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(Cydra) Great Conflicts

the Jester

Well, actually..........

...I'm not going to say how things ended just yet- but I will say that last night's exhausting, 10-hour session- session NINE of this battle- was, in fact, the Finale.

It's over; battle's done. You guys will all be seeing the updates trickle in over the next little while, and I'll be posting the stats of the Arrows of Law in here (yes, here, not the RG thread).

Make of that what you will.

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the Jester

Transmuter’s Park, in the city of Spell, the Delphinate

Thick greasy smoke roils through the air. It smells strange, similar to alchemist’s fire but more pungent, almost burning the nose.

“This will not stand,” vows the Delphin.

“We must defend the Delphinate from this thrreat,” growls the gnoll Churr. He is one of the mightiest fifty of the gathered defenders of the magocracy.

Zeebo can barely believe that he is included in this group. The Delphinate is generally against uncontrolled- sorcerous- magic, preferring a measured (wizardly) study of arcane secrets. But Zeebo is both a sorcerer and a wizard; and as such, he has found a reluctant acceptance among the arcane culture here. Furthermore, he has been able to learn arcane secrets unknown anywhere else, and combine them with his innate, sorcerous abilities in new ways unseen before now.*

He is in fine company.

The Delphin himself is here, leading the defense; and both guards and guardian constructs attend him. There are many here that were dead, until Horbin the Holy brought them back. Churr, for example. Most of these are former Delphins.

Estelias, the most beautiful woman ever, for whom Zeebo bears quite a crush, is there. She is probably the most powerful enchantress on Cydra. The collective power of the fifty is unimaginable.

There is a mental ripple as the Delphin’s epic mindlink spreads amongst all of them. Then they begin their defense with a myriad of walls of force to intercept the missiles. And they begin discussing counterattack.


A sealed demiplane

Our heroes gasp. Alcar falls to one knee and bows his head.

They are in the presence of gods.

“Kneel, you fools!” murmurs Alcar.

It is awesome and awful, all at once- to be before entities as powerful as them. Terrifying. Exhilirating. All at once. The others kneel as well.

Then Boccob nods a greeting, and says unto our heroes, “Rise.”

Our heroes find their tongues as they return to their feet.

“Thank you,” Lillamere says sincerely. “Thank you very much, and please don’t mistake this for a complaint in any way- but why? Why step in and help us? Doesn’t that put you at tremendous risk?”

Boccob smiles slightly. “You are perceptive,” he allows. “It is too early, yet, to show all of our cards, but the time is coming soon.”

“What does that mean?” asks Sybele.

“It means that the conflict you are engaged in is directly tied to our aims,” Boccob replies. “And if things go well, very soon you will usher in the endgame.”

“I still don’t know what that means,” Sybele laments.

“We are going to help you, and you are helping us.”

“What do we have to do to help you?” Thrush inquires.

“You are on the right path.”

“And who are you?” Baron Lillamere asks the unknown figure wearing a toolbelt. “No offense, but you don’t seem to be anyone that I have heard of.”

“No, I’m not.” The figure pauses. “I stand for civilization, but the time is not yet ripe for me to reveal myself.”

“I guess,” Lillamere says, “that goes for you other ones, too?” He glances at the other figures that he doesn’t recognize. One of them- a nondescript looking fellow with a rapier at his side, speaks up.

“It’s nothing personal, we just can’t take the risk of revealing ourselves too soon.”

“But in the meantime,” Boccob continues, “we can help you in several ways. We are temporally accellerated-” Coila smirks- “so only a few brief instants will pass for you while you are here. And Tade will make you some gifts that may help you in the wake of the disjunction that Marius hit you with.”

“That destroyed almost all of my items!” declares Chakar.

“You aren’t the only one,” Wankerman sighs.

“So what, exactly, is your goal here?” JJ asks the gods. “I mean, if we’re helping, shouldn’t we at least know that much? You’re aiding Chaos, I take it?”

“You might say that,” Froth chuckles.

“But for our own reasons,” Tade adds.

“Just keep doing what you are doing,” Boccob declares. “If you continue to press the Arrows of Law, eventually Prayzose will attempt to gate in divine aid from Galador- and given the magnitude of the struggle that Prayzose is involved in, if his life is in real danger and Law is in danger of losing the Great War of Ethics, I predict that there is a significant chance that Galador Himself will answer the call.”

Our heroes are thunderstruck. Galador Himself!

“But... you want this to happen?” Baron Lillamere demands, incredulous.

“Yes,” says the unknown figure with the black sword and black shield. “We want to lure Him here- and then I will engage Him.”

Alcar grows silent.

The nondescript figure chuckles. “And then He’s in trouble, sure as my name is-”

“HUSH!” cries Boccob. “The time is not yet ripe!”

“Oh, sorry.” The nondescript figure blushes a little.

“Do you think you can defeat Galador?” Lillamere asks the mysterious warrior-god.

The response is slow in coming. “I think so.”

“This has to do with the Hatching Cave, years ago, doesn’t it?” Sybele asks suddenly. “When we helped hatch all of those dragons!”**

“Yes,” Coila answers. “That was to begin weakening peoples’ faith in Galador. This is the endgame, however; that was just an opening move.” She adds, “You can rest here for a time, but lingering overlong would be ill-advised; you are dealing with a chronomancer, after all.”

“Isn’t he a follower of you?” Sybele asks.


“Yet you oppose him in this war?”


“Kind of seems like you’re doing okay no matter who wins,” Gerontius comments wryly.

“There are some things you should know,” Boccob announces.

“I can’t believe you’re taking an interest here!” exclaims Chakar. “Are you not called the Uncaring? Why do you care?”

“It involves my interests,” the god of knowledge replies simply. “Regardless, Prayzose can eavesdrop on your telepathic conversations, and can relay the other Arrows the information.”

“What!” exclaims JJ. “How does he do that? I’d like to learn that power...”

“In addition, they will be on you almost immediately upon your return to Cydra, and they will hunt you relentlessly. You must be ready when you return, for your adversaries will move very quickly.”

“But we have time to rest and recuperate?” asks Gerontius.

“Yes.” Boccob nods. “And Tade should be done with what he can fashion for you by the time you awaken.”

“Hey,” Lillamere says to Carella (who seems to be a blue-skinned toddler), “tell me a joke.”

She smiles at him. She points at his chest, then zips her finger up to his nose.

Baron Lillamere laughs.

Meanwhile, JJ has bounded up to where the nondescript looking man stands smiling. The demislaad looks him over and asks, “What was your name again?”

The other begins to open his mouth, but Coila, Froth and Garnet together shout, “HUSH!!”

“Oh yeah, I’m not supposed to tell yet,” the figure says sheepishly.

“I can make a bond between you that Prayzose can’t penetrate, at least for a day,” Garnet offers.

“How about two? One that is secure, and one that isn’t? And we’ll use the non-secure one to confuse them!” Sybele grins enthusiastically.

“Certainly,” Garnet nods.

“Hey buddy, come here,” the nondescript man says to Alcar. The two of them walk off together for a few moments. Talking. Then there is a flash of light. The two walk back together- and Alcar is changed. His clothing has changed from white and gold to grey and silver; his holy symbol is now a rapier.

“Wow,” says Wankerman.

Alcar has converted to the nameless god.

Next Time: Which of our heroes will swear to the gods, and to which ones? And which of our heroes will die while they hang out with deities??

*Two words: Ultimate Magus.

**The adventure of the Hatching Caves has not yet been chronicled in a story hour. Alas. It will be eventually, however.


First Post
Krafus said:
Y'know, considering the heroes have been screwed with that disjunction, I hope they'll return the favor...

What and ruin all the awesome epic loot?


Oh yeah...and CLUMA?

Hes a B!@#h!
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the Jester

And as promised, the stats for the Arrows start here! :D

We'll start with Cluma. Please note that all Arrow of Law stats will reflect their condition at the start of this most epic battle.

CLUMA---- CR 24

N.B. Cluma has the following spells and effects going at the start of combat:
CL 28th- fly, shape change, shield of law, wind walk (all produced by the Rod of Seven Parts).
CL 10th- haste (Marius), freedom of movement (elixir).
CL 26th (from Prayzose)- mass death ward, disjunction buffer

Male human sorcerer 1/fighter 9/guardian of order 14
LN medium humanoid (human, lawful)
Init +5; Senses detect chaos, Listen -1, Spot -1
Languages Peshan, Forinthian
AC 38 (+6 sacred vs. Chaotic outsiders), touch 16, flat-footed 37; heavy fortification, shield of law
Hit Dice 1d4 + 9d10 +14d12 +96 (270 hp)
Resist acid 30, cold 30, electricity 30, fire 30, sonic 30; SR 25 (vs. chaotic spells or spells cast by chaotic creatures only)
Immune death, gifts of Chaos, mental influence, Mordenkainen’s disjunction; freedom of movement
Fort +23, Ref +14, Will +17; +6 against all Chaotic spells; evasion
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 60 ft. (12 squares)
Melee bastard sword +41/41/36/31/26 (1d10+21 plus 1d6 cold/17-20[+2d8] plus 1d10 cold and 2d6 vs. chaotic creatures)
Range composite longbow +25/25/20/15/10 (1d8+7/x3)
Base Atk +21 epic; Grp +31; freedom of movement
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Atk Options Bounding Assault, Power Attack, smite chaos 7/day, Spring Attack
Combat Gear The Rod of Seven Parts (fully assembled), wand of fireballs (CL 10th; 25 charges), potion of cure serious wounds (CL 15) (3), elixir of heal (CL 15), wand of ray of enfeeblement (CL 15th; 7 charges)
Class Spells Known (CL 1):
--1st level- protection from chaos, true strike;
--0th level- arcane mark, daze, detect magic, ray of frost.
Spell-like Abilities (CL 24): 2/day- dispel chaos.
Str 30 (includes +4 inherent bonus), Dex 13, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 8 (includes +2 inherent bonus), Cha 22
Feats Bounding Assault, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Extra Smiting, Greater Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Improved Critical (bastard sword), Improved Initiative, Leadership, Mobility, Power Attack, Severe Critical, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Weapon Specialization (bastard sword)
Epic Feats Epic Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Epic Weapon Specialization (bastard sword)
Skills Climb +18, Concentration +13, Diplomacy +32, Intimidate +22, Jump +18, Ride +13, Sense Motive +7, Swim +18
Possessions helmet of charisma +6, +4 heavy fortification full plate armor, +5 icy burst axiomatic deadly [+2d8] bastard sword, +2 mighty(+5) composite longbow, +3 heavy steel shield, ring of universal energy resistance 30, bracers of endurance +4, belt of giant strength +6, ring of evasion, amulet of natural armor +5, 60 arrows, +2 adamantine bastard sword, cold iron +1 holy bastard sword.

Shield of Law: As long as this spell is in effect, anyone striking Cluma in melee must make a Will save, DC 28, or be slowed.

The Rod of Seven Parts: Details redacted due to potential ongoing campaign relevence

Cluma was certainly the least powerful of the arrows. He has a habit of talking big smack before he gets cut down.

We PCs joke that he actually lowers the CR of his friends when he enters battle. :p

the Jester

Angel of Adventure said:
Cluma was certainly the least powerful of the arrows. He has a habit of talking big smack before he gets cut down.

We PCs joke that he actually lowers the CR of his friends when he enters battle. :p

[whiney Cluma]"Shut up! I'm an Arrow of Law!"[/whiney Cluma]

That's funny, Jester. I wouldn't be suprised if Cluma did have a reputation for whinning and nit-picking.

As far as the arrows go, Marius and Cluma were probably the most despised, though they were all despised to some extent. Prayzose and Inoeke are probably the ones everyone is least looking forward to dealing with. Prayzose brought Lester back from the dead many, many years ago (in game and real time), and Inoeke, . . . , well he's just a bit misguided. :confused:


No Trouble at All
It is disappointing if the Arrows of Law broke the cardinal rule of "Let's Split Up!". But as lawful as they are there are clearly multiple motives in play. Looking forward to hearing more of the fight(s)...


First Post
"It is disappointing if the Arrows of Law broke the cardinal rule of "Let's Split Up!". But as lawful as they are there are clearly multiple motives in play. Looking forward to hearing more of the fight(s)..."

The forces of Chaos are doing the unexpected and staying together (yes even Alcar!) and pulling the old 'stick and move'.

oh yeah...BUMP!!

Voidrunner's Codex

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