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Curtains #1 - A Crossing of Paths


First Post
Hightower Convention Center, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

Jack and Jorgi are just returning to the Hightower from dinner. Over some tasty hot deli subs, they had chatted away a couple hours about all things techie. Jack finally got around to making Jorgi a job offer for $60k a year starting, with flexibility to adjust that based on performance. Jack said he'd have to wait until Monday to get a formal written offer ready (to keep his accountant happy), so Jorgi has a few days to think on it.

The two serreptitiously work their way through the well-dressed guests of the conference who are mingling outside the ballroom. Several give Jorgi a wary look when his static field passes by.

"Well, we've got two jobs to cover tonight," Jack says. "One of us has to sit in the back of the room and run the AV programs. The other gets to sit behind the stage and just be on standby to fix any of the gear should there be a glitch mid-stream. Have a preference?"


Hightower Convention Center, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

(Steven is not familiar with Werner Schwartzeit. He does know a little about Aztechnologies. The name actually comes from A-to-Z Technologies, representing their breadth of products and interests in all things technological. They have interests in biotechnology, electronics, materials, and high-end applications based on research in these areas. The company logo is a stylized 'AZ'. Werner happily exchanges business cards.)

Steven and Maggie find the ballroom area already crowded as people migrate that way with dinner about to be served. Maggie navigates through to the reception desk just outside the ballroom. Two young adults - one of whom has pebbly blue skin, clearly marking him as a metahuman - are handing out conference packages. Behind them, a young woman is zipping around, answering questions and welcoming guests. Her nametag identifies her as Sandra Poynter.

Sandra looks slightly underdressed next to most of the guests, though she still looks radiant. Her smile and warm words for each person make her seem instantly accessible.

Maggie finally manages to flag down her attention. "Miss Poynter?" she says. "I'm Maggie Sommers and this is Dr. Faturius."

"Ah, Ms. Sommers," Sandra says, shaking her hand. "It's so good to finally meet you after all the chatting on the phone since yesterday."

She turns to Steven and grabs his hand with both of hers. "And Dr. Faturius, I'm absolutely thrilled and eternally grateful to see you here. It's been a mess since the Patriot cancelled on us and I'm can't express how happy we are that you could fill in on such short notice.

"Hey, we should get you to your seats," she says, leading them toward the ballroom. "There are seats set aside for you both up near the front. Is there anything at all you need from me before the speech?"


The dark alley behind Moose's Pub, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

Thomas wills his metahuman transformation to occur - his skin almost instantly takes on the appearance and hardness of solid granite. By the time he opens the door to the alley, the gunfire has stopped. To his right, the alley empties out into the street that the Moose fronts on. To his left, the alley continues back into darkness and takes a sharp left. Aside from a couple dumpsters, the alley in the immediate vicinity is empty.

Thomas steps out and allows the door to close most of the way shut behind him. He suspects that the gunfire was coming from around the corner to the left. A sudden crashing of glass from that direction suggests that something is indeed happening over there. He deliberately starts walking that direction, confident that his metahuman form should protect him from almost anything.

Lawrence, meanwhile, hears the crash of glass. He pokes his head back around the corner and sees a man walking down the alley toward the turn. Lawrence is certain the guy wasn't there a moment ago. Though it is quite dark, there is something about the man's appearance that doesn't seem natural.

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First Post

Hightower Convention Center, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

Jorgi finally found an advantage of eating in company. If you take the time to talk between bites you don't get so fast that you make a mess out of your clothes while eating. Of course you have to find a carefull balance between the two...
He stops at that, realizing that he might have talked too much...again.
After they reach the convention cennter he gives Jack a thumbs up and doublecheks the setup.
He smiles amused.


I aim to misbehave
Hightower Convention Center, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

Sandra Poynter said:
"And Dr. Faturius, I'm absolutely thrilled and eternally grateful to see you here. It's been a mess since the Patriot cancelled on us and I'm can't express how happy we are that you could fill in on such short notice.

Steven enjoyed the warmth of her hands in his, and her heartfelt thanks. He replied, “Always happy to help for a good cause, Ms. Poynter. Looks like you’re going to have quite a gathering here tonight.”

Briefly Steven wondered why she was so involved in this project – probably either a meta-human or knows someone who is. He knew that he could find out, but that would be a very nice thing to do – unless it was necessary. So he decided he would do the easy thing and just ask . . .

“So, Ms. Poynter, how did you become involved with this Foundation?” Steven asked casually and warmly.

Sandra Poynter said:
"Hey, we should get you to your seats," she says, leading them toward the ballroom. "There are seats set aside for you both up near the front. Is there anything at all you need from me before the speech?"

Steven reviewed his approach to podium from his seat asked for the queues in the introduction to his keynote speech. He also asked about where he should exit the stage and whether he could return to his seat for the remainder of the conference. “Nothing else comes to mind, and I’m certain that you have enough things to do without having to hold my hand,” he finished.


First Post
Hightower Convention Center, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

"That's fine," Jack says. "I'm used to running these shows and I probably shouldn't throw you into the fire with something this big. I'll show you were you can sit back behind the stage."

He rummages through a box under his computer station in the back corner of the ballroom and produces a pair of hands-free walkie talkies.

"We can use these to chat and communicate if there's a problem," he says, offering one to Jorgi.


Hightower Convention Center, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

Dr. Steven Faturius said:
“So, Ms. Poynter, how did you become involved with this Foundation?” Steven asked casually and warmly."

The smile slides from her face, though she doesn't look upset at the question...more troubled, or sad.

"About a month after the first curtains passed, my friend and I were out clubbing one night. She had confessed to me that she had been changed by the curtains, but she had not felt comfortable enough to elaborate further at the time. I was patient and understanding...or as best as I could not knowing exactly what she was going through.

"Anyway, that night at the club, a drunk guy was harassing her something bad. She finally tried to push her way past him and he grabbed her. I think she must have snapped, because she literally turned into a tiger on the middle of the dance floor."

Sandra pauses for a second, as if holding back her own emotions.

"She never even attacked the guy, but he pulled a pistol and emptied the entire thing into her. Her body returned to normal, but by then she was already dead. The guy got off for the killing on grounds of self-defense or some such nonsense. Only got a slap on the wrist for carrying a concealed gun.

"I decided to do something to honor her memory, rather than suffer in silent misery. So, I founded this organization in the hopes that it will make things better for metahumans and their acceptance as a natural part of the world now.

"That's the short version, anyway. There's more, but this isn't the time or place for it."

She stops at a table near the stage. "This is where you'll be sitting. I'll let you know when you're up to speak. Again, thank you so much for coming. I'm sure you'll be great."

Her smile has returned, though it looks a little more forced. She gives Steven a wink and heads off to deal with the next little issue.


The dark alley behind Moose's Pub, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

Thomas moves quickly down the alley, his footsteps largely drowned out by the sound of nearby traffic. He is completely unaware of Lawrence shadowing him a couple dozen feet behind.

Thomas pokes his head around the corner and in the darkness he can just make out half a dozen men - most in suits - standing around a junker car. Several have pistols in hand. There also appears to be a man on the hood of the car, though from this angle Thomas cannot clearly see this person. One of the suited men is holding a pistol to the head of the guy on the car.

(Both Thomas and Lawrence can hear this.)

A shakey voice cries out, gasping with great difficulty, "I told you...I don't know what you're talking about."

"Okay old man," a deep, chain smoking voice says, "one last chance to tell us what you did with that bag. Don't tell us, and this next bullet becomes one with your head."


First Post
Hightower Convention Center, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

jorgi takes the thing anyway even if he doesn`t have a use for it.
He isn`t really interested in what they set all this up for as long as it works. He would never get why people would want such usefull technicall support for their totalyl uselss speeches and parties. But hey, here got paid and it was fun.


I aim to misbehave
Hightower Convention Center, Downtown, Coast City
April 16

Steven was slightly taken aback from Sandra’s story. Concern and support crossed over his face. Steven comforted her and inwardly seethed at not being there to help . . . even back then. ’A murdered had gotten off, simply because the person he killed was different,’ Steven thought.

“I’ll do the best I can to help,” Steven offered simply. He smiled and returned the wink as she departed. Something danced at the edge of his thoughts, he was certainly curious . . . almost like a piece of a puzzle was missing.

Steven leaned close to Maggie and quietly said, “That was certainly a bit heavier than I expected.”


First Post
Gus, in what trouble are you?

Gus said:
"I've heard it said that 'a life lived in fear is a life half lived',"

"You've been changed and it's part of who you are now. You can choose to live in fear of that, or embrace and come to terms with it."

Those words are coming back in Lawrence head.

I only hope you're right Gus

Lawrence start to walk silently, no more hiding from the man who seems to spy the others. When Lawrence can finally see the scene, he looks and try to spot Gus.

OOC: If Lawrence spots Gus, continue to read:

"And if you put a bullet in his head, you can forget your bag completly. Looks at him, he is a poor old man who have no clue of what you are talking about. Release him, it is me who have what you seek."


First Post
Velmont said:
Lawrence start to walk silently, no more hiding from the man who seems to spy the others. When Lawrence can finally see the scene, he looks and try to spot Gus.

OOC: If Lawrence spots Gus, continue to read:

"And if you put a bullet in his head, you can forget your bag completly. Looks at him, he is a poor old man who have no clue of what you are talking about. Release him, it is me who have what you seek."

Lawrence walks up so quietly that the other "spy" completely fails to notice him. He takes in the scene and is fairly certain that the man on the hood of the car is Gus based on his clothing. Gus's, however, is facing the opposite direction.

When Lawrence speaks out to the men surrounding Gus, Thomas snaps his head around in surprise. Out of the corner of his eye, Lawrence notices what it is about the guy that seemed odd - his flesh appears to be smooth granite.

Three guns turn Lawrence's direction and the man holding his pistol to Gus's head looks his way. "Who the hell are you? If you got something to contribute, get over here where we can see you."

Thomas - with only part of your head poked around the corner, you aren't sure that the men have seen you yet.

Voidrunner's Codex

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