D&D 5E Creating a Feast Scenario



I am putting together a feast scene, in which the PCs need to speak to the 7 council members so that the vote will go in their favour. Are there any good feast adventures people are aware of either Ensider of DMsGuild that I can use?

my google fu is failing me


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I don't know of any, but here's some ideas:

NPC 1 (The Hater). This NPC is the root of the opposition, and active as well. They see anyone that does not hold their viewpoint as the enemy. This NPC will go so far as attempt to threaten other NPCs who do not vote their way and will actively attempt to hinder PC attempts to sway the vote away from their point of view. This NPC cannot be swayed by Persuasion, but can be Intimidated or forcibly made to back down.

NPC 2 (The Needy). This NPC has no strong convictions either way, but has a task or problem they need solved. The NPC can be persuaded to vote a certain direction if an individual will step up to take care of their problem. If they receive no aid, they will vote negatively.

NPC 3 (The False Friend). This NPC is kindly towards the PCs and openly shows support for the PC's direction of voting. Secretly, the NPC is being manipulated or despises the PCs and will vote counter unless their secret agenda is exposed or dealt with.

NPC 4 (The True Friend). This NPC is sympathetic to the PC's arguments and supports them. They can provide insights and hints into how the other NPCs will act and vote. They may be Persuaded to provide goods or other support to help bolster the PCs position.

NPC 5 (The True Neutral). This NPC has not decide which way to vote, and will rely on the character's persuasiveness or the Hater or False Friend's manipulations in which direction they will vote. If not drawn to one side or the other, they will abstain from voting.

NPC 6 (The Agendist). This NPC has strong reasons to vote in one direction, usually against the PCs. They cannot be directly persuaded to change their vote, but if the PCs are somehow able to further their cause in another area, they will vote in the PCs favor.

NPC 7 (The Philosopher). This NPC has not decided which way to vote, and is considering the long-term ramifications of their vote. They can be persuaded, but only if the characters can explain how their decision will have positive long-term benefits for the group. Unlike the True Neutral, they will vote with the opposition as the "safe vote" unless the PCs present a strong case to change the vote.

If the PCs take no action, this will present a 5 against - 1 for - 1 abstain vote. The PCs will have to persuade/act on at least "against" NPCs to move the vote in their favor.


I don't know of any, but here's some ideas:

NPC 1 (The Hater). This NPC is the root of the opposition, and active as well. They see anyone that does not hold their viewpoint as the enemy. This NPC will go so far as attempt to threaten other NPCs who do not vote their way and will actively attempt to hinder PC attempts to sway the vote away from their point of view. This NPC cannot be swayed by Persuasion, but can be Intimidated or forcibly made to back down.

NPC 2 (The Needy). This NPC has no strong convictions either way, but has a task or problem they need solved. The NPC can be persuaded to vote a certain direction if an individual will step up to take care of their problem. If they receive no aid, they will vote negatively.

NPC 3 (The False Friend). This NPC is kindly towards the PCs and openly shows support for the PC's direction of voting. Secretly, the NPC is being manipulated or despises the PCs and will vote counter unless their secret agenda is exposed or dealt with.

NPC 4 (The True Friend). This NPC is sympathetic to the PC's arguments and supports them. They can provide insights and hints into how the other NPCs will act and vote. They may be Persuaded to provide goods or other support to help bolster the PCs position.

NPC 5 (The True Neutral). This NPC has not decide which way to vote, and will rely on the character's persuasiveness or the Hater or False Friend's manipulations in which direction they will vote. If not drawn to one side or the other, they will abstain from voting.

NPC 6 (The Agendist). This NPC has strong reasons to vote in one direction, usually against the PCs. They cannot be directly persuaded to change their vote, but if the PCs are somehow able to further their cause in another area, they will vote in the PCs favor.

NPC 7 (The Philosopher). This NPC has not decided which way to vote, and is considering the long-term ramifications of their vote. They can be persuaded, but only if the characters can explain how their decision will have positive long-term benefits for the group. Unlike the True Neutral, they will vote with the opposition as the "safe vote" unless the PCs present a strong case to change the vote.

If the PCs take no action, this will present a 5 against - 1 for - 1 abstain vote. The PCs will have to persuade/act on at least "against" NPCs to move the vote in their favor.
thank you for this



I am putting together a feast scene, in which the PCs need to speak to the 7 council members so that the vote will go in their favour. Are there any good feast adventures people are aware of either Ensider of DMsGuild that I can use?

my google fu is failing me

I've done almost exactly this back in our 4e campaign. What helped me differentiate the NPCs and make it easier for the players to keep track of them was to think of the NPCs in pairs. For example, using @Stormonu 's great archetypes...

You might have The Agendist opposed to The Neutral because they think The Neutral needs to "get off the bench" or put aside petty considerations in favor of a moral mandate. When you introduce the Agendist's motivations, also introduce the Neutral in that scene, so you're killing 2 birds with 1 stone.

So instead of throwing all 7 NPCs at them all at once, introduce these NPCs in themed pairs... sort of like how Tolkien introduces the dwarves in The Hobbit.


My first suggestion: Don't do it during a session.

Instead, do it via chats/emails/Skype/Discord between sessions. A scenario like this will often break down into a number of smaller conversations. That can be a slog during a session as each player takes their turns and the others sit and watch. It is better to do this between games as individual chats.

As for how to do it: For the 7 NPCs, pick 7 characters from fiction that held political power - and were different. Figure out what those people wanted and make a fantasy equivalent for them. You might select: Kingpin from Marvel Comics, Benjamin Sisko from DS9, Michael Sinclair from Babylon 5, The Mayor from Buffy, Laura Roslin from Battlestar Galactica, Cornelius Fudge from Harry Potter, and Ned Stark from Game of Thrones. You end up with a criminal mastermind, a well intentioned active soldier, a former soldier with a secret, a seemingly pleasant man with a freaky evil side, a teacher thrust into duty as a council member, a denialist that is unwilling to admit the problem exists, and a well intentioned true leader ... who has a bit too much faith that right will win out. Give them some superficial features that do not match their origin (Kingpin is a halfling, Sisko is the head of a navy, etc...) to keep them from being noticable. Then figure out what would happen if someone privately told each of these NPCs the details of the curent mystery. If you do that, you'll be pretty well prepared for the encounters.
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