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Crossed Paths - Part I


OOC: While on the ship, Brioc will forego wearing his armour, unless things start to look ugly for any reason. He'll be carrying his scimitar, or have it close to hand at all times, but will leave all the rest of his gear with his sleeping bundle.

Brioc also follows Ecgthow's lead, and buys his own provisions for the journey (4 days' trail rations, at a cost of 2 gp).

"I'm a druid, one of the priests of my people. I've been trained by my father, who also follows the druid's path, and the elders of my village. Up until now, my life has been one of routine and, to be frank, a little dull. I've left Briton to learn more of the world, its peoples, their customs and their gods."

Brioc scratches behind the ears of Wolf, petting the dog affectionately. "As for this untidy hound, he's a friend of mine. He's not yet told me his name, but he's a good lad to have with you in a tight spot."

During the voyage, Brioc takes his share of any rowing, oddly enjoying the work. When not labouring, he's telling stories from Welsh mythology, focusing on the more bawdy tales, as would suit an audience of sailors. He'll also question Captain Tolstoy and Khenemetsobek about the gods of their people, and happily answer any similar questions asked about his own beliefs.

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First Post
Aboard the Ship: Khen is dressed in a thick and heavy white robe to protect himself from the chill. A half an inch boarder lines the entire robe. (The very edges of the robe; around the hood; around his feet; and around his hands) The boarder is seems to be a river bank; blue water with reeds growing from it. His crocodile medallion hangs around his neck. A small wooden tube, three netted pouches each holding a small plain glass container (One is full of a black liquid the other two are full of a clear liquid), an under filled coin pouch, a heavy Ankh golden in color with chipping paint all are attached to a cord belt around his waste. In one hand he carries a spear made of reed pointed with a large animal tooth; Attached to the spear are several pieces of cloth wrapped in such a way that they hold a few of his goods (Like a hobo!). Strapped to the spear is another reed staff coiled in a long thin line. In his other hand would be a bird cage with a single pigeon inside. (Reposted from Rogues' Gallery).

By spending any time near him you will notice that he still wears his crocodile hide under his robe. If the boat is traveling at a slow enough pace he will spend most of his time fishing over the side. When nothing is biting he will split his time between mending his net, feeding and socializing with his pigeon, and sitting in silent prayer. At night assuming mild conditions he will sleep where told. If conditions are poor (rain, cold winds, etc) he will attach a crocodile hide 'blanket' better described as a tarp at the most convenient location to shield him from the wind and rain.

After hearing Glaucon tell his story to Angrinion; Khen will perk up and take a seat next to him. "You are quite skilled with a needle. I may have to take you up on that offer. My inkings are my... story." He gestures to his heavily tatooed scalp showing dozens of scenes each the size of a curled thumb; first pointing to a small village in flames bodies scattered everywhere; then to a child's body floating face down in a large body of water; and finally to his diety - a crocodile headed man dressed much like Khen was at the Inn. "This one is for those who gave me life and have since moved onto the next world, this is for my rebirth, this is my master, The Scaled Lord." He takes a swig from his wineskin and offers it to those nearby (which if tasted is rather foul tasting more of herbs than wine). "If this journy is half as dangerous as Brioc presented there will surely be more to add to my story," he says chuckling as he finishes his last sentance.


First Post
Khen will eagerly answer Brioc's question; briefly describing most of the Egyptian pantheon: Ra, Anubis, Bast, Bes, Hathor, Imhotep, Isis, Nephthys, Osiris, Ptah, Set, and Thoth, are all briefly mentioned although he will not dwell on any specifics unless asked to. He will however go into great detail about Sobek as long as one person still appears interested; taking care to slightly embellish Sobek’s role in pharaonic Egypt. He will return the question to Brioc although he seems to do so out out of politeness more than curiousity.
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First Post
Ecgthow immedietly takes to the routine of a sailor on board a longship. He takes more than his alloted time at the oars, his strength and conditioning seeming unexhaustable. While on board he does not wear his armor, although he keeps his small axes on his person and his longsword always within a few feet of him. He is well prepared for the chill winds aboard an open boat and seems unaffected by them. He is intimately familiar with the operation of a ship such as this and can pitch in for any task that he is asked to perform.

While taking his shift at the oars or idling, he talks extensively with the other sailors as they must have many shared experiences in common. Those who are not Northmen or acquainted with the culture may find him a bit bloodthirsty or piratical, however, his opinions are not uncommon among his people. He is considered rather honorable for a Viking!

He doesn't take part in many discussions about religion, being convinced that his Gods are paramount, and his life has been predetermined by the fates. The only way to reach Valhalla is to meet that life with courage and bravery, and die with his sword in his hand and valor in his heart.

Ecgthow will spend some time gently hinting to Captain Tolstoy and Agrinion that, "...it wouldn't hurt to raid a village or two, just to relieve the boredom."

After a day or two of observing Glaucon, Ecgthow seems to develop some sense of respect for the Greek's seamanship, but it is grudging at best.

OOC: 6 GP spent on Rations and Mead.


First Post
The next two days pass uneventfully. The sailors take readily to Glaucon & Ecgthow. They're rather cold towards anyone who won't take a turn at the oars.

Angrinion cheerfully keeps the party fed & cared for. Along the way he tells his tale. "I was born in Catalonia, in Eastern Spain. Beautiful country. I miss it every day. I was forced to leave due to a disagreement with a local magistrate. I...um... killed him. It was my duty, considering the unspeakable acts he did to my sister. Unfortunately, I had no hope of justice under the law. I fled East, & have landed in Sevastapol with the Cap'n here. A fine man, Cap'n Vlad. The best boss I've ever had. And no one much comes to Sevastopol. Nowhere to go from there. Just wilderness."

Inez Hull

First Post
[OOC: Sorry, haven't been online for a couple of days. Manznita, Ehldannis will also have his horse aboard the ship if there is room.]

Ehldannis seems quite happy to engage anyone who is interested in scholarly discussion over his knowledge of history, geography and philosophy although he seems to be quite obviously holding his tongue about any deeper discussion. He seems quite uncomfortable upon the bopat and readily concedes that he has never sailed on open seas before. He doesn't contribute to the rowing but is happy to contribute in any other way to life onboard the ship.

Ehldannis is interested to know more of Khenemetsobek and his faith and converses with him in technically correct but little used Eygptian. Khen notices very soon that although Ehldannis is hungry for knowledge about his homeland, its customs and its religion, his interest seems to be purely intellectual.

"Brioc, how much do you know about the region we are travelling to? I know only of the demographics of these lands from ancient times. After Melnibone's influence waned the area was settled by some form of bipedal reptiian race, but I know little of the current history or peoples of the region."


First Post
September 24 6:30 am

Dawn arrives beautifully this morning. The skies are clear and the sun is too bright to look East. The morning crew, as well as any early rising PC comes to the deck to watch the sunrise.

Looking west, Ehldannis notices a spot on the horizon. It soon grows to the shape of a small row boat. A shout is raised. “Ship ahoy!” shouts a crewman.

About a quarter mile away, drifts the small row-boat. There appears to be one man aboard. He is not moving. Vladimir searches all the horizons. No other ships are sighted. He gives the order to head towards the boat. As you approach, the man becomes more visible. He is dressed in tattered clothes. He is deathly still, sumburnt, with no apparent food or water. The ship sails closer. [I assume by this point that all PCs come to deck]

At last the ship is within grappling range of the little boat. The man seems to sense the presnence of a ship. With effort, he raises his head. His hair & beard are long, grey & tangled. He opens his mouth. “I..It…It’s….”

Suddenly, splashes are heard around the ship. Twangs sound, and ropes tipped with grappling hooks fly over the sides, several gripping the rails & masts. The PCs that rush to the sides see large green humanoids climbing up the ropes.

The C on the map is the captain. The little x's are where the grappling hooks connected.

Please place yourself on the map by coordinate (i.e. H5) & state your actions.

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OOC: Brioc's at G5, sat beside the mast.

Brioc's sat beside the mast, readying himself to heal the man in the boat when he's brought aboard. As the grappling hooks start to hit the ship, he looks up in alarm, and snatches up his scimitar and shield.

"Do you recognise these creatures?" He calls to Captain Tolstoy. "Looks like we'll be earning our keep after all!"
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Inez Hull

First Post
[OOC: I'll assume that Ehldannis has his combat selection of spells memorised given the chance of Pirate attack]

Ehldannis was standing right on the edge of the ship peering towards the apparent castaway. As the attack begins he quickly moves away with a stifled yelp of surprise and stands next to Brioc where he begins intoning words of power and moving both hands and feet in ritualised gestures. He then studies the boarding creatures intently, trying to fathom what manner of creature they are.

[Move to G6 and cast shield - directed to western side of battlefield]


First Post
Glaucon arms himself with his buckler, draws his sword, and runs over to G5 to hack boarding ropes. The next round he draws a punching dagger with his buckler hand. When he sees a green humanoid, he yells, "Ha! These aren't the everyday sort of pirate!" He's grinning like a maniac.

If he hears the splashing of greenies falling back into the water, he heads for E9 to cut another rope. If not, he stays where he is and readies an action to attack a greenie that comes near. Once combat proper begins, he'll leave his own fight if he sees the opportunity to flank, and use tumble to achieve flanking. If someone is hard pressed (Brioc, first mate, capitan , Ecgthow, in order of importance), and he can tumble over to them and flank, he'll leave his current fight as well.
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