D&D 5E [D&D 5e] It's a Brand New World [FULL]


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Okay, trying to get caught up now with the backstory y'all are coming up with. Hee hee...can't leave you guys alone for a minute! :)

Sounds like the party is heading to a place called Silverthorn on an island?

Alright, I'd better look that place up and see what it is so I can figure out why I'm going there. That will help me settle...it's a tough call for me still. :)

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Alright that gives me a notion. Perhaps Silverport was the capital of a high elf civilization, and the wood elves had a 'capital' somewhere else, in the actual woods somewhere... Not to say there's no mixing, but the majority of wood elves could have been elsewhere...

At least, if I go with my wood elf druid, that's what I'd want. The human druid, it wouldn't matter so much.

Dagnabbit, brain.


RG thread is here. Please be mindful of the guidelines in the first post.

This doesn't mean we're going to start tomorrow... I just wanted to make sure everyone has a repository for the characters so we could all reference them a little easier while we work.


Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Garrison is posted.

I've made him a sailor, which allows him to be anywhere on a boat. There had been some alternatives, that I'm still open to considering (one of them would require IG's permission, though it would be my preference):

1. substituting "sailmaking" for navigator's tools; I see it's one of the guilds listed under the merchant background, but weirdly there are no shipwright/sailmaking tools. Perhaps canvas ~ leather making? (the needles are just as thick).

1b. Since you are making such wonderful maps, it also occurred to me that cartography would be a good in-game reason for us (the party) to have the specific maps that are being created.

2. I had also thought about re-writing the background some and making him an acolyte, but with water vehicles among the proficiencies. (swapping Religion for Investigation).

3. A third possibility (perhaps my preference) would be a completely new background of Freed Slave. Perhaps:

(Freed) Slave
Skills: Athletics, Animal Husbandry
Tools: Vehicles (water or land), Artisan's tools
Feature: The Trouble I Seen. Calloused hands and calloused back, you have experienced pain and hardship. You have a bond with other slaves and servants, and can often get them to talk and reveal details of their lives and situation that would normally be kept from strangers. Further, no task is too repetitive or tedious for you.
Possessions: Common clothes, a certificate of manumission, artisan's tools, coin purse with 5gp.

I'm open to suggestions anyone might have on how to make Garrison more party-friendly. Current plans after level 2 or 3 would be to take a 1-level dip in fighter (depends on how fast levelling occurs) to get shield and medium armour proficiency.

(Athletics expertise is something I'm trying out -- it will make him a better grappler. But it does mean that the rogue doesn't have sleight of hand or acrobatics. Thieves' tool expertise is just because it's something only available to rogues, but I'm happy to hear other suggestions for how to deploy expertise.)


First Post
My character is trying to find something he has seen a n his visions but that isn't clear where.

This could also tie into the world building aspect as he tries to find that spot before the dreams come to fruition


[MENTION=12183]sithramir[/MENTION], maybe your character has stumbled upon a rare herb that, he believes, when combined with some more common local herbs and a bit of nature magic, will have powerful restorative properties. Maybe it will even remove a curse...

I can't imagine why Nissa would be interested in that, but .... ;)


[MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION], outside of what you already have, which I like very much, I'd have to say the freed slave background looks good to me. Doesn't seem unbalanced, best I can see.


First Post
[MENTION=12183]sithramir[/MENTION], maybe your character has stumbled upon a rare herb that, he believes, when combined with some more common local herbs and a bit of nature magic, will have powerful restorative properties. Maybe it will even remove a curse...

I can't imagine why Nissa would be interested in that, but .... ;)

Well I like that it gives my character clear reason to be doing something working with his discovery which works with the exploration. It seems he and Nissa would be friends due to their hermit like natures.

Voidrunner's Codex

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