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Curtains #1 - A Crossing of Paths


First Post
"The Orbit", Peace Park, Downtown, Coast City
April 15

Mimic said:
If a kid is playing with matches and he burns the house down do they charge him with arson? Although if she knew what she could do and did nothing to prevent it, she should be charged with some sort of endagerment. I don't think special laws are required at all. We should be all treated equal under the law.

The reporter makes a few scribbles in his notepad, then flips the cover shut.

"Well," he says, "thank you for your time and candor. Like I said, this is just for a story on how the people of the city feel about certain metahuman issues, particularly in light of some of the new laws being proposed. The story will probably run in a couple days, if you're at all interested."

The reporter turns to leave, then pauses. He flips out a business card and offers it to Thomas. "I've been assigned to the Chronicle's metahuman beat. If you ever have any inside tips, I'd be very grateful. And don't worry about discretion...I'd protect the identity of my sources to my last dying breath."


Hightower Convention Center, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

Jorgi's cab pulls up to the Hightower Convention Center just a few minutes before he is scheduled to meet up with his potential new boss. The Hightower seems to be a pretty classy affair and a uniformed doorman opens his cab door for him. The doorman gives a brief distressed look at Jorgi when he feels the powerful static aura surrounding the young metahuman, but his professionalism kicks back in and the look is replaced with a polite nod.

One cab fare and two tips later, Jorgi reaches the front desk.

"HithereI'mheretodosomeworkfortheMetahumans@Workconferencecouldyoupleasepointmeintherightdirection?" he says.

The clerk blinks twice, hard. She seems to finally decipher what Jorgi was asking. "The Metahumans@Work conference will be having their opening dinner tonight in the ballroom. It's on the third floor. You can take one of those elevators over there, or the stairs right next to them."

Jorgi follows her directions and briefly thinks about riding the elevator, just to use his powers. Neither is on the main floor, however, so he just hikes up the two flights of stairs. The ballroom is easy to find and occupies much of this level. There are signs for the conference as well as several dozen people doing assorted prep work.

He pokes his head into the ballroom proper. It is a large and classy affair with seating for several hundred at circular tables. The staff is busy setting the tables for dinner. At the far end of the room is a stage and podium with projection screens behind. Jorgi spots a guy hauling a large box with dozens of cables dangling from it up toward the stage...most likely his contact from Superior Geeks Services.


The Centurian, Parkside, Coast City
April 16

From his small porch overlooking Peace Park, Dr. Steven Faturius watches the sun set over the city's skyline. The spring evening is already feeling brisk, particularly in the stiff breeze ten floors up, but he is comfortable in his tux.

The ringing of the phone pulls him back inside. The doorman informs him that his car is ready.

Downstairs, a black sedan waits at the curb before a backdrop of rush hour traffic circling Peace Park's "Orbit". The doorman makes note of the large bag Steven is carrying and has the driver pop the trunk before the doctor even reaches the car.

"Have a nice evening, Dr. Faturius," the doorman says with a smile as he closes the trunk and opens the back door.

Inside the back seat is a pleasant surprise. Maggie, in a slinky formal gown of red and black with her hair done up, gives Steven a warm smile.

"Hope you don't mind if I tag along, dear," she says. "I'd hate for you to get bored surrounded by nothing but important city leaders all night." Since becoming Faturius' agent, Maggie occasionally attends his appearances - though she rarely tells him when she will be coming along and never until the last possible moment. "Well, don't just stand there, get in!"


A quiet street corner, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

Lawrence had spent another day both wandering and half-heartedly looking for work opportunities. Much of the time had been spent pondering the words of advice Gus had given him the previous evening. He wondered if embracing his metahuman abilities might bring him a better degree of control over them. Perhaps Gus was right, that it was possible to live with the changes by dealing with them.

In better spirits, Lawrence returns to the regular spot where he had met Gus to find dinner each night for the last week. The old man is nowhere to be seen. An hour passes and already it is past the time when the bakery would be passing out the day-old breads. Lawrence becomes anxious - he has grown fond of the homeless man for his generosity and kindness.

A cat runs up to Lawrence and stands in front of him. It meows loudly and intently. Another cat runs up beside him, along with a small skinny dog. Each meows, hisses, and barks until they are sure they have Lawrence's attention. More cats and even a couple rats join the others. As a pack, they run down the street a short distance, turning and looking back at Lawrence expectantly.

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First Post

Hightower Convention Center, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

He smiles then he sees the whole ruckus. he loves busy people, in fact he likes any kind of activity but somehow the air around people preparing an event is almost charged with energy. He doesn't exactly fit in but his clothes are reasonable clean and all in classy black. He never got why people wore other collous. Ever tried eating spagethi in a white shirt while in a hurry? And of course he is allways in a hurry.
He jogs over to the guy with the cables and, still smiling in his good mood.
"Hethere,I'mJorgi.theguyonthephonetoldmetocomehere. Whateveryou'r probis,I'llfixit."
He takes a look in the box.
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First Post
Rybaer said:
"The Orbit", Peace Park, Downtown, Coast City

The reporter turns to leave, then pauses. He flips out a business card and offers it to Thomas. "I've been assigned to the Chronicle's metahuman beat. If you ever have any inside tips, I'd be very grateful. And don't worry about discretion...I'd protect the identity of my sources to my last dying breath."

With a shrug he takes the business card. "Don't know what you expect to learn from me, like I told you, I'm just a bouncer."

Thomas will finish his cool down workout and if there is no one else of interest around <ooc: that would be women> he will wander to a bar and grab a beer.


First Post
Rybaer said:
A cat runs up to Lawrence and stands in front of him. It meows loudly and intently. Another cat runs up beside him, along with a small skinny dog. Each meows, hisses, and barks until they are sure they have Lawrence's attention. More cats and even a couple rats join the others. As a pack, they run down the street a short distance, turning and looking back at Lawrence expectantly.

If someone would have told me I would listen a cat one year ago, I would have said he is a fool... I hope nothing has happen to Gus.

Lawrence stand up and start to follow the cats.


I aim to misbehave
The Centurian, Parkside, Coast City
April 16

Steven Faturius spent most of the time after his lunch with Maggie working on the particulars of his speech. He reviewed the outlines of the other speakers and found some points that he could make that would accentuate their speeches.

He went to a benefit that evening, but retired early, declining several opportunities to party late into the night. Steven wasn’t much of a partier . . . at least at the Coast City club scene. The bad possibilities far outweighed the good possibilities during late night activities – especially for celebrities and near-celebrities like himself.

The following day, Steven worked on his outline for his book and had one phone interview . . . a quiet day for him. He had thoughts of perhaps flying over the city tonite as Professor Fate – though that depended on how the speaking engagement went. These thoughts occupied him until reaching the limo and looking inside . . . then all thoughts disappeared from his mind.

Maggie said:
"Hope you don't mind if I tag along, dear," she says. "I'd hate for you to get bored surrounded by nothing but important city leaders all night . . . Well, don't just stand there, get in!"

“Stunned by your beauty, Maggie . . . left me speechless . . . not good considering where we're going tonight,” Steven said as he entered the limo, sitting next to her. He looked at the gown, then at his tux with his red bow tie . . . they had matched. Steven smiled, he hadn’t thought of bringing a date to the speech since it was such short notice . . . and he had worried about it becoming too stuffy.

“No fear of the evening going slowly with you there, Maggie,” Steven said, still smiling, “I’m glad you were able to be here tonight.”

He spent the next few minutes in small talk, complimenting her hair and gown – as well as talking over what he had planned to say at the engagement. He wanted her input. Steven could handle large engagements with a diverse group. This was different, and he wanted to be well prepared for anything.


First Post
Moose's Pub, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

Thomas had finished the previous day's workout uneventfully...and unsuccessfully (in the lady department, that is). Today had brought another afternoon of jogging, this time without nosey reporters, and again no ladies.

The Moose's Pub, where he had been hired on as a bouncer a couple months back, is an unobtrusive affair on the south fringe of the downtown area. Just a block to the north is the Hightower Convention Center and a couple other hotels. To the south, one of the more dangerous neighborhoods in the city. Moose's rarely has live music, occasionally shows a sporting game or two on the tv, and is generally overlooked by the local thugs and mob. Customers tend to be a mix of locals looking for a quiet place and convention goers looking for a drink away from the hotel bars.

Thomas has rarely been called upon to escort unruly patrons out of the bar. When someone needs to be removed, one look at Thomas' bulky frame is generally all it takes. Most nights, he just watches over the place and hauls up bottles and kegs from the basement.

Galen, the owner, calls Thomas over to the bar. It is a particularly quiet night, with the half dozen patrons watching a hockey playoff game on one of the televisions.

"Could you take these empties downstairs?" Galen asks, pointing to a pair of kegs. Thomas nods and hoists them with little effort. Behind the bar is a narrow hallway that leads to an even narrower stairway down into the dark cellar. He places the empties with the others for pickup by the distributor.

On his way back up, as he passes the door that leads to the alley out back, he hears the distinct rapport of small arms fire. After years in the military, he'd recognize it anywhere. It sounds distressingly close, though over the noise of the game those inside the bar likely can't hear it.


A dark street, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

Lawrence hurries after the growing pack of street animals. The few pedestrians brave enough to be out in this neighborhood after dark jump clear of their path.

The animals turn off the secondary road and into a dark alley. Just as Lawrence turns the corner to follow, several gunshots echo out from somewhere up ahead. He jumps aside, but soon realizes that the shots were not coming his direction. Peeking around the corner, he can see that the alley is empty aside from a few dumpsters and the now-scattering animals. About a hundred feet ahead, the alley abruptly turns left.


Hightower Convention Center, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

The guy drops the box of AV gear on the table and looks up at Jorgi.

"What's that?" he says. "Oh, hey, you must be Jorgi. I'm Jack Springs. Nice to meet ya."

He offers his hand and Jorgi takes it. A stiff static shock passes between the two and Jack gives a gasp of surprise. To his credit, though, he maintains the handshake.

"Quite a handshake you got there," he says with a smile. "Metahuman, perhaps? Hey, that's cool with me as long as it doesn't short any of my gear."

Jack shows Jorgi what kind of equipment he has along and where he will need it set up. In spite of a ten year age difference and vastly difference cultural backgrounds, the two are practically kindred spirits. They talk "techie" like Shakespearian professors. Inside an hour Jorgi already feels comfortable demonstrating some of his interface powers to Jack, who is insanely envious.

The projectors, teleprompters, and computer control system is set up nearly two hours earlier than Jack had estimated.

"Well," Jack says, "I think I'm going to have to hire you. I'm thinking that you'll probably command a little higher starting salary than I usually pay. Let's go grab some dinner and talk details, then get back here to run the show for the evening."


Hightower Convention Center, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

The ride to the Hightower is a relatively short one. Maggie takes Steven's compliments with good grace, insisting that he's being too kind. As they pull up to the Hightower's front entrance, the driver rolls down the divider.

"Sir, take this," the driver says. He hands back a business card. "It has my cell number on it. If you need anything, just buzz me and I'll let you know where I parked, or I'll arrange to pick you up out front."

Outside the limo, Steven takes Maggie's hand and leads her into the Hightower. There are several small groupings of men and women equally well dressed, idly chatting away the time until dinner.

Maggie leans her head closer to Steven. "Most of the folks here will be corporate upper management types and lackeys from government agencies. I know some of them, but not many. That gentleman over there is Werner Schwartzeit, CEO of Aztechnologies. I did a job for him about ten years ago, though I haven't spoken with him for some time."

As if on cue, Schwartzeit turns and spots Maggie. "Well, well," he says with a grin as he walks up kiss her hand politely. Schwartzeit is a tall man in his early fifties, fit and with dark eyes. "Ms. Sommers. A pleasure to see you again. It has been too long."

"Mr. Schwartzeit," she says in a chipper voice, "it's good to see you as well. May I introduce Doctor Steven Faturius, motivator and all-American classy gentleman?"

Schwartzeit gives Steven a firm handshake. "A pleasure, doctor," he says. "I've heard of your work. Perhaps I'll have to see about bringing you down to give my troops a pep talk sometime."

Maggie allows the small talk to go only for a minute, then cuts in. "Good to see you again, Mr. Schwartzeit, but we really need to be moving along. Steven here is the keynote speaker and we still have to check in with the coordinator of tonight's event."

"Please, don't let me hold you up," he says. "I look forward to hearing you speak, doctor." With another handshake, the CEO wanders off toward another group.

"Come on," Maggie says, taking Steven's hand. "The ballroom is upstairs. We should really try to find Miss Poynter before showtime."


First Post
Hightower Convention Center, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

He dives into the work like crazy. It doesn't really interest him what it is for as long as it works. Then all is set up he jumps at the offer to get some food. Normally he prefers to eat alone and on the run but it is not as if he knows too many people here and the ones who can match his technobable are rare enough.
"Oh yeah,I burn through energy like crazy.Eatingisgood."
As usuall he forgots to keep it slow after a few words.


First Post
A dark street, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

Gus, in what have you put yourself?

Lawrence continue to run and slow down just before the corner. Quietly and disceetly, he takes his head out of the corner to see what is happening, to looks where are coming the gunshot.


First Post
Moose's Pub, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

Thomas frowns slightly as he hears the small arms fire. "Close by," he thinks to himself, "probably just some punk kids who think they are men because they have some weapons." He continues up the flight of stairs. "Guess I should go check it out, don't want the bar shoot up."

"Hey boss man, heard something coming from the alley. I'm going to go check it out. I shouldn't be gone long, just a quick recon sweep." Once Thomas has informed Galen he will head back down and enter the alley, he will pause a moment to give his eyes time to adjust and to assume his alternate form. Once that is done he will head toward the gun fire.


I aim to misbehave
Dr. Steven Faturius (Professor Fate)

Hightower Convention Center, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

Rybaer said:
"Sir, take this," the driver says. He hands back a business card. "It has my cell number on it. If you need anything, just buzz me and I'll let you know where I parked, or I'll arrange to pick you up out front."

As Steven escorted Maggie out of the limo, Steven thought, ’I’m going to have to consider putting a driver onto my payroll and into my confidence . . . it would be nice to have my bag closer at hand. Ahhh, the perils of a secret identity.

When Steven was introduced to Werner Schwartzeit, CEO of Aztechnologies, he tried to remember if he knew anything about either of them. Specifically, he looked for any symbols that the Company used. When Maggie said their goodbyes, Steven gave Werner one of his business cards, hoping to get one of his as well.

Maggie said:
"Come on," Maggie says, taking Steven's hand. "The ballroom is upstairs. We should really try to find Miss Poynter before show time."

Steven enjoyed holding Maggie’s hand, and played the perfect gentleman. He also looked over the crowd to see if he recognized anyone, then looked for organizer as well.

Voidrunner's Codex

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