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(Cydra) Great Conflicts

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First Post
All right, more combat! And it looks like the heroes are down to the most powerful arrows (can't wait for the stats of Marius and Prayzose). :)


No Trouble at All
Am I a bad person for cheering for Prayzose? I mean, someone out there has to be able to at least threaten to kick the heroes' butts, right? And Cluma sure wasn't able to make any difference.

Besides, I love the "noble villain", the antagonist who is opposed to the hero because of his goals but not actually a bad person. It'd be cool for them to kill him and trap the soul to hold him just long enough to complete their current work, then let him go and forge a new alliance with him against whatever's coming out of Darkhold...

Oh, and Limbo is the *perfect* place to have this fight.


First Post
Cheering for Prayzose does not makes anyone a bad person, but it does make anyone sound somewhat squarish. Especially with respect to Chaos vs Law, but not Good vs Evil.

Clulma is totally the BITCH. The other Arrows make fun of him as well I suspect.

Any more would be spoiler heavy, or not?!...Maybe?


First Post
Arrows of B**CH

Prayzose had a chance to not recieve my mace-to-the-face combo, but I guess he decided to act like Cluma, a bi**h.
You didn't tell me nothing about no greater dispel (cl20) for my medal!!!
You sir are a cheater!!

the Jester

What Happened to Lester and Orbius, Anyway?

The Temple of Elemental Good, Dorhaus

Pressed in by tons of stone. Crushed, buried, with limited air. Lester groans. Dragons? he wonders fuzzily.

“Lester!” Orbius groans from beneath him. They are both stuck, entombed in the rubble of the Temple of Elemental Good.

Don’t think about that yet. Got to get out. Got to get free. Lester can taste dust. His wounds heal quickly, but how badly injured is Orbius? No way to tell.

And there is no telepathic chatter.

Don’t think about that yet, Lester tells himself again. “Grab me,” he coughs. He feels Orbius’ hand clutch at his ankle, and then the elementalist triggers his contingency. Which triggers a greater teleport.

Which takes Lester and Orbius to a mountain ledge high above the Temple of Elemental Good. After picking themselves up, the two of them can see the Temple.

“Extensive damage,” Orbius says, his tone controlled, “and I can see multiple bodies.”

Where are you guys? Lester asks over the telepathic link that they all share.

Limbo! Chakar answers.

“We need to get to the others.” Lester pulls out a scroll and opens a gate.


Limbo whirls and morphs in the background, changing from one thing to another from instant to instant. The rock that the battle is taking place on and around is subtly shrinking. The remaining Arrows of Law- Lord Alyth, Marius the Chronomancer and God-Emperor Prayzose, High Priest of the Light- are in pitched battle with our heroes, and already one of the Arrows, Cluma, has been slain.

Sybele triggers her wildzone. Heightened by the power of the chaotic realm that they are fighting in, a field of chaos magic extends around the battlefield. Now that time wizard guy should be mostly disabled, Sybele thinks. Hopes.

Alcar attempts a quickened heal but only ends up with a squeaky voice (which Prayzose and Marius note with interest). He then moves in on Alyth, suffering a blow from Prayzose along the way. The angel is under the influence of Marius’ double actions, so he unleashes a tremendous flurry of attacks. Most of them land solidly on the Arrow, and Alcar knocks Execution from his hand! His mace crashes in on Alyth’s shoulder, smashes into his side. Alyth staggers. Alcar swings again, smashing into his foe’s head- and knocks everything above his lower jaw off of his body!* Alyth falls.

Meanwhile, Gerontius tries to fake out Prayzose- but to no avail. The God-Emperor is too wily to be bluffed. With a gulp, the invisible blade tumbles away. He half killed me with that first series of blows, he thinks. He will finish me if he gets his hands on me again!

Then Thrush charges heedlessly through the wall of fire, moving in on Prayzose. “Greetings, Emperor!” he cries. “I am your heir!!” He charges forward, swinging his sword- and Prayzose parries.

Marius grabs Cluma’s body. Coming to Limbo was a bad idea, he thinks ruefully. He steps to the edge of the rock. Over the telepathic link that the Arrows share, he tells Prayzose, We can’t let them take Alyth’s body. They’re soul binding our allies.

Chakar springs forward and grabs Marius by the arm. The chronomancer sidesteps away and vanishes- for the greater anticipate teleport that our heroes have up is still in effect!

Sybele uses control sound to try to muffle Prayzose and stop him from using any spells. Between that and the wildzone, I think we have him pretty well boxed in! she thinks. We could win! But if Marius gets away, it won’t really be over- and he’ll try to kill my daughter by the dragon guy!**

Baron Lillamere shape changes into a beholder, then glares at Prayzose with his central eye. He attempts to cast Marius’ double actions (the party is really enjoying the irony of using Marius’ spells against them), but the wildzone changes his spell into a fiery aura around him that burns him. “Ow!” he snarls through beholder lips.

Mabrack flies up out of the antimagic field that Lillamere the beholder is projecting. Suddenly he grins as a gate opens- and Lester and Orbius fly through!

“Where is Marius?!” Lester shouts.

“He teleported away,” Mabrack says.

Orbius immediately casts limited wish to ape a teleport trace. Mabrack’s eyes widen, and he shouts, “Wait!” But he is a second too late, and Lester and Orbius vanish- only to be caught in the greater anticipate teleport!


Prayzose reaches out with one hand to grab Alyth’s body, and Chakar springs in and tries to grab him. The God-Emperor hurls him back, then leaps off the edge of the shrinking island of rock and into the roiling chaos of Limbo. He falls.

Alcar attempts to bring him back with a miracle, to no avail. (Curse that wildzone! In an instant, our heroes pursue.

Mabrack whips out his huge sword. Barrelling after Prayzose at double action speeds, the storm giant roars a great war cry and slashes- not at Prayzose, but at Alyth’s arm, cleaving it asunder! The body spins away, and Alcar snags it. Prayzose draws forth a rod and touches it to Sybele, and there is a sound like a light bulb burning out. Then the God-Emperor gives our heroes a wry smile and psionic plane shifts away.

“Back to the rock!” cries Lillamere. “We can still get Marius!”

Our heroes ascend, and Alcar casts a soul bind on Lord Alyth’s corpse. The gem he holds begins to gleam from within, and our heroes cheer.

Then they prepare, quickly, for Marius to return from the greater anticipate teleport.

Next Time: Will our heroes get Marius?? Will they attack Prayzose again?? Is it down to two Arrows, or will Cluma come back to life?? (The bitch.)

*In one round under Marius’ double actions, Alcar did 348 hp of damage to Alyth. Except for Lester and and completely healed Gerontius, that would have killed any of the pcs!

**Sybele has a half-dragon daughter named Jezebel (fathered by the steel dragon Kel). Marius kidnapped her when she was very young, and kept her for (subjective) years on the Plane of Time (she is now a teenager and an adventurer in her own right). When he gave her back to Sybele, part of the deal was that Sybele would perform 3 tasks for Marius. If she failed to do so when called upon, he would kill Jezebel. There is also some suggestion of a romantic relationship with Marius in the past, but that is a subject both vague and uncomfortable for Sybele (and, presumably, Jezebel).


First Post
Awesome update J. I forgot about the Anticipate Teleport Shenannigans :)

Gerontius has taken up the role of skill monkey/party tank (omitting Lester) since Inoke left. The Back Alley of 35 Wishes certainly helped G's hp though, the thunder worms made G a bit self conscious of his fragile mortal body. 348 pts of dmg would have left Gerontius swaying on his feet, but standing! With the dmg Alcar dealt, a 1st level brb could have dropped him, provided he could hit him.

A conversation between Orbius and Marius in between sessions at the Caster's Conference:

Orbius: So, I, uh . . . hestitate to ask, but you seem to know Jezebel very well, . . . after all you were . . .

Marius: Excuse me!

Orbius: Well you know, if there's grass on the field . . .

Marius: Never!

Orbius: Really?

Marius: Of course not!

Orbius: Are you sure? I mean, I'll find out whether you tell me the truth or not.

Marius: Yes!

Orbius: For really real?

Marius: Uh, . . . yes, . . . I mean, . . . , uh, no, . . .

Orbius: (To himself) Well, you don't have to be a diviner to figure this one out! Man, being lawful sure does lead to a lot of self hate. :p


First Post
Well, looks like it's down to the toughest Arrows, Prayzose and Marius, though Cluma might well be back soon... Btw, where's Inoke in all this? I kind of lost track of him with everything that's been happening. Oh, and if I were Prayzose and Marius, I'd try to summon reinforcements (or at least meat-shields) fast.

Voidrunner's Codex

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