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D&D 4E [D&D 4e] Fourthcore Team Deathmatch Recruitment! PvP DnD4e in style!


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"What is best in life?"
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women."

Want a real challenge in D&D? Want to experience a fast-paced, fight-video game style version of D&D found no where else?

The Fourthcore Team Deathmatch is a contest of tactical skill, critical thinking, and luck.
FTDM is about winning D&D.

Small teams of dungeoneers are pitted against each other in a no-holds-barred frenzy of carnage in a team-based, player-vs-player competition. The competition will consist of individual encounters called matches. In liveplay, each match lasts sixty (60) minutes. In PbP, matches have classically lasted six rounds or a set length of time.

At the end of every match, the number of dungeoneer deaths will be tallied, and the team with the least number of deaths will be declared the winner. In the case of a tie, a sudden death round will occur. Players will reroll initiative, act in the new initiative order, and claim victory with the next dungeoneer death. In the case of tournaments, the winners will proceed to the next match. Tournaments typically are ladder bracket style and consist of three different maps.

Fast, frantic play is encouraged. Any dungeoneer deemed to be stalling, delaying (including using the Delay or Ready actions), or in any way slowing the game will be killed ("gibbed") at the Dungeon Master's decree.

System: 4e Dungeons and Dragons
Player Count: 4 per team, effectively unlimited
Style of Play: competitive team deathmatch
Character Creation: 1st level PC, Point Buy Legal in online Character Builder (see Character Generation)
Venue: Play-by-blog, hosted at fourthcoreteamdeathmatch.com
Dice: rolled by DM

Right now, we're recruiting for a PbP Match (Overseen by yours truly) and a PbP tournament starting in January! Winners are rewarded with custom FTDM dice for each match, an eternal symbol of their victory!!!!

Twitter Contacts
TL;DR: FTDM is a fast-paced, PvP style of DnD4e focused on video-game style (think DOOM, Mortal Kombat, TF2) of play! Win free dice for victory!
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Sounds like fun. :) Where can I sign up?

MP, great to hear! If you click the link found for Match 16 (also found here) you'll get an idea of the map and it also have a link to email me so I can sign you up! All the char gen and OOC happens pre-match, and I'll get you on a team right away. At this moment, I'm looking for two more brave dungeoneers before teams are finalized and we're ready to go!


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I'd love to ask for admittance, but I've never considered engineering a level 1 character. How are parties formed?

I think calling the characters "dungeoneers" at this point is kind of silly.

Really? "Dungeoneer" is a problem, but "fourthcore" is what you're interested in?


First Post
Ferghis, you've never built a level 1 character? I'm kinda shocked! For FTDM, there's a great balance between damage and output and total hp at first level.

Teams are determined randomly for most matches, unless friends are joining up with a team theme etc. For instance, the match currently running (which I am playing in), we're the DeVAS made Famous by Kill Bill, we purposely came together to oppose the creator of FTDM (Ross) and his team! For the next match, we have three new players (at least) coming in, who will be mixed in with a few veterans who haven't played this map as of yet.
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