AL other scroungers; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2; AP 1; Rep +0; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 11.
Occupation: Scavenger (Disable Device, Move Silently, Spot).
Skills: Climb +3, Concentration +6, Disable Device +4, Move Silently +5, Read/Write English, Speak English, Spot +6.
Feats: Salvage, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Tough Plus.
Talents (Tough Hero): Cold Resistance, Fire Resistance, Electricity Resistance.
Talents (Strong Hero): Ignore Hardness.
Possessions: Club, sling, 10 pieces of sling ammo.

New Gadgets:

Pistol Grenade.
This Gadget can be applied to any type of grenade modifying it to be fired through any pistol modified to accept the grenade round. This grenade uses the range of the pistol instead.
Restriction: Grenades Only.
Purchase DC: +1 (Mil).

Pistol Grenade Adapter.
This Gadget adapts a dedicated 'bullet trap' to the end of the weapon's muzzle that propels the Pistol Grenade.
This Gadget can also be used to represent Rifle Grenade systems.
Restriction: Ranged Weapons Only.
Purchase DC: +1 (Mil).
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