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Crossed Paths, Part II

Inez Hull

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"Have we any more pearls from our venture into the Wendol caverns? If so I can use one to determine the nature of the enchantment upon the bow."

Ehldannis eyes the bow wistfully before turning to Tullius and Octar, "Who of you will make better use of it? If I may suggest, perhaps a quick challenge of archery and the finer shot claims the prize. That way we know our best archer bears it."

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Despaxas said:
Tullius' eyes fall on the bow, his eyes flare. "If only Octar and I can use the bow, I suggest we draw lots for it*."

A wide smile spreads across Marcus' face.

"Ho Tullius, you're a bold one. I'll grant you that. In the few days that we have known you, you have fought well and given no one reason to doubt your courage and resolve. But Octar has been putting himself at risk since this quest began. And in all the time I've known him, I've not heard him ask for anything. So unless Brioc rules differently, Octar has the right of first refusal on the bow I think.

"Although if he wishes to let a test of skill decide the outcome, that's his call to make.

Despaxas said:
He glances at the old man. "Apparently he does not understand me, unfortunate. Perhaps Ehldannis with his magical speech can ask my question about Matriculus to him?"

"Or perhaps," says Marcus after a moment of consideration, "he can not hear us properly." Marcus considers how one find out.


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Manzanita said:
I assume Tullius uses Latin when attempting to communicate. The old man listens respectfully, then tilts his head sideways, points to his ear and shakes his head.
~Dhormium watches Tullius’ attempt to speak with the old man. When he notices the pointing to the ear, a thought comes to mind. Maybe the man is just deaf! Dhormium walks over to Elhdannis to request a piece of paper and some ink, explaining that he needs it to write something down for the old man. When the piece of paper is obtained the dwarf starts to scribble down a few lines in Latin.

“Hello, my name is Dhormium. I would like to ask u something, “Are you deaf?”. If you are please nod. Could you write down your name for us?”

After finishing the paper Dhormium walks over to the old man saying hello and hands over the paper and sits down.~


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Tullius slaps his forehead. "Ofcourse, the poor man is deaf! I must be getting dimwitted." He smiles at Dhormium. "Let me add something to that note."

He writes his question about Matriculus down on the paper. Then frowns and glances at Dhormium. "Say, Dhormium, Can your healing powers perhaps restore this mans hearing?"

Then Tullius turns towards Marcus. "I'm sorry if I seem presumptuous, that wasn't my intent. I understand Octar has been with the group longer than I, so if you all agree he should have the bow, who am I to argue. On the other hand a contest between us sounds like a good plan as well. I shall await your decision."

OOC: If the we're going to have a contest I suggest Manzanita just rolls the dice and tells us the outcome. I also believe Octar ís away for a while, so why don't de rest of you just decide what it's going to be and then we'll see what the majority says. :)


"I think it only fair to offer the bow to Octar first, but the idea of a competition has its merits." Brioc smiles, looking up from tending Wolf's wounds. "How about we give it to Octar for now, and more fairly decide ownership of the bow once we've dealt with G'ruk and the beast in the pool?"


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The old man does not appear to understand writing either, and a few simple tests determine he can hear, if not particularly well.

I'm going to start a new thread for the next phase of the adventure. As soon as I think you're all ready for morning.


Jarval said:
"I think it only fair to offer the bow to Octar first, but the idea of a competition has its merits." Brioc smiles, looking up from tending Wolf's wounds. "How about we give it to Octar for now, and more fairly decide ownership of the bow once we've dealt with G'ruk and the beast in the pool?"

"Hah! There speaks a true leader and diplomat," replys Marcus cheerfully. Being back about ground has restored his spirits greatly. "There is no need to apologise Tullius, for no offence was intended or taken. And a little presumption is a good thing if one is to make their way in the world, for the gods are often a mite to busy to look out for all of us all of the time. Not that their intentions arn't good," he adds with a nod to Dhormuim.

"If you need a bow, I have one. I was tossing up whether to swap it for the crossbow, but it really is six of one, half a dozen of the other for me."

ooc: welcome back jarval. your timing is perfect.

Manzanita, apart from taking a little time to wash and think, Marcus is ready for the new day.

Inez Hull

First Post
After the partys return to camp Ehldannis has spent most of his time nose deep in his books. Despite apparently being up all night he glows with vitality in the morning and seems as alert as ever.

"It seems that the man can indeed hear. Let me try communicating with him then, I believe I have mastered a spell which will enable me to speak his tongue, whatever it be."

Ehldannis walks over to the old slave and looks him over with a dsicerning eye, as if inspecting the make of a blade or quality of a horse. How is it that these humans allow themselves to sink so low? No Elf would ever allow himself to fall into such degradation. Such short lifespans and yet such a desperate will to live.

The elven wizard squares his diminutive shoulders, takes a deep breath and begins softly chanting, his eyes firmly locked with the man. His speech quickens and grows louder, taking on a strange cadence as words from all manner of languages, dialects and accents begin to emerge in a quick-fire stream from his mouth. At last the stream of words settle into the guttural speech of the hyena-men and Ehldannis smiles and calmly speaks to the old man. "Greetings, my name is Ehldannis. Myself and my companions wish you no harm. Please, tell me of yourself."


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I'm going to copy Elhdannis spellcasting over to the new thread. I'll keep this thread open for any additional actions for the evening or night of October 20, such as spell selection. Brioc may have a healing spell or two remaining. After a night's sleep @ 5th level, and therefore healing 5 hps, here's now far down everyone is on HPs: Ehldannis, Tullius, Dhormium, Marcus: Full. Octar down 19, Wolf down 14, Brioc down 17, Mendicus down 6

For the morning for October 21, we'll turn to Part III...
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(OoC: Brioc's got two cure light wounds and a cure minor wounds prepared. If this is after his level up to 5th, he'll also have a cure moderate wounds spell available.

Octar and Wolf will each get a
cure light, and Brioc will cast cure minor wounds on himself.)

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