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(Cydra) Great Conflicts

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Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Jester, I would be suprised if Prayzose would take everything at face-value. After all he is evil king or something. Or even worse, he is good king. Evil king can just order people to be hangt or beheaded. Good one have those ... moral sclupres. :p

Thus he would be dead, before meeting PC's, if he wouldn't invest in Sense Motives. Right ? ;)

the Jester

Rikandur Azebol said:
Jester, I would be suprised if Prayzose would take everything at face-value. After all he is evil king or something. Or even worse, he is good king. Evil king can just order people to be hangt or beheaded. Good one have those ... moral sclupres. :p

Thus he would be dead, before meeting PC's, if he wouldn't invest in Sense Motives. Right ? ;)

Prayzose is actually Lawful Good. :)

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Ach, so this is the reason why he is staring so hard at the devils with this: "Yeah, right" expression ? :]

Then it only increases my sureness that Prayzose have to have high Sense Motives skill. It's necessity when dealing with devils. BTW, does Prayzose have some plans of "self defense" when Devils will inevitably turn on the good Law guys ? ;)

EDIT: Did players tried to negotiate at all with him reasonably ? As far as I can see this whole "War against Chaos" that Pray managed to choke himself with, is leading to Chaos ... and Evil. Why otherwise Graz'zt be involved ? :lol:

the Jester

All around the world, cities burn as primal forces of Law and Chaos strain against one another, the pressure building and building. Surely something will give soon; surely something must snap like a twig. On Dorhaus, on Pesh, on Valonia, on Forinthia; everywhere- the armies of Law smash against Chaos. The forces of Chaos threaten to engulf those of Law. At sea north of Pesh, the great Fleet of Chaos- long since splintered into many smaller fleets- converges on the armored ships and terrible weapons of the Galadorian orcs of Valonia. On the island of Tirchond, the Shining City roars in the grip of the great conflict. On faraway Strogass, a claimant to the throne of the Dark Empire makes his gamble as the fractious nobles tear the once-great imperial state to pieces. To the north a great wave of metal insects colonizes a chain of islands even as the strange elves of the region tap the primal power of Limbo to oppose and destroy them.

Even the Heavens themselves rock with fury, as an immense force of eladrins storms the very gates to the path of enlightenment. The angels are wroth; they call upon an ancient compact with the very embodiments of Law itself, the modrons, and soon the slopes of Mount Celestia are slick with the blood of celestials.

The Lower Planes, choked by brimstone, are constantly in the throes of the Blood War, but that ancient conflict- itself only a subset of the Great War of Ethics- is more intense than ever, with the demons of Chaos pouring onto the First Hell, taking advantage of the recent destruction of Bel* in order to make impressive gains. Yet Bel’s successor (and predecessor) is Tiamat, the Chromatic Dragon; and her forces, aided by forces loyal to the other arch-devils, are marshalling and preparing to attack.

Everywhere the battle rages. Beneath the sea, the sahuagin swim in ordered ranks on Atlantean realms of merfolk and tritons. In the sky, strange cloud-beings and wispy air-things fight invisible battles miles above the surface of Cydra. Smoke and flames, blood and death, heroism and villainy pour from both sides; the cries of the wounded and dead stab a dagger in the heart of the world. Thousands of miles away, mortal demigods overthrow one another and godsblood splashes the flowers. In Dorhaus, Malford manages to persuade the Valonian orcs that he has dealt with to throw in with him for good, despite the fact that they are spies for Law, and the sudden reversal is a disaster for the Tiger Forces pursuing him. In the mountains of Tirchond, Borlad Hammerhead, servant of Law, and his father Vulker, the Thane of the Hammerhead Halls, come to blows over where Borlad’s loyalties lie. In Pesh City, a daring raid by Forinthian rangers captures the head of the local thieves’ guild, Ricky, who has been smuggling weapons to the insurrectionists. In the Parrot Isles, a pursuing squadron of Imperial Forinthian warships closes on a pirate vessel; on board the vessel, a desperate man bites his lip as he contemplates the bell, book, candle, bowl and knife before him.

Something must snap soon.


Brelana, Dorhaus

Baron Lillamere of Brelana himself is in thick of the fight. The greater anticipate teleport spell that he is wearing might give them the edge that they need, he reflects. The spell works by delaying an incoming teleporter by a few seconds and alerting the spell’s target to the number and size of incoming teleporters. In this case, Lillamere doesn’t even want to think about it. One of them is big. It must be Dekrasode, the baron realizes. His stomach gives a lurch. This is bad news. We have to destroy the Judge of Worlds NOW!

The Judge is badly battered; our heroes are pouring a constant rain of weapons, fists and spells at it. But the construct is very, very tough. Moreover, it is protected by a shield of Law, which slows Wankerman; and then the Judge teleports away, outside of the greater anticipate teleport area.

Our heroes are right behind it. JJ uses temporal acceleration, and those members of the party who still have the time stop stowaway statuette blur into motion to fast to be seen. The Judge sees them coming and opens up, firing bursts of lead slugs at them; but Wankerman leaps up with a mighty cry, performing a Bullywug Breakdance** and bringing his longspear crashing down dead center through the Judge of Worlds!

There is a bright flare of blue electricity and a loud buzzing sound. For a moment the Judge spasms in the grip of its own destruction; then- it collapses.

Our heroes cheer! They have slain one of the Arrows of Law!!!

And then the incoming teleporters arrive. Lillamere was right- one of them is Dekrasode.

The others are a collection of bad-ass looking half-dragon fire giants: Dekrasode’s brood.

The first one is a tall one, measuring over 14’ tall. He is dressed like an obvious wizard, wearing robes that bear a lightning motif. Though he does not wear armor, he bears a greatsword that both runs with flames and crackles with electricity. Next to him is a half-dragon giant in full plate who does not bear any obvious weapons; but suddenly, a blade composed of pure psychic force springs forth from his hand. The third bears a gigantic greataxe, far bigger than he should be able to wield, holding it like a monkey with practiced ease. Another one with no armor is next, and though he has a few wands and such, he seems to be set on using his scarlet longsword. He moves lithely and is obviously quick on his feet. Another giantess is next, bearing a longspear and dressed in heavy armor heavily festooned with the symbol of Dekrasode. The final giant is dressed in a manner quite similar to Lester, and bears trinkets and symbols of the elements- and of the paraelements of magma and smoke.

“Uh-oh,” says Gerontius.

“You said it,” Blaze replies wryly.***

Next Time: Our heroes have slain the Judge of Worlds, at least for now! But can they stand against Dekrasode??

*Bel was killed by the characters from the other epic party that my pcs met, fought, teamed up with and killed Asmodeus with in the infamous crossover game that I ran with another dm a while back. :)

**This is a tactical feat imc.

***Blaze was true rezzed when the party was resting in the temporally accelerated demiplane.

the Jester

Note: At the beginning of the combat, Dekrasode had the following spells/effects in play:
*CL 15- Exquisite matter, true seeing, ultimate concentration, elasticity, fire shield, stoneskin, Jerakai’s embrace, bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, eagle’s splendor, mirror image, see invisibility, mage armor, shield, detect magic;
*CL 10 (from Marius)- haste
*CL 26 (from Prayzose)- mass death ward, disjunction buffer

Male wyrm blue dragon aristocrat 3/legendary dreadnought 6
LE gargantuan dragon (earth)
Init +4 (Combat Reflexes); Senses blindsense 60’, darkvision 120’, detect magic, keen senses, scent, see invisibility, true seeing; Listen +51, Spot +46
Aura frightful presence 330’
Languages Draconic, Thulian (extinct), Forinthian, (six more)
AC 59, touch 7, flat-footed 49; fire shield (cold flame; 1d6+15), 7 mirror images
Hit Dice 45d12 + 3d8 + 492 (850 hp); DR 20/magic, 15/adamantine (150 points) and 3/-
Fast Healing 3
Immune death, electricity, magic missiles, Mordenkainen’s disjunction, sleep and paralysis
Resist half damage from fire (no damage on successful Ref save); SR 29
Fort +32, Ref +25, Will +33; unmovable 1/day
Speed 70 ft., burrow 50 ft., fly 230 ft. (clumsy)
Melee bite +56/56 (4d6+25/19-20) and 4 claws +56 (2d8+8) and 2 wings +56 (2d6+8) and tail slap +56 (2d8+25)
Base Atk +42; Grp +75
Space 20 ft. (exquisite matter); Reach 25 ft. (30 ft. with bite)
Atk Options crush, tail sweep, unstoppable 2/day
Combat Gear wand of cure serious wounds (CL 15th; 33 charges), wand of fireballs (CL 10th; 29 charges), ioun stone (gives +2 enhancement bonus to con), scroll (mass heal, true resurrection, miracle)
Special Attack breath weapon
Special Actions sound imitation
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 15, save DC 20):

7th level (5/day)*- exquisite matter, greater teleport;

6th level (8/day)*- disintegrate, greater dispel magic, true seeing;

5th level (8/day)*- lower resistance, summon monster V, ultimate concentration, wall of force;

4th level (8/day)***- bonebreak, elasticity, fire shield, stoneskin;

3rd level (8/day)*- blink, clairaudience/clairvoyance, Jerakai’s embrace, major image;

2nd level (9/day)*****- bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, eagle’s splendor, mirror image, see invisibility;

1st level (9/day)**- alarm, mage armor, magic missile, shield, unseen servant;

0th level (6/day)- detect magic, ghost sound, light, mage hand, mending, message, prestidigitation, read magic, resistance.

*Each asterisk indicates one spell that has already been cast. The number per day indicated does not account for pre-cast spells (so, for example, Dekrasode begins play with 5 remaining 4th-level spells for the day).

Spell-like Abilities (CL 15): 3/day- create/destroy water, ventriloquism; 1/day- hallucinatory terrain, veil.
Str 44, Dex 10, Con 30, Int 28, Wis 24, Cha 31
Feats Ability Focus (breath weapon), Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Improved Multiattack, Leadership, Maximize Breath, Multiattack, Power Attack, Quicken Breath, Recover Breath, Shock Wave
Epic Feats Epic Prowess, Fast Healing
Skills Balance +4, Bluff +52, Concentration +69 (ultimate concentration), Diplomacy +56, Disguise +52 (+56 acting in character), Escape Artist +39, Forgery +20, Hide +23, Intimidate +65, Jump +21, Knowledge (history) +48, Listen +51, Search +48, Sense Motive +46, Sleight of Hand +4, Spellcraft +54, Spot +46, Survival +7 (+11 tracking), Swim +24, Tumble +25 ½, Use Magic Device +61, Use Rope +0 (+4 if involving bindings)
Possessions combat gear plus amulet of natural armor +5, ring of protection +4
Frightful Presence (Ex): Whenever Dekrasode attacks, charges or flies overhead, all creatures of 48 HD or less within 330’ must make Will saving throws (DC 38) or become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Breath Weapon (Su): Dekrasode’s breath weapon is a 120’ line of lightning that deals 22d8 points of electricity damage (Ref half, DC 40). After he uses his breath weapon, he must wait 1d4-1 rounds (minimum 1) before using it again. Dekrasode has several metabreath feats. He can maximize his breath weapon, which adds +3 rounds to its recharge time. He can quicken his breath, allowing him to use it as a free action, which adds +4 rounds to its recharge time. He cannot use both metabreath feats at once.

Crush (Ex): As a standard action, Dekrasode can land on opponents, using his whole body to crush them. This attack only works on Medium and smaller creatures. All such creatures must make Ref saves, DC 40, or be pinned and suffer 4d6+25 points of damage. If Dekrasode chooses to maintain his pin on them, treat this as a normal grapple. Each round, he deals crush damage again to all pinned victims.

Tail Sweep (Ex): As a standard action, Dekrasode can sweep a half-circle with a radius of 30’ (extending from any intersection in his space) with his tail. All small and smaller creatures affected suffer 2d6+25 points of damage (Ref half, DC 40).

Unmovable (Ex): Dekrasode can take a +20 bonus to a check to avoid being grabbed via the improved grab ability, a str check to avoid the effects of a bull rush, trip or similar effect, a str check against any one effect that would move him physically or any one saving throw.

Unstoppable (Ex):
Dekrasode can take a +20 bonus to a str check to break a barrier. It can also be applied to a single attack roll.


This is Dekrasode's unique spell:

Exquisite Matter
Level: 7
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute/level

This spell changes you into a strange form of exquisite matter. While not incorporeal, you do not need a significant amount of space to move and act normally. Even a colossal creature can act normally in an area big enough only for one tiny creature.

While in this form of exquisite matter, you will fill a space up to your normal size and no larger. You may fill oddly shaped areas (a gargantuan creature in a 5’x20’ hall would fill the whole thing, for example). You may freely overlap the spaces of other creatures without hindrance to yourself; they, however, are considered to be squeezing. You may not choose not to fill as large of a space as possible, up to your normal size (in other words, you will "squeeze down" to fit inside smaller spaces, but cannot voluntarily shrink).
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No Trouble at All
Hooo boy. So basically, if it wasn't for the greater anticipate teleport they would have had to face both Arrows (plus brood) at the same time and would have been hurtin'.

Add that to the list of "must have active to survive at epic levels" effects. Actually, I'm really glad to see it, since it seems that beings in the world must have adapted to overcome the buff-scry-teleport pattern.


First Post
Boo Hoo

For someone that has been a BIG part of your campaign for so long, I was a little dissapointed at how weak Dekrasode is(was). In fact I bet Alcar could take him one on one. Tsk Tsk.
Does that mean people could be clerics of me... If I'm better than wtf...?
I'll grant spells.. promise..

I think I'm more suprised that Dekrasode had 0 levels in ascendent.
Oh well...

His tresure sucked too.

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