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Creating a great campaign world/Starting the game off right


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Some questions for you to consider:

So the only god left in the world is the The Horned Queen. She is a goddess of both Death and Undeath. What are the implications for this when someone dies?

She is the only known god. The other gods are still out there. As for plans she is deffinitly trying to find the pieces of the sword so that she can destroy it (and have no fear of being destroyed). as for people who die, their bodies become zombie/skeleton/other mindless undead and their souls....well who knows (at this point).
As sole ruler what are her motivations? What's the plan? If the living are kept as food what will happen when the food source runs out? Do they perhaps manage their resources in ways other than keeping the living penned up and eating them? The undead that rule, what are they like? I am imagining them much smarter than the zombies from the Walking Dead. The real threat in the Walking Dead are the living, not the undead. I'm thinking undead like the Chronicles of Riddick? As in becoming undead is more of an attractive/ambitious option rather than a gross infection/become a rotting zombie option.

Why are there different types of undead? Why does someone become a zombie and another person a ghost? Or a vampire? How does the power structure amongst the undead work? DO they have inner conflicts going on as they vie for power? If so, who, why and for what?

the living people with "juicy" parents are kept alive for a while to breed . that way the powerful undead alwas have somthing to eat.
I'm thinking wandering zombies and ghouls are going to be like the walking dead zombies, while skeletons will be wandering with orders from their masters. As for the litches, vampires, death knights and what have you, they will act as dukes. So yes there will be back stabbing and such in order to get higher up on the chain (maybe even with help from the players).
Im starting to think that there maybe some living people who aren't kept for cattle. Children of vampires, litchs things like this (dympyres and undead sorcerer bloodline). These children have a chance to become more powerful undead.

If you are going to open things up for your players then you will need a good understanding of how your world works and why, so that when they explore it there is a consistency, which will make the exploration more enjoyable. It will also help you plan how events develop as you imagine how forces react to your players interaction with the world and how they in turn move behind the scenes indirectly influencing the events that will then directly touch the PCs.

At the starting point in the campaign the characters won't know much about the world around them, may even think that there are places in Torah (the nation) that are safe and try to find them. As they do more they will learn more, such as finding a temple to one of the silient gods, or descovering the shardar-kai, or even a fragment of the sword. It will be like Assassains Creed:the more vantage points you climb to and sync, the more you see

Ty for getting my head going

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