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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Also, [MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION], I LOVE the pic for Garrison on the Rouge's Gallery page! Hulk FTW! Now we can claim "We've got a Hulk." when our enemies threaten us!

Ha. Thanks. I *love* Silvestri's art, and the pic has a nice look to it, I feel.

[MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION], outside of what you already have, which I like very much, I'd have to say the freed slave background looks good to me. Doesn't seem unbalanced, best I can see.

Cool -- thanks.


First Post
Alright, I'm having trouble hooking the reincarnating man into the storyline here, while the elf kind of writes itself...so I'm gonna go with that. :)

Now we don't have a cleric, so I am thinking I will want to be able to focus on healing... Thinking the Circle of the Land means I have more spells prepared at any given moment, which frees me to use preparation slots on healing...but Circle of the Moon means I can freely heal myself with slots, and since I'll be using spells less often in general I'll be more able to devote my few, precious slots to healing.

That said, it seems like we have plenty of melee...so Circle of the Moon might be overkill in that direction.

Probably go with the Land druid then. Recovering spell slots on a short rest is also very nice...yes...

Stats soon!


First Post
Alright, I'm having trouble hooking the reincarnating man into the storyline here, while the elf kind of writes itself...so I'm gonna go with that. :)

Now we don't have a cleric, so I am thinking I will want to be able to focus on healing... Thinking the Circle of the Land means I have more spells prepared at any given moment, which frees me to use preparation slots on healing...but Circle of the Moon means I can freely heal myself with slots, and since I'll be using spells less often in general I'll be more able to devote my few, precious slots to healing.

That said, it seems like we have plenty of melee...so Circle of the Moon might be overkill in that direction.

Probably go with the Land druid then. Recovering spell slots on a short rest is also very nice...yes...

Stats soon!

Yes. Lots of meat shields and healing for my Wizard!! I mean...companions yeah companions.


First Post
Could we also get a link to the Rogue's Gallery at the top of the first post in the thread for easy reference? I'd appreciate it so I don't have to hunt for the right page to find the link. Thanks in advance. ;)


First Post
Finally narrowed down to 2 concepts- will post detailed capsules tonight. Half-elf swashbuckler/duellist/poet and human farmer fighter/ranger (not sure if polearm or sword+board).


First Post
Finished up the stats for Justice in the Rogues Gallery. Just need to get his story written out. Got it all in my head, just haven't had time to put fingers to keyboard for a concentrated enough time so far this week. May be able to get more done tomorrow as work should be slower.


First Post
Final 2 concepts (both melee-ish)

1. Farmer's daughter: Johanna's father served 20 years in the Sultan's Guard in Silverport, and was rewarded with a small farm on an elven noble's estate on the island. He settled in, married a village woman, and began a family. It was a small farm, but the apple trees and other crops grew well- at least at first. As his children grew, he taught them basic fighting skills, mixed in with chores that kept them healthy and strong. But over the last few years, the trees grew sickly, and then many of the village folk as well. A plea to the ruling noble drew no help, nor did a plea to the Sultan's Court. Desperate, the village elders sent an envoy to the great Academy in Kingsport. Johanna, one of the strongest and most capable youths in the village, was sent along with the elders, to fetch and carry for the frail elderly envoy- and if needed, to protect them. By the time they arrived in Kingsport, the envoy was quite ill. (Possibly the envoy died, possibly he is staying in Kingsport to plead their case and do research). Johanna was put on a boat back to Silverport, to return to what might be left of her village. HUMAN FIGHTER (BATTLEMASTER), with a dash of Ranger; FOLK HERO. (Absolutely not Applejack). Not sure if she will be a sword-and-board fighter or polearm focused.

2. Duellist: The half-elves of Silverport are by nature sterile, and they fill a number of roles in court society- advisers, entertainers, and functionaries, they are not officially nobles, but often power-brokers. Serafina was raised in the court and educated in both academic subjects and social graces- she was also taught the art of swordplay, and despite her youth she had a reputation as a duellist as well as a dancer and a poet. After an argument, she stabbed the favored son of a true noble- and while the young jerk didn't die, there was enough anger that Serafina had to take a brief "vacation", acting as a courier to Kingsport. Hopefully by the time she returned to Silverport, tempers would have cooled... Half-elf Rogue, MC-Bard and Fighter; Entertainer (somewhere between poet and gladiator), with a bit of Noble. Part Julie d'Aubigny, part Ammar ibn Khairan; two-weapon finesse fighting style.

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