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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
There is rumored to be a town-ship called Psioria that is full of residents with latent psionic ability. There are plenty of teachers on this ship to help those that can afford the tutelage of awakening the innate power of their mind.

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Due to the largely nomadic lifestyle that most of the communities in Aran-Rath adopt and the taint that infects the soil, farmlands and crop fields are non-existent, thus making certain types of food and produce rare and difficult to acquire. Those who are born with the blessed touch of the Green are accorded a special place because of the innate gift that they possess, promising the continued survival of the community in this harsh environment. These green-touched individuals mature to become Druids, typically understudying another until they are able to give life to a seed on their own. Town-ships that have more Green-Blessed among them regard themselves as being blessed and wealthy among the others.


First Post
Mhm. There are somehow too many disconnected ideas floating around ... though I could revitalize this thread by getting a bit of structure in place (hope you dont mind Saladin)...

we have a strange mutating wind for which several explanations are given, and town-ships powered by all kinds of magical engines. Within them are a few stalwart defenders of good and a few deranged cultists. Undead and lesser outsiders are rare. Oookay.

Why do people live in this part of the world? Do they mine strange crystals or other materials, ala spice in Dune? Some other reason?

Can we settle for a real reason why this area is tainted? Can we agree whether to make it psion-creating, mutating, undead destroying, whatever we had, or all of them?

Can we get more details of additional strange cultists?

Can we get some view on how this area interacts with the outside world?

Can we find out how we differ from the legend of the five rings stuff (which was mentioned in the thread and which I also see all over the place) and some of the magical areas of Greyhawk (I somehow picture the see of dust all the time, although I know the geographic description is different)?

Thats about it.


First Post
That great range of towering volcanic peaks...

The Jotens, that "great range of towering volcanic peaks that serves as a natural wall between this region and the rest of the continent" of Anlaika, to the north of the Aranrath, is inhabitted by any number of large, hostile giants, and thus is basically impassible to most other (smaller) lifeforms... although rumours of a mythic trader, named Joe, who is granted passage by a powerful giant lord, persist...

Most trade with the outside world is done by naval ships (the great, metal, armored Town-ships being designed for land-travel, and most are incapable of ocean-going). Two of the great port cities of the region, An-woon and Mijipoor, are at the base of the Jotens, on the east and west sides of the peninsula, respectively. The third major port city is Andrith, at the southernmost tip of the peninsula, home of the Andrith dynasty (to whom many look for salvation from The Blight)!

Tunnelled within the faces of the Jotens, just to the north of the Aranrath, is the immense Dwarven city of Rockwall. This immense Dwarf-delve extends from Mijipoor on the west, to An-woon on the east, clear across the peninsula. There, the Dwarves can mine and smith, nearly unbothered by The Blight, insulated as they are within their halls of stone.

There, they produce all manner of metals, including "Cold" Iron, Mithral, and Adamantine, as well as most gemstones, and coal. What they do not produce for themselves are foodstuffs, and wood. These they import, in quantity, although the Aranrath has difficulty in producing them.

Thus, the net effect is that a great deal of wealth is being siphoned off, out of the Aranrath, and into the rest of Anlaika. The self-sustaining Town-ships are an attempt to stop this...

The large, metal-armored Town-ships have soil covering the deck just below the "main deck", with hatches which can be raised to allow the sun to shine down through gratings, to the plants below, or quickly shut to shield the plants from Blightwinds. By sailing about and changing locations, Plant Growth can sometimes be used to get a crop before the ground is blighted, again... but it is always a gamble...

Plants grown in blighted soil can be eaten, but this taints the eater, unless Purify Food & Drink is used, first. This spell is also efficacious upon the soil, itself, and Detect Magic will reveal whether or not a patch of soil or watering hole is tainted.

Obviously, untainted water in the wild is nearly unheard of. Because of this, it is law in almost all places that wells be covered. Removing the cover of a well (as in taking it away), or leaving it off when the well is not in use, is the height of bad manners, in the Aranrath, and a capital offense, in many principalities. Because of this, many wells have hinged covers, which cannot be removed. Even so, many wells are tainted... A Decanter of Endless Water is worth twice the price, in this region.

Due to the difficulties in travel in this region, the newcomers is strongly urged not to set foot outside the port cities, except in large, armed caravans, or upon one of the 34-or-so Town-ships, which occasionally stop to trade. For those who do venture out, some new items of equipment are highly recommended:

1) A "Blight-bag"; a 6 x 3' bag, made of two layers of stout leather, with lead foil sandwhiched between, designed to be carried at all times, when outdoors. These are necessary, and so very common, and cost a mere one gold piece. When an unexpected blight hits, the commoners get inside, or into one of these.

2) A standard tent, modified as above, with the same weight and cost as in the PHB. Virtually all tents in the Aranrath are made this way.

3) A Decanter of Endless Water, if going off the roads (at twice the DMG price).

4) Magic items allowing unlimited use of Detect Magic (for finding out what's tainted), and Purify Food & Drink. Anyone without these should stay with the large, heavily-armed caravans, and stick to roads where well-monitored and well-maintained wells are, and food can be purchased.
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First Post
gavagai said:
Why do people live in this part of the world? Do they mine strange crystals or other materials, ala spice in Dune? Some other reason?

That's a really great question... why don't you take a crack at answering it? ;) No reason for Humans to live there, at all, save the inertia of "I was born here!", as far as I can see...

gavagai said:
Can we settle for a real reason why this area is tainted?

I don't think so... I think Saladin doesn't want a cause known (See above).

gavagai said:
Can we agree whether to make it psion-creating, mutating, undead destroying, whatever we had, or all of them?

I think we're going with all of the above...

gavagai said:
Can we get more details of additional strange cultists?

Someone already did the Elan, above...

gavagai said:
Can we get some view on how this area interacts with the outside world?

I took a crack at that one, one post up from here... :p


Well why do RL people live in a desert?

Another answer would be that they cannot leave ecause their neighbours want to contain this strange taint..

gavagai said:
Mhm. There are somehow too many disconnected ideas floating around ... though I could revitalize this thread by getting a bit of structure in place (hope you dont mind Saladin)...

we have a strange mutating wind for which several explanations are given, and town-ships powered by all kinds of magical engines. Within them are a few stalwart defenders of good and a few deranged cultists. Undead and lesser outsiders are rare. Oookay.

Why do people live in this part of the world? Do they mine strange crystals or other materials, ala spice in Dune? Some other reason?

Can we settle for a real reason why this area is tainted? Can we agree whether to make it psion-creating, mutating, undead destroying, whatever we had, or all of them?

Can we get more details of additional strange cultists?

Can we get some view on how this area interacts with the outside world?

Can we find out how we differ from the legend of the five rings stuff (which was mentioned in the thread and which I also see all over the place) and some of the magical areas of Greyhawk (I somehow picture the see of dust all the time, although I know the geographic description is different)?

Thats about it.

Good Call Gavagai...Guess I just wanted to float an initial idea and see what flowed out of it...but it may be time to give the ideas that have been floated some structure...thanks for initiating the process...I will respond to one: Why do people live in this part of the world? Do they mine strange crystals or other materials, ala spice in Dune? Some other reason?

The Taint and its manifestations like the Blightwind have an interesting effect of the atmosphere and the natural environment, besides causing it to warp in unimaginable ways. A unique by product of this tainted environment, among a few others, is an ebony quartz that forms quite randomly about a foot below the surface. This quartz has been discovered to possess the ability to nullify all types of energies, except sonic, directed on it, covering a nullified area roughly 1ft for every 10grams worth of the quartz (not sure if this ratio works for practical purpoese - open to suggestions here). This material is highly sought after by spell weavers all over, as well as alchemists, among others who have need for such a unique and rare material.

The folks that thrive in Aran-Rath trace their ancestry to communities and people that once lived on and worked these lands well before the Taint or the DarkWeave seeped in slowly but surely over a period of several decades, thus requiring them to find new ways to thrive here, especially since the prospect of travelling / migrating to other lands is rife with dangers most are ill equipped to deal with, let alone surmount. But some desperate enough to leave these tortured lands have...but none have heard from them since to ever know if they truly made it to the other side.


First Post
Arkhandus said:
By necessity, with all the random spawning of evil forces and affliction of random folk with madness, people in this land all live in fortified homes of stone or metal, or fortified caves. This is no land for fragile peasants without protection. Everyone lives in such homes, though peasants are generally forced to live together in small stone shacks, leaving them more vulnerable if one of their number is afflicted with the taint.

The stone walls are needed to guard against the depredations of the multitudinous Aberrations, not to ward off the Blight...


First Post
gavagai said:
Many people of this land have also succumbed to the taint, and worship alien overlords in debauched cults. Meanwhile, only few beacons of hope for the good and just remain.

Among these few beacons are Andrith, home of the last descendants of lost Aman; Rockwall, the delved tunnels of the Dwarves; An-woon and Mijipoor, ancient port cities of the former Amanii Empire which once ruled this land, long before the coming of the taint.

Voidrunner's Codex

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