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D&D 3E/3.5 D&D 3.5: Rewards for DM?


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I'm wondering if there is some sort of system to reward a DM as a "player," for the hard work creating adventures. If not, perhaps some suggestions for a way to create one?

The player characters get treasure and experience/levels, so what do the DMs get for all their hard work? The satisfaction of occasionally killing off a PC if he gets lucky?

Any ideas, anyone?

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Tithes of pizza, chips, and soda from the players. And possibly sex.

Let's add - buy some books, minis, etc. It shouldn't be the DM's responsibility to pay for supplies in addition to supplying the creative work & running the campaign.

If your DM seems to need something to help the campaign (a battle mat, a whiteboard, etc.), consider chipping in.

A laminated playing card entitling them to a future in-game advantage based on out-of-game actions would be a stupid idea. Luckily, no one could seriously suggest that.


First Post
In game? Not that I can think of in the same vein as XP and treasure like for players. The DM runs the universe, if he wants someone to have a Holy Avenger +80 that also makes an incredible souffle, it's theirs.

Though, you could maybe give the GM action points of some sort. When he does something awesome, he gets a point. Said points can be used for things like rerolls if he decides that the bad guy botching his fort save round one would ruin the game. Or whatever.

But then, as the DM, he can do that anyways, if he really wants to. So it'd only really be useful for absolutely strict play the dice where they roll DMs.

Out of game, food, things to help with running an easier game, not being a jackass at the table, a heartfelt thank you to the GM, something unrelated to gaming that the DM enjoys, all sorts of options.


Your reward?

To know your player's characters crushed, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their men/women. :)

To see the look on the player's faces when they realize this is the grand finale you have been working towards for the last X years of gaming.

And my greatest reward to date?

Having a hiatus of 3 years in my gaming group due to work, children, etc of various players interfering with ANY regular schedule, and the players insisting I pick up where we left the game, even if it means only playing once or twice a year.....


First Post
Rewards for a DM? None that don't come out of the game on their own. If I'd only DM because somebody paid me to do it (in whatever currency), I'd not be motivated enough to make a good job of it. I consider myself as just another player at the table, if one with a slightly different role from everybody else. Like a goalie, I'm part of the team, and don't need special compensation that I don't get to score any goals. I'm doing my job because it's the most fun part of the game for me (although occasionally playing a PC is nice, too), because I'm the vastly most experienced at it (probably doing a better job with less investment of time than anybody else in my group), and because it's the part of the game that I'm best at (in comparison to roleplaying a single PC).

There you have my Tao of DMing:

DMing is a manifold art
You get to have all the power beneath moon and sun
Yet to wield it, you must give it up,
Dive in, become part of the group once more.
Not to elevate yourself, nor denigrate your desires,
Are you the DM.
Play with the other players, not against them
For indeed you are one of them.
Enjoy yourself. But not more than others.
And remember that your flaws
Will enrich the game
More than making none.

(not that I don't enjoy wielding the power, or making things difficult for my players once in a while. After all, they want me to DM, they better put up with what I feel like doing!)


When we play and the time comes to eat the DM can order what he wants and he is free to stay in the room while some or all the players go to buy the food he has to pay his share.It"s table a rule.

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