Crossed Paths, Part III

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Inez Hull

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"Let us investigate the hidden doorway. If their is any trap in this room it may navigate us safely past it."

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Marcus the Gypsy

Marcus nods and returns his attention to the hidden door, once again looking for any lock or opening mechanism.

If he can't find anything, he turns his attetion to working out which way the door swings. "It looks like this one will need to be forced," Marcus says with a look at Octar and Tullius with a shrug, grunt not being his strong point*, "Unless someone has another way to open it."

"Dhormium, can you stay close. If there are more of the walking dead through here, you are by far the most effective against them."

A dark cloud crosses Marcus' face as he remembers how ineffective he was with the skeletons. Should have brought that flail. Not much you can do about it now.

ooc: Marcus is a bit of a lightweight. I'm assuming that Tillius and Octar are two of the bigger members of the group. If not, substitute appropriately.


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Crypt 1

Tullius and Octar put their shoulders to the door and crash it open on their first try. They see a 20 by 20 room, the walls painted with images of exotically dressed lizardmen, wielding weapons and magic. In the room is a table, chair and sarcophogus. Several pieces of jewlry and lizard figurines lay on the table, as well as a gold plate and cup.

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
"This must be what G'ruk was looking for," says Octar neutrally. He had held no paticular affection for the lizardman, and in fact had distrusted him, but his sudden death had seemed like a poor ending for anyone. He even think of adding the addenum of "He'll never find it now." It's fairly obvious, and Octar's in no mood to waste words.

ooc: Back! My apologies for the long absence.

What's Octar's HP at right now?
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"Well, well. Interesting find, it seems as if the lizardmen we know today were not always so primitive. I wonder what happened." Tullius gazes into the room with a sad look. He walks into the room checking around for traps and hidden enemies.


Marcus the Gypsy

Marcus moves around the room in the opposite direction of Tullius, likewise checking for any traps. As he passes them, Marcus finds himself idly gauging the value of the items. But somewhat to his surprise, he find unmoved by the sight of the gold and jewelry. Oh, of course they will be useful for things that need doing once this quest is all over. But otherwise ... Marcus shrugs slightly, and returns his attentions to checking for dangers.

Once thats done, he turns his attention to the sarcophogus.

Inez Hull

First Post
Despaxas said:
"Well, well. Interesting find, it seems as if the lizardmen we know today were not always so primitive. I wonder what happened."

"Indeed, it seems they were a significant threat even to the might of Melnibone, Brioc's sword bears witness to that."

Ehldannis is fascinated by the painted walls, momentarily forgetting even the promise of magic. He slowly wanders the room gazing in wonder at the pictures, trying to make some sense of them.


First Post
It is difficult to guage the value of the items. They could be stripped of gold and sold, but that would net probably less than 100 gps. To the right buyer in Rome or Switzerland, they could net a good deal. They are small enough to fit into backpacks, but might be broken unless treated very carefully.

The sarcophogus is inlaid with gold and turquoise and is man sized. It is carved to resemble a lizardman.

Tullius finds no sign of traps.

Octar is at 14 hps, but this is based on 4th level stats. Once you level him up, he can add his 5th level hps to that amount.
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OK, no one wants to make the first move here. That's OK. In this instance it doesn't much matter. I'm going to assume some actions to keep it moving.

Marcus examines the sarcophogus. With a little prying from his knife it comes open, revealing a small, shriveled, very dead mummy.

Seeing no egress from this little crypt, the party returns to the larger room.

Does anyone take the grave items?


First Post
"Well, this dead guy obviously doesn't need this jewelry. What say you, I'll hold on to them we might be able to sell it in Rome?" If the rest doesn't disaprove Tullius will gather the valuables and hold them.

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