D&D 5E D&D 5e Post-Mortem


The first is un-necessary cross-referencing.
I'm going to disagree on this a bit. I like cross-referencing as something that adds to, but isn't necessary to run a monster. So I think any monster should be able to be run without any cross referencing. However, if you use the cross-reference you can add another layer to the monster/encounter.

One of the complaints some people had with 4e monsters was that they just couldn't do all the things you would want them to do as written. They only had onw or two powers instead of the list of spells or spell like powers from 1e - 3e. If you grew up on those monsters (like I did), then 4e monsters could look a little shallow.

So for me the ideal is a combination of the two. A fully functional and engaging statblock with out any references needed and then, for some monsters, a few references, in addition to the function statblock, that add depth without affecting its "CR."

It is clear WotC is heading this way (Biby's is a good example), not sure they will get all the way there.

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I did gold for XP while I was running a dungeoncrawl (Barrowmaze) for my wife and brother-in-law during the early stages of the pandemic. It was certainly an interesting mechanic that helped encourage them to take risks and delve deeper. Recommended for that style of game, certainly.
Just to be clear, it wasn't strictly gold for XP. We don't track XP. To level up the PCs must both adventure and train (spend gold). They are separate, but often related tracks.

Flee Mortals by MCDM is an absolute masterpiece of 5e design. It shows you how much better monsters can be vs what WotC makes and it isnt even close.


Flee Mortals by MCDM is an absolute masterpiece of 5e design. It shows you how much better monsters can be vs what WotC makes and it isnt even close.
It's been shipped so I'll get to look at it soon. I've been following the backer development posts, but wanted to wait until it was finalized before using it.
It doesn't seem complete enough to replace the MM from 5e, however.

It's been shipped so I'll get to look at it soon. I've been following the backer development posts, but wanted to wait until it was finalized before using it.
It doesn't seem complete enough to replace the MM from 5e, however.
Having read it, I disagree. However, they are also doing a boss battle book that is on Kickstarter right now as well. Between these two books, I don't think I'll need another classic D&D monster manual again for this edition. By that I mean, won't need more goblins, orcs, etc.


Have you looked at Level Up?

I have looked at it and some of the other 5e related games. I have a pretty WoTC centric group but I think highly of Level Up and will seek to bring it into my games. My first order of business is to try some homebrewed adventures/ third party adventures so see if the adventures are indeed the cause of my current 5e malaise.

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