Could the "Warcraft" movie completely over-shadow the "D&D" movie?


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Apparently the World of Warcraft movie will be out before the D&D movie so I am speculating that the Warcraft movie will just over-shadow the D&D one. Warcraft is a juggernaut to the point where the D&D could become the "Warcraft rip-off" even though D&D obviously came first.

I don't have high hopes for the movie.

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I don't think so, too much time between them. The WarCraft movie is well into production while the D&D movie has not even the casting done yet.

There will be 2-3 years between them


First Post
I don't think so, too much time between them. The WarCraft movie is well into production while the D&D movie has not even the casting done yet.

There will be 2-3 years between them

Yeah, the D&D movie will come around when Warcraft 2 hits the silver screen.

Ridley's Cohort

First Post
It all comes down to choosing the writer and director.

IMNSHO in this day and age, the D&D brand offers nothing compelling to the movie going audience, and WoW has the edge in buzz. It does offer Hasbro a running start to make a cash cow out of a movie success.

But the genre is broad enough and fun enough, that a good writer could build a great movie franchise here.

Ridley's Cohort

First Post
They're both going to be seen as Lord of the Rings rip-offs.

And, let's face it, they are.

We, yes, there is that. But the genre does not require it.

Regarding the first movie, you can see they felt trapped into sitting dragons and dungeons front and center, and save the princess with lots more dragons at the climax. In spite of a talented enough cast and a decent budget, the sidekick (see my icon) was the only non-terrible thing in it.

It would have worked better if they just re-made the Magnificent Seven (The Seven Samurai) in a D&D world. Ripping off samurai movies could work out.


I think that it depends on which world they go with. The D&D movie could change the game (pardon the pun) by going for a Spelljammer or Planescape movie.

Voidrunner's Codex

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