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D&D 4th Edition, H Series, Online Game


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I have recently managed to acquire the last of the H Series and are now anxious about running such an adventure online and have it capped off with the G Series and D Series (thanks to the recent Underdark 4e release!)
(If you have ever tried any ONE of those modules in a local group you'll realize that doing all NINE online would be a "monumental" feat to say the least.)
This will span from 1st level to completion......(or 30th!)
I know....I know....it "sounds" like RPG suicide....but I am betting the farm that there are four of you out there that wanna piece of this action!
I also realize that it probably ALSO means you all own copies of every module covered by this crawl classic extraordinaire and will, in all liklihood, know them all backwards and forwards in your sleep.
Well.....good thing these things can be tailored to suit the situation!
(I mean C'MON....the G series alone requires so much rewriting its not even funny just so the players won't bump into any "unbalanced" 30 giants in one room fights.....all of which, I grant you, are invariably fatal in 4e.....but happened ALL the time when it was just advanced D&D and the G's & D's were first written....and to even think of doing the G series with 4 people....."YOU MUST BE MAD I SAY......MAAAADDDDDDD!!!!"
But I wanna try it anyway and see just how far we can get before the player group disintegrates socially....(hehehehe)
I gave it no story or promo because if you are joining you probably already know the story behind the modules very well.

All characters created at Level 1...only restriction is no Drow.....(Sorry!)

D&D 4e books in use:

Adventurer's Vault One & Two
Players Handbook One & Two
Martial Power One & Two
Monster Manual One & Two
DM's Guide

Feats & Races from Eberron and Forgotten Realms to be accepted but the gaming world is Greyhawk.

4 Player minimum....more encouraged but I will consider going ahead with 2 Players and 2 NPC's....or even 2 Players with 2 Characters each.

No post limit.....final details to be discussed with assembled players....(would be nice to set aside 1 night a week of 3-4 hrs minumum though)

Arbitrary Action time limit may be used for delinquent players.....you all OWN copies of the modules anyway so MAPPING won't be an issue!

Provide your own background story....participate at your own level....just keep checking up on the game to be on top of the scuttlebutt.

Mature Players only......if swearing or graphic description of gore or "heinous acts" is not your cup of tea.....then this is NOT the game for you.
This is your ONLY warning.

Having said this....Do I have any takers?

Peace & Light
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Lord Zardoz

yeah, I will give it a go. I have some interest in using some PHB 3 stuff (Skill powers for instance), but that is hardly a deal breaker. My 'meatspace' game has been badly stalled.



First Post
Sounds like good news to me.
I can be reached in thread for now.
Character postings here as well I imagine.
Use point based ability score generation.
I shall be around even when It says I am not.
(I have tried this approach with 2 websites hoping to get a nibble on one of them so I check them about hourly)
I will consider going ahead with 2 players.....just means players get 2 characters each or I use 2 NPC's, whichever you prefer.....(but create 2 just in case)

On an unrelated note....it's too bad with all the cornucopia of hollywood remakes getting done these days that Zardoz is not one of these films....I liked it....running around executing the masses and raping the elites all the while floating around in a giant head....I mean seriously.....what's not to love?

Just had a second player join!

I will wait another week and get the room set up.

Do you have any suggestions for mapping?
(I hear maptool is easy to use)

Wait a minute......did you say PHB 3?
When did 3 come out?

Peace & Light (and book burnings!)
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First Post
Hello thank you for replying in my thread. I would gladly join though I warn you this would be my first time playing d&d. I am currently awaiting the arrival of my 4e starter set. If you don't mind that I'm a total noob I may be able to join.


First Post
Sample NPC: (Inspired by Mike Grell!)

Name: Travis Morgan (Yes, I have an imagination...I just couldn't resist!)
Alignment: Good
Class: Warlord 1st
Race: Human
Deity: Avandra
Background: Military

Str: (12/+1)
Des: (13/+1)
Con: (11/_)
Int: (14/+2)
Wis: (12/+1)
Cha: (14/+2)

AC: (15)
Reflex: (13)
Fort: (12)
Will: (14)

HP: (23)
HS: (7)
ATB: (_)
ATR: (+1)
ATM: (+1)

Perception: (11)
Initiative: (11)


Race - (Human Perseverance/ Stubborn Survivor/ Tactical Assault)
Armor - (Clothes/ Leather/ Hide/ Chainmail/ Light Shield)
Weapons - (Simple Mele/ Simple Ranged/ Military Mele)
Class - (Tactical Warlord/ Tactical Presance/ Combat Leader)


At Will - (Opening Shove/ Furious Smash/ Commander's Strike)
Encounter - (Inspiring Word/ Warlord's Favor)
Daily - (Fearless Rescue)


-History (17)
-Athletics (18)
-Intimidate (17)
-Diplomacy (17)
-Heal (16)
-Endurance (17)

Equipment: (31lbs combat wgt....64lbs travel wgt)

-Leather Armor (15lbs)
-Light Shield (6lbs)
-Longsword (Weapon of Quality...add "high critical", see Leafsword in my album pics)(4lbs)
-Dagger (1lbs)
-Crossbow & Quiver with 30 bolts (6lbs)
-Adventurer's Kit (33lbs)
-(25) gold coins

Background Story:

Raised by his godfather in Nentir Vale when his family was butchered by giants in Geoff.
Ogden introduced young Travis to Douven Staul as an assistant in the hopes it would rid the boy of such foolhardy and vengeful notions.
The plan unfortunately backfired, as most of Ogden's plans do, and instead of a helper....Travis became a student of martial knowledge.
He instilled in Morgan the love of tactics and strategy, secretly hoping it would keep the boy safely away from the "frontlines" of combat.
Through history he was taught that: "The sword is simply a tool...but the MIND is a weapon!"
Unlike many of this time he does not have much faith in the god's if they would; "let his family be slaughtered so".
Seeing so much brutality at such a young age has numbed Travis to the random violence of combat and he displays callous disregard for his own safety in the heat of battle.
In the presence of cruelty, the warmth and compassion simply drains from his eyes and his trembling stone cold gaze has stopped lesser men in their tracks.
Despite this, he has a good nature and is always ready to extend a hand to others in need....Ogden didn't fail entirely.

Something like this

(Noting "Douven Staul" is the first modules unifying npc adventure hook....all participating players should work in how Douven affected their life for the sake of the narrative and metaplot...either as a mentor or as a friend...or, as in Morgan's case, both.)

Peace & Light (and tons and tons of writing ahead!)
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First Post
Hello thank you for replying in my thread. I would gladly join though I warn you this would be my first time playing d&d. I am currently awaiting the arrival of my 4e starter set. If you don't mind that I'm a total noob I may be able to join.

Most certainly you may!

I think with you that would make three.
There may be no need to create 2 characters as I suggested earlier....but just to be on the safe side....until a fourth joins at any rate

Any questions or queries can be asked here for now.

The OOC should be up by thursday or friday.

Taren Nighteyes

First Post
I'd be happy to join a game online with you - assuming there is still room!

My email address is rtaylor1976 (at) ymail (dot) com.

Please let me know,

Taren Nighteyes

PS Love the Real Genius quote in your sig :)

Lord Zardoz

I will generate my character in the Character Builder app, and then pass it along to the DM / Eryiedes.

So how are we running this, just play by post?


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