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This note, given in-character to the PCs, kinda creeped them out. A young priest who'd been ministering to a local band of gypsies had disappeared, and this was the last letter he sent to his church before vanishing.


I cannot fathom how it has come to this…a seeming disarray of random instances have flashed across the tableau of my mind…there is a schism here, I sense it now

A thing of foreboding lurks on the horizon, a Dark Presence that these valiant people suppress

Or maybe do not suppress...I cannot say

The gypsies have every right to hate us, living in our comfortable homes, eating dinner from the same table each night…worshipping in the same temples.

Do you know they have no gods? They know it.

I find it difficult to concentrate on this letter while that Presence is with me. He is with me now. He is calling.

I request that you get my affairs in order, notify my wife. I don’t think I shall return.

Your fiend,

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Mine's a little girl story, but it involves a Kender too!

Basically, the party had been in Ravenloft long enough to always post a guard, even when simply resting in a Kartakan Inn, there was a guard at the door to their rooms.
Of course, the minotaur, the knight, the mage.. they couldn't dissuade the Kender from taking her watch. So she's sitting on her chair, counting out the time, waiting for something to happen. She spies a little girl that looks lost, engages in conversation, finds out the little girl is looking for her doll. Having no sense of Duty, she abandons her post and helps the little girl find her ragged worn doll, returns her to her room in the East wing, tucks her in, returns to her post.

Over breakfast, she asks the innkeeper how long the little girl has been there. Finds out there is no East Wing, it burned down years ago. There was a little girl that died in the fire yes, they were unable to find her during the rescue. The East Wing was never rebuilt.


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As it has been said many times before - this thread ROX! Please keep posting! Gothmog - this means you too! :)

Much yoinkage herein.... ;)


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I really don't care for the idea of a maggot BW for the aboleth so I came up with something better- a cone of mucus that causes the reverse of the standard mucus- the skin hardens and eventually shatters.

I was also thinking of similar gooey substances that affect the make up of the person affected and I think the best is the slime that adds weight (5 or 10% per hit) in the form of internal water until the person bursts at a 50% increase.

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Tonguez said:
Just like you all to know that this thread gave me nightmares last night! :uhoh:

I had a dream where I rescued one of my co-workers from a castle ruled by Debbie Boone last night. Was that because of this thread, I wonder?

I don't even particularly like that co-worker, either.


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A lot of horrow references to children. Very interesting. I have another.

My GM and I never planed things this way, but they have a way of all coming together at the last moment. This is less scary and creepy as disturbing, learning what you've done and what you're capable of. Some of the most creepy horror stories I've ever read were ones where the protagonist was the monster, even as he fought against himself.

Notes given in character, please don't mind the lengthy introduction:

"Malecan had been defeated, returned to his prison. The sorceress that let him out in the first place had herself an army, and had taken over the Necromancer's keep. It had been buried underground, but that didn't stop her from finding a way inside. He had to have a circle or two.

Crystal Rose, the White Queen, the Savior of Voushta... Damn her forever for dying before I could send her to Hell myself.. She was away when we descended into the ruined keep to destroy one of Malecan's most powerful artefacts. The Well of Souls. This story isn't abotuthe Well, though.

Before we destroyed the Well, we came upon a chamber with six.. Incubators. They stood half my height, a transluscent crystaline womb suspended in their middles, filled with a reddish fluid. One of my companions foolishly tampered with one, and its center burst open, dropping an infant onto the floor. Instead of laying there, injured, it clambered to its knees and scurried under another incubator, screeching. I'd caught a good look at it. It had small horns growing from it's forehead, and a long tail sprouting from the base of it's spine. It had an unnaturally reddish skin color, though that may have been from the sludge it had been suspended in, and stared out at us with slit-pupil eyes. An infant demon.

Pulling out my wand, I proceeded to shoot at it, but it ducked behind cover and spoke, begging us not to kill it. My companions balked, questioning if a Demon child was wicked, and if it couldn't be turned to good, but I didn't heed their words. Leveling my wand at it, I.. Him. It was definately a him.. I, spoke the command word, and blew the creature to pieces.

The others questioned me, but before they could stop me I turned my wand at the other incubators, reducing them to shards of shattered crystal and burnt red sludge. The room smelled horrible, like you'd somehow set a vat of blood on fire. The others demanded to know why I would slaughter the babies like that, and I formly told them that no Demon was good. No demon could be redeemed. They'd have waited for their moment and slit our throats in the night. I was raised in a temple, and I knew a thing or two about demons. they remained silent, but nodded in defeat.

I forgot all about the demon children. We had other thing on our mind. It wasn't until we were looting the Tomb of a powerful Mage that it came up again. A demon, black as shadow with gleaming red fire for eyes, reached past my companions to envelop me. Once in its grasp, the world melted away, and we were left on a scarred plane with no sun and an ashen sky. It taunted me before it cast a spell, pulling the wool from my eyes, that had been placed there many years ago. To my horror, I felt my body twisting, shifting, growing, and I could feel an inexcapable, undenyable truth forming in my soul, that had been hidden from me since I was a child. I was a demon.

I returned to Alsatia, by the help of Kalron, and after convincing my wife that I was who I said I was, a harrowing task, I held my son in my arms and wept. I could see their faces in his place, hear their words in place of his soft cooing. I had killed them and hadn't given it a second thought. They were like my son, and I'd killed them..

- Melissa Corinth, Half-Demon.


the best horror game I ran was out of a book of lairs. They found an empty roadside Inn, and explored it, quickly finding several bodies drained of blood. There was also rooms hung with garlic and holy symbols. The party staked and beheaded the bodies, and sealed themselves inside a room, with light and guards. In the morning their groom was found lying beside them, drained of his blood, no one had seen or heard anything. They got some sleep, in a sunny courtyard, and a player was woken up for a guard shift, and realized he was missing a lot of blood, a sound or motion was seen inside a nearby building but nothing was found. Eventually the party had a PC pretend to sleep and they finally caught the Slithering Tracker as it tried to feed.
from HPL - killing some without a sign, while leaving some alone - always terrifying.


Alright - this is my first post. Ever. So please overlook, but feel free to point at and laugh at, any mistakes I may have made. I had to reply to this thread because it is simply way too interesting to let pass by.

I love creepy instances and encounters for my adventures. Ravenloft is one of my favorite campaign worlds to DM in. Here are a few of the things I have done in the past to mess with my players.

While exploring the lab of a very powerful, evil nectromancer the party notices a heart lying on a dissection table - after they start to examine it it starts to beat, not a dramatic effect but enough to make several players shiver.

In the same lab there were all these paintings that just look like black swirls but they bulged like something was trying to break out. The players were so paranoid that something would bust out they refused to camp anywhere near rooms with the paintings. They also ran through the rooms, which actually missed some important clues/items because of that.

I don't want my first post to be too long so I will cut it off here and continue later



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Tuzenbach said:
fighting in complete darkness is frightening! The last thing I wanted was an encounter in the dark. We were only first level, very weak, you see. All of a sudden.......

"You hear these echoey clicking noises, almost like horse hooves, entering the 200x200 chamber and coming towards you. Whatever it is, it's going to make contact in about 40 seconds. What do you do?"

"I cast Magic Missle at the darkness." (Sorry, couldn't resist)

Sometimes reality helps scare the players caught up in the fantasy. Once I ran a campaign in which the PCs were trying to track down the cells of a forbidden murder cult. Most of these cells were hidden out in the wilderness. During one adventure, the PCs were in a forest. This was right after the movie "The Blair Witch Project" had come out, but no one in the group had seen it but me. So I started using some of the stuff from the movie on the players -- the laughing children's voices in the night, the unusual stick figures hanging from the trees, their seeming to walk around in circles, etc. They were getting very frustrated, and creeped out at the same time. Then they found a creepy old ruined house, and inside the bodies of several young children who had been ritually murdered.

Now while we were playing, we were seated at a table in my friends' kitchen. My chair faced the window into the backyard. During one of my descriptions of a room in the in-game house, a small gecko suddenly ran across the screen of the window I was looking at and attacked a moth. This caught my attention; I was fascinated, and stopped talking in mid-description, just looking at the window above and to one side of one of the players. All of the players just sat looking at me in anticipation for a second, then jumped as they suddenly turned to look at the window. The player sitting with her back to the window let out a scream and bolted from the room. She thought something was coming through the window to get her. :]

Another time, in a Traveller campaign, I was running a d20 conversion of a classic Traveller adventure set aboard a small research lab in orbit around an isolated planet. In the adventure, the researchers had been testing a new combat drug designed to turn soldiers into killing machines, but so far there had been some troubling side effects. Someone aboard secretly working for a competing drug company had sabotaged one of the labs; the explosion had released the experimental drugs into the life support and everyone had breathed ithe mixture in. The lab animals, too. The combined drugs turned everyone, and the animals, into cannabilistic killers with superhuman STR, DEX and CON part of the time, and into paranoid weaklings with light sensitivity at other times. There were only four people -- out of a crew of about 20 -- left alive when the PCs arrived to check out why radio contact with the lab was lost. Most of the dead bodies were hanging in a meat locker in the galley, with evidence they had been partially eaten.

I made my descriptions of the darkened space station very spooky, like a haunted house in space -- sudden noises and movement, unexplained sounds and happenings, etc. The PCs were attacked several times by freed lab rats and other animals. When the found the bodies in the meat locker, they decided the bite marks on the bodies were from the animals.

The first living person they encountered was in a paranoid phase, and has barracaded himself in one corner of one of the labs. He talked to the PCs; he was obviously very scared of them and the other survivors. He blamed everything on the other survivors. He agreed to leave with the PCs on their ship, but refused to come out until everything was safe. They left with a promise to come back and moved on.

While searching an empty cabin with blood stains on the floor and other signs of a struggle, a dead body falls out of a closet when the door is opened, making the players jump.

They encountered one of the survivors in crazed mode in the engineering compartment. He attacked them when they shined a flashlight on his face, and they were forced to kill him.

They encountered another paranoid survivor, a woman, who was barracaded inside her cabin. She also refused to come out until it was safe, and blamed everthing on one particular survivor, a man named Karl. Said he was the one who had taken to eating the dead bodies. She agrees to come out only when Karl is dealt with; she directs them to Karl's lair, down in the empty fuel tanks.

The PCs go in search of Karl. The fuel tanks are like a dark dungeon. Karl attacks them and they kill him.

They go back to the first paranoid survivor they found. He is gone from his den. One the way to where the paranoid woman survivor was waiting, the pass the galley again. They hear a noise from the meat locker. They investigate, and find the first paranoid survivor -- now in cannabil, superhuman mode -- kneel in the doorway of the locker, eating something. He turns to look at them, his face covered in bloody gore, strips of human flesh dangling from his teeth. Fear and revulsion fight for prominence on the players' faces.

The light of the PCs' flashlights enrages the survivor and he attacks. They kill him with their SMGs, and keep firing into his prone body until they all empty their clips. One even reloads and keeps firing, just to make sure. Then they sit around for quite some time, debating what to do with the female survivor still waiting in her cabin.

They decide what they must do, and return to the cabin. The woman is still in a weakened, paranoid phase. They talk her into coming out, then gun her down before she can turn on them. They then delete all of the research files, corrupt the computer system, and rig up some explosive charges of their own, which they set off from the safety of their own ship.

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